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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Phoenix Brotherhood
Live with Honor, Fight with Valor.
Location Jiangyin
Medical Officers
Contracted Ships
Honored Dead

The Brotherhood

The Phoenix Brotherhood, more commonly referred to as simply 'The Brotherhood', is a small, psudo-military organization based on Jiangyin that serves as Peacekeepers for the people of the planet. Their officers are occasionally deployed off-world in the rim and sometimes even the border planets for a number of reasons, from helping civilians with basic work such as construction, to more important matters such as 'Search and Rescue' Operations and are even hired as Mercenaries.

Despite their officers being combat trained and ready, they do not consider themselves a 'military faction' and will not actively work for any major military force such as the Alliance or Pirate Commonwealth. However, they will not openly oppose such a faction either.

Laws and Punishment

There are laws by which the Brotherhood is governed, most of which are simple and at times can be overlooked while others will bring a very harsh punishment. This is a list of the laws as they would appear in the game.

NOTE: These are common IC knowledge and are taught to all students in their first few days in the Brotherhood.

  • Betray not those whom you would call family

Betrayal is an extremely bad idea in the Brotherhood and is one of the worst things you could possibly do. This almost always leads to Exile from the monastery, the Brotherhood and possibly even Jiangyin. In the rare cases when a betrayal which physically harms another Brotherhood member, you might even find your character being hunted.

  • Take not but what you have earned

Stealing from anyone in general is a very bad idea, this will almost always lead to a loss in rank at least but depending on the worth (both value and emotionally) of the item taken, it can also land you anyhere between extra chores to exhile (in extremely rare cases).

  • Take not the life of an Innocent

This is very simple, If you intentionally kill someone who has done nothing to deserve it you're going to pay dearly for it. Doing so is grounds for exile from the planet if you're lucky and execution if you're not.

  • Deceive only thy enemy

This is a minor crime in the Brotherhood and carries little weight beyond the obvious. Keep secrets if you have to but in the Brotherhood you are expected not to lie. This brings only minor punishments such as extra chores usually, though in some rare cases it may also lead to a drop in rank.


Originally run by a man by the name of Marius Zauch, the Phoenix Brotherhood was known well by those who suffered on the rim. A small, elite sect, they often took jobs to help those in need and more often than not asked for nothing beyond a meal or a place to rest from those they helped. Having always flown 'under the radar', their actions likely went unnoticed by the Alliance, though they were well known on the rim and even some border planets.

In august of 2523, the Brotherhood was all but destroyed, many of their members having given their lives in one last bloody stand against a Reaver raiding party on a small settlement on Whitefall. While the settlement was abandoned shortly after, the thirteen graves placed at it's center stands as testament to the bravery and dedication of those who gave their lives that day.

Two years after the raid on Whitefall, the last surviving member of the Brotherhood, Nicoli Alexandrov, took charge and has worked to rebuild the proud faction, refusing to let the dream shared by his comrades die with them.

Note: Information about the brotherhood's history can be acquired IC with proper Gather Information rolls. Contact Nicoli for information.


All combat, whether sparing or in plot, is to be done using the Chain Combat Style. The rules for this style were specifically written for use in Brotherhood RP.


Set high on a mountain on Jiangyin is the heart of the Brotherhood, The House of the Chained Blade, a sanctuary with the purpose teaching the ideals of the Brotherhood to all those who would come to learn. As well, the sanctuary recruits, houses and even trains most of the Brotherhood's 'Soldiers'.

Note: A rule of the Sanctuary is that no one, weather they are a guest or even a member of the Phoenix Brotherhood, is allowed to carry a gun within the walls of the Sanctuary.

The Hunter

Understand that we are not heartless killers, we do what we must because we cherish all life

The Hunter is the primary assault unit of the Phoenix Brotherhood, trained with a wide array of weapons, though primarily trained for close combat. These brave men and women have been trained to feel no pain and to endure extreme conditions. Given their title for the fact that their primary task in the Sanctuary is hunting, Hunters are also known to hunt and possibly even kill certain enemies of the Brotherhood.

Those seeking to become Hunters must undergo a special rite known as the Awakening in which they are made to understand the 'Laws of Nature'.

The Archangel

One shot, one moment, this is the difference between life and death for our Comrades.

The Archangel is a Hunters greatest, and often last defense in the field. They are elite snipers trained to defend other members of the Brotherhood from afar. They are by far the best Marksmen in the Brotherhood, however while they are primarily trained in long range combat, they are also well trained in the martial arts.

The Shadow

To live in darkness, to kill in silence, this is what it means to be a Master of the Shadows.

The Shadow is the the primary stealth unit of the Phoenix Brotherhood, trained to be fast, silent and brutally efficient. Trained in close combat weapons, they are trained in the art of assassination. While relentless in combat, their primary mission is actually recon and their skills are usually put to the task of gathering Intel and on rare occasions, rescue missions.

Involved NPC's

In the past two years (RL), the Phoenix Brotherhood has grown and where once there were only a handfull of NPC's, there are now many. Sadly, this page would get far too long if we tried to put them all here, so it's my pleasure to announce the Brotherhood NPC's page is now up and running!