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Padma Ayanchintsansar
Падма Аянчинцансар
Full name Padma Ayanchintsansar
Date of Birth August 29, 2506
Birthplace Sihnon
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse Celibate?
Assignment Physiotherapist, Guan-Yin II
Specialization Vajrayana Buddhist Nun
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Brown, Black
Height and Weight 5' 8" (172cm), 120 lbs (55kg)
Status Active
Education Information

Ghurbansargerel Monastery

Employment History

Guan-Yin II - current

Padma Ayanchintsansar wasn't born to that name; it is a Dharma name, given to one whom have sought refuge in the Three Jewels of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Samgha. The word Padma is word from one of the sacred languages of Earth-that-was for the Lotus flower, and Ayanchintsansar is a surname invented by herself (by ancient Mongolian custom) to denote herself simply for what she is, a "Pilgrim of the cosmos". Having all but eradicated her old name, Padma has shown her full dedication to her new life as a student - and subsequently also teacher - of the Buddhist doctrine... or perhaps merely to sweep ancient wrongdoings under the carpet?


Life before Padma

No life-story naturally begins as one emerges from adolescence, but rather from birth and childhood. In the case of the girl whose name was to become Padma, the story begins somewhere on the Core world of Sihnon. Hidden away from the picturesque landscapes and glittering seas of light that the Alliance posters speak of, the common people hide away in the massive patchwork of hutongs that sprawl out in the shadows of the skyscrapers and golden temples. Here, nothing in life could be taken for granted and people often fought for the few rights they had. Ancient rivalries and grudges flourished here, some of them stretching back as far as Earth-That-Was itself.

For instance, the family of the girl that would later become Padma were ancestors of the Mongols, a people who are said to have once been a mighty nation of unstoppable warriors and explorers back on Earth-That-Was. In many ways, their customs and traditions had melded with the Chinese majority, though they still maintained their own ancient language and refused to surrender some of their archaic customs. The Meng Gu, as the Chinese call them with some scorn, lived in tight-knit enclaves within the Hutongs, protecting one another from their neighbors, the law, and sometimes even themselves. That's the sort of world that the girl later known as Padma grew up in.

Although the Mongols long had abandoned their ancient ways of the horse and bow, their hearts maintained a warrior spirit that not even centuries of sedentary life could kindle. And of course, this was the domain of the young. It is said that the buddhist nun of Padma once were part of these youth gangs, who distinguished themselves amidst the Hutongs by their fancy dress, their snappy Mongolian jargon and their aggressive martial arts. When these grew up, however, they usually would pick up the responsibilities of their parents and at least attempt to become proper citizens. Either that, or become part of the ruthless criminal organisations that flourised in the Sihnon underworld. Although the girl later named Padma refuses to admit having ever taken part in the invisible Tong wars, some tendrils of rumor do speak of an unusually violent clash between rivaling Tongs that left the Mongols devastated, and one girl who ran away into a monastery to renounce all worldly life and the shackles that came with it.

The Lotus blossoms

Although the planet of Sihnon has a well-earned reputation throughout the 'verse for its numerous shrines and sanctuaries, the number of them catering to the Mongol-speaking minority are far lesser. Most of them simply congregate with all branches of Vajrayana Buddhism for sake of practicality, and thus Chinese tends to become the language of choice for communication (the scriptures staying true to their Tibetan origins), and among those few Mongolophone monasteries barely any of them are open to women. Thus, the life of Padma began at Ghurbansargerel (lit. "Light of three moons") monastery, a tiny sanctuary for the few Mongol women to seek refuge to the Three Jewels. A sanctuary that was slowly dying, many of its ordained coming of age and very few young ever seeking entrance into it. Thus, the arrival of the girl came like a blessing to them, even to be interpreted as a "reborn soul seeking connection with a past life of spiritual greatness".

However, the girl whose name was soon to become Padma was hardly fit for the rigorous and frugal life in the monastery; she was as hardened by the harsh life on the street as she was scarred by the events that brought her away from it. She was more keen on fighting and drinking than reading Sutras and contemplating the transcience of life. The abbess realised this and made sure that her path from street ruffian to pious nun would be gradual. Although Tantric exercises are part of the skills that all Vajrayana monastics must practice, it would be the first time in the history of the Ghurbansargerel - and probably many other nunneries as well - that the more martial aspects of the Tibetan arts came into emphasis.

The Cosmic Pilgrim


  • Padma's Buddhist order wears robes in maroon, red and black as opposed to the traditional Vajrayana colours of maroon and yellow/orange.
  • There's never been any explanation why Padma still has long hair, unlike most nun that prompty shave their heads. Only thing for certain is that she takes great pride in it.
  • Padma's native language is Mongol, speaking Chinese second and English third. She also has knowledge how to read Tibetan as it is a liturgical language, but does not speak it.
  • She is a skilled calligrapher in both the classical Mongolian script and Chinese characters.
  • Even thoug having left the monastery, she gets up before sunrise every morning, practices Yoga and meditates for several hours, and only eats a single meal at noon except breakfast. When she works out harder, she allows herself a second meal. No wonder she's scrawny.