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The Thirteen Divisions of the People


In August, in the year 2528, A meeting was held on Paquin regarding the Churara. The 'Sword' of the Romani and all it's assets were to be 'incorporated' into a Security Firm that served the Romany Kris. Organization and operation of traditional Churara were to change over a period of time and infrastructure money was to be funded to the new leader of this Organization for buildings an supplies. The Churara, by Tradition, are the protectors of the Romani and shall stay that way. However, the new leadership and organization makes the efforts of Churara smoother and more cohesive but still leaves that semblance of individuality and personal choice on how to serve ones people in tact.

Natsai Churara Academy

The academy will have several courses, serving both as an academic and warrior medium:

History, Mathematics, Language, and Humanities will be taught and be the main focus of these students but they will also spend hours leaning small unit tactics, weapons care and shooting, Melee combat; Kenjutsu and Eskrima, and Martial Arts: Kajukenbo. Intelligence gathering and other specialty courses such as sneaking and Pakor.

Fire Arms Specialty




Martial Arts


Melee Combat



Specialization Qualifications:

Small Unit Tactics (Tactics: Ground Forces, Formations adj 50)

Command (Command, Diplomacy, Intimidate at adj 50)

IT professional (Computer Use, Computer Program, security systems at adj 50)

Spec Ops: Sneaking. Ninjutsu, Pakor. (Move Silently, Hide, Disguise, Persuade, Seduction, Entertain, security systems, sleight of hand, escape artist, rope use, climb, rock climb, Run: all ext. at adj 50) This is the longest and hardest specialization to get.

Intelligence (Streetwise, Gather Information at adj 50)

Marksmen (Firearms: Sidearms, Repeater, Rifle; Spot at adj 50)

Grand Master (Kajukenbo, martial arts at adj 50)

Melee Master (Melee: Attack, Parry, Thrown Weapon at adj 50)

Explosives Specialist (Demolitions, Engineering: Chemistry. Physics at adj 50)

Medical Professional (Surgery, First Aid, Medicine at adj 40 optional courses in virology, toxicology and all other medical needs.)

Survival (Survival at adj 40 with optional adjusters of Legal and Herbal Pharmaceutical skills.)


General History

General Mathematics

General Rhetoric and Writing

General Humanities

(History and Culture skills at adj 30.)

Upon reaching the completion of the student official qualification, they are free to go off and work as a Churura the best way they see fit to their people. However, they are not without a hierarchy. Churura are advised upon graduation to stay within their assigned watch area's or 'companies'. There are 13 companies, each with a leader with the rank of Captain. These Companies have an Assistant Captain or Lieutenant that assist with the organization of Churara. Even though Churura act on their own most of the time as lone peace keepers (Think Jedi Knights) In times of need they may be called to form up with their unit, a five man squad lead by a Seated Member or Sargent. In order to obtain the rank of Sargent a basic Churura must have two Specialization Qualifications. Graduation comes when combat skills reach 40 or a skill set defined as 'professional.' meaning green numbers and students have passed an entrance exam into one of the Divisions of their choosing.


The 13 Divisions, in contrast to the normal operations of modern-day militaries, does not operate as a cohesive unit normally. The command of the divisions are generally left to the discretion of its particular Captain, who commonly runs it whatever way he or she sees fit, allowing for the change of a division's traditional duties to an entirely new set and even the creation of a separate institution connected to the division. The 13 Division's main duty is to defend the Romany people.

The only general authority to call forth a combined front would be that of an edict from the Romany Kriss or Congress, or more often the Captain-Commander. It is not uncommon for captains to not see each other as a whole group for long periods of time, except for cases involving a threat to all of the Romany Society, a captain's punishment, or to a lesser degree, a captain's promotion. On a regular basis, the captains are spread out all across the 'verse doing their divisions' duties, whatever they may be. They are, in fact, so far spread out that getting the Captains together as a group, or even getting their lieutenants together as a group, could normally take a day or more to accomplish.

Unless specifically ordered by the Captain-Commander, captains can choose whether or not to attend meetings (at their own risk) or not even involve themselves in the daily situations of the Romany People. Captains are not allowed, without permission, to carry out activities outside of their normal jurisdiction or their division. The captain of one division cannot punish the subordinates of another captain. The Zero Division is not officially part of the 13 Divisions but under direct command of the Captain Commander.


The Captains congregate together in the main hall of the First Division Headquarters on Paquin to discuss important issues involving their specific divisions and matters that affect Romany Society. This council is highly formal with the captain-commander leading its proceedings. All captains are considered equal (with the exception of the captain-commander) and determine the course of their individual division unless dictated otherwise by the captain-commander. Votes are carried out via a unanimous consensus.

The Captain-Commander is the supreme leader of the 13 Divisions. The position requires the Captain-Commander to oversee the overall operations of the Divisions and Zero Division when the well being of The Romany people are at stake. The only power the Captain-Commander is answerable to is the Kriss/Congress.

The current holder of this title is Captain Jade Tycho.

Captains are generally the most respected Churura within the Romany Society.

Captains determine the course, organization, tactics and policy of their division. The power a captain has over his/her division is absolute and cannot be questioned by subordinates or the captains of the other divisions. A captain can choose to change the division specialty. Due to captains having supreme authority in their respective division the divisions have become separate entities and not a cohesive military. In this way they only have the right to punish the actions of their subordinates and not those of other divisions unless in the instance that the division in question has no current captain or the subordinates actions are against the laws or rules of Romany Society.

Although not commonly stated, the true power of the Romany Society lies in the captains of the Thirteen Divisions, as they are the leaders of its military arm. With them at full strength,Romany Society is safe. If they are broken, their strength dwindles, making them highly vulnerable.

There are three different ways to become a Thirteen Division captain:

1.Captain proficiency test: A test which requires the ability to perform All combat skills (69 or higher) Captains must have all three Combat Qualifications, Command, and one extra. Presumably, most Churura become captains using this method. At least three existing captains, including the Captain-Commander, have to witness the test.

2.Personal Recommendation: To have personal recommendations from at least six captains and approval from at least three of the remaining seven.

3.Trial by Combat: To defeat a captain one-on-one with at least 200 witnesses from the captain's division. This method is seen as being the exceedingly rarest of the three as well as the least refined. The method is commonly looked down upon by some as barbaric compared to the other refined methods. This method also allows one to bypass having the mastery of Combat skills or other possible abilities that a captain would otherwise be required to have knowledge of, as it allows no judgement from captains who would require those skills as a prerequisite to join their ranks.


Lieutenants function as executive officers for their division, taking care of or supervising day-to-day operations. They (along with their captains) are not assigned to one specific squad. In the case of a division captain's death, departure, or other circumstances making him unable to perform their duties, the lieutenant acts as the "substitute captain" until another can be assigned. Lieutenants must have four specialization qualifications. (50 or higher)


These Churara are experianced sometimes more so then their Lieutenants, knowing of several combat tactics and weapon uses, placement. They lead squads of Churara into combat and training.


The Basic Churara, not really remarkable but you do your part for your community.

Unit Organization Example:


Captain-Commander: Aisha Hearne

Commander of The Sword: Lazorith Guntner

First Company:

Captain (1)

Lieutenant (1)

Sargent (2)

Churura (3 Specialized - 3 Non-Specialized - 6 total)


The Size of the Companies are small but still depend on the size of the community it's stationed in. As a rule of thumb there is usually one Churara for every 20 people in a community before the start of the academy. Being a Churara is a life choice, something that no one can be forced into. Churura young and old can be called up at anytime because it is their job within their community to protect it.


There is no dress uniform for a Churara. Churara are signified by a 'dog-tag' that they wear at all time. On one side is there technical information while on the reverse you can find the flower of their division. Captains wear a white Haori with the flower of their division inside the 13 Division's symbol. Lieutenants wear a black Haori and have a white badge across their right upper arm. However, everyone is issued gear on completion of their courses at the Academy:

Sidearm: Sig Saur P220

Rifle/Repeater: M4

Armor: Starke 'Velites' Body Suit and Starke 'Triarius' Armor

Melee: Katana or Survival Knife.

Other weapons and armor from personal stores can be used and are encouraged.

Zero Division

The Zero Division is made up of former captains of the 13 Divisions who have been promoted to this level. The Division is a special organization that performs services for the Kriss. It has a considerable amount of fighting, organizational, and executive power compared to other organizations. They also given over to protecting the Kris and the Government. They are also charged with missions that the public will never hear about. Their identities are kept secret for the protection of their families and the Romany People.

First Division

The First Division's Job is purely executive. They run the paperwork and act as curiors for the entire Thirteen Divisions. Though, they are not without fighting skills. This Division is mainly based on Paquin.

Second Division

If one trained in special ops at the academy, this is their home after graduation. This unit is based on Deadwood.

Third Division

The third division handles logistics, transportation, and quarter mastering. If you need supplies this is the division to call. They are based on Deadwood and are also not without fighting ability.

Fourth Division

Based on all Romany planets and Vardos, this is one of the most stretched out divisions of all dealing strictly with medical aid.

Fifth Division

The intelligence group, based on deadwood.

  • Captain: Merikano Sorvia

Sixth Division

The defense group of Beylix.

Seventh Division

The defense group of Deadwood.

Eighth Division

The defense group of Paquin.

  • Captain: Lazorith Guntner

Ninth Division

The ninth division is the Romany's internal investigation unit, based on Paquin. They make sure everything within all units is running within regulation and Romany Law. They also deal with the Policing of Roma and most of the 'jedi' like Churara belong to this unit. They are the third most spread out unit next to the Fourth and Tenth Division.

Tenth Division

This group is responsible for the protection of the Romany who live on Vados, mainly the Shadow Clan. They are the second most spread out unit next to the Fourth Division.

Eleventh Division

A pure combat oriented unit that is based on Deadwood. If the Romany ever have a place where they need to send an attack force in number, this is the unit to call.

  • Captain: Uvar'atal Jianagos

Twelfth Division

The R 'n' D department. Where new technologies and innovations, not just in military science, but other sciences as well are made.

Thirteenth Division

This is the reserve forces, Based on Beylix but it's members are scattered all over the place. This is more then likely the largest unit, compromising of the eldest Churara who no longer are as involved as they once were.

It's of note that the Eleventh and Second division come together as one unit to face off against the Zero division in a serious of War Games every year.