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   1 ~ Know where the weapons are at all times.

   2 ~ Know where the exits are at all times.

   3 ~ Keep your wallet guarded at all times.

   4 ~ Never command someone else to do something that you, yourself, would not do if you had the skills.

   5 ~ Fight smarter not harder.

   6 ~ If the choice is yours, pick your battle ground.

   7 ~ Decide what you're willing to fight for, die for, and what you're willing to send others to their deaths for.

   8 ~ Never pick a fight over stupid shit.

   9 ~ No touching or infringing of personal air space without express permission.

  10 ~ Never underestimate your opponent but encourage them to underestimate you.

  11 ~ Chaos and confusion to the enemy - at every given chance.

  12 ~ Cut AWAY never TOWARD your body.

  13 ~ Know where the first-aid kit is at all times.

  14 ~ When in doubt be bold.

  15 ~ Get a shot off fast. This upsets him long enough to let you make your second shot perfect.

  16 ~ If it cant be expressed in figures, it is not science - it is opinion.

  17 ~ Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.

  18 ~ No one will rescue you -- Standard operational mind set.

  19 ~ You live and you learn, or you don't live long.

  20 ~ Never borrow more than your IQ.

  21 ~ Never drink anything with a higher alcoholic proof - in public - than your actual age in human years.

  22 ~ Always carry a knife.

  23 ~ Make use of the terrain when at all possible - everything is a weapon, even the weather.

  24 ~ Arrange your weapons in order of what can be thrown first and what must be used as a cudgel last, when in doubt - use the rifle as a club.

  25 ~ No such thing as having too much ammo - what ever you don't use you can put back.

  26 ~ There is always a plan B - a contingency plan for every scenario.

  27 ~ There are no innocent bystanders in water balloon fights.

  28 ~ If you're asking yourself if you're doing the right thing, you already know the answer - stop making excuses to yourself.

  29 ~ Do not fall in love or lust with anyone crazier than you are, anyone with a longer or worse criminal record, or someone who may be tempted to commit a worse crime than you can bail them out of. See rule 30.

  30 ~ Do not fall in love or lust with crazy drug junkies with weird knife fetishes, especially not on the battlefield with corpses littered around. (rules 29 & 30 brought to you courtesy of Morgana & Ogedei).

  31 ~ Never arm wrestle a bear, they think humans are tasty and are liable to bite off your head. (This rule brought to you by Junie, Adrian, Alzie, AJ, Morgana & Ogedei).

QUOTE 1 ~ It's said best in Latin..

Medici graviores morbos asperis remediis curant.

Ipsa scientia potestas est.

Qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit.

Aliquando et insanire iucundum est.

Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas.

QUOTE 2 ~ First Aid Notes

1: Cut -away- not -towards- your body when opening packages.

2: Know where the first-aid kit is at ALL times.

3: Use cold water to wash blood out of clothing, not hot.

QUOTE 3 ~ Quotes Out of Context

<Red Angel> Brie says, "Nope...Not bizzay on my end"

<Red Angel> Brady says, "Nope. Why?"

<Red Angel> Stickin' it to ya! Lirin wanted to know if you two would be interested in playing ICly

<Red Angel> Stickin' it to ya! Lirin wants to introduce you both to the illusive Cal!

<Red Angel> Brie says, "Sure"

<Red Angel> Iliana 'aka' Cal is elusive AND shadowy!

<Red Angel> Brady says, "Sure. :)"

<Red Angel> Stickin' it to ya! Lirin liked her spelling better because cal glows.

<Red Angel> Stickin' it to ya! Lirin says, "Okay, I'll be there in a few."

<Red Angel> Iliana 'aka' Cal says, "Is that radiation glowing or ..?"

<Red Angel> Stickin' it to ya! Lirin was thinking more of evil, but radiation might work too.

<Red Angel> Iliana 'aka' Cal says, "Evil and radioactive. I like it."

QUOTE 4 ~ Attempted Haiku

Tumbling in the autumn breeze

across the golden field

how bright! how frail, how transient

is the seasons yield?

A breath away, a brush of wind,

winter sighs at the door.

The night is come, She sleeps serene

seasons turn ever more.

QUOTE 5 ~ OOC quotes out of context!

<< Content warning! >>

<OOC> Dora says, "haha, now you made me crave soup! :)"

<OOC> Cal laughs, "I never eat soup IRL, floating food is wrong. But I can pose it!

<OOC> Dora laughs, "And I'm a vegetarian IRL XD"

<OOC> Dora says, "But you just made chicken soup sound awesome!"

<OOC> Dora laughs

<OOC> Cal laughs, "It is good. But I have to separate it. Broth in one cup and noodles and stuff in another. Or I can't stomach it.

<OOC> Dora says, "That's peculiar!"

<OOC> Cal says, "I would explain but it might put you off of soup the same way."

<OOC> Dora says, "Hrm.. please explain. I'm too curious for my own good."

<OOC> Cal says, "Okay, but remember - you did ask."

<OOC> Dora says, "Alrighty. :)"

<OOC> Cal says, "Many years ago when I was a lot younger I worked for a day-labor temp agency. One of the companies I worked for was a waste management company and went around emptying out port-a-potties. There is something disquietingly familiar about the contents thereof and the way that bits of food float in soup."


<OOC> Cal says, "I DID warn you!"

<OOC> Dora shuts her eyes and holds her head and tries hard to forget

<OOC> Cal laughs sheepishly

<OOC> Dora says, "...I'll survive. But it's nasty indeed XD"

<OOC> Dora says, "I'm almost sorry I asked. :)"

<OOC> Dora says, "Almost!"

<OOC> Cal says, "see? I haven't had a bowl of soup in like a decade"

<OOC> Dora says, "Ick ick ick"

<OOC> Cal laughs, "I did warn you!"

<OOC> Dora says, "that you did. :) "

QUOTE 6 ~ Quotes from Ender's Shadow

"You frighten me, when you say there isn't time."

"I don't see why. Christians have been expecting the imminent end of the world for millennia."

"But it keeps not ending."

"So far so good." - P.58, Ender's Shadow, O.S.Card

"The buggers have finally, finally learned that we humans value each and every individual human life. We don't throw our forces away because every soldier is the queen of a one-member hive. But they've learned this lesson just in time for it to be hopelessly wrong -- for we humans do, when the cause is sufficient, spend our own lives. We throw ourselves onto the grenade to save our buddies in the foxhole. We rise out of the trenches and charge the entrenched enemy and die like maggots under a blowtorch. We strap bombs on our bodies and blow ourselves up in the midst of our enemies. We are, when the cause is sufficient, insane. " - P. 481, 'Ender's Shadow', O.S. Card

QUOTE 7 ~ Quotes from Ender's Shadow

"The criminal misuse of time was pointing out the mistakes. Catching them -- noticing them -- that was essential. If you did not in your own mind distinguish between useful and erroneous information, then you were not learning at all, you were merely replacing ignorance with false belief, which was no improvement." P.87-88, Ender's Shadow O.S. Card

"Every group had its bosses, its suckups, its rebels, its sheep. Every group had its strong bonds and its weak ones, friendship and hypocrisies. Lies within lies within lies." P. 97, Ender's Shadow O.S. Card

QUOTE 8 ~ From The Guardian

"If my muscles ache it's because I've used them. It's had for me to walk up those steps because I've walked up those steps every night to sleep next to a man that loved me. I've got a few wrinkles here and there. But I've laid under thousands of skies with sunny days. I look and feel this way, well, because I drank and I smoked I lived and I loved, danced, sang, sweat and screwed my way through a pretty damn good life. If you ask me, getting old aint that bad, getting old - that's earned. "

QUOTE 9 ~ The Philospher's Song

Emmanuel Kant was a real pissant Who was very rarely stable.

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar Who could think you under the table.

David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'Bout the raising of the wrist. Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

Plato, they say, could stick it away-- Half a crate of whisky every day.

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle. Hobbes was fond of his dram,

And Ren Descartes was a drunken fart. 'I drink, therefore I am.'

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed, A lovely little thinker, But a bugger when he's pissed.

Quote 10 ~ Random Quotes

~ When all else fails, shoot first and interrogate the survivors

~ I could be wrong - and I often am - it breaks up the monotony of being right from time to time.

~ The mystery is solved. Men won't stop and ask for directions because they believe that they should be able to intuit the correct direction on basic instinct and through such things as spatial orientation and geographical navigation using celestial bodies and the direction of moss growing on trees as their landmarks. Women? Women know that gas it too damned expensive to waste it foolishly driving around in circles. Call it fiscal responsibility or a desire to arrive on time, but women will stop and ask for directions and save money in the process.

QUOTE 11 ~ Quotes from City Slickers

Mitch Robbins: It's nothing to be ashamed of - I had the same problem.

Phil Berquist: Didn't you feel stupid; I mean, didn't you feel... inadequate?

Mitch Robbins: Yeah, for a while, but then I overcame it. Can I explain it to you again? I mean now promise me you won't get upset.

Phil Berquist: O.K.; it's not gonna to do any good.

Mitch Robbins: O.K., if you want to watch one show but record another show at the same time, the television set does not have to be on channel 3.

Phil Berquist: Yeah it does.

Mitch Robbins: No it doesn't.

Phil Berquist: It does.

Mitch Robbins: No, if you're watching what you're recording, then it has to be on 3.

Phil Berquist: What... the TV or... or the machine?

Mitch Robbins: The TV.

Phil Berquist: You're saying I can record something I'm not even watching?

Mitch Robbins: Yes, that's the point. You don't even need a TV to record.

Phil Berquist: How would I see it?

Mitch Robbins: Well to see it you need a TV.

Ed Furillo: Shut up! Just shut up! He doesn't get it! He'll never get it! It's been 4 hours! The cows can tape something by now! Forget about it please!

Phil Berquist: How do you do the clock?

Ed Furillo: You're dead. You are dead.

QUOTE 12 ~ Quotes from City Slickers

Arlene Berquist: Why is she telling you this, Phil?

Phil Berquist: Because... because I'm her boss! And... we have a health plan!

Arlene Berquist: Oh, this is really rich - you screwed this little girl in my father's store?

Phil Berquist: No... no! No!

Nancy: It was in his car! And I'm not a little girl; I'm twenty.

Arlene Berquist: Get out of this house, you little whore.

Phil Berquist: Hey! I will not permit you to talk to her that way.

Arlene Berquist: Fine. I'll tell my father what you did!

Phil Berquist: Don't you call Mister Leming! Hey! Give me that phone... (struggles to take the phone from her)

Arlene Berquist: You're crazy!

Phil Berquist: That's right - not having sex for TWELVE YEARS will do that to a person!

(she breaks the phone) Arlene Berquist: I'll call from the bedroom.

Phil Berquist: The bedroom? How the hell would you know where the bedroom is?

Arlene Berquist: I'm calling...

Phil Berquist: Go ahead, call him - I'm sure he's home. It's not his night to be out with the other escaped Nazis

Arlene Berquist: I hate you!

Phil Berquist: I hate you more; if hate were people, I'd be China!

Mitch Robbins: (awkward pause) Let's bring out the cake!

QUOTE 13 ~ Quotes from M*A*S*H

"Respect. I want nothing more and I'll accept nothing less."

"Will you slow down to the speed of sound? I can't hear myself scream!"

"Absolutely not! Me? wash and clean? I'm not a woman!"

QUOTE 16 ~ Best cat-like pose!

The sound of footsteps can be heard next, and from the pace it sounds as though someone is running through the house. That someone takes the corner leading into the dining room and starts across the lovely - and freshly polished - wood floors wearing socks instead of sneakers. This small detail makes all the difference in the world. One step, then another, and her socks have no traction on the freshly polished floor and she makes it nearly to the door of the kitchen before one foot slips and she makes a squeak of sound that's so unprofessional and the other foot slides as well and bam - right into the wall beside the kitchen with a notable thump. This thump is followed by a very bad word, in French - as we all tend to swear in our native language - before Calira rests one hand on the wall, rubs at her forehead with the other and sedately pushes the door open into the kitchen.

Quote 16   Quotes from RP - 2011 April 4

Sink nods quickly to Lirin, "That sounds like a good road trip. I'm sure it'll take a while to go through his estate there, but hopefully there will be something there that will send us on the right path." Sink looks between Lirin and Calira, "So, what about my idea about Mr. Rambert? Should we just pass him over until we check out the estate?" Sink, being on the same man wavelengths as Andrew does not offer the man his hand, and is glad to see he doesn't have to turn down a hand holding offer from Andrew. Go team testosterone. <English>

  Gotta LOVE the last line there - 'Go team testosterone'!

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