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House Odori
Owners Viscount Koukin Odori
Inception 2400
Location Bernadette


The Beginnings

House Odori was born during the turbulence of social unrest and skyrocketed to positions of power, noted for their ability to cast fair judgments and understand even the pleas of the commoners. An old-style house that focused on a specific facet of Earth That Was, they also had an air of curiosity around them that most people were drawn to. It was only a few years after everything started settling down in 2400 that they were made nobility.

The Tweens

The period of 2450-2500 would see them raise their rank within the nobility. Managing to scrape their way up to Viscount through public works, leadership in their fields and keen noses for political intrigue, the House quickly saw themselves at the rank of Viscounts, maintaining themselves as leaders in their fields and peaceful relations with most of the other houses.

The Now

Now, House Odori is even more what it used to be. Children and members are held to high standards and must aspire to be a great leader, though their interpretation of leader is lax and not reserved for someone with a rank of leadership. They are increasingly known for their charity work, helped by the most recent Head who has volunteered his services regularly. The House itself has been oddly quiet since 2489 for some reason and had faded into the background. Some believe they are planning to come out in full force one day when the time calls for it, others believe that they are fine with where they sit and are simply enjoying their positions.

House of Lords

The House Odori has made a name for itself within the House of Lords for several things, the most notable of which are discussed below.


In the years they've been in the House of Lords, Odori has not once passed a single judgment. They abstain on every vote and they remain quiet during the assemblies. The previous head of House Odori was once asked about this stance and his response is noted below.

  • "Why seek needless enemies when the cause is not worthy of them?" - Viscount Keisuke Odori

Political Stance

It is tough to outline a political stance for this house, seeing as how they almost never speak of it. If they had one, people have speculated it would be based on a feudal system. That is, in exchange for work, commoners are granted land, title and shelter along with wage. However, as long as they refuse to comment on ongoing political matters, it is nearly impossible to really know what they're thinking. When the current Head, Viscount Takeshi Odori, was asked about his families viewpoints, he responded with this.

  • "An ocean is always fighting with itself, a pond however remains still without outside influence." - Viscount Takeshi Odori


The Call To Leadership

Odori Manifesto: "Above all else, lead. For we are born from the mighty dragon, the leader, the controller, the king."

An Odori must lead. While their definition of lead is not resigned to the definition of a rank of leadership, it is none-the-less an unspoken agreement that all Odori must make themselves known for and strive for leadership and advancement within a field. Whether that be military command or as a blacksmith is up to them, but they must be recognized and known, or appear to be working towards this goal.


Odori Manifesto: "A disgrace is the same as moving your elder's grave. For if so anyone of you are to disgrace our name, they shall be cast out and left to fend for themselves in the land of steel and blood."

As the manifesto implies, anything that disgraces the Odori name will result in immediately being thrown from the family. They will denounce all ties and leave you to fend for yourself with no support in the world.


Odori Manifesto: "Remember, Odori, our name is that of great samurai. Samurai follow Bushidou; Fore bushidou is the way of the truly civilized."

The Odori family follows a strict rule set referred to as Bushidou. This rule set was the rule set of ancient warriors from the continent once known as Japan on Earth That Was. It is a way of life and zen, much akin to Chivalry.

Note: It is Bushidou, even if Wikipedia lists it as Bushido. The reason for this is that the O with an accent over it is correctly romanized as OU, but it is popularly romanized as O because it tends to make more sense to Americans. Therefore, Bushidou is the proper Romanization.