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A RolePlay Log by


Robbery on Sihnon


2012 April 15

IC Date

2530 August 30




Mia, Namydim, Kyoshiro, Davis, Rickart, Malchior, Jacy & Valentina

Clowns prove, once again, that they are evil and scary!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Lu'Weng Commons - Sihnon

       The street was well taken care off, with cobble stones along the street proper and the sidewalks consisting of flagstones. The flagstones were well placed, leaving little room for need of cement in between them. Trees were lining along both sides of the road, a short 3 inch fence guarding the roots of each one. The flag stone was cut perfectly about each tree with only the hint of dirt around the trunk of each one.
       Commercial buildings line both sides of the street, here and there are restaurants about. Each one has an overhanging of silk and many depict a dragon in their name, sign or decor. Those that don't usually have the mention of the hot springs. The most prominent type of buildings in the area are curio shops or other such nearly nicknack shops. Just about every single one has the same statuette of a dragon breathing down towards the ground and hot water in the form of crystals shooting up where the dragon hits.
       There's a hotel off towards the south, it's silk overhang and name prominently displayed as if beckoning those from off planet. To the North there's a clothing store, one with a wide variety of clothing displayed about, some of the wares even spilling out onto the street and many made of fine silks. To the east there is the City Hall, perhaps the most plain looking of all the buildings though even it has a few chinese dragons displayed along it's doors. Finally to the west is the Tabernus, a building of worship which prominently displays the dragon on it's front.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       Early afternoon on Sihnon finds the commons, the market place, it's usual hive of activity with shoppers, tourists, pedestrians, merchants and samplings from all walks of life going to and fro. Merchants call out to customers, enticing tourists with knick-knacks and curious, oddities and curiosities, little bits of local glitter and glam sold at half price, buy two get one three, etc etc. Street performers dressed gaily in local fashions, some in cultural foklore type styles and several brightly painted clowns walk on stilts carrying a large banner between them above the heads of the crowd - advertising for a sale held in the clothing store. <Chinese>

       Mia navigates nimbly through the crowd. Too short to see over anyone infront of her she's forced to weave and pivot her way through. She ignores the vendors for the most part, large brown eyes quick to note cheap baubles and inflated prices. The store, however, catches her eye and she navigates closer to invesitgate. <English>

       A taller then what would be expected in the height of a Asian man walks slowly down the Market Place's path, his long coat swaying just a bit as he takes slow steps. Though, he is oddly tall for his heritage, that's not the most prominent thing on him. Above his serious and apparently emotionless face there is a pair of crimson irised eyes, which glance around at the different vendors, as if looking for a gem in a sea of similar products, in a thousand yard stare. One that has seen many horrible things. <English>

       A taller than EVERYONE man was moving through the crowd with ease, partially because he could see exactly where he wanted to go, and also because people tended to make a little bit of room for a man who looks like a polite grizzly bear. Was he looking for something? Yes. Was he going to find it? Not likely. It was hard to find 7.62x54mmR rounds anywhere these days. Davis shouldered his way through scores of people, not recognizing anyone in particular and not caring to. <English>

       Rickart walks in from the Proper, he's wearing a brown duster under it an heavy armor wich covers the most part of his cloths. On top of his head a beige fedora hat and sticked in the right side of his mouth a cigarette. <English>

       The brightly painted clowns with the white faces and jingling attire continue to stream the banner between them over the crowd, walking closer to the store with every long stilt legged step. A pair of smaller clowns dance around at the feet of the stilt walking clowns, continuing to engage with pedestrians and the tourist and shopping crowd. The smaller clowns, which are really just children hired for the day, dance among the crowd and pass out hand lettered fliers that offer a one time coupon to anyone who shops in the store today. One passes beside Mia, pressing a flier into her hand as another dances around and around the tall asian man (Kyoshiro) and won't leave him alone until he takes one of the fliers. The first of the children approaches the taller man who looks like a polite grizzly and - cautious as the grizzly height makes the brightly painted clown - the clown displays the same determination and will not leave Davis alone until he accepts one of the coupons as well. Last but not least the 2nd of the two smaller clowns homes in on the man with the beige fedora hat and dances, jingles a pair of brightly and gaudily painted bells and keeps offering the coupon for the store. <English>

       Mia eyes the clowns warily. Why did it have to be clowns? She offers a tight smile and keeps one arm over her satchel, mindful of the potential of sticky fingures in all the commotion. She turns to lean against the wall to avoid the general commotion and peers down at the flier. <English>

       Namydim stepping down path about twenty five yards behind Rickart with his aviator shades on and a pausing a moment to look towards the silt clad clowns.. he inclines his head some and rubs his jaw then resumes his walk with a quick step until he is about 25 yards once more behind Rickart. <English>

       Kyoshiro stops as one of the clowns starts to dance around him, his despondent gaze watching the child bungle around him in some sort of jig, one of his eyes twitching just a bit. Perhaps if he played dead the child would go away. Though, that's not the case as said child sticks the coupon in his face. The ex-alliance command doesn't flinch, instead he raises a brow, slowly bringing up a hand to take the coupon. The Clown dances off back to his troop and that's when he sees the store, looking between it and the coupon in his hand. <English>

       Davis. Just. Stared. Really? He locked eyes with the clown and stared. Hard. Go away. Go away. Go away. I do not want to buy your clothes. If I wanted to buy your clothes I would be buying your clothes. Good grief, you are persistent! No! I said no! I do not want to go clothes shopping today! That is something you do with a woman and while you are plastered! Ah, fine, if it will shut you up, I'll take your damn coupon! Davis took the coupon carefully, examined it, and pocketed it. Another bit of scrap paper. <English>

       Rickart walks lenght the commons doing the slalom between the clowns avoiding them. Than looking toward Namy motions him to follow. <English>

Sihnon Trading Company - Sihnon

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       A rather large area filled with rows upon rows of stylish fashions; women's clothing, men's, children's and everything else in between. The floors are wooden and painted with Chinese symbols, done in reds, golds, greens and silver. Silk has been wrapped around the fixtures of the clothing racks, hiding the bare metal under them. Live models can be seen standing around the store, their faces painted like Chinese clowns as they display some of the more expensive and elegant clothing to be bought here. Store clerks walk around ready to assist and direct people to the computer terminals where they can buy their chosen items which are then boxed and delivered to the person's house or ship.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       As more customers move through the area, drifting in and out of the shop, the dancing clowns remain outside, circling around the base of the stilts that the other clowns are wearing, the banned tugged and fluttering between them as the pace the length of the street outside to the entrance of the hotel and back again. Inside the shop are more clowns, those these are live models wearing the latest fashions to display just how elegant and beautiful the latest fashions are. Store clerks greet each new wave of customers with bright words of greeting, most being that indeterminate age between teen and mid twenties, which makes them perky and paid to be cheerful as poodles. The store, as elegant as it is, is easily divided into sections to make it simple (relatively so) for shoppers to find what they're looking for. Men's ware to one side, teen and youth in the middle with women's wear to the right, a jewelry counter runs the length of the room in back with changing booths strategically placed as well. <English>

       Mia slips inside but stops short when she spies: more clowns-but the push of people from the outside forces her to enter entirely with a reluctant muter under her breath. She looks meanders about, not yet choosing a section as she explores the layout and the wares on display. Those poodle-youths greeting her are dismissed witha lofty flick of well manicured nails. <English>

       Namydim continues to follow Rickart, gazing around and yet keeping a consistent gaze towards Rickart every second. When the man motions him forward he nods and does the double quick to catch up with Rickart, then slows down again the moment he is within five yards. He pulls a cigarette out at this moment and places it in his mouth, though he does not light it. <English>

       Kyoshiro wasn't looking for any cloths, though, the strangeness of it all drew if forward towards the store at a slow and steady pace, being careful. His red eyes scan the clowns and the crowd in and out of the shop, his face not once losing it's flat seriousness. Kyo finally reaches the door and it slides open allowing him entrance, and once he is in, he stops there as people pass him moving in and out of the building. "The hell..." He says quietly in his deep core accented monotone. He turns his head to glance at Mia who is pushed into the store, blinking just a bit. <English>

       Davis was utterly bewildered. He didn't want to be here. But no... those clowns... those horrible, evil clowns had forced him. They forced him! Bastards! Davis resolved to dress up his shooting targets as clowns for the next week. He smirked with satisfaction at this thought. That is, until he saw the inside of the clothing store and promptly facefaulted. "What," was the only word that could be coaxed out of his mouth. Was it just him, or was everyone on crazy pills today? <English>

       Rickart smiles toward Namydim and says "well I guess we could fine some cloths for you" he looks the big man following him and says "well hoping they've your size man" chuckles and looks around before heading toward the men's ware and giving a look to the cloths. <English>

       Several other customers are already in the store, a rather rotund gentleman who is shopping for a new hat, and every time he takes off the one that he's trying on the over head light bounces off of the shiny and perfectly bald pate of the dome of his head. A high strung sounding woman with a rather nasal core accent is going through a rack of gowns, a walking talking fashion critic if ever was one to be found, apparently all of these fashions are SO last season. The clerk nearby wears a smile that's cheerful to the point of pain, suggesting this gown or that one. The live models glide around the store, posing dramatically from time to time, fluttering hand held fans in the most elegant of fan language to be displayed. The clown outside continue to mingle with the crowd, trying to coax more customers - after all, business is best when people spend money. From all the banners that hype up the sales going on right now, apparently this is a big marketing push for the fall season. <English>

       Mia makes her way to the gowns. Eventually the nasal whining of the wanna be high society seems to wear on her nerves, "Look, Tootse. You walked into a joint with clowns on stilts parading around it, what did you expect? I mean besides everyone's ignorance to the fact that if you /were/ important you'd have your clothes made-not here bargain hunting, so do us all a favor and just grab something which the salesgirl says flatters your narrow ass and go try it on already." she then turns, uninterested in the woman's response as she sees if there's anything in the petites. <English>

       Namydim inclines his head slightly and then nods with a smile. "I did end up getting a suit but another would be nice." The man stays with Rickart, and continues to gaze about. He pauses at one of the sops to look at some belts, and checks for some that are leather. <English>

       Kyoshiro watches Mia as she goes on her little sassy triad before looking over to the most recent arrival, a Tall man who seems just as uninterested as to what's going on as he is. He looks him over a moment before looking back at the rest of the store, his feet moving to start a slow crawl down the middle isle, his cold crimson stare looking at the models. <English>

       Davis was a Hera boy through and through. He was used to one type of store, which, incidentally, was EVERY type of store. From a corner shop to a huge supermarket, everywhere sold everything on Hera. So far, this place was forming a negative opinion in the man's mind. Still, stores can't stray very far from the basic premise, right? That's where he got the incredibly smart idea to find one of the poor staff members and ask them, "Excuse me, do you sell decks of cards?" <English>

       Rickart looking toward the expositors smiles looking into an hawaiian like suit and looking toward namydim says "do you really belive that someone do actually wear something like that" than scratches his chin thinking if was namy or someonelse who he has seen with one of these... <English>

       Several customers are in the processes of completing their purchases, their parcels being wrapped up and placed in shopping bags with the stores logo. Another order is being arranged to be routed to the patron's ship, the clerk smiling cheerful as she rings up the total. The smaller of the two clowns ducks through the crowd and disappears into a side street, angling toward a vendors tand that sells fresh fruit and candied sweets. The doors to the shop open again as the two clowns that had been on stilts outside in the crowd step into the store, the banner rolled up between them as they carry it inside, talking about how it's time for their break, the garish clown costumes decked with bells and ribbons, bulky looking and baggy. They step aside to allow the customers who are near the door to leave, their painted faces cheerful and amiable in a way that's moderately creepy, at least creepy to the number of people who do NOT find clowns to be cheerful and kid friendly.
       Once the door closes behind the last batch of customers that leave the store they take the large banner and wedge it between the handles of the door, effectively locking the doors by simple expediency of jamming them. Clown #1 aims a hand held device at the security sensors and cameras near the door to disable them immediately and systematically works his way down the rest of the ones that the narrow beam can target. Clown #2 handles his side of the room, disabling those devices and sending all security feed to nothing but static, clever devices these gents have.
       They wait until all of the devices that they can find are disabled, consulting with a data device to make sure they hit every one before waiting - patiently - for the live models to do their pass near the door. Those baggy clown costumes hold a number of unfriendly surprises, weapons being one of them as knives are layered along their clothing. The pair of live models are hauled up short and clown #2 speaks, though his voice is oddly distorted, "THIS IS A HOLD UP!" he declares in a booming voice, parade ground style, "EVERYONE STAY CALM AND NO ONE WILL GET HURT." He places the edge of the knife against the side of the neck of one of the live models, "ANYONE WHO DOESN'T STAY CALM WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE OF THIS," and he slices off the tip of the girls earlobe, just to make his point. <English>

       Mia's big brown eyes look up with the appropriate look of panic, her mocha features going ashen, "You have /got/ to be /kidding/ me." is uttered under her breath. She looks around quickly, watching the employees-if there's a back exit surely one or two would think to escape by it-and that was worth noting in the event she got the chance to sneak off undetected. She stoops down, taking advantage of her tiny size to try to escape notice-no hero here. <English>

       Kyoshiro raises an eyebrow and turns around, his red eyes watching as the clowns run around with device in hand. He sniffs and narrows his eyes, staying right where he is as those irrie red eyes of his stare down the different clowns who seems to acting, what he would call, suspiciously. Though, as he watches them jam the banner through the door handles and shout their intentions. He starts to slowly walk towards the group of clowns, not heeding their instructions what so ever. "How about you leave..." He says, reaching into his coat to take out what appears to be a real honest to go Katana. His slow and deliberate steps continue, his voice a deep core accented monotone as he glares at them. <English>

       Namydim looks to the Hawaiian like suit and then gives a shrug then a smile. "I'll wear it, maybe." He then turns around again to look over the belts once more... then finally selecting one and making his purchase. "on the other hand, you'd only be catching me wearing that sort of suit when I am either very drunk or pulling a prank." He then turns as the shout comes and inclines his head... blinking at the situation as it unfolds... And in a low voice to Rickart.. "Now would be a good time for you to pull out a scope equipped pistol.." His eyes dart towards the clowns that are seemingly putting out the security equipment. He then takes a look around to see if he can find a security box that could affect repairs against the scrambling devices. <English>

       YES! Only Davis could be excited about a robbery, if only because he got to shoot some goddamn clowns! His sniper eyes scanned quickly for a clear line of sight to one of them, couldn't find one, so he ducked behind cover. He heard a voice, a monotone, an accented one, and peered over the shelf. It was Red Eyes, with a sword. He was... oh shit, he was pulling a Cougar. Idiot! Well, talk about remaining calm, at least. He ducked back down, drew a Colt semi-auto from a shoulder holster inside his jacket, and quietly as a mouse he started creeping quietly between the racks and stands to find an ideal shooting spot. <English>

       Rickart tries to hide without much success behind a display rack once but he doesn't realize it imidiatly, once behind it tries to understand if these two clowns are working alone or with some other in the shop. <English>

       Clown #1 peels away his outer layer of clothing to reveal a vest layered with wiring and some manner of explosives, and places the knife even harder against the neck of the model who is now crying and holding one hand to hear ear, trying to stop the steady stream of blood that is utterly ruining that lovely off the rack silk gown of hers. Clown #1 turns a rifle toward the Katana wielding customer, "How about you show some brains for a moment, mister fancy sword, and make your way to the center of the room with the rest of you fine folk. What you may be to dim witted to recognize is that we're wearing vests lined with explosives rigged to our biosigns," again his voice is booming but distorted to disguise tone, accent, anything other than Male and speaking the current version of English. "We die, everyone dies, the whole building goes up and you will be standing before your pretty god by the time you finishing swinging that sword."
       Clown #2 walks his live model hostage over to the counter and instructs the girl behind the counter to start emptying the cash drawers, getting down to business. He shoves another bag at the next nearest clerk and tells her to empty the jewelry cases as well, checking the time as the girl hurries off. Clown #1 continues to speak: "All of you would be heroes think about that, and you think hard, about whether or not some petty cash and sparkly baubles is worth your lives. It's worth ours," and he makes another slice along the side of the ear of the crying girl he's holding hostage.
       Near Mia the narrow arsed broad who couldn't find anything to her taste takes one look at the action unfolding and does what women of her temperament are wont to do: She starts crying and gibbering, turning toward Mia and the nearby clerk in hysterics. The rotund man with the hat fetish responds with admirable aplomb, which is to say looks around for a place to hide - but being rather sizable in form he doesn't exactly have a good hiding space so he ends up simply holding his hands up and when Clown #1 points to the center of the store and orders everyone to gather he moves with meek compliance. <English>

       Mia notes Kyoshiro with a scowl of frustration, "That knuckle dragger is gonna get someone killed." She peers about again, noting the employees and their placements-the spacers with guns were going to turn this into a shootout and she planned to get herself to safety before that happened...of course there's the other civilians-and she was a doctor. She sighs, "Listen up, Ladies: This is no good, the more those mouth breathers challenge the thugs for control the more things are going to escalate, so unless someone knows a way out of here-best to stay calm and stay out of sight...." and then she hear's the word 'bomb'. She grits her teeth and cusses softly, scooting closer and carefully pushing aside some gowns, "Aw. Hell." She chews her bottom lip, noting the situation-no...it did her no good to have the hotheads between her and that peice of work. She after another moment of furiously chewing her lip and then rolls her eyes, "I hate my life." Before she jupms up shrieking bloody murder and trying to run past Mad Bomber Clown-towards the front door. <English>

       Kyoshiro keeps walking towards them, pulling the Katana from it's blade slowly, "Then I'll make sure not to kill you." He says simply, "Have you ever been to Shadow, Child? It used to be a pretty place, a lovely place." His red eyes are cold, sparkling with something dangerous as he gets closer, and closer, not at all listening to what this BASTARD says. Once the blade is free from it's Saya he drops it behind him so the edge drags on the floor making a loud scraping sound. "Now it's marred with the craters of a hundred nuclear weapons, yet the planet still lives..." He pauses a moment, "You see, that's the lovely thing about blades and the human body." He stops when he finally gets to an appropriate distance. "You see... if you were a real man. You wouldn't be doing something so cowardly. You'd take off that best and take one of those knives and come at me..." He tilts his head to the side. <English>

       Namydim ducks behind a counter after a moment, while the clowns seem distracted with trying to get most of the group to the center. When Mia makes her screeching mad run he waits just a second; then makes a dash for a closer hiding position to get nearer to the bomb trouble squad... Attempting to use the distraction to also hide in the process, he only runs about three seconds before he ducks behind some clothing rack which tilts over and falls into another clothing rack; though he quickly rolls himself behind a display hoping someone else is nearby to take the credit for the fallen sthhhtoof. Muttering slightly under his breath. <English>

       Many thoughts were running through Davis's mind right now. The first was, 'Red Eyes, you are an absolute moron.' The second was, 'Bomb bomb bomb crap use nonlethal methods.' The third was a weapons-grade level of profanity, that, if any Readers were around, would have collapsed into fits of hysterics. He was surprisingly calm. Usually he'd be pissed by now. Still completely out of sight and dead quiet (like a goddamn American ninja), he watched the clowns move to the cashier... where there was far too much open space for a bum rush. Shit. So he started moving quietly in the opposite direction, to the door. Maybe, just maybe, he could open it up. <English>

       Rickart as hears the shoots not willing to expose without reason the hostages just stays in his hidding and tries to hide better since he realized wasn't very well hidden. Imidiatly after he whispers something on his icom <English>

       Clown #2, with his hostage, remains behind the counter as the clerk empties the last of the cash drawer and aims her toward the safe, "Empty it," he orders, handing another empty bag to the clerk and taking the first one back, twisting the first one shut and handing it to the crying hostage and hauls her with him along the edge of the counter, keeping an eye on the room at large. From his place behind the counter he can see the monitor that watches the emergency exit, the one camera they didn't disable - after all, they're not absolute gibbering idiots.
       Clown #1 responds without emotion, and even with the clown makeup and voice disguiser, he's still unemotional in a way that would be unnerving to some. He lifts his rifle and aims a round at the Katana wielding man, shooting the man in the shoulder - the shoulder, that is, that's attached to the arm that's linked to the hand holding the sword. "This," and his words are clearly spaced, "isn't A Debate.        Shut Up."
       He spins and aims his rifle at the shrieking woman who runs toward the door, "I will kill you," he warns and fires a warning round past her, clipping the bag she's carrying - a deliberate round placed just so. "Everyone who is to dumb to listen THE FIRST TIME," he roars at the room. "This is a robbery. NOT a chance to make yourselves a hero. Everyone into the MIDDLE of the room and the NEXT hero to step up gets a round between the eyes. We're here for the money, and your lives mean nothing to us."
       Clown #2 almost fires a round at the man who knocks over the clothing rack, seeing the disturbance in the clothing but he pulls up at the last moment as the clerk that had emptied the jewelry display into a bag runs forward, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process. The screaming customer is led to the center of the store by the clerk who is no longer a perky poodle. The other clerks are herding customers forward as well, trained by company protocol to comply with robbers - after all, it's just stuff, not lives right? <English>

       Mia issues a terrified shriek and freezes in place, her well manicured hands lifting as she works up big alligator tears of panic-Clearly these glowns are NOT fans. Her eyes dart about, trying to keep track of everything at once with limited success as she tries to reassess the situation-two bombs...this changes everything. So-she watches and stands there, playing very convincingly the part of a panicked customer. <English>

       Kyoshiro jolts back onto the ground as the round slams into his shoulder. It hurts a lot so he gets knocked out. <English>

       Namydim moves his left hand to his left ear as something comes over his ear bud.. then he looks across towards where he saw Rickart last and gives a nod; taking a deep breath and trying to think about the bombs... He leans over slightly in order to attempt a glance at the clown with the wiring shown.. The bullets flying cause him to slowly upholster his small 9mm.. looking to it longingly as though he were wishing he brought his real weapons.. and then giving a slight shrug. He then speaks a low whisper into his iCom. <English>

       This was an awkward situation. Davis was still crouched behind a shelf, out of sight near the front door. He heard a few BANGs and a crumpling sound. He assumed that Red Eyes or that screaming woman he recognized from way back had been shot. Then he listened. The next hero to step up would get a round between the eyes. HAH! He had cover! But he wasn't going to be able to keep it for long. They were doing sweeps and it was only a matter of time before he was caught up. It was amazing he hadn't been spotted yet. Holding the Colt in two hands, he let out a quiet sigh. Shit. If ONLY they weren't wearing bombs! He could have popped over the shelf, put a bullet in their heads, and reeled in the satisfaction of killing the fuckers. But nooo, they had to make things complicated. Why was shooting people hard now? Still... maybe non-lethal shots would work. Shoulder. Wrist. Leg. Balls. Heh, that would be fun. He was content to wait, though, for the time being. Wait for one of the seemingly innocent clerks to find him. Only then would he throw in the towel. <English>

       Rickart while stays hidden checks his pistol just to be sure that he's ready if needed but doesn't look willing to shoot them after all until they steal the shop's cash isn't his business. <English>

       One of the clerks rushes forward to catch Kyoshiro as he falls, letting out a hysterical shriek as she fusses over him, the rotund man with the hat fetish huffs and puffs his way over and awkwardly kneels down, fluttering a large handkerchief out of one pocket and presses it to the front of the wound, "There there, that's a good lad, you'll be ok," he says in a voice that's oddly high pitched in comparison to the sheer size of his body.
       Clown #1 drags his crying hostage over to where Mia is standing and gives his hostage a small shove, "Go join the others," he orders crooks one finger at Mia. "In my world, we call this trading up," he says in that same impersonal tone of voice, the tone still oddly distorted as he aims the gun at her before grabbing ahold of her arm, jerks her around in front of and places his back to the doors.
       Clown #2 hands off the second bag of loot and connects something to the credit terminal and downloads all of the stored customer transactions and account data into a portable drive, this taking a matter of moments while all the other drama is going on. With the last of the loot secured he drags his hostage back toward the doors. Clown #2 speaks for the first time, his voice equally distorted and amplified, "You have all been a great audience," in a tone that is not where near as unemotional as the first and rather sarcastic in fact. But no accent can be detected around the voice distorter. He hauls his hostage to the door, along with the bags of loot, and has her move the banner away from the door handles to unbar the doors. Clown #1 keeps Mia between himself at the rest of the room at large, gun trained on the room - in general - to make sure no one gets any squirrely heroic ideas. <English>

       Mia whimpers as she's beckoned closer and shuffles. She issues a startled yelp as she's grabbed and flipped around-hopefully the man's too busy to notice she's wearing rather pricey armor beneather her layers of silk. She shuffles back with them, oddly enough seeming to relax when they seem so keen on getting away-even though they're taking her with them. Still fearfully sniffling she follows but risks a quick 'I'm ok sign' to the gunslingers watching so avidly. <English>

       Kyoshiro isn't knocked out for long. Ten years, yes more than that, since he's been shot. His tolerance wasn't what it used to be. His eyes open, his face still emotionless, not portraying any kind of real pain. He was more than likely in shock by that point in time as he pushes himself off the man who just caught him. "No..." He says sternly... "They took someone and are getting away. This is..." He stands back up, ignoring his wound for the time being. "I need better armor. I'll have to speak to Captain about that..." His valities body suit obviously wasn't doing it's job. <English>

       Namydim after the thieves make their get away he rushes to the door and slams his fist into a wall at the failure.. but then he turns quickly to the ex=hostage model and holsters his 9mm; quickly stepping up to her and looking to her wound. "Someone get a first aid kit over here pronto!" he shouts, then calmly looks the woman in the eyes. "Don't worry, you are going to be alright." <English>

       Rickart walks toward Kyoshiro after the clowns fleed away and says "how's his condition Namy?" than looks in his bag to see if has some first aid for him <English>

       Davis drew himself up to his full height out of cover. They were gone and he was no longer at risk. "Motherfuckers," he said quietly. Davis did NOT like the idea that he could not win every battle. He had a good track record so far! But still, something else made him mad. "You idiot!" he exclaimed to Red Eyes. "You have no sense of practicality whatsoever! You... fuck!" Oh yeah, he was mad. <English>

       Namydim turns at hearing rickart and does a quick scan around.. then resumes trying to help the knife victim as he speaks into his icomm "I don't think he is bad, seems to be complaining more about his armor than actually being hit... I'm near the center tending to this woman with an ear cut. This woman is losing a lot of blood though; course it's a wound near the head.." He then turns and shouts. "Bring all wounded into the center area, is there a Doctor? And someone bring a ruddy first aid kit already!!" he turns back to his 'patient' and continues to apply pleasure to her ear with his fingers to slow the bleeding. <English>

       With the doors un-barred the clowns haul their hostages as far as the street outside the shop, ordering both women to stay exactly where they are and remember that the bombs they're wearing are no joke. With the crowded street outside the shop it's easy for them to tug up their their clown costumes again and, with loot stuffed into a pair of duffle bags they walk calmly through the crowd. In fact, they pause for photos with several tourists, just another pair of bodies to keep the tourists entertained. They slip away in the crowd with enough money and credits, jewelry to pawn and credit accounts to hack into. <English>

       Mia stays in the shop as directed though she flexes her tiny fists-far from relieved to see the men wading into the crowd with those bombs but helpless as anyone else to do anything about it. The tears just stop and she wipes her eyes, rolling her shoulders-revealing her own hysterics while convincing to be nothing more than an act, "C'mon, get inside, they won't be back-I'll take a look at that ear-It'll be alright." <English>

       Kyoshiro waves off any medical attention, "I'll get to the hospital." Though as the tall man comes barreling at him his cold dead red eyes glance over to the asshole. "I'm sorry." He says simply, not bothering to give the man more fuel for his retarded insults. He doesn't have time for yelling oafs and their one liners. Not with a bullet in his shoulder, the dull ache was starting to come back. "Do you think I am not upset at myself? That I failed these people, herm? At least I didn't cower in a corner like a wet dog in a thunderstorm." He starts to walk out then, "Tell the Law I went to the hospitle. They'll find me there or on my ship. Captain Rickart over here knows who I am" He walks past the two a sad look in his eyes, going through the door and disappearing into the crowd. <English>

       Davis blinked in surprise as he watched the honor-bound moron depart. He would have fired off another insult but the man was gone. "Fuck. Why do people think it's a good idea to bring knives to a gunfight..." he grumbled. "What did he THINK was going to happen..." and with that he was out the door as well. Maybe, just maybe, he could find the duffel bag marauders. <English>

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       Local security is swarming over the shop, better late than never, and medics have arrived at last as well and those that were wounded or just had hysterics. Several clerks are sitting on the floor near their stands, sobbing quietly as their careful makeup runs down their faces. The rest of the customers are still being detained by local security for questioning. INN's report was pretty accurate, it would seem, for a change. The chief of local security is a gray haired man with a weak chin and a blustering attitude. <English>

       Mia is, being a doctor and all, has been occupied seeing to the injured though she's no help to those who're mostly rattled. She backs off once the first responders arrive and fishes out antiseptic wipes to wipe blood from her hands, tossing it in a bin. She looks wearied, but not particularly rattled. <English>

       Jacy walks in, hanging her DAS badge on a beaded chain around her neck and using it to badge her way past the first line of local security. She pauses near the entrance to survey the situation, hands on hips, her calm eyes casting hither and thither over the scene to figure out who's doing what to whom and who's had what done to them. Then she spots some sobbing clerk who doesn't appear to be in imminent danger of bleeding to death, and squats down beside her. "Hi!" she smiles brightly, like she was discussing Aunt Mabel's cousin's sister's impending wedding. "So what happened here?" <English>

       Mia spies the feds and looks around. Still a back exit-buuuut-it's still hooked up to the monitor. She sidles someplace quiet, partially concealed. No one here. Lalalala. She examines her nails, standing out in that she's not going through tissues or hugging her knees. <English>

       Malchior quite lazily follows along behind Jacy, almost as if he had never meant to be there in the first place. His fingers rise upward, pulling down on a thin wire frame that holds a set of highly polished and reflective lenses down along his nose to peer over and examine the rest of the area. He doesn't speak, easily spotting Mia as she shifts to concealment, brow raising in her general direction before he takes a few steps further in He remains within earshot of Jacy and the clerk as he continues to look around without the aid of the sunglasses he tucks away into a pocket. <English>

       The sobbing clerk swipes at her teary eyes with a much smudged hand woven silk scarf, one of the ones on sale on a nearby table in fact, 15% off and buy two get one 1/2 off! The clerk looks up and stares at the Alliance officer with huge eyes, "The clowns, they shot people and they.. they," she sniffles again, "they cut Macey's ear and - and -" more sniffling and swiping at her tears. The clerk is all of about 17, this is likely her first job and she's probably never seen anyone hurt before in her entire life.
       One of the security officers moves through the shop and spots the Alliance officer who isn't speaking with a witness yet and heads in his direction. The security guard gives Malchior a polite nod before offering a list of witness names and contact info, nodding toward the nearest one (Mia) "We haven't had a chance to question her yet. Seems she's some kind of doctor, was helping out the wounded until the medical team arrived." <English>

       Perhaps a little belatedly, Jacy pulls out her PDA, setting it to voice record with a practised swipe of her finger across the touchscreen. "So there were clowns," she says, for the benefit of the tape. "How many clowns were there?" Always number your clowns for accurate recordkeeping. "Were they all dressed the same, or were there different clowns?" Her tone holds only mild interest, because she knows all this will be backed up by the security tapes and the other witnesses; she's more concerned with watching the clerk's reactions, because if this /is/ an inside job she wants to nail the mole to the wall. Suspicious little bugger, is our Jacy. <English>

       Like and old gentleman, fingertips brush along the sides of a well-trimmed yet gray-ing moustash, blue eyes scanning along the list before he looks back to the security officer. "Thank you for the list. Looks like she isn't helping anyone now.. I can get to that as you've already compiled all this," Malchior explains as his fingertips take up the list and claim it as his own. "Let me know if there is anything else I need to, hmm?" he adds on before dipping his head down and making way to the doctor and allowing Jacy to her own business. <English>

       Mia watches Malchior's approach with big wary eyes. Hrrm. Too break into blubbering or not? No, he's met her-he'd never buy it. So she simply offers a subdued, polite smile, "Captain Havoc, It's been a while since our paths have crossed. How regrettable it is while you are on duty. I trust today finds you well?" her hands folded neatly on her lap. <English>

       The teary eyed clerk tilts her head back and stares up at the Alliance officer with all the deceptive wiles of a gold fish in a paper cup. "There are four," she explains in a shaking voice. "Well, there's four, you see, but only two, that is, were in here. See," and she tugs the scarf between her hands, "we're having this BIG sale. I mean, it's the sale of the season," she stresses this with all the wide eyed sincerity that only a teenager can muster over clothing sales. "And the store hired these clowns to work the crowd outside, see? They- -" she pauses to gulp for breath, "they were supposed to hand out fliers to the people on the street , because they have coupons?" she ends each sentence as a question, a somewhat annoying trait. "And.. and well the kids, the store hired kids because they're cute, who can say no to a kid handing out coupons?"
       The security officer that provided the data to Malchior follows along for a moment, "ah, Sir? There's more," the young officer says as he bobs a polite nod to the witness, Mia that is, and waits for a chance to interject again. <English>

       Jacy raises a hand to stem the flood of information from the clerk. "So the store hired four clowns, and two came in here and held the place up?" She's trying to get to the bottom of this, her voice patient and her tone soft, but she's not quite sure she understands the full picture here. "And when you say the store hired kids....do you mean children? Minors?" <English>

       "Well if it isn't my most favorite of doctors," Malchior greets to Mia with a downward turn at the corners of his lips, the frown pulling a bit at his age as he heaves a faint sigh, though mostly playful as he continues to speak. "I am alive this day, so I find myself quite well. But I don't say the same for everyone here.. Though you don't look too bad yourself. Did you happen to write up reports as you went along with your treatment so we can reference them if the need arises?" he questions first, casually working his way around to what she might have seen.
       Though, look, he had cut off that officer. His attention quickly snaps away from Mia after her answer, asking for a faint, "Moment, please," before he looks over toward the other man once more. "I shouldn't have cut you off so shortly. Wanted to make sure she didn't have to leave right away," he begins, looking questioningly to Mia as if to ask that she wouldn't leave. "You said there was more?" <English>

       Mia's eyes dart to the security officer vying for Malchior's attention, openly curious though of course she doesn't have authority to ask what more there might be so she simply smiles to Malchior, waiting with a vaneer of patience though her foot taps restlessly, "The paramedics saw to such details, no doubt given the nature of this, such is already waiting for you." she falls silent again, allowing the Fed to conclude his business. <English>

       Again the clerk nods before immediately contradicting herself, "Yes. Well they had to have permission, see? From their parents. And the could only work this one afternoon, but it was fair, they got paid and everything." The clerk dabs at her eyes again and smears more of her carefully applied makeup on her face. "But it wasn't the kids, I mean, it was, you know, the other guys in the clown suits. I think it was them, I mean, if it wasn't them, who had the suits on?" <English>

       The security guard clears his throat again, trying not to look nervous, "Um, yes. Well you see, the thing is, and we don't know how they did it, but we only have a few seconds of the feed from when they entered the shop and then the cameras and security feed went off one at a time except for the one aimed at the back door. But that only shows the door, not the shop, so we don't actually have any eyes on the actual scene, so to speak, sir." <English>

       Jacy sighs, glancing down briefly at her PDA and then back at the clerk. "I'll need the names and addresses of these kids, and their parents. Can you get them for me?" she asks calmly, giving the girl a small tight smile. "Now, before you do that, tell me about the two clowns who came in here." <English>

       Malchior seems stunned for a moment. He is thinking, though, his eyes staring off at the distance as he contemplates something silently. "How many cameras are there total? And has anyone looked into their security system to find fault in the hardware?" he lives up to question for a moment before he looks back to Mia. "I'll remember to check with them, then.. Are you alright? I would hate it if anything were to happen to you," he mentions, tone soft and gentle as if he did have the heart to care for the woman on a level to be sure she would be safe. Yet, his attention is easily enough the guard's once more if need be. <English>

       The teary eyed clerk gives the alliance officer a baffled look, "I wouldn't have those names, Ma'am, I'm sorry," and she sounds genuinely contrite. She's just a clerk, after all. "But.. but I'm sure the supervisor can get them for you, she's really cool, you know? I mean, for a old lady and all," old being relevant in comparison to 17. "But see there were four clowns. Two to pass out the fliers, the kids see? But the other two were on stilts outside with this huge banner - -" there goes the lower lip trembling again. "They came in and everything just went scary," more tears running down her face, "they cut Macey's ear lobe off, blood was everywhere," and she's back to full on crying. "I want to call my mom," she sobs. <English>

       Mia makes a face and looks pained at the guard's nervous report to Malchior, "Aw, damnit all." She chews her bottom lip and glances around. Maybe the Feds could do their job without this information. Aw, who was she kidding? These were immediately relevant and no doubt very telling tidbits. She looks to Malchior, "It's ok, I'm pretty certain I can tell you what you'd have seen. Better than this rent-a-fed could anyway." She runs a hand through her hair, "I'm fine, I was shot at but not hit. And I it's sweet you're worried about lil ol me." Compared to everyone else one might have the sneaking suspicion this isn't the first time she's been in a situation like this. <English>

       To Malchior the security guard consults the screen of his PDA, "There were a total of nine cameras, sir," he responds after a moment. "And no, the system worked just fine until the Clown produced some sort of hand held device and aimed it at the camera. Then they shut each one down, one at a time, our tech guys think they somehow fried the circuitry inside or something. We're not sure yet." <English>

       "You've been very helpful. What's your name, miss?" Jacy asks the clerk calmly, unswayed by the tears. She's still squatting easily beside the girl, but is already looking up and around to locate the 'aged and wrinkly' old lady supervisor. It's clear to her that young Miss Sobby here has dispensed the bulk of her useful body of information, at least for now, and she'll move on to her next item of prey in a moment. <English>

       "Nicole," The clerk replies, blinking tear filled eyes at Jacy, "I'm Nicole, but everyone calls me Nico," she adds, again wiping at her eyes with the ruined silk scarf.        Before the clerk can do more than that the floor supervisor comes striding over, high fashion heels clicking on the floor at a notable pace, "Miss Warren, do stop that sniveling immediately," the woman says in a clipped tone that is all Londinium and upper crust white collar attitude to the core. She snaps her fingers briskly at Nicole, the clerk leaping to her feet immediately, "That will be quite enough," she declares and rounds on the alliance officer with a stern air, "And you are?" she demands and doesn't wait for reply, "Has Miss Warren answered all of your questions ? Her parents are outside and noticeably /agitated/ over all of this regretful drama." <English>

       "Well. We'll have to double check into that tech unless your guys think they can gives us a real answer to that question on how they took the cameras down for certain with the device. And we'll need what footage you can retrieve for the entire day until we finish for the evening. And.. Unless you have anything else..?" He pauses a few moments to be sure there is more or not before looking back to Mia. "I just want to be sure you're alright. And it seems you can tell us everything you saw too, at some point." <English>

       Valentina walks into the shop, looking around, and hearing the cams were supposedly taken down by tech. "We should consider having the whole installation back to base for examination. Might have not been just an interferer. And have you checked the other cams in the area?" The detective comes in, late but not too late, it is hoped. <English>

       Mia murmurs, "Probably an Infrared lazer-most Secruity camera use infrared sensors so a high powered infrared beam can disable them, and they're easy to come by or make. Get a crate scanner from a ship and remove the front end and you have something adequate for the task-but I didn't know what was going on before they started bellowing so it's just a guess." she supplies her favorite theory to Malchior, "There were at least four, two on the outside making sure no one could get in or out the front, two in here. It was organized well in advance from the looks of it-they knew where the cameras were, they knew to keep the back camera up, and the two who conducted the actual heist had what I'm certain were RDX packed vests with an an electric detonator made from a modified vitals monitoring rig. I've never seen anything like it, between the pair they had enough boom on them to take out the better half of this block and they took dead man's switch to a whole new level. The weaponry didn't seem to be anything special. High caliber semi-automatics." <English>

       Jacy rises easily to her feet, her face bearing a bland smile at the arrival of the floor supervisor. "Miss Warren has been extremely helpful, and I'm anticipating this to be a very short investigation if everyone is as helpful as her," she murmurs dryly. She reaches out to squeeze Nicole's shoulder approvingly, "You did very well, Nico." Her voice hardens, "But I'm afraid everyone will have to remain in here until we've finished our interviews," she says smoothly, her voice insincere in its apology. "Now, m'am," she tells the supe, "I'll need the names of your clowns." And so help me if she answers 'Bozo, Biffo, Boffo and Klutz', she's going to get shot. <English>

       The security guard looks a bit shame faced, after all - their job was to prevent stuff like this! He shakes his had before turning to the newly arrived officer, "Um, ma'am, you can't do that. I mean, it's company property. You'd have to have the owners permission before you take anything off premises. So far he's been mostly cooperative but, you gotta understand, they lost the whole weekend's haul, all of the jewelry and they did something to the main credit machine that stores data accounts and did some sort of flash copy of it and left it blank. We don't have any idea how many customer's just had their credit accounts imaged, let alone who to begin alerting," and he speaks as quietly as he can, trying not to alert any of the remaining customers. <English>

       Mia lifts an eyebrow at Malchior, "Yes. You don't get this kind of hiest without a frontman, a wingman, at least one spotter-and a getaway. I'm guessing there had to be at least five but that's speculation. I only saw four. Professional. They were in, the doors were closed-and from what the security guard just said the next was the camera-they'd gotten that far before I even knew what was going-what I don't get is why this place? With that kind of drill and rig-why not a bank, or a jewlery store, or something? A department store? REALLY?" she shakes her head, "Anyway, that's all I know. Am I free to go?" <English>

       Valentina raises an eyebrow at the expertise in robbery that the store clerk shows. "That sounds particularly informed" she says, with a nasty smile. "Most probably because the scurity here was lower level. And stealing the Cortex codes might have been the focus at the first place. The other robbery may just be a cover" <English>

       Mia looks to the security man and ooooohs, "Nevermind." She blinks, "That's just genius." obviously impressed. <English>

       The SUPERVISOR makes a shooing motion at Nico, sending her to go sit with the others who have been herded into a untidy huddle by the security officers on station. She straightens narrow shoulders clad in one of the seasons most fashionable gowns and says, in a terribly snooty voice, "This is ridiculous and honestly, a scandal." A rather indignant sniff follows her words. "We hired some local 'talent'," and there's so much implied sarcasm that the word practically flounces around the room under it's own power, "one of those corporate decisions to create jobs in the community," and it's clear what she thinks of THIS little company bulletin. "Anyway, there were a pair of children to pass out coupons to customers in the market place and another two walking on stilts carrying this giant banner. I gather that the pair carrying the banner, not the children of course, were responsible for this indignity." She waves one perfectly manicured hand, "I will get you their names," she declares and withdraws a PDA from her pocket and taps with the tips of her nails until coming up with names. "Here they are. Bob Thorn and Jimmy Henry, for the adults, the children - and I'm sure they're of no consequence, being children - we have a Sung Lee and Shimo Leary, quite polite - for children." <English>

       Malchior looks sideways toward Mia before bobbing his head. "You're allowed to leave when they start letting everyone else leave," he explains with a grin before his attention is caught by the Supervisor's grandiose environment. "Someone should check on the kids homes, if they are not here and we have the address." A look to the security guard, though for another reason entirely. "May I take a look at the security system?" Malchior questions with a more persuasive grin, holding his tablet between two hands as if he were going to try something. <English>

       Jacy's fingers dance over her own PDA, entering the names of all four of the clowns. "We'll pull in all four of them for questioning. Now then," and she smiles a humorless little smile at the supervisor as the Network Busy light on her PDA flashes erratically as the Cortex is accessed, "were the clowns who raided the place wearing the same costumes as the clowns on stilts?" The 64,000 credit question, but as her PDA pulses red four times with a little 'Record Not Found' each time, she can guess the answer. Her gaze is impassive as she looks from the PDA to the supervisor. "Who hired the clowns?" she asks patiently. <English>

       Mia sighs and crosses her legs, impatient now that she's imparted what relevant information she had, but she doesn't argue or rant-despite the obvious temptation. <English>

       Valentina nods and notices the red flashing on the ID check. Nothing surprising there. "And do you have any idea if they wore gloves, and what, if anything here they touched? We could get tace evidence, even sweat and prints if we're very lucky." She turns to the prorpietress and the guard. "If we need your system, we will take it. Of course you will get vouchered property for this. I think our techs could propbably investigate here, if you cooperated. " <English>

       The security guard glances at the good doctor, Mia, and has the grace to look chagrined this time, "This is a really popular store, ma'am. People come from all over the 'verse to order here. Sure, it's not hand made tailor stuff, but it's close to what's sold at the high end stores. We get droves of teens in here and more, they spend more credits than you'd believe. And," this time the guard looks from one Alliance officer to the next, "and a lot of them have accounts set up to charge too instead of carrying the credits in hand." He falls silent again during the exchange before giving a nod to Malchior, "Sure. If the chief will allow it, I mean," and nods toward the gray haired weak chinned man in charge of security.
       The supervisor that Jacy is speaking to favors the Alliance officer with a cool look, "How should I know? They're clown suits, they look like clowns. We rented the suits from a local outfitter and I'm sure they have dozen more like it. You'd as soon find another 10 dragon costumes as you will find ten more clown costumes that all look the same." The data is , at last, retrieved, "Ahh, yes. Jeni, in marketing and sales. She worked with a local agency who supplied the -" the woman pauses, because it's just so ridiculous, "the clowns." She sighs, "Young lady, I'm sure you find all of this routine, but we are appalled and, well, to say the least we are embarassed."
       The woman turns to Valentina and gives her the same cool look that was aimed at Jacy, "Young lady, your tone is objectionable, so say the last. And I am not authorized to make such decisions. You will hear from the owner of this establishment as to his answer regarding the system. If he says you may have it, then you will. If he declines, well, then your techs will just have to investigate here. We do, after all, have a business to run and we are now - seriously - in the red." <English>

       Jacy offers Valentina the ghost of a smile before her tone hardens. She tells the supervisor, "M'am, I need you to point Jeni out to me." If she feels any hint of sympathy for the appalling embarrassment that the supervisor is feeling, she is hiding it very well. "Now, if you don't mind." <English>

       Malchior nods before looking around to everyone. A finger points to Mia. "With me. You'll probably be most helpful.. you were here from the beginning it sounds like." He nods before looking to walk to the chief-man with a nod. "Evening, sir. Do you mind if I take a look at the security system? I don't mind if you supervise. I just want to see if there are any clues that we can draw from the footage to push us closer to a positive conclusion much sooner," Malchior offers with a polite nod of his head and a humble presentation of his badge and information. <English>

       Mia inclines her head to the security guard, "Don't beat yourself up, though I'd reccomend investing in better encryption on the information on accounts but otherwise every reasonable step which could have been taken were." She looks to the woman, "You know, your foot stomping and temper tantruming is suspicious. You should be eager to give these folks whatever they need as the more information and co-operation you give them, the higher the odds are you may your costs. As opposed to squawking yourself into being a person of interest because clearly you wish to impede their investigation." If they won't let Mia go home-she might as well take out her irritation on someone. Mia rises then and sighs, following Malchior and mutters something sullenly under her breath. <English>

       Valentina simply stands there glaring, and not saying a word. She's gotten some cooperation now, and waits to see developments <English>

       The supervisor, one Eloise Smith (according to her name tag) gives another one of those slow and dignified shakes of her head, "Jeni doesn't work weekends. She's marketing and consulting, not floor staff. I can, however, provide you with her contact information," is offered politely before she turns to Mia and says, "Well, I never," in a indignant tone of voice. She passes the data to Jacy and storms off at a brisk pace, walking toward where the other clerks are huddled and proceeds to give them a brisk lecture on decorum and company policy.
       The security guard, for his part, is more than willing to assist, but being a guard isn't the same as being chief so he simply escorts the officers over to the chief and then steps out of the way. Something about being out of the line of fire.
       Mister weak chin eyes the Alliance officers, and the badge presented, with a hint of territorial tree sniffing before mulling over the request. "Well," he finally says, shifting his attention to the ravishing woman accompanying the fed, studying her as he continues to mull things over. "I suppose that's acceptable," and continues to study Mia for longer than is polite before those watery blue eyes shift back to the fed. "I do suppose that a bit of assistance is appreciated. You have one of those.." and another long pause, the man appearing to need these pauses to mull over his words before speaking them, "technicians with you?" <English>

       Mia notes the eyeballing and her mocha cheeks gain a bit of a flush at the staring, "I was held hostage by a heavily armed clown someone in your store hired, who had a bomb strapped to him-is it SO much to ask that you keep your eyes ABOVE my chin, Mr. Rapey eyes?" She looks at Malchior, "Captain Hacov, it appears I am a distraction." Her tone polite and apologetic, unlike the simmering sass she's been flinging at the store employees, "I'm easy to find if you require anything further." <English>

       "Alright. Thank you sir," Malchior mentions before pointing to himself. "I'm the technician. I'll get everything I need then be out of your way," he mentions before looking back to Mia. "Yeah. Sorry about it.. Take care, will you?" A polite nod and a smile before he directs his attention back to business for the vening. <English>

Return to Cal Dumont"