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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Shu Chang
Class Scarab Transport
Cargo Capacity 700 tons + 2 MULEs + 1 shuttles
Command Crew
  • Owner / Captain: Phelan Daniels
  • XO: Unassigned
  • Cargo Master: Unassigned


The Mustang was orginally known as the Shu Chang. It was purchased by Tatyana Quinn, from her own personal funds after the Dawn Star was retired. While the Dawn Star crew disbursed, there were a few that were willing to stay and help with the new ship. As the ship was being cleaned up, there have been many more than have joined the crew. It houses one shuttle, the Soleil Et Lune, owned by Babbage and Rose. The ship is also associated with the Derrial Book Memorial Hospital. In memorial of a special engineer the engine was named in his honor.

In February of 2530, Dr. Tatyana Quinn's lawyers advised Dr. Zachary MacAbrams that their client had died. In her will, the doctor bequeathed the ship to Dr. MacAbrams. On March 15, Dr. MacAbrams received the ship's paperwork identifying him as the new owner, and began to advertise for new crew.

In Apirl of 2531, Dr. Zachary MacAbrams felt the burden of running both a ship and a hopsital. He began to see the ship as a white elephant. A chance meeting with Phelan Daniels, lead to the selling of the Shu Chang to the former pilot of the Guan-Yin II and his wife Mia. The ship was renamed The Mustang shortly afterwards.


Shu Chang, Scarab Mk. I Transport. This vessel is sleek and low, with keel of approximately a hundred fifty feet, and an overall length of about two hundred ten feet. The ship is wide, with a hundred foot beam, and spanning nearly a hundred and fifty feet from wingtip to wingtip. At about forty feet high, the hull is smooth, set in long arching segments like plates of armor over the dorsal section, with thruster pods under each stubby wing, and the bulge of a grav drive pod at the aft. The cockpit is slung under the forward section of upper deck, and the wide loading bay opens forward. Along the top of the craft, a low rotating pod has been added to the craft with a clear bubble for it's occupant to see out of. The entire ship is painted white, with the wings painted a blackish purple to match the accents around the shuttle hatch above, and the beam demarkation on the ventral hull. On either side of the arch over the grav drive at the aft is painted in flowing script, the name 'Shu Chang' in stylish black script letters, loosely meaning Happiness without Worry.

Org Policies

Our org has certain Policies that the org's leader, Zachary, expects you to follow if you join the org. Please review them.
