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Full name Annabelle Nightingale Skarsgard
Date of Birth March 18, 2499
Birthplace Lilac
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Green, Dark Brown
Height and Weight 5'0", 110 lbs.

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Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


Petite with curves is the easiest way to quickly describe this woman. She stands just at five feet tall, and looks as if she'd weigh no more than a hundred pounds or so. However, despite her diminutive stature her presence is still often-times commanding. Her pale, silken skin is the translucent shade of fresh cream with a smattering of pale freckles liberally sprinkled over it. Glittering green eyes peer from a face of classic beauty; high, chiseled cheekbones, a tiny nose with the hint of a curve, and full, pouting lips the woman's most striking features. The classical beauty of her face pales in comparison however to the depths and sparkle of her bright eyes. Deep green orbs with flecks of jade and gold, they stare intently, casting an almost entrancing spell upon most at whom she gazes.

Cascades of gleaming brown waves tumble in curls down her back, long enough to reach her waist. Her curls are streaked with strands of copper and auburn highlights and darker shades of henna and even jet are mixed throughout.

The woman's jewelry reveals her taste, all of it simple yet gothic. A small pair of copper earrings dangle at each earlobe, slender chains from which scarlet glass beads sway. A stack of copper bangles studded with crimson beads jingle on her left wrist. A copper padlock dangles from a leather choker, dancing in the hollow of her throat as she moves. She carries a brown leather pouch lined in scarlet lace as a purse, a few bulges here and there showing it to be full of the who only knows what. A faint trace of perfume wafts through the air around her, enrobing her in the subtly earthy scents of lavender, neroli, sandalwood, oak moss, tarragon, thyme and mint.


I’m determined. That’s really the only constant. Used to be sweet and easy to get on with, the kind of girl everyone always describes as never having any enemies. Of course, that’s when my mind was my own and wasn’t owned by the pills. These days, I’m still that girl on the inside. And on the outside when I’ve got the drugs, too. Sweet, kind, nurturing. Never one to start a fuss or trouble. It’s just when the meds are gone and I start detox that all that changes. It’s hell, everyone thinks it’s being on the drugs that makes addiction awful. They’re wrong. On the drugs everything is perfect. It’s when they’re gone that everything goes to hell, my personality included.


I was born on Lilac, dad was from there for all sorts of generations in his family, mom was… Well, more or less mom was a mail order bride. No one on Lilac is going to be called rich anywhere else in the ‘verse, but by Lilac standards, we were really well off. Well off enough that I knew I’d be able to get a core education if I ever wanted it. And after growing up in a place with too many injuries and not enough doctors, I wanted it. I wanted it BAD. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I learned early on how to shoot a gun I had the quickest draw of any girl my age, and quicker than most of the boys, too. It’s more that I thought of raising the gun and it was just there than it ever was about ever actually drawing it. And I practiced long and hard until I was an equal shot with one hand as I was the other. The reflexes came naturally, but the ambidexterity needed a LOT of work and practice. Overall, though, it was worth it. I learned how to protect myself and my homeland and my family from an attack. And I was damned good at it. But it didn’t hold my heart. That belonged with medicine. When I was nine, I saw a kid fall off a combine and lose his arm to it. I had to carry that arm to the house of the closest doc, and then I watched it get stitched back on again. I was hooked. I was going to grow up and be a surgeon.

Doc always had more patients than time, so after school and on weekends, he’d let me play receptionist. I’d prep rooms, put away files, just small things at first. Pretty soon though, he could see I was watching every move and could remember just about any instruction he ever gave, and on the really easy stuff, by the time I was fourteen, he’d let me take vitals and then watch while he’d set bones and do other small stuff. By the time I was sixteen, he was letting me wrap ankles and hand him tools when he was working alone out in someone’s field instead of in a proper sort of clinic. There are definitely things I’ve seen and heard in life that I wish I could forget, but overall, that nearly total recall of a memory has come in handy more times than not.

I went to Sihnon when I was eighteen and did my undergrad there, majored in biology with a minor in parties. Classes were mostly a repeat of what I’d already seen in the field, and I was anxious to get my hands on real patients. The drinking, gambling, and pile of pills helped distract from the anxiety, though, and soon enough med school had arrived. I headed off to Ariel and was one of the top ranked students when I started the program, and was top rank at the end of it. I had my pick of internships, and that’s where I decided to stay. And it’s also where the partying minor got the best of me. The gambling I gave up easy, life and death is definitely a better rush than cards. The drinking, not so much of a problem either. Loss of coordination isn’t a big draw when you’re in surgery. But the pills? Oh… They’re just lovely. And there’s one for everything.

My favorites are the ones that take the edge of anxiety off. Take away your fears and leave you invincible. Because a doctor can’t doubt. When you’re a little too soft, there’s a pill to perk you up again, too. But I got caught, and tossed out of residency. And that’s where I am today… Addicted to the pills, kicked out of medical school a year before my final boards, and no clue what the next step is gonna be. I either need a bottle of drugs or a meeting, and it’s probably even odds as to which one I’ll stumble over first. I’m kind of hoping it’s the bottle, though. The anxiety gets so bad without the pills that it’s like I’m paranoid all the time. The Alliance are after me for the things I’ve done to get the drugs. Dealers are after me because they want more money for the drugs. Kids are after me because I taste like sugar. Some of them make more sense than others, but without the meds, I’m more paranoid than an android in a Douglas Adams novel.

Family History

Dad was a farmer. Well, more accurately, dad supervised the crews who farmed his land. Back on earth that was, he would have been a Plantation owner. But, out on Lilac, it’s just called farming. And the help aren’t slaves, just indentured servants. Not sure I’ve yet figured out the difference between the two, but according to social acceptability, guess there is one. His ancestors owned that same set of acres on that same rock pretty much from the day it finished terraforming up until now. And, if I ever make any babies to pass it along to, that’ll continue pretty much forever most likely. Though, odds are, with the way life’s been going, the Skarsgard land might just finally be sold off at the end of my generation.

Mom on the other hand… Mom’s a stunner. Folks around Lilac like to spread the rumor she used to be a Companion. She wasn’t, but she likes the respect that it gives her to let them think it. In truth, she was a mail order bride. Her parents were from some rock she never speaks of, got in over their heads, and sold her off for a damned good profit to Dad’s dad as a wife for his son. I still wonder if they like each other most days, but they’ve at least grown to respect each other. Mom’s a teacher, and I think I got my love for learning and my curiosity from her. Of course, I also have a feeling my love for gambling and drugs come from her side of the family, too.

Education and Employment History

Annie graduated top of her class with an undergrad in biology and pre-med at Sihnon University. She attended medical school on Ariel, and again graduated top of her class, leaving her with her pick of internships. She interned at Ariel's top hospital, and stayed there for her residency as a surgeon as well. Her final year before boards she was applying across the 'verse for cardio-thoracic fellowships when she was kicked out of her residency program in her last week. No longer guaranteed her top pick of fellowships, or any fellowship at all, Annie's career path changed. She stumbled over a cortex ad for the Red Angel, and for the moment has signed on with them as part of their security crew until she can figure out her next step in life.