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Warning, Kyoshiro is a... SAP.jpg

Kyoshiro Mibu
Full name Kyoshiro Mibu
Date of Birth 1 January 2488 (42)
Birthplace Bernadette
Parents Unknown
Siblings Unknown or None
Spouse None
Assignment Chief Cook, Jia
Specialization Cooking
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Crimson Red Eyes, Black Hair
Height and Weight 6'1", 162lbs
Status Active
Education Information
  • Government Grooming Program/Alliance Military Academy
  • University of Londinium
Employment History
  • Current: Chief Cook, Jia
  • Previous: Commander, Alliance Military. 2506-2520. Retired Honorably with many Medals and Commendations.


A hansom middle aged man of Japanese and Anglo decent standing about 6 feet 1 inches tall and weighing in around 160 pounds. He has angular features and a serious demeanor. His hair is cropped short into down facing black spikes that only go a little past his ears. His eyes, the most prominent feature on his body, are a crimson red with a thousand yard stare found on soldiers, which might draw attention to him. He is clean shaven except for a bit of stubble and doesn't often show expressions. He is fit, and appears to be strong, walking with a swiftness that could only belong to a warrior.


He wears a white wool button up shirt, the top two buttons undone, which is tucked into pin striped pants with a rolled under hem. The pants are held up with brown leather suspenders which are secured snugly around his shoulders. Over the shirt and suspenders, he adorns a long button-up black or dark blue jacket with a pointed lapel. Occasionally, the sleeves of his white shirt might stick out from the sleeves of the jacket when he moves. His feet are covered by black work boots, sturdy and kept clean. To some he might look like a business man from an 19th century frontier town.


Pre PC:

The Beginning:

Kyoshiro never knew much about his parents. He was told, when he was old enough to understand, that they had died in a hover car accident on the busy skies of Bernadette when he was just a small babe, though, he had always doubted the validity of the story. The life he knew instead, from what would otherwise be called normal, was a showering of military discipline and life. Instead of having a carefree childhood, he was taught how to shoot a gun, and kill a man. The Alliance at that time was running an experiment, raising children to be killers. The only effective way to do this was by picking up Orphans after a careful screening process, and entering them into this 18 year training program designed for maximum effectiveness, all the while keeping their existence classified. Here they would learn tactics, tracking, spotting, shooting, as well as older disciplines. They never let the children out, not until they were old enough to graduate from the program. Those who failed, disappeared forever. It's possible one could have felt an attachment towards an instructor, but the instructors kept their distance.

Kyo kept to himself, a quiet child, who was more interested in the books put in front of him and the lessons that were to be learned. His social awkwardness was not at all helped by the pair of unnatural red eyes he was born with. Doctors poked and prodded, but were baffled by why his eyes had developed into this color. A mutation, maybe, it didn't matter. He excelled in certain subjects, mostly of the physical nature. Deadly with a Katana, his instructor would say, with the patients of an age old warrior. He could beat most anyone in his program during a Kendo bout. Maybe it was his willingness to prove to his peers that he was as good as them even though he looked different. However, he still pushed those who seeked to give him approval away, uninterested in their company. He'd rather study for the next exam. In the end, he was either respected or feared.

The Cook:

There were very few things that Kyo actually enjoyed doing, Kenjutsu, Kendo, and Iaido were one. Karate-do, Jujitsu, Judo, and Aikido were the others. However, he wasn't all to passionate about it, He liked them and saw the necessity for them in his life, whether it be self defense or in service to his state or to continues his current existence, but they never warmed his cold calculating heart. Until he met the program's cook. He was an older man, by the name of Jason Joseph Nightroad XI. A culinary genius, Kyo often found himself helping in the kitchen, and if there was ever a father figure in Kyo's life, it was him. Jason taught him the philosophies of man and introduced him to civilian literature, and a love for cooking. Years passed and Kyo honed his culinary skills, seeing it as one of the only arts he could possibly possess in his otherwise sterile and military existence. He wouldn't realize the importance of these lessons until later, though he did know one thing, his cooking brought a certain light to his life.

The 'Verse, War, and Demon Eyes Kyo:

When he was eighteen, subject 001138, name Kyoshiro Mibu, graduated at the top of his class and official transferred from a ward of the state to conscripted military service. He had learned more if not everything in his 18 years at the institute to prepare him for service in Black Government Operations. There were regular subjects as well, and because of his heritage, he had taken an interest in Japanese. Those graduating were required to learn at least one language other then Mandarin and English, and of course his unofficial mastery in culinary arts.

He took all this with him when he got his first assignment on Persephone. Getting himself there was interesting, and a culture shock. It was his first memories of the civilian world, and even though he had been warned of the different taboo's and how to act in these settings, it still surprised him. To say the least, he walked briskly to his next assignment.

With in the first few days of his first assignment ever, the War of Unification broke out. He remembered the news leading up to it. He really didn't think much of it. He was taught, if they were to go to war, it was his job to do the bidding of the state. He was an instrument of war, a born killer, and would do what he must to complete his mission.

They inserted his team into the deep Independent Occupied rim world of Shadow, where they dressed and acted the part of civilians. Black Operatives did not dress in uniform, or camo, when on missions. They were to look like terrorist, and in effect were. They would raid towns, blow up factories, and kill commanders in their sleep. Attack training area's and annihilate anything on that world they deemed to help the Independent Industrial War Complex.

They were hunted after, and with the natural attrition of war, he was the only original member of the team left. They sent replacements of course, and he had become the defacto leader. The Independent's, his team, and the Civilians in the towns that they harassed knew him by the name, Demon Eye's Kyo. The deadly terrorist who wielded nothing but a Katana. His eyes became the focus of his personality on this Rim world and he was personified as a demon and a cold blooded killer.

He never had a problem killing other men, or seeing men killed, after all he had trained for it all his life. He never got close enough to his subordinates to form any kind of relationship. It was all strictly military for him, which in turn lead his subordinates to think of him as the ruthless Commander Demon Eyes Kyo. There was one mission though, that would change his life forever.

Mina McCarthy:

It was supposed to be a simple mission, but somehow information about their movements were leaked and before they could set out on their mission, their safe house was attacked by a rather large contingent of Independents. It was only natural. The longer you stayed in one place, the more likely you were to get caught. They had stayed on the planet for too long, extraction was called in and all they had to do was keep a good distance from the pursuing Indies before their extraction vehicle came through. Kyo was shot through the chest before his team was able to make it to the drop vehicle and was captured by Independent Forces.

He awoke in a hospital, well, what was sufficient for a hospital on the Rim. It certainly wasn't anything the Alliance could offer. However, he was impresses for he was healing, his wound on the mend. There was a nurse next to him. His red eyes studied her and he asked for water, which she gave. Her name was Mina McCarthy, a civilian contractor, and despite the guards that they had on him while he healed. They got to know each other. She had a daughter, whom she was raising by herself and with all the stories she shared, he felt apart of her life. He fell in love, even if he was oblivious to the feelings.

He was to be put to death once he heeled for his crimes against the commonwealth of Shadow. He found it funny that they would do such a thing only after healing him. But, there was honor in killing a man at full health. Mina was devastated and pleaded the local commander to spare his life but it was to no avail, she had fallen in love too and came to know the man behind the Demon Eyes.

As it was, he was only allowed to give the information of his rank and serial number to his captors, never once did he relent to information that would compromise his state. He walked towards his death, he head held high... He didn't count on an attack from the Alliance that day. The base he was being held at exploded in a flash of gunfire and bombs as a drop ship came in and picked him up. Turned out, the millions the Alliance had spent on his training were more precious then he thought. He was relieved, and told the Pilot to turn around and grab Mina and his Daughter, pulling rank on the Lieutenant. However... he was under orders from higher up. Distraught, he watched from Orbit as Mina, her daughter, the only love in his life, was destroyed in a global nuclear assault. Shadow became a waste land and he would forever be bitter towards the man who caused it.

The Battle of Serenity and The Message:

He was there, leading a deep penetration mission to break the lines. It was viewed as an instrumental maneuver during the hell that was the Battle of Serenity Valley. After his time with Mina, and the Independents there, his heart was half in the battle. He had lost his want and need to be apart of the state and do it proud. And once the Independents surrendered, he was more then happy for the peace. After the war they stuck him on a counter terror detail. An ironic placement for someone who was once a Terrorist in a sense. He did his work, though it soothed him, he was still bitter over the death of Mina, and chasing around Dust Devils was not helping him cope.

The Message about Miranda was the last straw. Himself, being the product of a secret government experiment, was convinced by what he saw. On the Rim, when chasing Dust Devils, he had run into Reavers and knew exactly how dangerous they were. They, indeed, were the only thing that scared him. He retired once his contract was up, in 2520, at the age of 32, at the rank of Commander with numerous medals and commendations, all of which meant nothing to him now.

The 10 year itch and A New Journey:

He went to culinary school, yes, cooking school. His art in killing was not necessarily going to assure him a good career. He spent those Ten years living off the Government Pay and Pension which he never spent a day in his life, and put it towards his education. A Doctorate in his lovely Culinary Art. He felt a bit better, but was still lost through his school career. He never made friends, even in college. Everyone was far to young for him and didn't have his thousand yard stare. Often, the students thought he was a Professor auditing classes.

When he received his degree, he has wondered what he could do. He enjoyed a simple life, or thought he might, a life like what Mina had with her daughter. He heard there were only two jobs that could do that. One with a boat in the black, or one on a ranch. Well, to him, he knew he liked the stars... So the choice was easy. The starts could help him find his way, just like they did for the Sailors on Earth That Was.


Recently, after a journey to Persephone in order to head to Paquin to seek employment aboard the Jia, Kyoshiro actually ran into the commanding crew and was taken on after a brief chat with Captain Faoite McGuire. He now starts his Culinary career in earnest. Captain McGuire, in a private conversation on their way to the shuttle, informed Kyoshiro that he knew who he was, having had a long career in the Alliance himself.

One one of the first days with the Jia he met a women by the name of Aisha Hearne, a Romany women who seemed to be friendly with the crew, considered family to some of them. He did not realize it but he was taken aback by her, not just by her looks, but that she had recognized his name dropping subtle hints in order to convey this to him.

Fao, feeling it best not to mention his first name in public, took to calling him Mibu... old habits die hard. It was revealed later, after Fao's catch for becoming permanent crew was to explain why he left the Alliance, the Captain McGuire was the pilot that whisked him away from Shadow on that day. Explaining to the Captain that 'Something Beautiful had been taken from him on that day.' Made him start thinking about the Alliance differently was all Fao needed to hear. The two shook hands and a deal was made.

After discussing his need of quietness regarding his past with the Alliance with Fao, he visited Aisha on her ship, the Gryphon, in order to convey this same message to her. He found out then that she studied some of his techniques in her own Spec Ops training and that's how she recognized him. He was not surprised by her willingness to keep his past on the down low and as an after thought asked her for a dance if she was to attended Aliya's concert on New Hall.

Attending Aliya's concert on New Hall, one of the Jia freelance passengers he had become friendly with along with her 'friend' and fellow crew mate Russell, in support of her singing and preforming career. The show went well except for a bit of a disturbance by the Cortex Personality named Hal Seiser. Though, the birthday boy, Captain Rickart, dealt with the heckler rather well, he was still not impressed with the man's handle on pubic behavior. To Kyo's disappointment, Aisha did not show up at the show.

Aliya preformed a rather provocative chair dance at her Show, which caused Kyo to think of her in ways which mad him blush and feel uncomfortable. He's been doing well keeping this to himself and our of his mind since. He baked her a cake, which she loved, in celebration for her first big show.

In Russell's attempt to get to kno Kyo better, some things about his past have come to light. When Russell was feeling doubt about his courage at 088 and his lack of redeeming himself over his past crimes, Kyo said "There are worse crimes you could have done. I have committed Murder on more then one account."

Russell responded that perhaps he shouldn't disclose so much seeing as he was not out of Alliance scrutiny just yet. "My crimes were committed in their name." Was the answer Kyo Gave. Russell has reopened the case on what exactly causes Kyo's Irises to be red.

Doc Holliday has also tried to dig deeper into Kyo's past, asking about his martial arts experience, though when Kyo was being purposefully vague about his skills other then cooking, Doc sensed there was something more to it all and that they'd talk about it later.

Several incidents have happened in the past few months: One there was an attack on the Jia en-route to Persephone from Paquin. An old colleague from the Academy, one Mark Wellis, thought to be dead boarded the ship attempting to do something with it. He was Stopped by Kyo and Doc in an epic Tag Team effort.

Inside Mark's corpse's pocket there was a sheet with Fao's info all over it which was given to the Assassin by a man named Kerklin who signed the document. Since Mark was considered dead to the Alliance, he must have been a hired hand in a third party faction.

When the Mandate for Angel came through, the ship traveled there with protest but did it none the less. Forced Cargo hauling was something the Captain hated more then Pirates or Slavers. Upon landing, and getting a few runs in, Miss Danee was attacked at one of the auctions, poisoned with an natural anesthetic which is usually only found on New Hall. While searching the Ship, Kyo found several Camera's and a Homing Beacon.

While the ship was on Beumonde, or Angel, Kyo had a hard time telling planets apart sometimes. They picked up a lovely blond girl by the name of Yossarian who was broke, not even wearing footwear. Kyo still developed a crush on her.

It wasn't until Russell was arrested that things started to get bad, though he got to meet the lovely Calira Dumont in the process. With Russell leaving and Yoyo spinning into a drug using selfish person, it started to get messy. Yoyo was somehow greatly affected by Russell's departure, and even though she could see him at any time she wanted, she decided to somehow take the weight of the world on her shoulders and decided no one on the crew cared about her. Kyo tried to dispel this, saddened by the state she was in by confessing his feeling, which Yoyo disgustedly threw away by saying she thought she was Gay.

It didn't matter to Kyo if she was Sly or not, this was an enlightened society where those social norms died long ago. Still Yoyo ran away. She found her way to Russell and Captain put him in charge of making sure she stayed out of trouble.

Kyo thought that maybe Yoyo was in love with Russell, he had some sort of enchantment effect on her much like he did Miss Aliya. This is when he first started to doubt who Russell really was on the inside.

During this interim, however, Kyoshiro met a beautiful young Doctor by the name of Oliana Nalu who's father had patched him up during the Battle of Serenity Valley. A spirited yet shy girl who he found to transfer his affections onto, this time she returned the gesture. Having had somewhat similar experiences in life, the two grew close in a matter of days and entered into a relationship.

While courting Miss Nalu, Yoyo OD'ed again and along with the Doctor, rushed to Bernadette to see if she was okay. While Captain dealt with the Issue of Russell failing his assigned mission, Oliana and Kyo went to Persephone for a few days. He could not face Russell or Yoyo, knowing that she'd only leave anyways because the only person able to influence her was Russell. All hope was lost in what ever kind of man he thought Russell was. At least he had Oliana to comfort him.

With Yoyo leaving to join Russell's growing Harem. Kyo left his beloved Oliana to return to the Jia and help rebuild her numbers. That was always her strength, her numbers. At least he had a room to himself now. Though, he did not leave Persephone without seeking a part time Job at the Bounty Hunters Guild, in order to spend more time with Oliana in the future. They promised to make it work no matter how far apart they were.

Now that the ship is quiet, it's time for her to sower the black once more. This ship never stops.

Theme Song

'Until the End of Days'

The Hymn of a Broken Man

Times of Grace

