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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Full name Martin Lewisham Porter
Date of Birth July 10, 2491
Assignment 63rd Federal Division
Specialization Repressing Citizens
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Brown hair, blue-green eyes
Height and Weight 5'10" 170lbs
Status Inactive
Military Service

2501: Completed Basic Training
2502: Completed Infantry School
2502: Assigned to 81st Federal Division
2506: Promoted to PFC
2511: Promoted to Corporal
2521: Assigned to 63rd Federal Division

Martin Porter is a corporal in Fox Platoon, a unit of the 63rd Federal Division, detached to the IAV Quaestor. His dry wit and flippant attitude have caused a slowdown in his career, something that bothers him none, and often encourages misunderstandings and confrontations in his dealings with citizens, something that bothers him a little. Word has it that he comes from old money in Ariel, but he doesn't talk about his family, which only fuels speculation. Hobbies include literature, politics, sports, and avoiding formal complaints.