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Axel Dmitri Cho
Axel Cho.jpg
Full name Axel Dmitri Cho
Date of Birth 04.Oct.2505
Siblings none
Assignment CEO and Gunsmith, Ricochet Arms
Specialization Tech Specialist
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Blue/Brown
Height and Weight 6ft/150 lbs
Status Active


Born on a small Wren-class freighter to a pair of smugglers, Axel was almost destined to be a bit of a miscreant. His mother was Romany, cast out of her clan when she fell in love and ran off with a young Chinese-German Smuggler by the name of Friedrich Cho. While growing up, Axel's mother taught him the language of her people as a game to play as his father just could not grasp the tongue at all. When the young man came of age, the Wren was simply getting overcrowded. His parents took a load to Persephone and while Axel was off getting some fresh supplies, they left the planet. He came back to the docks and found only a courier handing him a note:

Dear Son,

You've grown to be a fine young man, now it is time to quit sucking on our proverbial teet and strike out on your own. Keep the change from the supplies and sell the supplies. We wish you the best. Oh, and your mother wishes you luck.

Good Luck,


Well, Axel was definitely pissed off, and it only took him a few days of drowning his sorrows to run out of money. When that happened, he realized that he'd have to find a job, something he'd never had to do before. Sure, he knew the ins and outs of the ship he grew up on. Hell, he'd developed a knack for technical aspects, so he figured finding a job wouldn't be too difficult. Wow, was he mistaken. Finally, after a month of eating at soup-kitchens and sleeping in whatever hole he could find he found an Alliance recruiter.

Well, the man thought, why not? Besides, it would definitely piss off his parents. Sadly for Axel, he couldn't pass the physical fitness requirements for joining the military, so got saddled with the Department of Alliance Security. Having little background and no real records of his identity on file, it took him a good while before he received his clearance, but once he did, the young man was put in uniform, given a badge and put through training. While he was far from the top of his class in weapons training and tactics, the young recruit excelled in both piloting and technical fields and graduated with honors from the advanced technical school.

His first assignment was the DAS offices on Persephone, where he was in charge of general maintenance on the stations pair of A.S.R.E.V.s and often worked with the station's quartermaster on maintaining the armor and weapons issued to the officers assigned there. While he may not have been the best shot, he did have a natural knack for tuning weapons and even designed a few items to assist in the field.

When the brand new building on Londinium was built for the Dept of Alliance Security, Axel was transfered there, finding not only a series of testing labs but his very own office, with the placard on the wall saying 'Axel Cho - Armorer'. Quite thrilled with this, the young tech was in heaven. Not only did he have testing labs, but he even had his own office complete with coffee machine and minifridge for storing in his favorite energy soda, Caf-Pop... All the sugar and Triple the caffeine!

Realizing that the company armory was overloaded with multiple different style weapons, mostly leftovers and hand-me-downs from the Alliance military, Axel started putting together specs and requisitions and was a front-runner in having new weapons brought to DAS. The first of which was the DAS-Autoshot pistol followed soon by the DAS-Multishot sub-machine gun which shared a common caliber round both available in light armor piercing and a soft-cased electro-stun round.

By far though, was what he considered his Opus. Axel began construction on a robotic dog, the DAS-10 Botweiller which he nicknamed Dioji. With the assistance of Specialist Suzi Flynn, who coded the artificial intelligence program and computer interface, the project was finished in a matter of months, mostly thanks to lots and lots of caffeine the bot was finished and shown to Alliance brass where it received high marks and he managed to keep his job even though he had gone way over budget on the process. Things seemed to be going great for the young tech.

Of course, life has a way of turning the good to bad, and when Paquin was attacked by the Pirate Commonwealth, Axel felt as if he had to assist. While he was not clearly attached to the Romani clans, he still had that passion flowing through his blood. The young tech put in the proper papers and was on the first Alliance shuttle to the planet, with his robotic dog at his side. While he wasn't the strongest, or the best trained out there, Axel and Dioji managed to work together in assisting the rescue crews, saving the lives of dozens of people who had been trapped by debris who wouldn't have been found without the robotic canine's advanced sensor package. Axel swore, at the moment he went from search and rescue to cadaver searches, a vendetta against the commonwealth. From that day forward, his goal was to find and research ways to assist the Alliance in crushing these terrorists.


Axel stands around six feet tall and is quite thin. The man's dark hair, complexion, and eyes hint at possible Romany decent, though his blue eyes and the slight hint of a German accent point to another heritage. He's not a large man, weighing around 150 pounds, in fact the man is on the high side of scrawny. His hair is usually a bit of a mess and in need of cutting. A pair of gold hoops go through his left ear and another through his right nostril.

Covering the man's body is a form-fitting body suit made of a spidersilk analog material giving him decent protection without the cost of mobility. Dyed navy blue with a nametag embroidered with the name <CHO> on his left breast just above the pocket. Often, the man wears a long white lab-coat over the armor. Various tools and meters poke out from the multiple pockets on most occassions. On the man's feet though are a pair of purple fuzzy slippers with rabbit ears and vampire fangs sewn on.
