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Full name Marquesse Iliana Calira 'Cal' Dumont
Date of Birth May 25, 2487
Birthplace Paquin
Parents Alexander Charles Dumont (father/deceased)
  • Amelia Antoinette (mother/deceased)
Siblings Antonio Ethan Dumont (older brother/deceased)
Spouse Rokusaburo Michiba, Daiymo (Earl)
Assignment Director Alliance Central Intelligence
  • Colonel - Alliance Special Operators (Reserve)
  • Co-owner of Kal's Custom Weapons
  • Bounty Hunter
Specialization Security
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Dark Brown/Dark Brown
Height and Weight 5'6"


Status Active
Education Information
Military Service

Security & Special Investigations

  • Parliamentary Gold Medal



      The helmet worn with the suit of armor that this individual is currently wearing would, if not latched and sealed, reveal a face and profile that has been called 'hawkish' in comparison, and rightly so. Thick dark brown hair that is lightly threaded with silver is swept back from her face in an intricate braid that casts her profile in bold relief, the tightly coiled hair wrapped around and knotted to offer a bit of extra cushion to the helmet as it sits upon her head. Changeable dark brown eyes of the exact shade of her hair, one moment a warm brown and the next deepest black, are quick to get lost in as they are her best feature. These dark eyes survey the world with a steady, direct gaze, and are set beneath slender and slightly arched eyebrows. A thin pale scar traces along the upper curve of her left cheekbone, the trailing edge leading perilously close to her left eye. A nose that is slightly too long for her profile draws the eye down to full lips that are so often set in a firm line. The angle of her chin and set of her jaw lends to the over all impression that she is one of those calm and level headed individuals, this impression is augmented by the challenge that can easily be glimpsed in her gaze.

      Within the confines of the armor she is a trim 5'6" with a slender and wiry build that conveys the further impression of compact strength and economy of motion. The Department of Alliance Security 'Sentinel' armor that she is sporting is a new design to help accommodate the tactical needs of the DAS. It's lightweight in bulk but capable of resisting small arms fire fairly easily. The armor itself depending on the operational needs can be colored dusky white for arctic locales, grey and black for urban and so on. The DAS emblem is visible on the right chest, the left chest carries a stenciled name and rank, though in this case the only name visible is Dumont, no other accompanying initials or rank indicators. There are compartments and pockets built into the composite shell and plated armor that allow the operator to not only stow medical gear and various electronic gear but the built-in water reservoir allow the operator to drink during long operations. The equally built-in tactical webbing/harness let the DAS personnel store a side-arm, spare magazines, flash-bangs and other gear of their trade as well as clip into place a backpack or rucksack onto the back. The back has a very visible, light- sensitive panel that can be ripped away to read 'FEDERAL'. The helmet can be worn with or without the armor, when worn with it it seals onto the neck and the grey-black visor helps decrease sun glare and the built in respirator can help filter out smoke and most common gases.


  • DAS 'Sentinel' Armor


  • Dagger "Seonaidh"
  • Dagger "Beira"
  • Wakizashi
  • Katana "Ikkakujuu"
  • Mateba Autorevolver "Anubis"
  • Desert Eagle 50AE


  • Alliance Department of Security Badge

Brief History

     Iliana Calira Dumont, known to most as just Cal, is the 2nd of three children from the union of Alexander Dumont and Amelia d'Narvose. Born on Paquin May 25 of 2587 she was a something of a 'tom boy' though that's only a lose comparison and category to try to put a label on her childhood. Her elder brother Antonio was of the sort who would be suspected to drown puppies and pull the wings off of butterflies and, later in life, proved to be precisely that sort. Her younger sister, Lirin, inherited the grace and loveliness of their mother along with the medical and artistic talents that made her a child prodigy in many ways. Between the dark promise of her brother and the light and talent of her sister, Cal was something of a misfit. Eventually she would leave Paquin at a young age, young enough to have to lie her way into the Alliance as nothing more than a volunteer and spend years working her way up the ranks before making the leap to officer status in her late twenties. The battle of Serenity valley was not one that she was present for, though countless friends, colleages and comrades in arms - friends she would make later on as well from both sides of that particularly grim day in history - were there in abundance. She retired from the Alliance in her mid thirties only to be drawn back into active service nearly eight years later.

Recent History

  • 2522-2528

     Granted, in the Dumont household, things are rarely ever quiet or uneventful for very long. The house was nearly leveled by a bomb in 2523, though luckily no one was seriously hurt and the library survived - more or less. As the years pass Cal has returned to her work as a Bounty Hunter, and while not terribly active in the guild she spends time helping to train the novice hunters and, in the doing, keeps her skills fresh as well. She works as a freelance security consultant, crewing for friends of the family or various ships that have need of someone with a skilled eye and unbiased outlook to help brush up protocol to keep the crew and ship safe. So far she's worked briefly on the Red Angel, learned a lot from the crew of the Dark Dragon and spend some time on the Jia before returning to her home upon Paquin.
     Her friendship with Kallahan Shamaria turned into a budding business arrangement that led to her becoming co-owner of Kal's Custom Weapons. She continues to pursue work as a freelance security consultant and alternately spends her time and energy at that task or, on a slightly whimsical note, being a beach bum on Paquin and surfing the best of the waves.

  • June 2528

     In a surprising turn of unexpected events, or perhaps in an attempt to make truth of the saying May you always live in interesting times Calira and Lirin learn that their mother was in fact the daughter of now deceased Marquis De Narvosse. This revelation of data comes almost immediately upon the heels of a request on behalf of Alliance high command that returned her to active duty status at her retiring rank of Colonel. Another flurry of sudden changes brought her from simply a Colonel in the Special Assignments Division to the Director of Alliance Central Intelligence.

  • 2529

     A year of changes. From civilian life to military life to civilian life again, only as a civilian in the service of the Alliance. The renovations of the Dumont home upon Londinium takes months of effort and countless credits to begin to rebuild and restore it to what it once was. The Alliance shifts its DAS headquarters from Londinium, facilitating a shift in politics and the paradigm of power wrangling. And love.

  • 2530

     A new year approaches and mysteries await. War? Perhaps. Justice? Maybe.

Gift Giving

     In October of 2526 the long awaited marriage of Cal's sister Lirin Dumont to Sinklar Fist was accomplished - despite the whims and chances of fate or anything else that might've contributed to the day. This is the memory box that Cal gave to her sister and new brother-in-law to celebrate the occassion.


Izumiya Gift Box

     It appears to be a hand crafted box of warm woods that are reminiscent of the Katsura and Hakone regions of old earth. This beautiful puzzle box exemplifies the time honored traditions of wood working and craftsmanship of the like to make this himitsu-bako box something that will be treasured forever. With three sliding sides and two sliding keys, the cover box itself measures approximated 5.9" x 3.95" x 2.36, the interior compartment is polished satin smooth. The image upon the lid is done in both hand tinted paint and careful wood inlays that depict a mountain scene with gauzy clouds in the sky, a fertile field and a farmer leading a horse along the foothills of the mountain.
     This Izumiya gift box comes with a pamphlet and an instructional diagram, along with two delicate wooden keys that are suspended from a pair of black silken cords. Both keys are required to open this memento gift box and only the correct combination and the use of the keys will open the inner chamber. Once the box is opened these words are found inscribed within in flowing script: "Two hearts, two minds, two souls together for a lifetime. Two keys to open the box, two pairs of hands to unlock the puzzle, two lives entwined to unlock the future. All my love, ~ Iliana Calira Dumont".

Quotes & Rules

Here is a complete list of the current quotes and Rules found on Calira's +finger info.

RP Logs

  • Calira Dumont - prologue - A summary of Calira's history, the building blocks that form the foundation for the person she became.
  • Storms and Weapons - What better way to pass the time during a thunder storm than to discuss weapons, modifications, the fraility of human nature, etc.?