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Latest revision as of 10:31, 11 October 2012

New Horizon, Part 1: Shake, Rattle & Roll
IC Date: Aug 22, 2531
OOC Date: Oct 10, 2012
Location: Paquin, Ariel, The Black
Participants: Braedyn

Each Uisge - Common Area, Paquin.

This room is large and spacious. To the fore is the access hatch leading to the Bridge, and to it's port side is a spiral staircase leading up into the Observation Deck. Comfortable couches and chairs line the walls, and a large cortex screen for watching vids is placed so each of the chairs and couches can see it. Set aft of the lounge area is the table, fitted with six comfortable chairs bolted into place. Aft of the table is the kitchenette, complete with a refridgerator and freezer for storing foods need to be kept cold or frozen, a stove for cooking, a sink for washing dishes, and plenty of counterspace for food preparation. Lining the walls above the counters are cupboards for storing dry or canned foods and dishes. Drawers below the counters hold various utensils used for perparation, cooking, and eating food. Aft of the kitchenette is the access door to the Medical Bay. A hallway runs along the port side of the hull, allowing for access to Engineering.

It's late afternoon by the time the crew gathers on board the ship for a short run to Ariel to pick up some equipment for Kal's workshop and some medical supplies for the ship. Everyone is there, including Kal and the baby.. though right now they're both upstairs napping. Leaving Carmen free to roam about the ship checking on this and that as they prepare for launch. She seems excited to get underway, glad for the excuse to take a little trip even if it's not a long one. Just one more step toward her life becoming 'normal' again, as it were. <English>

Russell makes his way out of Engineering, the reactor up and running and it's hum reverberates through the ship. He makes his way over to the sink to wash his hands, then grabs a thermos from the cabinet and fills it with cold water to drink from. "Things are all set, Carmen, everything checked out okay." <English>

Morrison looks almost his normal self these days. He's still using a cane, but it's mostly just for balance and so he isn't constantly putting his full weight on his leg - he seems to be moving along well in his recovery. While he hasn't been officially back on duty, he wasn't going to miss being underfoot while the crew was heading out on a mini-adventure. <English>

"Great!" Carmen replies, enthusiastically. She's carting around a mug of mint tea herself. "We can top the tanks off while we're on Ariel, too. Two birds, one stone, et cetera." Leaning over the counter, she taps the kitchen intercom and says, "As soon as we're at full power, go ahead and take us up, Donnie. We're ready as we're going to be." Then she turns and leans against the counter while she waits for things to happen. "You know, you could have invited Suzi to come along..." she comments to Russell, sipping her tea. Then she notices Morrison lurking and smiles at him. "Hey Morrison, how's the leg?" <English>

Russell grins at Carmen's enthusiasm and leans on the counter of the galley, nodding as she lays out the plans. "Sounds good to me." Then when the woman asks about Suzi he shakes his head, "She had to get back to work. She's not off again for the rest of the week. And... I like things how they are." Intermittment. Space. Good. He looks over at Morrison. <English>

"Decent, really." Morrison offers. "I haven't been running any sprints on it, but it feels pretty good after my exercises. Just find it tires out a little faster than the rest of me so I like to have the stick nearby to lean on if I'm on my feet for a long time." He stretches it out from his seat and wiggles it around to demonstrate. "Hasn't had a full examination yet, but as far as I know my own body I think it's healed up. Just getting the strength back." <English>

Seren comes down from observation, boots sounding out on the stairs. A wide grin is present on her lips as she surveys those present. "Did I miss anythin'?" she asks playfully before heading over to one of the sofas. She sits down on the arm. <English>

Nodding at Russell's answer, Carmen moves her coffee mug a bit, swirling the tea around inside it a bit. "Alright, well, if you're happy, I'm happy." she says, before her attention shifts back to Morrison. "That's good to hear. That it's doing better, I mean. You'll have plenty of chance to sit and rest this trip, I'll wager. Clancy was talking about bringing out some guns for you to clean, but... I'm more inclined to play a game of cards. Who's up for some go fish? Or... Uno? War? Crazy 8's? Canasta?" She lifts her mug to Seren in salute. "Not just yet, but if Donnie doesn't get us in the air soon I'm going to go do it myself." She chuckles. <English>

Russell gives Carmen a smile and a thumbs up. Then he goes back to watching Morrison as the man wiggles his leg around and he smirks a bit in amusement. His blue eyes wander back to Carmen, "I started reading a 'Basics of Spaceflight' book. Want me to give it a try? Can't be that hard, right?" He questions of flying the ship, grin widening. Then Seren gets a nod in greeting. <English>

"Great idea. You bring us into the air, Russell, and I'll take over your duties. Anything that doesn't work, I just shoot it, right?" Morrison rubs idly at his leg and shakes his head. "Man. No more cards. I've played so many hands of every game I can think of in the last few weeks. I'll never take for granted being able to leave the ship and walk around again." He looks up as Seren arrives, greeting the woman with a smile. "Hey Seren." <English>

"I offered to make the games more interestin', but nooooo. You said you didn't want to see me naked," Seren pipes up, holding up a hand as if to fend off Morrison's words. Talk to the hand. The grins she wears shows it to be a joke. Maybe. "How long is the trip goin' to be, boss?" she asks. <English>

Carmen laughs at the antics of her crew, leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug of lukewarm mint tea. "Well, there's something to be said for cross training, but in the interest of not crashing I think I'll take care of it this time. Russ, you're welcome to observe." Not that he hasn't observed her launching and landing enough times, but... perhaps not with an eye toward learning. "No cards. What the hell are we going to do for two hours?" she can be heard to say, the words drifting over her shoulder as she heads for the bridge. <English>

"Sure, I'll watch..." Russ agrees, his grin widening at Morrison's words. "If you ever go in that Engineering Bay and shoot the reactor, I might just have to beat you up, Morrison, and I'm not a violent guy." He says in amusement, then looks back to Carmen, "We could make popcorn? Watch a movie?" <English>

"I had no problem with you naked, Seren. It's that you beat me nine out of ten times. I'd be the one wandering around without pants. Not anyone's idea of a good time." Morrison chuckles and shakes his head, shrugging. "I don't really have any better suggestions. I'm sick of cards, but I could still play. I'm pretty sick of anything that involves sitting. I'm hard to please." <English>

"*I* was entertained," Seren corrects Morrison with a lopsided grin. Dark eyes shift to Carmen. "Cards works for me. Or the movie. I'm fairly easy to entertain." She tilts her head towards Morrison in mock meaningfulness. <English>

"I like popcorn, and I like movies." Carmen responds, positively enough, and then she and Russ are gone to the bridge. Moments later, a distant rumble can be heard as the engines come to life, and the lights flicker briefly as the power systems switch modes. All normal. About a minute later, the thrusters fire and the ship lifts light as a feather from the surface of Paquin, soon leaving the ranch behind as it jets toward the upper atmosphere. <English>

As the talk of Morrison being without pants is nurtured, Russ can't help but can't a glance to Carmen with a trace of embarrassment on his face but he doesn't say anything. Instead he goes off with Carmen to learn how to press the 'launch' button.. and all that other flying stuff too. <English>

"Easily entertained." Morrison grumbles, shaking his head and glaring at Seren without anything behind the look. He sighs and leans back into his seat as he feels the ship start to leave the ground. "I always feel very useless during this part. Though, I guess it's best when your security team is feeling useless." <English>

Seren chuckles softly and waits until the jerking is done before she gets up. She heads for the kitchen. May as well go ahead and start the popcorn. "You want somethin' to drink? I know what you mean, though. But, hey, two hours and we'll be useful so... rest up," she teases. <English>

It's not a very long flight, but it's long enough for an in-flight movie and some popcorn. On the whole, it's good for the crew to have some bonding time, since they so often seem to be off doing their own thing of late. Nonetheless, Carmen excuses herself when the proximity alert triggers, taking her bottle of root beer with her to the bridge to oversee this landing thing. Not long after that, the ship shudders faintly as the afterburners are disengaged and the ship begins to slow... then there is the telltale gentle shake as it brakes atmo. And then... a few moments later, Carmen's voice on the intercom. "Uh, Russ? Small problem up here." <English>

Russell is decked out on the couch with his feet kicked up and snacking on popcorn. When Carmen's voice comes over the com though, he lifts a brow and glances at the other two before standing and passing the bowl off to Morrison to hold before he makes his way to the bridge. "What's wrong?" He asks as he pushes the hatch open to peek in. <English>

Morrison frowns at that declaration, but he doesn't comment - not many problems he can really help with in the air. He glances across the room to Seren and shrugs just a little, watching Russell moving to deal with the situation. <English>

Seren looks less than thrilled with those words. "Problem after we've broken atmo but before we've hit ground. That doesn't sound good," she mutters. Rising to her feet, she crosses quickly over to the sofa, her walk shaky from the ship. Settling down beside him, she reaches for some popcorn, regarding him soberly. <English>

The first thing Russell notices when he pokes his head in on the bridge is that the ground is rushing up at them awfully fast. "She was green across the board until we broke atmo, I've been trying to throttle her down but nothing's happening." she says, trying to adjust their heading so that they don't just, you know, rocket to the ground. Then she sniffs the air. "Is something burning? Oh shit!" There is a *zzzap* and a flash and suddenly that burning smell gets stronger. Carmen recoils from the console, jerking her hands back. <English>

Russell tests his Systems:transports against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (23).

Russell's blue eyes get very wide when he sees that scary image of the ground getting very big in the viewport and he rushes over to the console, "Nothing? No power? No response? Did you switch to the backup relay on the co-" Then there's that electric pop and flash and he reaches for Carmen's arm to try and haul her out of the way so that he can get at the console, "Try the co-pilot, and call for Seren to bring the fire extinguish in case there's an electrical fire." He says in a rush, then gives a quick, tentative tap of the panel to see if it'll shock him, and if it doesn't he'll reach to pull it open. He really hopes this isn't from when he was sick and made all those 'badass' modifications in the bridge... <English>

Morrison's expression is set carefully neutral. The flight of the ship doesn't feel right and he knows it - but he doesn't really have much he can do. He watches as Seren sits. "Should we go up or stay put? We'd likely just be in the way." <English>

The console does still have power, actually, and it's flashing all sorts of interesting colors like a carnival ride at the moment. Carmen have throws herself and half is pulled out of the chair so that Russell can get to the console, not needing much prompting to fling herself into the co-pilot's chair. She hits the button to bring the other console online but it's maddeningly slow and all the while the ground is getting closer and closer. "Seren!" Carmen barks, after smacking the intercom. "Bring the fire extinguisher! Everyone else buckle up! It's going to get bumpy." Orrrrr they might just feel the one, as the ship makes itself a new crater on the landscape. Either way. <English>

Since a nap seems to have become interrupted, a sleepy looking Braedyn wanders in. Or more like, he limps in, favouring his left leg. Lifting his left hand, he brushes a bit of hair from his face, taking a look around and attempting to clear sleep cobwebs from his brain. The ship doesn't feel right, but since he doesn't know much about it, he doesn't really know if that's a bad thing or not. Better to presume it's a bad thing. His violet gaze turns to Seren, then Morrison, and he raises an eyebrow slightly. "What's goin' on?" he asks, an Aussie accent colouring the cast of his words. He's wearing a pair of flannel pants, a dark plaid, and and old t-shirt that looks as though it's seen better days. "Erk... I should have stayed in bed," he mutters after the intercom announcement, limping his way to a spot to get himself buckled in. His first ship crash, yay! <English>

Russell tears the panel aside and jerks back before he gets a lung full of acrid smoke. He may be a chain smoker, but electrical smoke is nasty business. "Fire." He says with an informative sort of insistence, but he's keeping his cool. He waits just a moment to look through the mess of wiring, then reaches in despite the flames (better to get burned than die, and all) to grab ahold of a thicker cable and give it a quick tug to pull it from the modular plug and cut off the power to the pilot's console that's burning up. "Is it working??" He asks of the co-pilot console while he's doing this, because he can't see from where he's kneeling on the floor. <English>

Carmen's call answers Morrison's question. "I'll be back..." She rises and races along, giving Braedyn the briefest of nods on her mission. A few seconds later and she's on the bridge with an extinguisher, ready to start spraying. The sight of the ground fast approaching does little to calm her nerves. White foam starts gushing forth, covering the console as she tries to brace herself against the chair. <English>

Morrison doesn't buckle up. "Dying by the sounds of it." He offers to Braedyn. "Fires on the bridge are never good." Seren is moving faster than he is these days, but he has little interest in sitting tight. He follows slightly behind her toward the bridge. Maybe his extra pair of hands will be useful. He's also not pleased by the view upon his arrival. "Shit. This puts the Ferris Wheel to shame." <English>

"Come on baby, come on baby..." Carmen whispers, alternately watching the console as it starts to flicker to life, and the surface of Ariel in the viewport, the city in the distance glinting like a diamond in the afternoon sun. And then things go green... except for the things that are flashing a very angry and alarming RED. But they're kind of aware of there being a problem at this point, so it's only minimally helpful. Grabbing the manual controls, Carmen starts pulling on the stick, trying to get the ship's nose back up even as she's frantically trying to get it to slow the hell down at the same time. The ship starts to shake, rattling pans in the cupboards, weapons in the cabinets, and fillings in teeth. "Yes... no..." Carmen answers Russell, through gritted teeth. In desperation, she fires the reverse thrusters and the ship sounds like it might just come apart but the nose starts to come up and the angle of descent starts to change..." <English>

"Not up there! Down here." Russell says sharply to Seren, the words pitched to get her attention, not scolding. "Inside the panel!" He slides out of the way so that she has easier access, but will reach for the nozzle of the extinquisher to help her shove it in right where the circuits and wires are burning up. A spreading electrical fire could kill them almost as quickly as the ground could. <English>

Seren isn't offended by Russell's correction by a long shot. She shifts as bid, forcing herself not to look out the window. "Comeoncomeoncomeon... We're not goin' to die. We're not goin' to die..." It's really all she has to contribute. The fact that she's not just passing out really is impressive to her own self. <English>

Braedyn looks to Morrison, and he manages to give a small smile before nodding. "Sounds like. I don't know about you, though, but I have no intention of dying on a crashing ship and leaving little Moira without a father," he says, a note of determination in his voice. And this is true. Since he's not much good at fixing ships, or piloting them, or making them do anything that they need to do to NOT crash, he stays out of the way. And he buckles himself in, preparing himself for what could be the worst. The ground could kill them, the fire could kill them. But Braedyn would rather that neither of those things kill any of them, today. He closes one hand over the other in his lap, hands clasped. <English>

The fire is quickly smothered by the foam once it is sprayed in the right area, and Carmen seems to be having some luck turning the ship away from its collision course with the lovely world of Ariel. She disengages the reverse thrusters before they tear the ship apart, but the ship is still rocketing forward and not decelerating much at all. "Hang on!" she hollers, swerving to avoid colliding with another ship that apparently didn't see their rapid change of course. The ship rolls over, rearranging all sorts of things, but at least it doesn't collide with anything. And then things smooth out as they break atmo again, still on the same course, but moving past Ariel now as Carmen collapses back in the co-pilot's chair. "Holy shitfucking monkeys." <English>

The sudden roll throws the firefighter off of her feet. After all, she's not buckled up into anything. Seren grunts as she hits the ground, losing her grip on the extinguisher which, now spent, goes skittering across the floor. "Ow..." she complains from the ground though it does not appear that she is truly injured. No blood or oddly twisted limbs. <English>

The cane actually comes in handy! When the ship bucks and twists, Morrison uses the stick and his free hand to good effect so as not to go flying across the bridge. He manages to mostly keep his feet and not twist his bad leg in any permanent way. "Fuck me." He grunts, getting himself straightened as he surveys the scene and guesses that they're safe for the moment. "Everyone alright?" His eyes watch Seren in particular, but she seems to be in one piece. <English>

Russell reaches to unplug a few more wires as the fire is smothered with spray foam, spitting out a bit of the foam that blasted back into his face. As the ship rolls, he's already on the floor, but gets tossed back against the side of the console. As they make it back into atmo and things start to level off, Russ pushes back to his feet and moves to tear another panel off under the casing between the two flight stations, checking for signs of the fire having spread. "Yeah.." He answers Morrison vaguely. His hand is burned, but not too badly and that can't really be seen under the coating of white foam. <English>

"Yeah, we're okay." Carmen says too, though a little unnecessarily at this point. "She's still spinning at full speed though, I can't seem to get a signal to the engine from here either, something might have gotten shorted out when the other one sparked out." She gets on the intercom at this point, to let everyone know they're not going to crash and can unbuckle for now. The little ship continues moving through space, seeming most content to continue doing so indefinitely. Well, until it runs out of fuel anyway.

Russell doesn't see any signs that the fire has spread, but there is some scorching along the underside of the panels he's pulling up. Yeah, he's definitely going to have his work cut out for him. <English>

"Yeah," Seren murmurs, sitting up and rubbing at her shoulder. "How screwed are we?" she asks as she makes it slowly to her feet. She's going to be no help at all here and she knows it. <English>

Hang on? Sure, Braedyn can do that. And he does, but he stays quiet for the time being. Mentally cataloguing what's in the medical bay and where it is. If he prays to whatever gods or goddesses he worships, he does so silently. Once the ship has smoothed out, he unbuckles himself, and heads for the nearest first aid kit before heading towards the bridge. Just in case. He steps into the doorway of the bridge, his violet gaze passing over each of them in turn. "Anyone hurt?" <English>

Morrison seems to echo Seren's thoughts, but he doesn't voice them. He's well versed at staying out of the way and taking orders when a situation is beyond his abilities. <English>

Russell climbs out from and gets to his feet, moving over to the co-pilot console to get a look at how the computer isn't talking to the engine. "You still have steering thrusters?" He asks, wiping the foam from his hands onto his shirt. "I can cut the power to the afterburn and the engines, and then maybe we can slow it down with the thrusters? Would take a while..." He glances over at Seren, "A lot of fried circuits. I'm not sure how bad it is yet. Carmen saved our asses though, with that flying." <English>

"Steering thrusters, check." Carmen answers Russell, then responds to the rest with a simple, "Do it." With that settled, and the ship at least not flying directly at anything else, she turns her attention to the others. "We'll be fine." She says, confidently, "Just a little off schedule, is all. Everybody in one piece?" She waves off Russell's compliment. All in a day's work. "We'll know more once Russ has had a chance to look at things. In the meantime, I'll make cocoa." You know, because all near-death-by-crater experiences demand cocoa. <English>

Seren shakes her head at Braedyn, flashing him a grin. "I think we're alright, doc," she murmurs, running a hand through her hair. "Though, I think it's safe to say that our blood pressure's a little elevated. How about you? You alright?" she asks softly. Dark eyes follow Carmen as she rises. "Hey yeah... Thanks for not lettin' us die just yet, boss." <English>

Braedyn gives a small nod to Seren, a small smile coming to the corners of his lips. "Oh, aye... I think that part's a given," he comments, a thoughtful note to his voice. "Near death experiences tend to cause that. Oh, well... I guess I'm as all right as can be, all things considered," he muses, then lifts a shoulder in a faint shrug. His violet gaze turns to Carmen, and he raises an eyebrow slightly as he watches her before he gives a small nod. "Cocoa is good," he says, a hint of a smile coming to his features again. <English>

"I could certainly use a drink." Morrison admits. Whether or not cocoa is on his mind is unclear. He turns away from the bridge and makes his way back down toward the common area. Heart is certainly racing - no need to exercise at all. Just have near death experiences. <English>

Russell gives Carmen a nod in confirmation, then slips past the crew to hurry off to Engineering. It's not long before the afterburn is cut off with a manual override, but there won't be any indication since the reverse thrusters don't kick in automatically like they normally do to slow the ship and there's no sound in space! It's going to be a bit before he'll report back. <English>

Meanwhile, Carmen does exactly what she claimed she was going to do. She makes cocoa. Kal comes downstairs with the baby for a little while, both seeming none the worse for all the excitement. It takes Russell some time to make a full assessment of the situation, and meanwhile the ship just kind of floats along with the engines off, driven by its own momentum. Carmen returns to the bridge with her cocoa once it's ready and sets to trying to slow them down using the thrusters but it's not working very well. Time passes, and after about thirty minutes Carmen asks Russell to power down all but essential systems to conserve fuel. Everyone is pretty much left cooling their heels at this point. <English>

With things calm at the moment, Braedyn carries the first aid kit back to where he had retrieved it from, securing it again. He's too awake now to bother going back to his interrupted nap. And so instead, he starts to limp his way towards the galley towards the hunt of some manner of food that could be considered breakfast for him. <English>

Morrison returns to his seat in the common area, watching as everyone else mills about, waiting for news of what happens next. <English>

Russell moves back and forth between engineering and the bridge a few times, then eventually ends up on the bridge for a while after lugging a tool box in there. When Carmen asks him to shut everything down, he heads off to take care of that, and the ship gets very quiet and space is very black through the viewports.

The mechanic returns to the common area to report, "Okay.. so... There was a discharge in the power relay, that's what caused the console to shock like that and start the fire. When that happened, a bunch of circuits sent overcharges to other systems. It fried the hydraulics on the pilot controls, that's why the console wasn't responding anymore."

He rubs at the back of his neck, "Some of the overcharge spread to the co-pilot controls and burned out the chips that communicate with the engines. I.. think I can work something out with older parts that are laying around in the engineering bay and if I gut the bikes or the MULE, but... I don't know how long that'll take.. or how effective the parts will be." He looks at Carmen and Kal, "Might be worth sending out a distress signal. If the damage spreads we might have more power failures." <English>

Sitting at the table now with a little irish in her cocoa, Carmen takes in the diagnosis with a neutral expression, nodding here and there. "Okay." she says, eventually. "Then it sounds like we have the beginnings of a plan. I'll put out the distress call... I guess theoretically we should have done that a little sooner." she looks a little sheepish at this, but covers it with a sip of cocoa. Right about that time, the proximity alert goes off, detecting... something. Carmen's brows lift as she looks toward the bridge. Then she hops up, leaving her cocoa behind, and sprints for the bridge. <English>

"Only problem with the distress call is that it's listened on more by pirates than by those that may actually help. But, I suppose it's better than dying - " Morrison's commentary is cut off by the sound of the proximity alert and Carmen running toward the bridge. <English>

"No one's dying!" Carmen calls over her shoulder. <English>

"Even around Ariel?" Seren asks, her forehead creasing slightly. "I would think the heavy Alliance presence would dissuade the pirates..." <English>

"A lot of the circuitry is fried up, Morrison. I think taking a-" Russell starts to respond, but he's cut off by the proximity alarm as well and he watches Carmen sprint to the bridge. He glances at Morrison, then looks to Seren, "We're not that close to Ariel anymore, we're moving at pretty solid trajectory away from the planet now... but yeah, we should still be in Alliance space." He's not any kind of navigational savant. He heads for the bridge, concern on his face. <English>

"Good point, though, safer here than a lot of places. Still. Space is big and plenty of pirates look like legit operations until they find some juicy prey." Morrison sighs and pushes himself to his feet again. Enough bodies on the bridge, he doesn't follow. "Not that I'm trying to be negative . . . " <English>

"If we're not too near to Ariel, then where did we end up?" Braedyn asks, appearing with a piece of buttered toast and limping towards the bridge. It works for food, at least for the time being. Curiosity is something he sometimes has too much of. Lifting his free right hand, he lightly pulls his fingers through his hair. <English>

On the bridge, Carmen kills the alarm and drops into the copilot's chair, glancing at the sensors and then peering out the window. "Huh." She says, eloquently, stroking her chin as she peers into the black. And that's where Russell finds her. "Do you see what I see?" she asks, sparing him a glance and then pointing. Off in the distance, some distant something can be seen floating in the black. The Uisge is still drifting a bit, gradually getting closer to what... looks much like it could be a ship, though it doesn't look to be moving or have any sort of power. Carmen taps the intercom. "I need some more eyes up here, please." Then she jumps slightly as Braedyn appears right behind her. "A ways away from Ariel, on the other side of most of the rest of the 'verse." she tells him, then points out the distant lump of whatever for him too. <English>

Russell squints, but he can't figure out much more than what Carmen has already stated. "Lemme see if I can get the visual sensors more juice to get it on the viewscreen." He says and drops down to his knees and starts digging under the console again in the wet, foamy mess. His voice drifts from inside the panel alcove, "Huh... Carmen... did one of the cats get under here and chew on the-oh... bloody hell!" After a moment something wet, furry, and very dead is tossed out onto the decking. A mouse. A second is tossed out, more charred than the first. <English>

Braedyn peers out into the black towards the lump of... something. "Huh. That's unusual. Strange by more than a bit, too," he muses. "Hard to tell really what it is, or get a very good look at it. Do we have anything that we can scan it with to try to figure out with it is?" he asks, curiosity to his voice. Then he looks to Russell and raises an eyebrow. "Eww... charfired mice," he comments, wrinkling his nose slightly. <English>

Morrison wanders up the stairs to take a look too, shaking his head. "I can't really make much out either . . . " <English>

Carmen taps the console. "Sensors aren't picking up much yet, we need to be closer." she says, pausing to look over at Russell when he curses and starts tossing out little dead mice. "Uh... maybe it's time to get the cats back on the ship again." She says, with a little wince. Mice. Mice disabled her ship! Maybe they were Alliance-programmed mice. There has to be a better explanation. Muttering to herself, she engages the maneuvering thrusters briefly to give them a little boost, sending the Uisge coasting toward the distant object a little more quickly. "I'm definitely not picking up any power signature. If it's a ship, it's just... sitting there, completely powered down. Abandoned, maybe." <English>

Russell crawls out from under the console again, wincing. "It's bad under there..." The man says. He pushes to stand, gazing out the window again. "If there's no power... should be empty." The man says thoughtfully, but there's a wariness in his eyes all the same. His paranoia is probably going to town inside his head right now but he keeps it to himself for now. "Might have parts we need..." <English>

Whatever Russell did down under the console, it allows Carmen to zoom in and bring up a projection on the view screen. The distant object is in fact a ship. A Scarab, by the looks of it, which some might recognize as the class of ship the Mustang is, since everyone has seen it parked at the ranch the last few days. She's clearly seen better days, just kind of floating there on her side from the Each Uisge's current point of view. But up and down is pretty relative in the black. "I'm not generally one for illegal salvage, but... in this case I'd make an exception." The ship floats closer, and as it does they're able to start making out more details. The hull looks intact, there are no obvious signs that it was externally disabled or shot at. "Well, I'd suggest a vote but... my ship, my rules. I think I can get us into position to get a seal using just the thrusters. If we can, we check it out. I won't make anyone go over that doesn't want to, but... right now this is looking like our best option." And that... may not be saying much. <English>

... To Be Continued ...