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Latest revision as of 10:40, 12 October 2012

New Horizon, Part 2: Dead Space
IC Date: Aug 22, 2531
OOC Date: Oct 11, 2012
Location: The Black
Participants: Carmen

Continued from Shake, Rattle & Roll

Carmen estimates that it will take about fifteen minutes to reach the ship and maneuver into a position to dock with it, giving at least that long for everyone to figure out who will be going over to the derelict and who will be staying (relatively) safely on board the Uisge. There are five EVA suits available, all of which have been recently tested and are known to be in good working order. Or at least Clancy says so, and no one challenges him. Carmen leaves it up to the crew to decide who will go over; she'll be staying behind to monitor the comm frequencies in case there is any chatter. She decided to hold off on sending the SOS until after they know if they can repair the ship using parts from the derelict. With the ship powered down as it is... they can stretch their fuel for quite some time. <English>

Morrison doesn't consider it a question that he's going to make the trip. While his leg isn't 100%, it should do well enough given the conditions. "I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous about entering abandoned boats now. For some reason." His palm tabs on the hilt of his weapon. "This time, however, we'll be a little better prepared for any sort of unexpected company. Though. It looks awfully empty over there." <English>

Russell leans against the hatch to the engineering bay, his eyes on a datapad that he dug up. "So... I was actually looking at the wiring and components with a friend of mine on the Mustang not too long ago, and a lot of the parts for the Scarab are the same that are used on the Harpoon." He says with a studied focus on the display in his hand. Then the mechanic glances up and looks at Morrison, "If there's no power, there's no life support or gravity. Have you ever worked in zero g before?" He asks and a small part of him is suddenly rather grateful that McGuire insisted on all those damned suit drills and space walk exercises, as much as he despised them at the time. <English>

"Hah. Understandable. But with the power out as it is, I can't imagine there's anyone still alive in there. Granted, there wasn't on the *last* abandoned boat we boarded, but... I'll be sure to let you know if I see anyone coming." Carmen says, then snaps her fingers, reminded of something. Lifting a hand, she touches her iComm and says, "Comm check." Then she nods a bit at Russell's words. "Fortunately, we shouldn't have to worry about any space walking... provided we can get a seal, you can just walk over. But you'll need to use the mag boots. I hope it's not too hard on your leg, Morrison. Are you sure you want to go over?" <English>

"Leg will be fine. I wouldn't be up here if I thought I wasn't any use." Morrison replies to Carmen. It doesn't seem like bravado - he does seem to think it will hold up. He looks back to Russell. "I haven't done a lot in zero gravity - but I've been there before. I know my gun still works. What else do I really need to know?" He nods at the same time to Carmen's words. "Even easier if it's just mag boots." <English>

Donnie descends from where the crew cabins are, a piece of paper tissue in his nose to stop a bleeding, the skin around his left eye red and swollen, his shirt buttoned up but with the buttons in one hole too high. Apparently he dressed himself in a hurry. "Now that's quite the rude way to inform a person his nap time is over," he comments as he steps onto the bridge. Eyeing the mess, he lifts both brows in a silent question of what the fuck? <English>

Russell grimaces at the thought of mag boots. "Well, as long as there aren't any holes blown in the hull or anything when we go in, we won't have to use the mag boots all the time once we're inside." He comments thoughtfully. Then he looks back at Morrison and shrugs, "Just keep in mind that there won't be breathable air outside your suit, so if you start to feel nervous, let someone know." No, the man doesn't sound thrilled, that's for sure, but he's pretty sure he needs to head over there, since he's the one that knows what they're looking for. "I'll grab some extra torches and the tools we'll need." He heads back towards the engineering bay. <English>

Carmen turns to look toward the stairs at the sound of feet descending, frowning a bit as she gets a good look at Donnie. "Wow, um... I feel like I should apologize or something but at least you're not dead." Well, that's one way to look at it. The Captain smiles wryly, tucking her hands in her pockets. "Since you're awake now, you can help me dock with our new friend. Mind the charified flame retardant foamed mice." She gestures toward the bridge. "Long story short, we had a slight mechanical malfunction that has put us a bit off course and left us with only maneuvering thrusters to work with. We came across a potential salvage target, so we're going to dock and see if we can find what we need to repair the ship." She nods at Russell's words. "Yeah, absolutely." <English>

"Hopefully it should be a quick in and out and on our way. It shouldn't really take us too long to salvage from an empty ship." Morrison has begun pacing. His cane is forgotten. He lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "I'm pretty much ready whenever we can get attached. Let's get this done and go visit Ariel." <English>

Russell lets out a little 'hah' at Morrison's estimate on time. Then again, Morrison wasn't around the time Russ set the engine room on fire, or during the great flood. After he gets to engineering and collects everything he needs into a no-gravity friendly bag and takes all the tools plus some extra flashlights down to the cargo bay. Then the man returns to the common room and crosses over to the galley to start digging through drawers for.. something. He brows are narrowed tightly as he searches. After a few minutes he pulls out a pack of gum and pops a piece into his mouth to chew. <English>

"Oh, Dear God," Donnie sighs as Carmen summarizes their situation to him. "Objects in Space, boy, isn't that just adorable?" He looks at the main flight controls and frowns; his gaze shifts to the co-pilot controls and his lips contract into a sour expression. "Just one set working? That will prove challenging," he observes, looking out the viewport to see what everyone hopes will be their saviour. He looks at Morrison and Russell, then, and offers, "be careful out there. Extra-vehicular walks can be mind-numbing, just to see the sheer depth of the Black. I know I like to have some room around me, but the whole 'Verse is just a mite too vast even for me." <English>

"I'll try not to look down." Morrison replies dryly. If only it were that easy. He stops his pacing and finds a place to settle, forcing himself to relax and enjoy the rest in the remaining moments before going across to the other craft. <English>

Clancy and the rest of the security team that are on board have been collecting flashlights and such, checking to make sure everything is fully charged. While Carmen herds Donnie toward the bridge, explaining, "They won't have to do an extra-vehicular walk if you can get a nice tight seal. No pressure. Or, technically, full pressure. Hah!" Clancy rolls his eyes a bit and starts getting the gear and personnel down to the cargo bay. One of the five suits is rather small. It's Carmen-sized. This means that Sanyu, being the only other person on the ship about Carmen's size, will be going over with Morrisson for security. "I'm going to stay here and listen on the comm. Once we're docked, you can go with the others if you want, Donnie. Your systems experience might be valuable when it comes to helping Russell look for what he needs." <English>

"Here goes nothing," Donnie murmurs as he slips into the seat. His hands hover over the instruments for a second, just half a inch above them. "Yes, darling, talk to me. What have you got for me?" One of those quirks of many a pilot is that they see their ships as actual animate beings that they can communicate with. He takes control of the helm, and with minor adjustments, barely noticable, he corrects the Uisge's course. A little roll to the right, a little pitch up... It's a matter of one or two degrees at a time, but it will be just those little details that will make for a correct docking procedure. "I'd love to go along," he says with a nod to nobody in particular. <English>

Russell chews on the gum for a moment, then adds a second piece for good measure. Yeah, he'll be stuck with the gum in his mouth for a while, but he can always swallow it!

"Come on, Morrison, let's get ready..." The mechanic heads down to the cargo bay to suit up, checking his com unit, air pressure, power levels, and all that good stuff that Clancy already checked over but he's gonna check it again to be sure. Then he tests the grav boots, making sure they lock to the decking well. Can never be too careful when you're going into an instantaneous-death environment! <English>

"I'm coming." Morrison replies, pulling himself up from his seat and following Russell down to the cargo bay. He mimics Russell's actions as it sounds like the technician has a bit more experience in these situations than he does. Always follow someone that looks like they know what they're doing. <English>

Donnie tests his Pilot:transport against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-2).

Donnie tests his Pilot:transport against a 52 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-8).

Carmen lingers on the bridge with one hand on the back of Donnie's chair, watching out the viewport while he maneuvers the ship into position. No back seat piloting, she just hovers and watches, waiting to give the go-ahead once the link is established. It's a Captain thing. Of course, doing this with most systems offline is rather difficult. Donnie does the best he can, and the two ships are soon docked, but he comes in a little heavy. A bump is felt throughout the ship, followed by a reverberation as the clamps lock in place. The ships are linked, but now they're *both* drifting. "Close enough for government work. So to speak." Carmen tells Donnie, then pats him on the shoulder. "Go ahead and head down." Then she taps her com. "Green light. Clancy will seal up the hatch after Donnie goes down. once he's suited up, you're good to go. Godspeed and good luck." <English>

"Donnie can use that red suit that's left..." Russell comments as they're finishing up the prep work. He's got the tool bag slung over his shoulder and looks back at Morrison, "So I'll just stay back, out of your way when you head over. I don't know anything about security. Okay?"

Then the shudder rocks through the ship as they make that hard dock and Russ looks warily towards the direction of the bridge. He keeps his mouth shut. When Carmen comes over the com to let them know the link is made he responds, "Sure thing, Carmen. Once Donnie is suited up we'll depressurize the bay." That said, he makes a last-minute walk through the cargo bay to make sure everything is tied down, just in case... <English>

Donnie lets out a sigh as he bumps the ships into each other. "That wasn't pretty," he observes, "but it wasn't ugly either." He gets up from the chair and shows Carmen a smile. "She's all yours. Don't leave without us!" He jokes, before he rushes off and downstairs and gets himself into an EVA suit, complete with helmet and everything Far less paranoid than Russell, he still considers it a good idea to at least check the basic functions such as oxygen levens and pressure. "Ready when you are," he nods to Russell, testing his flashlight. <English>

"Just let me know what way to go. You might have a better idea of the layout of this ship than I do. And I don't know exactly what you need - we're moving toward the bridge, I assume?" Morrison completes his preparation and ensures that his weapon is strapped in tightly. Don't need that accidentally getting knocked out and have it drift off. "Things should be pretty routine." <English>

Russell moves back to the hatchway and waits for the others, chewing his nicotine gum and pacing a bit impatiently to get this on with. "We'll be okay. Nothing can possibly be alive over there. There's no life support running." He explains to Seren, trying to sound reassuring. Then he looks to Morrison, "Actually, I want to go to the engineering bay first. If there are extra parts that we don't have to tear out, that'll make this all a lot easier." <English>

Donnie looks around the cargo hold. "Is there anything else we should bring? I see we got some tools, but maybe some bodybags? In case we run into... unfortunate souls?" He asks, sincerely hoping that they won't. "It never harms to come prepared, after all." <English>

"Engineering it is." Morrison replies, watching Seren through his helmet. "Everyone tread lightly over there. Maybe no life, but we don't want anyone falling through a broken floor panel or anything stupid. We need everyone's eyes to make this as quick as possible - but don't wander off." He frowns faintly and shrugs toward Donnie. "I want to make sure our bodies make it to Ariel. I'm not really in the business of carting around the dead. If we have time while repairs are happening later, we can think about things like that." <English>

"Damnit, Russell... You had to go and jinx it, didn't you? Now there's goin' to be somethin' over there that somehow made it. Maybe an alien or... you don't know what but... Man... Do you seriously not understand the rules of the 'Verse?" Seren demands, her forehead furrowing in consternation. She's uncomfortable in the suit and shifts a bit. And Donnie's notion of finding bodies does little to put her at ease. <English>

[GM] The Each Uisge's hatch awaits, all status lights green. It looks to be a solid seal on both sides. However, the airlock will be a tight fit for five, but they should all be able to crowd in and close the hatch on the Uisge's side before attempting to open the hatch on the other ship. <English>

"They'll all be frozen if there are any, Donnie. There's no power." Russell answers in what he thinks is a logical assumption. "Okay, we're all ready?" He asks, glancing around to be sure. "Clancy, we're heading in." He looks back to Morrison, "That's smart. Yeah, watch for damages that might mean it's not safe. Morrison'll take point. Turn on your mag boots. The gravity's about to get weird." And then he heads into the airlock but lets Morrison stand in front. And maybe Donnie too. <English>

[GM] Sanyu crowds in behind Morrison as they make ready to depart, leaving the three 'civilians' to take the rear. She has her flashlight out and ready to go. <English>

[3457.00 MHZ] You transmit, "By the by, you're all getting hazard pay for this. Even you, Russell." <English>

[3457.00 MHZ] Russell says, "I'd prefer to talk that over later..." <English>

Donnie steps into the airlock and sides himself with Morrison. He looks at the security man and dips his head, a serious expression on his face. *Clunk*, go his boots as they snap to the ship's floor. "Don't think nothing of it if I stay at your side during the entirety of this expidition," he says softly. <English>

[3457.00 MHZ] You transmit, "What? *bzzt* Damn, something's *bzzzt* This damn connection..." <English>

Morrison tests his Strength against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (30).

Seren is a little green inside her suit as she steps into line. All she can do at the moment is wait and be herded in with the rest. <English>

Russell turns on his suitlight and a flashlight, and glances around. When he notices that Seren looks about as well as he feels, he gives her a little (albeit forced) grin, "Just think of it like scuba-diving without the fish. Or the ocean." <English>

[GM] Morrison manages to open the hatch on the other side with little difficulty. The hatch swings open into blackness, cut only by the beams of the flashlights held by the crew. Most ships have running lights of some sort inside that run on reserve power, but reserves have long since been tapped out over here. There is no gravity. There is no life support. The readings on the wrist monitors on the suits proclaim it as really fucking cold in there. But hey, no one's suit has sprung a leak yet. Panning the flashlights around, it seems like the remote hatch opens into some sort of shuttle bay. It is empty. <English>

Donnie looks at Seren, his face cracking into a wildly amused smile. "I have to say I tip my head to whoever designed these suits," he laughs. "Even you lose all grace and beauty in it." He flicks his flashlight on and walks into the Scarab class vessel, every step a fight of manpower versus the magnetic force between his boots and the surface they snap to, the sound of his footsteps echoing against the hull of this eerily empty dark cold ship. <English>

Russell sweeps the beam of the flashlight over the empty bay, his eyes flicking down to the sensor readings on his suit. He walks over to the shuttle bay doors with laborous magnetic steps, bringing the light up to see if the locks are all coupled and secure. "No shuttle, Carmen... " He says. <English>

[GM] As the away team pans their flashlights around, they see mostly empty deck and plain featureless walls. There is a viewport, though, that provides them with a lovely view of the black and glimpse down one side of the Uisge. The shuttle bay doors do not appear to be locked, but getting them open without power is going to require some muscle. Carmen answers, "Roger that." <English>

"Except if I throw up in my suit, it's just goin' to be sloshin' around all over me," Seren mutters, her expression sickly bemused. Donnie's words get a chuckles. "Sometimes I wonder just how badly you need glasses, Donnie. Let's just get this over with quick?" She plods along, looking about and feeling generally freaked. <English>

Morrison continues to sweep his flashlight from side to side, making his way across the floor toward the doors in the room. He's in no hurry - taking his own advice about stepping carefully - though the ship doesn't really show signs of being in terrible condition. "They flew off? Left the ship? And didn't come back. Seems odd." <English>

Donnie shines his light at the closed door and peers at it. "Glasses?" He asks, smirking. Is he really so at ease that he's just chitchattering, or is he trying to hide his fear behind an air of nonchalance? It's probably the latter, considering that he has explicitely stated his desire to stay close to Morrison. "It could be something small. Maybe a vital part of the reactor broke, rendering the ship uncontrollable yet otherwise intact," he points out to Morrison. "Hopefully errbody got away arright. We should try to access their logs to determine what class their shuttle was." <English>

"The bay doors are closed, but not locked, Carmen." Russell faithfully reports, then moves to cross the bay, sweeping his light around again as he ponderously moves to follow Morrison, looking for signs of anything else out of place. "If you do throw up, try to aim down, into the suit, so it doesn't float around your face." Russ offers helpfully to Seren. Then as theories start getting voiced, he comments, "Maybe, but I don't think they'd leave it out here derelict if it was only a little problem. It'd be in low-power mode with the locks engaged, I'd think..." He points, "Through there, Morr." <English>

"Oh, God..." Seren's utterance is half sigh half groan as her flashlight flits across something. "Please let them have left," she murmurs as she studies the teddy bear that just sort of floats in the beam of light. "No bodies. No little bodies," she whispers, quite possibly praying. <English>

"I'm not really in the business of solving mysteries. I just want our ship to fly again. If you can get logs and such without slowing that down, so be it." Morrison turns his gaze to where Seren's light flashes and he shakes his head. "Maybe they were just carrying a load of bears, Seren. Someone has to ship those from A to B." He tries to make the situation light, but his expression betrays his feelings beneath the helmet. "Let's move." He approaches the doors to see if he can get them open. <English>

Donnie turns to look at Seren. Following her gaze -and light beam- his eyes tooo fall on the teddy bear. The sight of it makes him swallow, and he exhales a deep long puff of air. "A crowbar would be most useful," he remarks as he directs his light back to the door. <English>

[GM] Russell has a crowbar in his toolkit. <English>

Russell comes up beside Morrison, "We'd have to get the power up and running to get to the logs... unless we pull apart the computers." He says and his eyes go over the door. "I have a crowbar. Morr, if you can pull the latch there and pump it, that should be enough to loosen the hydraulics so that we can get the crowbar in there and lever it open. They're probably frozen, might need to really ream at it." <English>

While the boys are playing with the door, Seren moves off towards the teddy. She grabs the toy from where it floats and holds on to it, letting her flashlight do a little more looking around for anything else that might give clues. <English>

"Let's do it." Morrison nods to Russell. He follows Russell's instructions to loosen the hydraulics and then comes over to lend what strength he can to the crowbar and get into the ship proper. <English>

Russell tests his Strength against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (13).

Morrison tests his Strength against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (14).

Donnie tests his Strength against a 45 difficulty. The result is successful (35).

[GM] The doors part, unable to resist the stalwart teamwork of Team Uisge. What lies beyond? More darkness. As the group passes through, panning their lights around, they find themselves in the ship's cargo bay. The manifest station stands inert against one wall, and there are a few empty crates floating around the vast chamber along with a few various bits of trash and such. To the fore, stairs and a pair of lift doors can be seen, the only visible exits from the cargo bay aside from the shuttle bay doors and the cargo bay doors. The lift is most likely out of order. <English>

"Up, I assume?" Morrison questions Russell as he steps into the room with his light moving from side to side. His steps take him toward the stairs. "If anyone spots anything, let me know. But, unless it's obvious, I don't see much reason to dig through cargo right now. We should make our way to Engineering if these stays are in good enough shape." <English>

Donnie walks into the cargo bay. There would be clunky noises if not for the lack of air through which the sound could travel. This Team Uisge suddenly is a bunch of sneaky silent bad-asses. "We don't need the stairs - we could just turn the magboots off and jump. If you ever wanted to feel somewhat like a bird, this is your chance." He looks around to see if everyone's following and, in Seren's case, still holding themselves together. <English>

Russell tests his Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (37).

With grunting and what are likely loud clatters and clangs (if there was any sound without air) they get the door open! Victory! Russell peers into the big, dark, spooky, empty cargo hold and just hangs back. He's not security. He can wait for them to go first. After Morrison moves in, the mechanic trails after him, "Okay okay, Morrison, we got it, you're in a hurry." What's that? A testy Russ? Well, his nerves are a little on edge too. He checks his attitude and ammends, "Sorry... Let's just look around and make sure there aren't any safety issues we're overlooking." The man says, sweeping his light along the hull slowly. "Clues here might give us an early warning on dangers ahead an-"

Suddenly there's a hissing sound from the man and he's suddenly jerking aside, taking an awkward, clumsy step as his light waves around wildly. He manages to keep himself attached to the deck and fights back to an upright position, "What is.. that...?" He settles his light onto sparkling things floating in the air around him, "I think it's ice. Frozen... drops of water." <English>

Seren is quiet and following along. The teddybear is still in her grip and her flashlight shifts about as she trails the men folk. She's alright. Just quiet. Russell's jerking and falling nearly collapse her hold, however. The woman tenses, her flashlight turning towards him. "Great. Abandoned ship. Children's toys. Water... Now all we need is a dead body and bunch of drug dealers and it's Newhall all over again. Just... you know... in less sexy attire," she mutters wryly, perhaps coming out a bit harsher than she means it to. Damned nerves. <English>

"Which is why I'm trying to move us forward. We don't need to be here when someone decides to show up to reclaim whatever they left. I still encourage everyone to move slowly and carefully - but with our goal firmly in mind." Morrison's eyes linger on the water and he shakes his head. "Frozen water in the air. And ground. Does that mean anything to you? It doesn't seem so wild a thing to me." He finally nods to Donnie. "Fair enough. I thought the stairs might be a slightly more controlled ascent." <English>

"Controlled or not, if we just hover up we don't have to worry about the state of the st..." He's interrupted by the hissing noise coming from Russell. "Gorram it, what's that?" He curses, suddenly letting go of his usually mannered and eloquent self. "You arright, Russ? Tell me you didn't tear your suit!" His flashlight directed at the man, seeing if he can find any signs of oxygen leaking out. <English>

"I'm okay. Just startled me when a piece of ice hit my helmet." Russell explains and moves his light over the cavernous bay again, "The layout is different from the Mustang, probably up the stairs, yeah... Is the door open up there?" He glances over to the cook, "Seren, I have a couple extra lights here, can you tie one off to the door to the shuttle bay there, so we can more easily get back to it later on our way out?" He pulls out a light to gently float over to her that has a wrist strap. Maybe if she has something to do she'll be less nervous. Then he heads over to the cargo manifest to see if there's a paper manifest posted. A date on the last cargo haul or what it was? Clues that could be had! <English>

"Yeah," Seren replies. She takes the light and heads off to tie it off at the door. <English>

"Maybe I'll take the hybrid route." Morrison comments, moving to the bottom of the stairs. Instead of climbing the stairs properly, he takes a grip no the railing and then kills his mag boots. Then he works his way up with the guidance of something hopefully attached to the ship. He's obviously not comfortable with floating up without anything to ground him. "I'll check the door up here at least." <English>

[GM] The door at the top of the stairs is open, the hatch seeming to lead into yet another darkened room on the ship. <English>

Donnie shuts his own magboots down and softly hops up and forward. There's not a lot of power put into the jump, but just enough to send him on a nice slow and smooth diagonally upward course. Perhaps being a pilot has made him more comfortable with moving three-dimensionally than most. Instinctively, he keeps his arms tightly against his sides so that there's as little as possible friction... in an airless environment, uh-huh. <English>

[GM] The ship's license and registration are displayed on the wall near the cargo doors, in accordance with Alliance law. There is no paper manifest. <English>

"Thank you, Seren." Russell replies in a conversational tone. Either he's doing better hiding his own nervousness or he's starting to grow more comfortable with the situation. "Drops of water frozen in the air could mean that they lost gravity first, before everything cooled down." He says thoughtfully as he he doesn't find a manifest, but oh look, a license. "There's a license and registration posted there. Seren, see them there?" He points the light to the wall near where she's standing. <English>

"Things are open up here." Morrison communicates, flashing his light down the dark hallway. "Can't really see much, though. But, the interesting bits are no doubt down here." He re-engages his boots when he reaches the top and pokes a ways into the hall, but doesn't seem willing to move too far out of sight from the others. <English>

[GM] The license identifies the ship as the Chronos, registered to Gilbert Galloway. Meanwhile, upstairs Morrison finds himself in what looks like the ship's commons based on what he sees by panning his flashlight around. There are a number of hatches to the fore and one to the aft. Logic dictates the engine room is probably aft. <English>

Seren turns towards the focal point of Russ's beam. She takes the necessary steps towards the license and reads it off to those present. "Maybe you should go help Morrison. I um... I think I'll just stay here. Won't be any help up there but... if you need me you can call out..." Nope. Seren does not seem inclined to go up the spooky old stairs. <English>

Russell clomps over to Seren and holds out a hand, speaking softly, "You don't want to stay here alone. Come on with me. Morr already said it's just a hall. They've already moved ahead so we'd hear if there was anything to be worried about. I'm going to need help in engineering." Someone has to hold the flashlight. <English>

"No," Seren protests stubbornly. "No. What I *don't* want is to go up there and wind up finding the one that this belongs to." She lifts the teddybear when she speaks. "Or the parents or anyone, really. What I want is to not find out what godawful thing happened here that made them leave or caused them to die. I want to not spend the next couple of weeks tossin' and turnin' because I can't get any of this out of my head. Even if it all ends up bein' nothin'. And Shuya can help in engineerin', can't she?" <English>

Russell looks at the teddy and gives Seren a nod, "Yeah, I understand how you feel. I don't want to find anyone either, but... here's how I see it. First, the bear was in the shuttle bay, which was closed off. We had to get the door open to get into the cargo bay. So, whoever was in the shuttle bay and dropped that bear? They dropped it on the way out. They had power *when* they left, to open and close the door behind them. If it was foul play? Why would they close the door? Probably some kind of critical problem with the ship and they had to abandon." <English>

Seren lifts a hand partway through Russell's spiel. "Stop. Just stop... Here's the thing, Russell. I don't care. I don't care! Paint it however you want but keep in mind that Paquin was the first planet I ever stepped on that wasn't New Melbourne. Newhall... not the greatest experience of my life. We went trudgin' through that boat lookin' to figure things out then, too. Almost didn't make it back. And now I'm in a gorram EVA suit on an abandoned ship that doesn't really seem to be any more promisin' than that boat on Newhall. I'm a chef, damnit! I don't do this! This might be normal for everyone else but it's brand frakkin' new to me and it's freakin' me the hell out. So, I don't really care about all the scenarios that are supposed to make this-" Again she holds up the teddy - "nothin' to worry about." And yeah. There's a bit of panic in her voice. <English>

"Okay.. okay.." Russell says, holding his hands up to show he's stopping. He glances up towards the stairs again, but Morrison and Donnie probably aren't dead yet or anything. He reaches his hand out to Seren again, "There's nothing normal about this. Here... How about I walk you back to the airlock, okay?" He doesn't have any judgement in the offer, just a willingness to walk her back if that's what she wants. <English>

Seren waves off the hand and shakes her head. "Really, Russell... I'll be okay. I just... I'm close enough to the airlock that I can get there from here if I need to. And if I'm here then i'll still be able to help if we find things to take over. I'm not afraid of the dark," she assures, calming a little bit with effort. "And I have my flashlight. I'll be okay." <English>

[GM] The dark is not afraid of Seren either. <English>

Russell does not look keen about leaving Seren alone here and it shows on his face. He looks towards the airlock and then back at Seren. Well. Other than the two ships breaking apart and her getting sucked out into space, what's the worst that can happen? She's not a child and he's not a parent. (that he knows of) "Alright. If you're sure. Just yell if you need anything. If there's trouble, go back to the airlock, don't wait." He'll move across the cargo bay, but doesn't climb up the stairs yet. He's going to double-check to see if any of the cargo containers are still holding cargo. <English>

[GM] "I'll stay with her." Sanyu says, having been standing there all but forgotten this whole time. She doesn't like the idea of leaving anyone behind her either. And it's probably not just because she's dating a Russian. You know how they are about ghosts. <English>

[GM] The remaining cargo containers are empty. <English>

... to be continued ...