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Full name: Alaren Edan Thalasa M.D.
Date of Birth: June 30, 2493
Gender: female
Born On: Rimworld transport
Eyes: Gray ringed in lavender
Hair: Auburn
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Parents: Tobin and Edan Thalasa (deceased)
Siblings: None
Spouse: Divorced
Children: One (deceased)
Assignment: None
Specialization: Surgery
Status: Active
Nicknames: Doc or Al


  • Beginning studies: Londinium Foundling Orphanage Accelerated Program for Gifted Children
  • Graduated valedictorian June, (2502)
  • Graduated Londinium Institute of Technology - Baccalaureate Degree in Clinical Research and Biology - May, (2505)
  • Graduated Londinium University Medical School - Doctor of Medicine, May, (2509)

Specialized Training

  • Internship: Surgical - Londinium University Medical School - (2506 - 2507)
  • Residency: Trauma Unit - Londinium University Hospital - (2507- 2509)
  • Degree in Restorative surgery granted May, (2511)


  • University Medical Center, Londinium Asst. Chief Surgeon (2514 - 2521)
  • Contracted physician for Federal aid initiative on Hera that ended in a bloody skirmish (2521)
  • Hired as General Surgeon on the medical ship Guan Yin II, (2523)
  • Hired as General Surgeon for the Black Wolf Enterprises Valiant, (2523)
  • Former CMO for Black Wolf Enterprises Dark Embrace

Personality and Demeanor

  • Cynical
  • Compassionate
  • Humorous
  • Mischievous
  • Critical of authority
  • Opinionated
  • Loyal
  • Alaren is often quiet and contemplative, but does have a volatile temper when pushed to that extreme.
  • A resilient character, a natural survivor and problem-solver.



Alaren is a slim small boned female. Her physique is shapely, but fit. Her feminine features are classically formed and are misleading of her actual age. Her complexion is slightly tanned. Her unusual pale gray eyes are ringed in violet around the iris and all the more striking framed by thick dark lashes and arched eyebrows a touch darker than her auburn hair. Her face is slightly narrow with an aquiline nose and a full shapely mouth. She bears small white scar on her chin and deep dimples when she deems to smile.

The Past

Tobin and Edan Thalasa.jpg

Alaren’s parents were missionaries, both former Allied officers. Disillusioned with that way of life and feeling that their lives had a higher purpose they gave up their lives of duty and comfort traveling among the rim planets spreading the gospel and whatever aid was needed to those who lived in relative poverty. Tobin and Edan Thalasa were very compassionate people. Both were notably intelligent and resourceful.

Me and Daddy.jpg
Her father was a strong willed man, but soft spoken. Her mother loved nature and had a wonderful sense of humor. On the move from one world to the next, Alaren was born on June 30th 2493 on a transport ship in transit. On a similar journey seven years later, the ship was attacked by pirates and her parents and their close friends were killed. Her parents hid Alaren, their only child and diverted the Pirates away from her location at the loss of their own lives. Well hidden she was only found after an Alliance officer heard her crying. At the tender age of seven she was sent to an orphanage on Londinium.

She was educated at the orphanage during her formative years and after academic testing revealed she was well advanced for her age, was placed in a program for the gifted. Alaren graduated first in her class and then aspired to become a doctor, specifically a surgeon after completing degrees in Biology and Clinical research. She enrolled in the university, achieved her doctorate and worked toward her dream of becoming a surgeon.

Alaren achieved her goal and even worked her way to a high salaried position as the assistant chief surgeon of the University medical center, however she never quite settled into the Utopia surroundings of the core world.


Becoming a fully licensed physician and surgeon was not enough to satisfy Alaren’s craving for knowledge and adventure. Alaren contracted with a government agency for a Federal initiative that she was told was for the good of the people on Hera. The whole operation went sour and a bloody skirmish took place that she still suffers nightmares from.

Alaren attempted for a life of normalcy after the slaughter on Hera, but the demise of a ten year old girl too near death to save on her operating table, the young doctor turned her disillusioned eyes toward the Rim worlds that her father had written about in his journals with bitter hopefulness. Like her parents, Alaren made her way to the outer rim where she felt her talents were better suited and most needed.


  • Mother was Scottish, Father was Welsh and Greek. "If even a distant memory of Welsh blood flows through your veins, you will doubtless have the soul of a Celtic warrior, and yet a heart full of compassion." - Phil Evans
  • Her name is a combination of her paternal grandmother's name, Alaina and her mother's maiden name, MacGaren.
  • Has a scar on her chin from a childhood bully.
  • Loves to play poker.
  • Is a shoe whore.
  • Is a crack shot.
  • Can't sing or cook.
  • Is a bibliophile.
  • Recovering alcoholic.
  • Addicted to coffee.
  • Favorite coffee cup quotes:
    "I don't do perky!"
    "Instant human. Add coffee."
