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|License Required=None
|License Required=None
|Description=A small bore rifle, the old Winchester M1894 was famed for it's reloading system, proven sturdy and easy to produce and maintain, the gun was reissued to settlers in the first years and still is around, serving as the primary hunting rifle.
|Description=A small bore rifle, the old Winchester M1894 was famed for it's reloading system, proven sturdy and easy to produce and maintain, the gun was reissued to settlers in the first years and still is around, serving as the primary hunting rifle.
|Picture=[[Image:Winchester1894.jpg|300px|Winchester M1894]]

Latest revision as of 13:45, 27 November 2013

Type WeaponType::Rifle
Availability WeaponAvailability::Common
Cost WeaponCost::150
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::95%
Weight Weight::3
Range WeaponRange::100/200/400
Ammo WeaponAmmo::.38-Standard Ammo
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::7
Modes WeaponModes::Safety, WeaponModes::Single
Skills Skills::Firearms:rifle, Skills::Martial Arts
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0/1
Stun WeaponStun::8/8
Damage WeaponDamage::4/16
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::None
Description [[WeaponDescription::A small bore rifle, the old Winchester M1894 was famed for it's reloading system, proven sturdy and easy to produce and maintain, the gun was reissued to settlers in the first years and still is around, serving as the primary hunting rifle.]]
Picture WeaponPicture::Winchester1894.jpg