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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Jiangyin |IC Date=2535/05/18 |OOC Date=2014/08/24 |Characters in Scene=Storn, Kit , Conoger (dm) |Short Summary=After saving a baby from slavers at the Mo...")
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|IC Date=2535/05/18
|IC Date=2535/05/18
|OOC Date=2014/08/24
|OOC Date=2014/08/24
|Characters in Scene=Storn, Kit , Conoger (dm)
|Characters in Scene=Storn, Kit , Conoger (dm), Aces and Eights
|Short Summary=After saving a baby from slavers at the Monastery, Kit and Storn were asked to go and see if they could gather some information if any on these slavers. This is after a threatening vid is brought to Esther, demanding the return of the baby (Now named Bay)
|Short Summary=After saving a baby from slavers at the Monastery, Kit and Storn were asked to go and see if they could gather some information if any on these slavers. This is after a threatening vid is brought to Esther, demanding the return of the baby (Now named Bay)
|Full Log=Storn nods his head, "Yeah, good idea. Probably would be a good idea to see if there are any doctors or midwives. I wouldn't be surprised if one had to go to the monastery on occasion."
|Full Log=Storn nods his head, "Yeah, good idea. Probably would be a good idea to see if there are any doctors or midwives. I wouldn't be surprised if one had to go to the monastery on occasion."

Revision as of 19:41, 24 August 2014

Caged Birdies: Two Nuts
Location: Log_Location::Jiangyin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/05/18 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/24
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Storn, Has Characters in Scene::Kit, Has Characters in Scene::Conoger (dm), Has Characters in Scene::Aces and Eights
Summary: [[Log_Short_Summary::After saving a baby from slavers at the Monastery, Kit and Storn were asked to go and see if they could gather some information if any on these slavers. This is after a threatening vid is brought to Esther, demanding the return of the baby (Now named Bay)]]
Log_Characters::Storn, Kit , Conoger (dm), Aces and Eights

Storn nods his head, "Yeah, good idea. Probably would be a good idea to see if there are any doctors or midwives. I wouldn't be surprised if one had to go to the monastery on occasion."

Kit nods as Storn and she seem to be on the same page. "That baby didn't just deliver itself," she says quietly to him as they sit on the bar, chatting and watching the locals.

Storn nods his head, "Exactly." He reaches into his coat pocket and grabs himself a peppermint. "I suppose so. If need be, my trick knee can cause problems for us."

"Yeah, best to keep on top of that. Don't want it to get worse," suggests Kit before she drinks the last of her whiskey. The empty glass is set on the table and she reaches up, high above her head, arching her back as she stretches a little. "Maybe I need to drink more to find this chair comfortable."

Storn whispers, "Well now that will draw some attention." He says of the tall woman stretching in front of bunch of guys drinking and gambling. He looks around seeing if there is anyone he knows or remembers.

Kit blinks. "Huh?" It takes her a second. "Oh." That hadn't really been her intent, but maybe Storn is right. She leans forward and refills her glass, saying to him. "There's a guy watching me. Seems a bit intent. Real casual like just glance around."

Storn leans forward on the bar and turns his head slightly to he left as though going to talk to Kit and nods, "That is sloppy, but he's watching us." He says this low so just those around him can hear. "He likely won't move until we do. Though if he does, we'll tail him."

"Or," she suggests, "I could go talk to him. Depends on what he's after." Kit sips her whiskey then sets it back down again. Amusement flickers across her features. "How're we gonna tail him if he's tailing us? Unless you want me to be bait?"

"Well, we can wait him out and make him make the first move. I'm afraid if you went over there right now, it would scare him off. Finish another drink, and then excuse yourself to go to the facilities. I wanna see what his intent is." Storn says and pours them both another glass of whiskey.

The individual that is indeed watching you both seems to be not watching you for more than a few seconds. Still something may have set him off as he grabs his glass, downs the rest and is heading out the door. In moments he is going through the door in a casual looking way, like any other man would walk out.

"Well, I believe that is our cue. He's a messenger." Storn says softly hopping off the barstool and moving towards the table by the door where the man was. "Look and see if you can tell which way he went. Luckily this isn't a major metro."

"Fair enough," muses Kit. She sips her whiskey rather than downing it, just as she has been since they arrived. She's not a quick drinker. "So on the way here I heard this joke..." Only she doesn't tell it because she frowns as the guy moves by. Kit nods and finishes off her drink then turns to follow the man.

Storn glances at the map again, memorizing it. He then leaves it in the glass as he found it and walks over to the bar to finish his whiskey. "Evaded us?" He inquires of her neutrally, and not accusing.

"Yeah," answers Kit. "Probably should have just run after him than being worried what the locals might think."

"Don't sweat it. He left a map, I just don't know if it was for us or for someone else. So let's just give it a few to see if anyone else goes by to collect it before we try to follow it."

Soon enough the waitress of the Inn comes along and starts to clean up empty tables of their glasses and plates. At looking how fast she is moving, it will take her maybe a minute to get to the glass containing the small glass and cylinder.

"You going to remember what it was on there if she takes it away?" Kit asks Storn quietly as she watches the waitress briefly before looking away. Her gaze lands on the table where the men are still playing cards.

Storn nods his head, "I never forget anything. Which is a curse at times." <total recall> He sips on the amber liquid before him. "We will write it down when we get back to the ship if we aren't able to decipher it."

"Okay." Kit doesn't know much else to say to that, but she is feeling antsy just waiting about and it's showing a little. "Maybe we can do a little race, walk around some. Look for that preacher or doctor."

Soon enough the waitress comes along and cleans up the glass with the cylinder. Then she walks to the back of the tavern.

Storn nods his head watching as the waitress goes to the back of the tavern. "Yeah, let's put our feet on the street." He slides the barkeep the money for their drinks, and gets his cane.

Kit heads towards the door and holds it open, waiting for Storn to pass through first.

Storn arches his brow as she opens the door for him, and he steps out into the street glancing around. "So which way you wanna start first?"

Kit looks around and nods the pavilion, "Somewhere big and likely to have a crowd maybe?"

Storn nods his head, "Good idea.."

As you both start to search, you two come to understand this is not a easy thing to find or understand. After a hour or so, you both take a small break at a small stand and eat, drink or what ever your little hearts desire. One of you decide to ask the merchant if they know anything about two nuts or a picture of , if it means something. "Oh Yes! It's a small shop, just in the entrance heading out towards the east of town. It's called Two Nuts and a Bargain. It works on a barter system, you bring something and the owner Lila gives you something of equal or some where close to that value she thinks it's worth." then he points in that direction and how long to get there. Now, assuming you both go to the shop, you will see the sign and the shop, with a open sign. If you enter, the bell rings to indicate someone has entered. Once inside you will see that it's old, has a whole bunch of trinkets and it smells of old person. Sure enough a old lady comes out and barely see's across the counter to you both. She gives a toothless smile and speaks in a very old way. " 'ello, you couple, me have special herbs to help in making babes"

Kit turns her head and looks at Storn as soon as the words are out of the toothless crone's mouth. It's clear from the look she gives him that she thinks this lead has promise. Maybe not only did that baby not deliver itself, but it had some help in its creation. "Well we are married." Just not to each other.

"Are you sure hon?" He asks of Kit not sure where the woman is going with this, but plays along for now. He leans on his good leg and has his cane still in his left hand as needed.

The old woman smiles brightly again, perhaps she senses a sale or just because that is the way she is. " Many folks come to me for making babies, herbs, items and a few other things that may help along the way." then she slowly comes out from behind the counter and then slowly approaches Kit. " I need to know what is wrong before I can suggest anything my dears." then she comes and looks up at the tall woman. " May I touch you my dear." as she stands there all hunched over.

Kit looks at Storn, "Oh yes, Snookie-pie, I'm sure." She reaches over and gently strokes the arm of the man she only met hours early. When the woman comes forward Kit nods, she's fairly certain Storn could take the old bat out if he had to. "Of course. I've never had a child before. Bit worried I'm too old." Which is true so has a ring of truth to it.

Just nods to Kit and smiles as she touches his arm. He does however take a slight step away to allow the woman to 'touch' Kit, and give him a better angle should he need to draw his cane.

The old woman nods slowly. " That is understandable my child, it is what makes us human." then the old woman looks to Storn as he back away and then she looks to Kit. " Please, I must touch your flesh by your stomach, to get the right feeling." then she waits patiently, his hand extended, showing her old wrinkly hand but it is clean, well as clean as you can see that it's clean.

Kit looks around and asks, "Perhaps we could go into a backroom? I'm a bit shy." Nobody wants to just lower their trousers in the front of a shop, right? Even if it's only a little.

Storn tilt his head curious as Kit asks this, but he leans on his leg using his cane for support as he waits to hear the answer. His eyes glancing around the shop trying to take in any particulars.

The old woman smiles to Kit and nods slowly. " If that makes you feel more comfortable, we can go to the back. With this, I do need you to relax and trust me. I am not going to harm you." she states politely, assuring. Though she does look towards Storn for a brief moment. " You are welcomed to join us." then she turns and slowly heads to the back room. There is but a sloth separating the two rooms and sure enough this is her living space. Tight but it has a small table, two chairs, a small stove and shelves upon shelves of herbs. The smell is intense though to the amount that there is here but at least most are in small jars. She points to a small bed, barely long enough for a child. " A seat or you wish to lay down." The bed is made and looks stiff.

Kit follows the woman into the backroom and lies down on the little bed. She adjusts her clothing just enough and lets Storn take the lead, willing to use her body to distract the woman. There are faint lines marring her flesh, old scars from ill treatment in the distant past.

The old woman watches as Kit lays on the small bed and adjusts her clothing to expose her stomach. Then the old woman moves forwards but at seeing Kit's scars he glances at Kit's face and there is sadness, maybe pity in her old aging eyes. Then she nods slowly, maybe understanding in a way but then she looks back to Kit's stomach and lays her hand on it gently. It is cold to the touch and the old woman then closes her eyes and starts to mumble under her breath. In a few moments her hand becomes warm, though just for that brief moment there is a slight smile on her lips. Soon her hands comes away from Kit's stomach and the old woman opens her eyes. " I see." she states more to herself. Then she turns and walks on over to a shelf and looks up. " Hey, big guy, reach me that book up there." as she points to a very old, leather bound book, some pages almost falling off. "Set it on the table." then the old woman goes and takes a seat. " Come child, sit there." as she points to the chair and looks at Kit.

Kit lowers her top and sits up. She looks at the old woman and says quietly, "You seem a kind woman. I bet you have helped bring many babies into the verse. Helped women like me and maybe women who have been in worse situations." She leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Women who know little kindness and fear for their unborn children."

Storn moves to get the book as requested by the crone. He glances to see what the title of the book is, and seems oblivious to what Kit is asking in small talk as he does what is asked of her. Though he chimes in, "I am sure she would have to darling. Out here I don't know if many people on planet would know how to help expecting moms."

The old woman looks to Kit, there is a kind smile given to her. " I have helped many give birth. Young wives who had trouble their first time and others who have lived a rough life." then as the book is set in front of her he nods to Storn. " Yes, true, not many can afford or even come to the bigger places to have child, most have it at their home. Sometimes I do not make it in time and the child is born." There is no actual title on the book, just a old leather bound book with papers, more lose than anything. " The planet is big, though many miles it may be, there are transportation that can cover that." then she starts to go through her book and it takes but a few moments and finds what she thinks she is needing. " My child, you have suffered a lot, I can see that, though if you would want a child, you need help or ...it may not birth right." as she closes the book and looks at Kit. " If your willing, I may have something that could help you, even make your body more willing to take in the seed of this big man." then leans in a little closer. " If you really want, could even make him last longer." he chuckles in a old sort of witch laugh, creepy in a way. " Now, I need a root, it grows by a big tree, in the middle of no-where. It stands out, it's the biggest in a small clutch of trees, dig at the base and you will find a root that looks like a human. Take it and bring it to me, then I can make something for you to take." she sounds very serious now.

Kit nods slowly and tucks away the information. Who knows, maybe she might sort out her odd marriage and need it. For now however she says, "I wonder if you helped the woman up at the monastery? The one who had her baby? You see, we're trying to help that poor baby." She puts a hand to her stomach. "I've been in that situation, held against my will - made to do things no young woman should do." Poor Storn is hearing it all today. "Can you help me help ensure that baby never has to be in such a place?"

Storn hmms thinking Kit probably needs to learn a little discretion and not charge ahead so easily, but he does wait to see what the woman says.

The old woman stops and actually blinks a bit at Kit's words. The old woman seems a little stunned as Kit mentions things. There is a long silence. " So, that is what occurred to you, I am sorry my child." there is sadness in her eyes now. " I have not helped anyone in that monastery, I thought it was abandoned or destroyed. Many years back the alliance came in and shut it down and as far as I know, no one else had gone back." The old woman closes her eyes and leans back a little. Then looking at Storn and then back to Kit there is a smile, perhaps a understanding. " Your looking for the slavers." she states boldly.

Carefully, gently, Kit reaches over and takes one of those wrinkled hands in her own. She cradles the cool fingers and nods as she looks at the old woman. "Can you tell us anything? There were women being held there and one was made to have a child. If you did not help her then it is likely none did."

The old woman looks back to Kit and then nods slowly. " I on occasion have been taken to help young women give birth. Six in the last year, all at the same place." now she looks nervous, looking towards the door and then back to both Kit and Storn. " They come, take me on a MULE and blindfold me. I know we pass that cluster of trees I mentioned to you but after that, I have no idea. Though I know it's a small shack in the middle of a woods. Always the same one and I help the mothers survive and tell them how to take care of the babies." she looks sad and frightened. " I knew they be in trouble but...they threatened my family."

Kit looks pointedly at Storn now. He's been with the outfit far longer than her, knows what kind of promises they can and cannot make for the others. But she clearly expects him to chip in now. She's bared her body, okay her stomach, and some of those dark parts of her past, now it's up to him.

"I think I know how to find this shack. Someone left a map at the inn, but it sounds like we could be walking into a trap." Jacob says quietly while in thought. "Right now, the best thing you could do for your family is send a wave to Esther, our captain. See if she will let you bring them to the monastery. We are there now, and it is defensible."

Lila looks at both of them but in the end she looks towards Storn. As he begins to speak she listens to his words and then looks down to the floor in thought. She says not much at first but then she lifts her head up and smiles, that toothless smile. " Your kind, so kind to a old lady like me." though she stands up and looks at them both. " I am old, I have not much left in life to give. My family is my life and if you promise to protect them, I will help you how I can." then looking back at Storn. " I am not sure if they live there, it seems run down and it may be the place where they bring me to help with the birthing. All I know they had five men, guns and chains, they travel by MULE, that is all I know." then she lean against the table. "I am glad I met you both, I ...thank you." she sits back down then and breaths slowly. " You look happy together, I wish you the best for you both and child to be."

Kit rises slowly to her feet and looks around. She picks up a homemade shawl from the bed and drapes it over the old woman. "There is space at the monastery and you could help many women there. Bring your family with you and make a home." She drags her hand through her hair and looks at Storn then heads to the door, she needs some air. It has all been more emotional and revealing than she expected it would be.

Storn bows his head to the woman and then turns to follow Kit out of the shop, ready to move on to stage two of their search. "Remember to contact Esther."

The old woman thanks both Storn and Kit then as she watches them go on her way. The sun is nearly down, would it be logical to go after the men, follow the map in the darkness.

"I think we should go back, tell Esther and Con and everyone else what we found out. You can draw them the map," Kit suggests. "I don't think we should go on our own or in the dark."