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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Cargo Bay, Aces & Eights |IC Date=2535/04/28 |OOC Date=2014/08/29 |Characters in Scene=Kit, Reno, Covis, Storn, Riley, Helena, Miku, Arraner |Short Summar...")
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|IC Date=2535/04/28
|IC Date=2535/04/28
|OOC Date=2014/08/29
|OOC Date=2014/08/29
|Characters in Scene=Kit, Reno, Covis, Storn, Riley, Helena, Miku, Arraner
|Characters in Scene=Kit, Reno, Covis, Storn, Riley, Helena, Miku, Arraner, Lirin
|Short Summary=The Aces learn about the ambush which saw their captain and XO kidnapped and plan a response.
|Short Summary=The Aces learn about the ambush which saw their captain and XO kidnapped and plan a response. Lirin is on comms only.
|Full Log=Encompassing the entire lower section of the ship, the cargo bay soars nearly twenty feet overhead. The entire aft section of the hull lowers, creating a wide loading ramp and allowing access to this cavernous space. Awaiting cargo is a bright yellow, two-axis crane assembly. Low steel hand railings create a walkway around the perimeter of the bay. Across the walkway to the fore of the bay, steel panels attach to the railing at regular intervals, each pierced with a darker grey decorative cross. In the forward port corner is a wide spiral staircase and a small lift, leading to the crew deck.
|Full Log=Encompassing the entire lower section of the ship, the cargo bay soars nearly twenty feet overhead. The entire aft section of the hull lowers, creating a wide loading ramp and allowing access to this cavernous space. Awaiting cargo is a bright yellow, two-axis crane assembly. Low steel hand railings create a walkway around the perimeter of the bay. Across the walkway to the fore of the bay, steel panels attach to the railing at regular intervals, each pierced with a darker grey decorative cross. In the forward port corner is a wide spiral staircase and a small lift, leading to the crew deck.

Revision as of 16:20, 29 August 2014

Caged Birdies: A Parliament of Aces
Location: Log_Location::Cargo Bay, Aces & Eights IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/04/28 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/29
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Kit, Has Characters in Scene::Reno, Has Characters in Scene::Covis, Has Characters in Scene::Storn, Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Helena, Has Characters in Scene::Miku, Has Characters in Scene::Arraner, Has Characters in Scene::Lirin
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The Aces learn about the ambush which saw their captain and XO kidnapped and plan a response. Lirin is on comms only.
Log_Characters::Kit, Reno, Covis, Storn, Riley, Helena, Miku, Arraner, Lirin

Encompassing the entire lower section of the ship, the cargo bay soars nearly twenty feet overhead. The entire aft section of the hull lowers, creating a wide loading ramp and allowing access to this cavernous space. Awaiting cargo is a bright yellow, two-axis crane assembly. Low steel hand railings create a walkway around the perimeter of the bay. Across the walkway to the fore of the bay, steel panels attach to the railing at regular intervals, each pierced with a darker grey decorative cross. In the forward port corner is a wide spiral staircase and a small lift, leading to the crew deck.

The steel deck plating and bulkheads are painted a dark blue. Around the drop hatch to the fore of the bay, bright yellow and black safety lines delineate walkways, as well as areas for cargo and MULE parking. Recessed cargo tie-downs are fitted to the deck and bulkhead. Overhead, lights are secured behind safety glass. Spotlight assemblies, along with red emergency lighting, can be seen at regular intervals along the curved walls of the bay. The air intake vents are screened to filter out foreign particles. An environment analyzer is near the ramp which, along with carefully placed security cameras, monitors access to the ship.

Reno crouches by the Kawasaki bike, looking it over with a curious gaze. He's not so foolish as to touch it, of course, but he seems to be interested in the vehicle. A mug of water rests on the floor by his knee, waiting to be picked up again. Seems he's just out and about. <English>

Looking a little bit grimey from her work, Kit makes her way down into the cargo bay. She notes the Shepherd and smiles, readily, "Hello, Mr Morse." Politeness never hurt anyone and he's never been anything but polite to her so she returns the favour. Her booted feet stop near the vehicle. "They're a bit to handle at times, but fun. Ever been on one?" <English>

Reno looks up from the crouch as he's addressed and then rises, smiling warmly. "Mrs O'Hare," Reno rumbles in greeting, then chuckles as he looks to the bike again. "Ah, no," comes the reply, "I can't say I have. Vows of poverty usually mean we didn't keep hoverbikes around the abbey, and I'm afraid that even when I was young poverty wasn't far - even if that wasn't the result of a vow we took." He shrugs those big shoulders and continues to grin. "I was just enjoying the craftmanship, really. There's a beauty to the design. Even if I don't understand the mechanics, the aesthetic is impressive." <English>

"Just Kit, please. Whenever you say Mrs O'Hare I feel like I need to look behind me and check to see if Riley's mother is glaring at me with disapproval." She looks at the hoverbike and points out various design features. "The carbon-fiber isn't terribly different from the old designs on Earth-That-Was. It's why the hoverbike looks like a classic. I mean, neon green and yellow wouldn't be my first choice, but they certainly are eye catching. This baby is fast, built for speed and chewing up the terrain." <English>

Reno inclines his head and says, "Kit, then. Most people call me Shepherd, instead of Mister. But I don't really have a preference. Reno is easy enough." There's a slight headtilt and he asks, "Did you not get along with Mrs O'Hare? I've obviously never experienced such a relationship, but I understand it can be complicated." The bike is given another look and he nods to her explanation, but she's holding his attention for now. <English>

"She's a very strong-willed woman. I don't doubt she blames me for her son leaving and never returning. But she was a good mother." Kit reaches up and rubs at the back of her neck through her dark hair. "Seems to me that calling you Shepherd is only acknowledging part of your existence and saying that part which existed before your training no longer has value. I think I'd rather call you Reno, if you don't mind?" <English>

Covis boards the Aces in a rather raggled and hurried manner. He turns toward the other two as he tucks his gun into his jacket. "We've made ourselves a real shit sandwich." he announces to the other two, shaking his head. "An we're all gonna have to take a bite." Normally the pilot is relaxed and smiling, not today, he is grim and pale. <English>

Reno smiles and replies sagely, "I 'have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,' Kit, as Paul wrote to the Colossians. I am not who I used to be, so calling me by Shepherd is just fine." He cants his head to Covis, furrowing his brow just slightly in confusion. "That doesn't sound particularly appetising. Even what the Lord commanded Ezekiel to do sounds more pleasant..." <English>

The MULE cruises into the cargo bay at high speed with Riley and Helena. There are bullet holes in the plating, and they both look like they've had better days. <English>

Her head turns towards Covis and Kit's dark brows rise up. "Can you elaborate a bit further?" She and Reno are standing near the Kawasaki, chatting - or were before Covis came in. And then it's like an explosion of people as more pour into the cargo bay. "Riley?" She moves over towards the MULE, taking in the bullet holes even as she is looking at her, certainly strange but less estranged, husband for obvious signs of injury. <English>

The tapping of Jacob's cane can be heard as he walks into the cargo bay, and although using his cane today he is nimble on his feet to avoid the break neck speed Riley uses to park. "Gorram it, boy. You trying to take us out? Bad enough I got Danee having premonitions and sending me a wave. I'm assuming your shit sandwich has to do with Esther and Conoger?" <English>

Helena dismounts from the back of the Mule, looking very much a ranchers wife and not a companion in dusty jeans and boots. She looks over Riley for a moment, "I should a message to Kyronis and Chloe. I got encryption on my personal data pad, will route it through the companion house if they trace it instead of here." She looks around for a moment, looking rather shaken up, but not falling apart at least. Not yet. <English>

Covis moves clear as Helena and Riley arrive on mule. "Well its about time." he smirks to them then looks back to Kit "Esther and Conoger. They've been taken. For the child of the slave we 'rescued'." He shakes his head "I told her this would happen." <English>

Helena turns to Covis, "And the babe will stay protected. She is mine to care for now and no bastard slaver is going to take her." She says quickly before she departs for her quarters. <English>

Reno listens carefully to Covis' elaboration, and then nods briefly to the newcomers. "Taken? By whom," Reno asks simply, "Not more spiders, I'm guessing." Heartbeat. "Perhaps a bad joke. But I'd like to help have them released, if possible." <English>

"There is something more to this, there has to be. Ain't no slaver who gives that much of a shit about no baby. I don't care who they are. Babies are worth far less on the market. And if we end up having to kill some of his men, that's even more costly. Buying that kind of loyalty requires serious creds for an ars-," she gives Reno a sidelong glance, "for a jerk like that. None of it makes sense to me. They weren't using the monastery as their base, but were here as a fluke - that woman told us." Realising she isn't helping Kit shuts up and then thwaps Riley's arm with the back of her hand, not hard, but hard enough to show her displeasure. "I don't like you being shot at. Try not to get shot, it'd piss me off." <English>

Riley dismounts still panting. "Yeah it doesn't look good. I have no idea what their end game is, but Esther was hurt pretty bad when they nabbed her so we'll need to make a move pretty quickly. We will need backup though. They're better armed than we initially thought." Turning to his wife "I had to make sure the children were safe. Helena met me at the inn and it all went to hell." After a moments thought. "No way we were followed though. Too much commotion." <English>

"Well," Storn says as he looks at the new bullett holes on the mule. "There is always more story, but I will be damned if I am going to give this bastard what he wants. We are going to close in ranks and do this right." He points his cane around at the new crew members, "Perform this like a well oiled percision strike, no fucking heroes." Obviously Storn has not met the Shepherd or knows if the man has issues with his colorful langue when he is upset. "The Skipper has been like family to me, and I am going to see we get her back." He looks around in thought, "Kit.. you remember the map I drew of this meeting place they used?" <English>

Covis scowls at Helena as she leaves then glares at "Like hell! The kid is gonna be exchanged for our Captain and XO." A crooked smile "Unless you want me as Captain?" The pilot looks back to the others. "Who's with me? We turn the kid over for our crew. As far as we know we kidnapped the kid and the father wants him back." <English> Miku has been standing toward the back, probably out of view of most. She listens to everything but her eyes never leave Storn as he talks. <English>

Riley aint having Covis's shit. He damn near took a bullet to make sure those kids were ok. Without a word he punches him in the face. <English>

Kit nods in response to Storn's question. "I remember it." She frowns as Riley's temper gets the better of him and he goes after Covis. "Stop it, Riley, you're not going to help. Covis, these aren't people who will just let us walk away. They're not going to be out there serving Esther cups of tea and giving her anti-biotics. We have one thing they want - that baby. The minute we hand it over we have nothing they want. It's that simple." She looks at Storn, "We do what we said before, we go for an ambush, but we need people from the Jia. Whomever the fu-dge they are." <English>

Reno looks like he's about to do his best human wall and get between Covis and Riley when Covis slips out. Turning to Kit, he nods, saying in reply, "Giving up the baby would be an error, I think. If nothing else, it condemns an innocent to a deplorable life. But I would be willing to talk to them. Negotiate something." <English>

Storn frowns and raises his voice to a roar, "Cool the shit down now! No one is doing a gorram thing without my permission! I am third in command of this boat." He points his cane around the room, "Is that understood?" <English>

Miku jumps a little when Storn raises his voice. She moves out from where she has been standing and moves closer to the group but continues to remain quiet. <English>

"So you and Helena were in Twin Oaks, Riley?" Kit poses the question as she reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder and draw his attention her way. "How many were there and what were they armed with?" <English>

Storn onces it seems Kit is trying to calm Riley down he sighs, "Kit, I want you and Covis to take the shuttle and do a couple of flyovers for recon of that cabin. See if we can find a few places we can set up a few of our own surprises." He looks to Reno and the other new comer, "Do either of you have or know how to use guns?" and lastly his eyes look to Miku, "You, are on the first shuttle back to the Dumont Manor where I know you are safe." <English>

Riley composes himself. He shouldn't have done that, but he's still running off adrenaline. "Yeah. I had her meet me there so they didn't get the child's location. Didn't see most of em. Know there were a few though. They all had repeaters again." He turns to Storn "Sorry for that. It's been a shitty day. What can I do?" <English>

Reno replies to Storn, "I do not. Nor will I do violence on someone. That said, I think I can still be of help, depending on your plan. Or, I can look after the people here on the ship. Few people can keep a door closed as well as I." Odd thing to brag about, but hard to deny. <English>

Miku looks Storn in the eyes and shakes her head, "No. I'm not leaving you. I can't do much but I will do what I can. I will not leave." <English>

Arraner comes into the cargo bay, with a look about, "So, what is the word?" Before he passes his gaze over to Storn and nods to him, "That is what they pay me for. Quick shots and a charming smile," he offers the aforementioned smile. <English>

Storn visibly frowns more at his wife's refusal to go someplace safe. "Alright.. Riley, I want you to contact Lady Lirin. I think she was wanting to be help rid the verse of these slavers. Other than that keep this boat ready on a moments notice. Arraner, you will be in charge of guarding this boat. No one comes up that ramp that isn't a approved by me, or a member of this ship or the Jia." He points to the Shepherd, "You guard Helena's cabin. I don't want anything coming near that wee babe. Anyone steps out of line and I swear you will be buying me a new wrench when I bend it around your neck, am I understood?" <English>

Kit looks Arraner over and smirks a bit at his winsome smile, "Then let's hope you'll get your chase to impress us all soon." Hearing Storn her brows draw together as she frows, "What? The baby is back on the ship? I thought the baby was with the kids at some ranch?" <English>

Riley Nods to Storns orders and gets on his icomm and heads over to a quieter area to talk. He's got her personal encrypted frequency. "Lirin. We've got trouble on Jiangyin and we could use all the help we can get. Gorram slavers got Esther and Conoger hostage in exchange for Bay. Captain's hurt bad too." <English>

Storn frowns, "Ok, I didn't know that." He says to Kit, and hms. "I suppose if you would help support Arraner here in the cargo bay. Never know when we will need someone that can help secure anyone. I don't wanna infringe on your thoughts." He says to Reno. <English>

Kit frowns over something but for now keeps it to herself. "Esther ordered Riley to pilot the ship dark and drop Helena and the kids off at this ranch. The kids were hidden in a crate, so was the baby," she explains to Storn. Riley is given a sidelong glance before she looks back at her chief. "I'll go check on the shuttle, make sure things are ready for go when Covis returns." <English>

Miku looks down, not liking having her husband not happy with her, but she won't leave him, nope, not gonna happen. She asks in a soft voice, "Jacob, what can I do?" <English>

Reno just nods to Storn's directive, but asks, "Have you tried talking to them? I... can be very persuasive." And even though that might be a veiled threat coming from anyone else, there's a peace about Reno that belies he means exactly that. <English>

Riley is still talking with Lirin...explaining the story. Kind of a long conversation. <English>

Arraner nods to Storn's order, as he shoves back his duster with his elbow to get his firearm ready, "Roger that. They try to come up that ramp and don't belong here, I'll notify the priest to perform their last rights," he says with a growing smile, shot over to Reno as well. He then looks up to Kit, "I'm anxious to show off, ma'am." <English>

"Oh, I intend to talk with them. Though until they contact us we are going to tighten down the hatches." He looks at Miku, "Yeah, actually.. contact Danee. Tell her to bring with her a basinette, two baby's blankets, and the most life like doll she can find. I'm gonna have a little surprise ready for these bastards." <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Lirin says, "Calling the Aces and Eights ... Calling the Aces and Eights ... This is Lirin. I heard your situation and will be there as soon as possible with backup. ... Jacob, do you need me to bring anything other than backup? Gear of any sort?" <English>

Storn listens to the comm and responds. <English>

Riley cuts off the com and returns to the group. He was gonna tell them the Dragon was on the way, but Lady Lirin beat him to the punch. <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Storn says, "Lady Dumont, back up would be wonderful. I am organizing a plan for now, but that will change once we hear from those bastards." <English>

Reno replies to Arraner, "I'm not catholic. But I'll say a prayer for them no less." He actually gives a start when his comm speaks up, then laughs sheepishly. "Not used to fancy gadgets like this," Reno explains under his breath. <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Lirin says, "But do you need anything besides extra muscle? Weapons of any sort? Armor of any sort?" <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 You transmit, "anything you got can't hurt. They seem to be better equipped than we gave them credit for." <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Lirin says, "What are they equipped with? Do you know?" <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 You transmit, "Repeaters and decent armor from what I've seen. Gilly suits too. The guys that ambushed us came out of nowhere. They could have snipers"

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Lirin says, "Hmmmmmmmmm ... alright. I'm sure I can get a hold of some good counter measures for that." <English>

404.30 MHZ Ch:0 Lirin says, "I always did love the smell of a good barbeque." <English>

"Esther mentioned that we should use Zank to help us," says Kit. "Is this Lirin person on the Jia too?" She really doesn't have a clue who most of the people are and judging by her expression that's starting to become an annoyance. <English>

Reno clears his throat as the talk turns to that of violence. "I'll leave you to your plans," he says quietly, and then heads for the common area, looking vaguely saddened by the whole thing. <English>

Arraner notes to no one in particular, though in response to Reno, "Eh, it is okay. I wasn't really going to get a priest either way. It was more of a metaphor. Sounds cooler to say 'I'll get the priest to do last rights' then it does to say 'I'll shoot them in the face for coming up the ramp'," he glances back to Storn, "Got it though. I'll shoot em if they try to come on board." <English>

Miku nods to Storn and says, "I'm going to go and send that now. I'll.... I'll talk to you later." She turns to leave and send that message. <English>

Riley puts away his icimm and answers his wife since everyone else is caught up in their own conversations "Lirin...I mean, Lady Lirin Dumont, and her husband Sinclair own the Dragon. And half of Paquin it seems. We'll be calling the Jia soon, but the Dumonts can give us an edge in resources." <English>

Kit figures it's above her pay grade to do too much worrying about it and just nods then looks over at Arraner, "I'm Kit, by the way." She looks the younger man over, her blue gaze bright and observant. "Have you got enough to keep yourself and everyone on the ship safe? You'll be the only gun on board who can leave the bridge." <English>

Arraner smiles over to Kit, as he gives her a nod, "Arraner, a pleasure ma'am..." He checks in his duster and hmms... "Well, I've got 5 magazines, not counting the one currently in the weapon. Not to mention the magazine of armor piercing rounds, in case things get hairy," he scratches at his chin, "I could go grab my glock from my locker too. Got more ammo for that, but hopefully after a hundred rounds anything coming up that ramp will have reconsidered the direction its life is going and the decisions that have led them to this point." <English>

Now that things are starting to come together and calm down Riley looks himself over to make sure he actually made it back in one piece. He hadn't had much time to think about it yet. In his self-inventory he finds a nice little singed hole in his shirt under his left arm. "Damn, you can't get these shirts anymore." It's one of those vintage band t-shirts that where popular a few years before the U-war. This one is a reprint of Tom Petty and the HeartBreakers....only it says 'HeartBlakas'. Obviously something was lost in translation. <English>

Kit's mouth quirks up into an easy smirk and her assessment of Arraner becomes more appreciative. "I like a bit of snark. Just stop calling me ma'am, it makes me feel too fuc-," a quick check reveals no preachers or kids around, "-king old. Kit will do just fine." She looks at Riley, "Wear it in the summer, it will provide extra ventilation. You should be glad you didn't get shot in the ass. You'd have to pilot while sat on one of those donut cushions." <English>

Arraner smiles, "Kit it is then," he offers with a smirk, "I might just grab my glock. Just in case they bring an army. Always wanted to kill any army," he glances over to Riley, "Yeah, wear it in the summer like Kit says, or learn to stitch." <English>

Riley peels off his shirt to get a better look at the hole. He sticks his finger through it and wiggles it around. He looks back and forth between his unscathed side and his holey shirt. "Huh." <English>

"Put your shirt on Riley," says Kit with a chuckle. "The mystery of the bullet isn't going to be solved by being half naked." She leans over and peers at the MULE then points, "There's where the bullet went, right out the side panel." Her dark head turns towards the pilot, "If you want to be shot, try being naked next time, though do put a cloth down. Nobody likes to sit in someone else's ass sweat." <English>

Arraner quriks his brow at Riley, and just gives a shake of his head, "You not wearing that armor from the cavern?" The young man pauses a second and notes, "I mean, I'm always wearing armor. When someone shoots at me I want to make sure that I get a chance to shoot back." <English>

Riley obediently slips his shirt back on so as not to offend Kit's delicate sensibilities. "I've ridden a MULE naked before....Not trying it again. As for my armor.."he addresses Arraner now. "Esther distress call woke me up, and I acted fast and left it behind. Haven't really stopped going since." <English>

"You know, even in a marriage some things should remain a mystery," says Kit. She hooks her thumbs into the belt of her waistband. "Arraner, can you get into Conoger's supplies? I could do with some throwing knives if there are any. I'd rather go out armed to the teeth in case they try and take a pot shot at the shuttle and shoot Covis and I down." <English>

Arraner glances over to Kit, "We ain't that close of roommates. Heck, we barely been here to be roommates. Either way, he ain't share his codes with me yet to get into it," he offers with a lift of his brow... he then looks over at Riley, "Ahh, see, there is your mistake," he pulls down a bit on his shirt to reveal the body armor beneath it, "I sleep in this. What if someone comes into my room and shoots me?" <English>

"I'll have to remember that next time." Riley can't quit playing with the hole in his shirt, even now that it's back on. "Let's hope this is the worst I get shot." <English>

"I thought you worked security?" Kit shrugs. "If you can't get them then so be it." She looks at Riley and nods. "I'm going to go to check on the shuttle if you want me." <English>

Arraner scratches at his chin, "Well... let me see if I can pull something off," he ntoes to Kit, and nods to the pair as he takes off to shuffle through supplies. <English>

Kit nods to Arraner and with one last look at Riley makes her way up the stairs, taking two at a time. <English>