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Latest revision as of 14:56, 8 February 2008

news Pressure

  Result:   | Action:
-149 to -100  Utter failure: Big explosions, near death, nothing salvageable
              except maybe self and other PCs.  Loss of body parts possible.
              Permanent damage to person, fairly bad (Amputation, loss of
              sense, etc.)
-99 to -75   Horrid failure: Projects not salvageable, equipment requiring
             repair, broken bones, not pleasant. Permanent damage, but not
             as severe.
-74 to -50   Failure: Whoops, slagged a part totally, broke a bone, hit a bud
             or similar. Time to fix part is 3x longer, lost a friend, etc.
-49 to -25   Mishap: Why'd you put the frufenhauffer in front of the dieflag?
             takes 2x normal time to redo this stage, and difficulty goes
             up for next attempt by +40.
-24 to -15   Under calculation:  Takes 50% longer and costs 2x more to do 
             because  of wasted parts.  You caught yourself in time from 
             falling or shooting a friend, but takes a moment to gather 
             yourself, and +25 difficulty for the next action.
-14 to -10   Whoops: Takes 25% longer and costs 1.5x more to complete.  You
             didn't quite calculate properly, and you stumble a bit, making
             the next action +15 harder.
-9 to -5     Hrm:  Did something wrong, takes 10% longer, no cost.  Your next
             roll will take +10 difficulty penalty. You still miss.
-4 to -1     What did I do?: You messed something up still, it takes only
             one time period to fix and a reroll.
  0 to 4      Barely: You did it, but barely.  It takes about 10% more cost,
              however, you did it. If physical, it would be a little more
              effort to 'get over the hump'
  5 to 9      Did it: You did the task. Nothing went wrong, but you did do it.
10 to 14      Bit of flair: You cut costs some, finding a shortcut. -10% cost.
15 to 24     Found a better way: You found a better way to make the next step
             easier.  -10 to the next action (If linked), and -10% cost.
25 to 49     A hah!: You cut down your time on the next portion by 20% by
             finding a shortcut, as well as -10 to next action and -10%
             cost.  You move ahead an initiative position if not at the top
             already, or you get just that little bit extra you weren't
             expecting (1.5x damage)
50 to 74     Eureka!: You cut the time on the next portion by 33%, as well as
             reducing the difficulty of the next action by -15 and -10% of
             the cost.  You move ahead an initiative position if not at the
             top, and if you are, you can take a second action at the end
             of the round.  (2x damage)
75 to 99     Wowzer!: You cut the time on the remainder of the project by 20%
             and cut the remaining cost by 10%. As a result, the cost goes
             down due to time required by 10%.  In combat, you move two up
             the initiative chain, and get an extra action at the end of
             the round if you hit the top with the first one, or are
             already at the top, with a -10 difficulty for the second
             action.  (x2.5 damage)
100+         Kick butt!: Judge's decision here, but as an idea, same as
             Wowzer, but shorter times, easier difficulties, cost reduction
             better initiative bonuses, and more damage. As well,
             bonuses related to the task can be awarded as well (Wow! The
             engines SMOKE? How the heck did you do that?!?), but could be
             hard to reproduce to the same level again.  Combat, you could
             do more than what you expected, and even lead to 'bad' effects
             depending on the result. ('Whoops, I blew his head off...' or
             'Wasn't that set for stun?')