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Full name Curtis Parker
Date of Birth 17 January 2505
Birthplace District 6, Londinium
Parents Herschel and Laurali Parker
Siblings None
Assignment Entertainer, Babylon Night Club
Specialization Piano
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Hazel, Black
Height and Weight 6'0", 180 lb
Status Active

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Parker is a petty crook and hustler that operates out of whatever dive he's working in. As a damn good piano player, he generally has no trouble finding 'real work' to cover his less savory activities.


Parker was born to entitlements commensurate with his parent's middle class status. That is to say, he had the standard Alliance public education. He discovered a love of music on his first day of school and started playing piano at 7. He was an indifferent student, bright enough to score well, but too lazy try any harder than he had to. Still, he managed to graduate, but his formal education went no further. He took a few menial jobs, but gave up on working forever when he found a jazz trio short a piano player. Enamoured with the jazz lifestyle, he started to experiment with drugs, rubbing elbows with the sorts of people that live after sunset. He played with numerous bands and vocalists through his late teens to mid twenties, occasionally taking odd jobs when the music couldn't support his habits.

Organized Crime & Prison

Many of the clubs where Parker found employment were typically owned by organized crime. He enjoyed the atmosphere and considered himself to be a player, jumping in with both feet any time an opportunity to grift or steal came along. Early in his career, a debt to the wrong people forced him to say 'Yes' to a position as a bag man in a robbery gone wrong. He was apprehended with nearly the entire haul of a pharmaceutical warehouse heist.

Parker ended up spending a few years on in an alliance penal camp, teaching him many new ways to cheat, steal and swindle. He also kept his mouth shut, completely loyal to the Black Lotus Group, the triad that had executed the heist. While this did him little good on APC-016, it did serve upon his release.

Into the Black

Shortly after his release, Parker met Faoite McGuire, who invited him aboard the Jia as a general hand and roustabout. While extremely grateful and feeling a debt to McGuire, Parker had a hard time adjusting to the schedule and boredom of hauling cargo. He began working with fellow crewman Mila Malikova on a few simple musical numbers on a small portable keyboard, a gift of the Jia's owner.

Despite the distraction, Parker remained apathetic of life aboard. It was only when the Black Lotus Group displayed their appreciation for his loyalty with a fairly large lump sum payment that the musician found his direction again.

Babylon Night Club

Realizing Mila had a gift for getting her way that could prove useful in business of any sort, Parker used much of his ex gratia payment to purchase and remodel the Babylon Night Club, inside the Spacer's District on the planet Paquin. He asked Mila to become the full manager and nominal owner of the club to allow him to focus on his other business aspirations.

Parker can be found most days at the club, working on his act and conducting small negotiations. He prefers to leave the details of the legitimate business to his partner, Mila, adopting a subordinate position to hers in most public appearances.

Personal Life

Currently single and fully intent on remaining so, Parker has no apparent relationships. Some less informed individuals may assume that he is romantically involved with his business partner, however, either would be quick to deny the allegations. He keeps a professional distance from his co-workers and does not pursue the club's clientele. He maintains his standing on the companion registry with regular donations to the guild and occasional engagements of their services. In short, he is not one to mix business and pleasure.