Required Skills

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In order to enforce realism (and prevent people with little or no skills from performing complicated tasks that they ICly shouldn't be able to do), certain systems are locked down based on skills. If multiple stats are listed, only one is needed to perform the function.

Note, this is different from the skill requirements listed in +cgpg/help - those are the skills that staff wants to see on your +sheet for different archetypes, as part of character approval. The below requirements apply to using the coded systems on the game.


To use ... Minimum Stat Required
Pilot Pilot: Transports or Capital Ships 40
NavSat AI Astrogation 40
Ship Reactors

Any one of the following:
Engineer: Energy Systems, Engines or Physics 20
Systems: Transports or Capital Ships 20

Ship Reactors
(spow or sp)

Any one of the following:
Engineer: Energy Systems, Engines or Physics 40
Systems: Transports or Capital Ships 40

or Repair
Repair: Transports or Capital Ships 40


To use ... Minimum Stat Required
Doctor Beds

Medicine 30
Surgery 30

Medpacks The matching skill:
First Aid 30
Nursing 30
Medicine 30
Surgery 30
  • There are four types of medpack, and to use any of them you need at least a 30 in the matching skill. i.e. to use a Nursing Medpack you need the Nursing skill, etc.


To use ... Minimum Stat Required
Market/Compare Value 40
  • Note: <Ax Ifca> Captain Awesome Sev says, "Bargain isn't required to use a console so it isn't listed. Value is for using a console properly. However, when it comes to making money with the console Bargain is necessary, not Value. The higher your Bargain, the less you buy for and the more you sell for. Making money isn't a console and doesn't have a minimum stat required."