Starke 'Velites' Bodysuit

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Velites, the light infantry of the Roman Legions. This armour is manufactured by Starke Heavy Industries, and was created originally for their internal security personel. It was so popular that Starke refined the design for public use. The Velites bodysuit is just that, a soft, one size fits all, body suit that protects the wearer from toes to neck, and includes a set of matching gloves. The body suit is a spidersilk analog, that absorbs a percentage of an attack's energy, while it's primary defense are the closely fitted, and segmented scaled ballistic plates attached over the outside of the suit. With the addition of an aftermarket riot helmet, this armour provides excellent, concealable protection.
Cost: 1500
Damage Threshold: 7
Protection Rating: 40%
Agility Penalty: -5