Tara O'Keith

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Tara O'Keith

Character blurb here.

Tara O'Keith
Full name Tara Caer O'Keith
Date of Birth
  • October 18 2511
  • Father: Gerald O'Keith.
  • Mother: Bethany O'Keith.
  • Drew O'Keith (Oldest)
  • Ronald O'Keith (Second)
  • Elijah O'Keith (Third)
  • Breck O'Keith (forth)
  • Bethany O'Keith (Sixth)
  • Divorced
  • None
  • None at the moment
  • Female
Eyes and Hair
  • Red, Bright blue
Education Information



If you want to know her history, well, meet her and ask...

Recent Events


Tara is soft natured with a kind soul and being. She is gentle at heart, graceful and elegant. Her spirit seems to more balanced, it's not often she jumps to conclusions, or judgements with people. Though aware of the bad, she is also aware of the good and seems to believe in people. There is a constant kindness, and sweetness about her, perhaps to the point of some level of innocence that almost seems to work for her, as it reflects the goodness in her heart.


<space for rent>

The People

  • Axel - I will always wish him well
  • Emilian - A man that is more than he seems, and that is interesting. I let him use my violin..
  • Summer - A friend in an unlikely place, one of the few (other than Axel) that can seem to see into me..
  • Hal - He's become a good man, with a great shoulder, and is a great friend.
  • Ambrose - Rose, or so I call him. A friend from my childhood.
  • Kenthadus - Much like Hal, has been a good friend and has a good shoulder too
  • Jason - A friend in an unlikely place. But he is also a doctor.
  • Maxim - A good long time friend.

RP Hooks

  • Does aerial acrobatics, along with other kinds.
  • Is colourblind, yet an artist.
  • Loves to dance, is in fact, trained. From Ballet to various other types.
  • Also sings, and draws.
  • Likes to be bare foot as much as she possibly can.
  • Loves spicy food
  • Is left handed
  • Double jointed
  • Is a health fanatic. Exercises, does yoga, and runs every day
  • Epic violionist
  • Loves to read



A picture is worth a thousand words.