Guan-Yin II/History

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Notable History

The Trans-U class vessel which would become the Guan-Yin II was discovered languishing in a surplus shipyard on Beylix. It had served many years before as a cruise liner, and was then converted to take settlers out to the [Planets|Rim] before it was abandoned.

The crew held a masquerade ball and singles auction at the Helios Grand Hotel on Persephone to help raise money for the switch from the old ship to the new one. Alliance General Salin Fawzy also donated a large sum to help make the move possible.

The ship was purchased in late 2522 and rebuilt enough to fly and operate safely as a hospital. The crew then moved on board and retired their old ship. Work continued for several months to fully refurbish the ship and bring it back to life. This process was not without incident, as the cargo bay stairwell collapsed one day injuring Eyvindr and Avri and shocking the crew. There is no better place to be injured than a medical facility, though, and both crewmates were brought back to health and the stairwell replaced in its entirety (and a shiny new lift added).

In early 2524 the ship responded to a distress call from Corone Mining Consortium's Lullabelle Mining Outpost on the Angel Hair Comet. A mine shaft had collapsed, trapping and injuring many of their workers and threatening the stability of the outpost. Along with the crews of the Dochasan Lasair and the Traveller, Guan-Yin personnel helped tend to the injured, open the collapsed mine shaft enough to rescue the trapped miners, and then evacuate the facility.

The Guan-Yin was present at Eavesdown Docks when the Alliance bombarded another ship from orbit, causing fires and casualties, mostly to their own people. And then a few days later when an enterprising pilot thought to bombard the docks again... with bovines. The ship's crew assisted with the medical response to both incidents.

The summer of 2525 brought a number of changes. Olivia and Eyvindr decided to retire, taking their children to raise them among family on St. Albans. Xian and Cennaire also stepped away from the ship, leaving the crew feeling a bit upended and thin. Management of the ship passed into the hands of Donna, who set out to bolster the staff again and keep the ship running with their help.

In October 2525 the Guan-Yin teamed up with the staff of the Medical Wellness Clinic, as well as a squad of Alliance marines, to answer a call for assistance from the Suthainn Dochas. The Dochas had discovered an old settler ship from Earth-That-Was drifting in space past the Rim. The passengers had been in deep cryostasis and it was hoped that some could still be saved. By the time the Guan-Yin arrived at the scene, however, it had been discovered that many of the settlers had already perished. The few who had not (and had woken up) had gone space crazy and were highly combative. The Dochas managed to save a solitary survivor and the rest perished in a fire on board the old ship.

In December the ship visited Jiangyin for a week, providing medical care to the locals. No doctors were kidnapped.

In February 2526 the ship came to the assistance of the Romany and other citizens of Paquin, following a bombing attack there by the Pirate Commonwealth.

April and May were busy months for the ship. The Guan-Yin joined forces with the Medical Wellness Clinic to hold a blood drive and open clinic day on Persephone. This coincided with a recruiting drive where several new crew members were brought on board. News also reached the ship of Xian's passing, and following the blood drive the Goddess took Xian's remains to Verbena for the funeral and then flew to Greenleaf for a private gathering and scattering of some of her ashes there.

Weeks later, Anissa and James were married on board in the ship's recently completed chapel. Anissa gave birth to twins soon after. Before May was out, the ship was back on Persephone where Shepherd McManus was kidnapped by thugs. The crew mounted a successful effort to get him back.

In June the crew provided medical care to numerous sick families in the Eavesdown Slums.

In mid-July the ship traveled to Serenity View, Hera to attend the Midsummer Festival and check on some disturbing rumors. During the celebrations the first of the year's harvest was unveiled... and found to be ruined by blight. An announcement came on to warn that all of the planet's crops would be dead in thirty days. The ship's crew responded immediately to help with crowd control and soon began working with Earl Winchester, Duke Carmichael and the people of Red Lion Industries to try and determine the exact cause of the blight, and to look for a cure. Working for a full month, the combined group was ultimately able to stop both the blight and the man responsible for it. Many farms around Serenity View lost their crops, but the problem was contained and eliminated without larger issues arising.

In late November Blake was surprised with the news that he had a daughter, Aurora. The girl was left with the ship's crew, who quickly took her into their hearts. A few weeks later, the ship visited Deadwood to offer medical care to the locals.

Crew members were among the crowd at the Valentine's Day Masquerade on Ezra when several bombs were set off killing and injuring hundreds of party goers. While a few of them were among the injured, the Guan-Yin crew called in further medical support from the ship and joined forces with other doctors who were present in providing medical care even as the perpetrators of this crime were pursued. One noted suspect was brought to the Guan-Yin for treatment before being turned over to Alliance custody. After the initial mayhem and medical work calmed down, damage was discovered on the ship itself. Someone had blown two holes in the hull, nearly breaching into the fuel cell storage compartments. After the crew reported this damage to the Alliance and patched it, the Goddess moved on to a shipyard on Boros for more complete repairs.

In early May 2527 the crew celebrated the wedding of Stephen McManus and Mariette Fournier at the Whitstone Abbey on Ariel, followed by a reception at the Helios Grand Hotel on Persephone.

In early June, Erin Ashley married Odell Malika in a private ceremony on board the ship.

In late June the Guan-Yin accompanied Weylin Cadman to Three Hills to provide assistance to one of the local tribes there. They encountered numerous difficulties including hostile natives, hungry crocodiles, a stowaway attempting to steal their shuttle and a nasty strain of Dengue fever. Overcoming these, they were able to rescue three survivors from a downed ship, recover a villager kidnapped by another tribe and give medical care and other assistance to the tribes-people. The visit concluded with a wedding for Weylin and Emerald and a celebratory feast before the Guan-Yin returned to civilization. Three months later the crew joined a second wedding celebration for the couple, this time at St. Ivy's Basilica on Sihnon.

In early October the ship came to the aid of the DA Shuttle Great White, which had been struck by an asteroid. Though the shuttle pilot and co-pilot lost their lives, the Guan-Yin crew and Weylin Cadman were able to rescue Duke Carmichael, Count Fawzy and Rhonwen O'Neil. The DA's office decided that they didn't want the shuttle back after this incident, and as the Guan-Yin was looking to buy a new shuttle, the Great White changed hands and was re-registered as the LRS Da'rhi.

In late November, the ship went to Verbena to provide assistance after a serious shuttle crash near the spaceport there.

In early February of 2528, the crew welcomed Erica Rose and Ella Lee Malika, identical twin daughters of Erin and Odell.

A month later, Emerald disappeared from a hotel room on Londinium, leaving behind an alarming amount of blood. The ship traveled to the Core world to investigate, and pursued every lead to try and recover their crewmate, but the case went cold. She was presumed dead for several months until she turned up again, very much alive.

At the end of April, the crew celebrated the wedding of Donna and Karn in a small civil ceremony on Greenleaf.

In May, the ship went to Dyton to help investigate and treat a mysterious outbreak that was sweeping through Dyton Colony.

From late September into early October, the crew joined the response to an outbreak of typhoid fever in the Eavesdown area of Persephone. The ship worked with Alliance officials and other medical providers to give vaccines and check-ups on the Docks. Several crew members were on scene during the riots which broke out, and then provided medical assistance to those injured in the fighting.

Winter and spring of 2529 were a difficult time for the ship. Numerous crew members left or went on extended leaves to take care of personal business, leaving the ship woefully understaffed. When the Commonwealth bombed Paquin in May, the ship was unable to join the recovery effort. Instead, she was grounded for several months on Persephone with the ramp closed to patients for the first time in anyone's memory. This sparked much conversation and theorizing among locals of Eavesdown about what might be happening with the hospital ship. At the end of July, after hiring numerous new crew, among them the trio of Hal Seiser, Phelan Daniels and Kenthadus Grayshade from the White Star, and the couple Felicity Kincald and Velvet Von Black, the Guan-Yin departed Persephone without any sort of announcement or fanfare.

In late August, Donna and Blake traveled to Londinium, where they helped in the search and rescue effort at a high speed train wreck in a remote tundra region near the city of Colchester. Anise Seymour was believed to be aboard the train. There were numerous casualties, and the front portion of the train was completely destroyed. After doing everything they could to search for her, the pair returned to the Guan-Yin, unsure of her true fate.

At the start of the following year, Donna stepped down as captain, passing management of the ship on to Blake. However, Blake disappeared soon after, along with Aurora and all attempts to contact them were unsuccessful. With the ship losing crew at an astonishing rate, an unlikely Hal was thrust into the role of Captain and owner of the Corporation. Being forced to learn Captain duties on the fly, he appointed his long-time comrade Kenthadus as his executive officer. Hal made a concerted effort to hire new crew and bring work to the ship, but no one required their services, and crew were leaving as fast as they were hired.

In early 2530, the crew encountered a derelict vessel en route to Freehold Station. On entering the ship, they were attacked by a man caught in delusion. Quick thinking by the medical crew led the heavily injured man to make a full recovery. Seven other members of this crew were rescued, nursed back to health, and returned to their homes.

Not long after, many of the old crew began to return to the Guan-Yin, beginning with Phelan and Mia Han, recently engaged. Kenthadus took this opportunity to follow his dream of running a weapon shop on Santo, and Phelan took over as Executive Officer. Lazorith Guntner also returned, and many new crewmembers joined, giving Hal a full complement of staff for the first time since he took over.