Verbena - Beylix Capture

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 Destroyed Factory - Verbena                                      =>Verbena<=

Here stands the burnt out husk of what was once the hope of Verbena's survival as a colony world. At its center stands the massive factory that brought profit and work to the populace. The cement walls have since tumbled with jagged sections still standing like blackened fingers grasping for life. Twisted and half melted machinery remains amongst the wreckage, streaked and coated with what could as easily be rust as dried blood. The parking area is a pitted mess, chunks of the building and flying metal having carved great furrows or left impact craters before disintegrating. Whether the wind through the trees or something other, if one is to listen carefully, a quiet wailing, believed to be the cries of the dead, can be heard. On the south-eastern edge of the property a cemetary has sprung up, each headstone a memorium to the person that lost their lives here on that fateful day, standing watch for all eternity over the massacre.

Eugene                                 Leutrim                                
Fess Higgins                          
<W>      Factory Road                 

Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Tue Nov 11 22:01:59 2008 ]

IC Time: Oct 25, 2523 - 08:38:38

It is around 08:30 local time, a beautiful morning. Leutrim is in a really good mood to have finally gotten Eugene to come out here and see where he has spent most of his life so far. Verbena. Lovely to him. And he hardly even notices the decrepped state of the town because it's pretty much just been something that's slowly happened since he was a kid. Especially since the factory went. So now, he comes hiking along with his rifle case and jacket, hands in his pockets and enjoying the fresh, clean air. His strides are long, and occationally he has to slow his pace for Eugene, and look back, "Hey, this way is the old factory... some nutcase blew it up years ago. Was supposed to be rebuilt, but they never did. My father was pretty sore about it... still bitter." Leu frowns a moment, a slight damper on the otherwise great day. Coming up with them is a very happy dog off leash. Aelfred's coat gleams in the sunlight of the morning and the German Shepherd is delighted to have the liberty to run around, sniffing everything, peeing whereever he likes! But always staying fairly close, running back to circle the couple if the dog gets too far ahead. <English>

You drop Aelfred.

Eugene follows along after Leu, her long hair done up in a ponytail and tucked up under her hat, out of the way. Boots crunching over the dirt and gravel path, she comes up next to Leu, pausing for a deep breath as she sets her hands on her hips. "Yeah, looks like they did a good job of it too." she responds, squinting past the brim of her hat to survey the scene. "Bit creepy if you ask me. Any clue what it was a factory for?" Genie asks, casting her gaze back to the man beside her. <English>

A quick nod, "Yeah, arms factory for the Alliance. Was blown up after the War by a disgruntled Browncoat fanatic. If I remember, he blew himself up with it." Leutrim turns his attention back to this ground... almost a sacrad place to some folk around here. His already low voice lowers more to barely above a whisper, "We should look around. See if anything takes Aelfred's interest, too. See anything recently disturbed though, don't touch it until I come to see it too, ok?" Starting to walk again but being careful to look around, Leutrim raises his voice back up a bit, "There's a graveyard there. Watch your step." <English>

Eugene gives a nod, a bare tilt of her head. "Yeah." she agrees, turning to look toward the graveyard as Leu draws her attention to it. Another deep breath, eyes cast to the heavens quickly, and she follows down after him. "So, we splitting up, cover more ground? I'll take the right? Head toward the graveyard I guess." Lengthing her stride she comes up beside the taller man again, waiting to see if he wants to say more before she veers off. <English>

It's really difficult to ... feel like he needs to be cautious here. But Leutrim looks carefully, trying to see all of this in a new light, looking for clues, "Used to come here as a kid... folk don't like to come to this place. But you know kids... play and explore. Looking for some lost treasure or new hide out, anything." He steps carefully, an occational glance to see what the dog is up to and where Aelfred is, then a nod to Eugene, "Yeah, have a look at the graveyard. None of my kin in there, thank God. But my Uncle's oldest boy, a friend of his lies over there." Grey eyes peer about intently looking for ... anything that looks new, disturbed? And then, Leutrim stops and just looks around, listening. <English>

You test your Spot against a 125 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-53).

Eugene tests her Spot against a 125 difficulty. The result is successful (22).

Eugene nods again, slipping slowly back into her more taciturn self by the moment. Keep the eyes and ears open, and mouth shut it seems with Genie. "I'll be respectful." is all she mutters before heading off on her own. She looks around as she goes, taking note of the ground around her, the burnt out bits of metal, and the building itself. It's there that something catches her eye, and she pauses, crouching as if to look at a nearby bit of twisted scrap. "Hey Leu..." she hisses, loud enough for it to carry; she hasn't gotten too far yet. "Something shiny up there." a surreptious jut of her thumb toward the building, just in case someone's watching. <English>

For a moment, Leu's looking off at nothing in particular, listening to that barely there sound that sometimes kicks up here. Wind in the twisted thinner bits of scrap metal maybe... or wails of the dead. Who knows? Listened for it in Serenity Valley, but it was quiet. Eugene's voice catches his attention from his own thoughts and Leutrim looks in Aelfred's direction .. which isn't quite in the same direction but close enough for his eyes to swing around slowly, looking. Whether he sees it or not himself, he starts to meander up in that direction. Not a direct path, but leisurely as though just happenstance, "I know you be respectful, Gene." he murmurs. A glance back to Eugene as he goes to check and see if she thinks he's heading the right way, then he turns his head to look to see if he can see whatever had caught her eye. <English>

Oh doggie bliss! Aelfred hops nimbly over a bit of debris and continues to sniff around, his tail held up a bit. You'd think he was on the scent of some escapee Pirate or something by the way he's going at it. But probably just some rabbit went through, or rats, something. As Leu wends his way through the old factory remains, the dog raises his head and trots after, staying relatively close though not heeling until called. <English>

JOIN: Judge Alpha will be joining this location shortly. Judge Alpha has arrived.

Judge Alpha fires a burst of hot lead at Leutrim with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Leutrim using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 80 difficulty. (26)

- Leutrim has taken 4 points of stun damage. He is currently Dazed. - Leutrim has taken 4 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured..

Judge Alpha fires a burst of hot lead at Eugene with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Eugene using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 80 difficulty. (10)

- Eugene has taken 3 points of stun damage. She is currently Dazed. - Eugene has taken 4 points of wound damage. She is currently Injured..

From the direction of which Eugene noticed something shiny, a flash comes forth followed by two shots being fired off on a direct course collision with Eugene then Leutrim. <English>

Eugene stands, giving the bit of twisted metal a nudge with her toe, and brushing her hands on her pantleg. She's just about to take a step toward Leutrim when the shots ring out. She doesn't have time to even think 'get down' let alone say it, as a bullet rips through the brand spanking new armor under her clothes. The sniper was good, hopefully really good and that was just a warning shot now searing in through her shoulder. A little dazed, she instinctively heads for Leu, ready to push him toward the nearest peice of scrap machinery to hide behind, if he doesn't get there first. <English>

Part of him whispered to be cautious ... part of him said, this is home... and just on that very thought something he doesn't even see or hear hits Leutrim hard in the chest and knocks the air right out of him! No leg shot this time. A second something hits him from behind and then there's sky and no earth in sight. The sound of gun fire registers almost dimly. Was it one shot or two? Everything's real quiet and for several breaths, Leu's dazed, flat on his back. Almost slowly, he starts to try and move. Move an arm, try to get on his side? Where's Eugene, where's cover.. rifle... where's Aelfred? "Aelf! Seek!" <English>

Fess Higgins tests an NPC's thrown weapon (60) against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (47).

Warning shot, perhaps that is what it was. Either way - there's something else being tossed over into close proximity to both Leu and Eugene. A good throw indeed as the gas grenade comes to land onto the ground, rolling a foot or so until pausing. It's a second before plummets of yellow tinged gas begin to spray outwards. The effects will only take moments after this stuff is breathed in. Knock-out gas.. <English>

The initial shots made Aelfred crouch down, but the moment Leu's voice commands him, the dog leaps up and is off like a shot himself! Nearly 100lbs of Osiris trained police dog runs, seeking a target. If he can get to it, take it down and disarm it... if he can't reach it, bark to draw his handler! Off he goes, darting off into the wreckage to find his prey. <English>

Eugene wasn't hit so squarely, she's still moving, suddenly she's looming over Leutrim. "Leu, up. NOW!" she practically shouts, reaching down for his arm with her right, trying to get him to his feet, get him moving. As the canister falls clanking to the ground she ignores it at first, but then the hissing. A curse in Korean and she attempts to hold her breath, still attempting to pull Leutrim upwards. <English>

Leu is still dazed, but he's moving, trying to get to cover and draw his rifle case around to pull the weapon out. He hasn't said anything else, focusing hard on that simple thing. Then Eugene is looming over him, shouting at him to get up. All right. Draw a leg up, push with an arm, getting up, "Where?" Where is the sniper? Trying to move quickly. Something falls and rolls practically under Eugene's feet. Leu's never seen gas, wasn't in the military. "Got to support Aelf!" Leutrim's up but the gas is hissing out fast. <English>

For a moment he's up and looking like he's doing fine and they are so going to haul ass and get out of here. But then Leutrim's weight draws against Eugene. He's loosing focus, sagging against her. It happens pretty fast. One moment he's starting to take a step and then next he just ... sort of folds. 200+ lbs of man and gear just falls down. There's no chance Eugene can keep her grip and hold him up. <English> . Judge Alpha successfully attacks Eugene using a unarmed attack at a 80 difficulty. (9)

- Eugene has taken 1 points of stun damage. She is currently Injured. - Eugene has taken 0 points of wound damage. She is currently Injured..

Yet another shot fires out from that same location, this time skimming across Eugene's arm. <English>

Heavens help her why are men so ruttin' stubborn? Eugene tries to tug him away, but that shoulder is throbbing now, she seems to be faltering a bit. And then he's down like a sack of potatoes, practically toppling her with him. Not that it matters, she can't hold her breath for much longer anyhow. In the few seconds she's got left, Genie takes her hat and stuffs it half under a nearby bit of brush. It's not much, but it might be something. Another shot skims past her armor then, causing her to gasp, and then, the gas gets in, causing her to crumple like a ragdoll next to Leu. <English>

Judge Alpha draws his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha fires a burst of hot lead at Leutrim with his Colt M4A17 - 12521.

Judge Alpha successfully attacks Leutrim using a Colt M4A17 - 12521 at a 65 difficulty. (20)

The attack should deal 5 stun points and 4 wound points.

Animal lover? Afraid not. The sniper above begins to wedge his way out from the cover, the chameleon suit flickering as it gives away his position. Leaning his sniper over, a single shot is fired off at the dog. <English>

There is another shot fired, this time not at them but at the dog! Aelfred gives a yelp unexpectedly in the midst of snarling and barking! The dog leaps unexpectedly into the air, then falls, twisting about with yelps and whines! If he can get back up, run away ... panic animal mode. <English>

Judge Alpha has left.

SUMMON: Fess Higgins will be removed from this location shortly. SUMMON: Leutrim will be removed from this location shortly.

SUMMON: Fess Higgins is being +summoned from this location. Fess Higgins has left.

SUMMON: Eugene will be removed from this location shortly. SUMMON: Leutrim is being +summoned from this location.

 Miller's Hidden Apartment                                         =>Beylix<=

This room is about twenty feet squared. It doesn't look like the rest of the hangar. It's been remade to fit like a studio apartment. Lockers line the walls, swords hang on the walls, and tapesitries hang down in places from the ceiling. There is a large bed almost able to hold at least ten people. There are four pillars in this room made of metal. Each one seems spread out evenly in each quarter section of the room. A couch, a vid screen, and some rugs make up the finer points of one of the other bare corners. A small kitchen holds in the other corner and the last corner houses a large shower area.

Leutrim                                Fess Higgins                           
Judge Alpha <JDG>                     
<Out>    Hangar                       

Eugene has arrived.

There is no telling how long it has been since Eugene and Leutrim have fallen unconcious. Though, when they do begin to wake up, they will find that they have received medical treatment, have even been stitched up. The room that they find themselves within is what appears to be a studio apartment. Lockers line the walls, no weapons within sight, and tapestries hang down in places from the ceiling. There is a large bed, almost able to hold at least ten people. There are four pillars in this room made of metal. EAch one seems to spread out evenly in each quartersection of the room. A couch, a vid screen (that plays random movies), and some rugs make up the finer points of one of the other bare corners. A small kitchen holds in the other corner, stocked with 'finger foods' for the most part as no utensils are there and stove having been ripped out leaving only the microwave. The last corner houses a large shower area. <English>

Leutrim removes his Impax 'Defender' Tactical Armour - 12615.

Eugene removes her Starke 'Velites' Bodysuit - 8077.

There... that's odd. Something over there laying out on the ground in plain sight but not moving. Bit of rags just dropped? No, is it an animal? Well off to the side along the path that leads towards town. Looks like a dog. Decent size, about Aelfred's coloring. Not moving, just lying there on the ground flat out on it's side. Not close to where you are. Longer you look at it, the more it .. might bother you.

Eugene groans a little, eyelids flickering as she starts to come around. She turns over, almost as if trying to get a little more comfortable on the big expansive bed on which she's lying, or maybe it's to turn away from the annoying buzz of the cortex terminal. She babbles incoherently for a moment, or maybe it is coherent and just in Korean, who knows. Her hand strays to her face, rubbing at her eyes she opens them, blinks a few times and props herself up on an elbow. "What time is it?" she starts muzzily, as if she's at home and just slept through her alarm. It takes a moment for the gas haze to wear off and then it all seems to come flooding back. "Leu?!" Genie asks frantically, sitting up quickly now, wincing as the movement tugs at her newly stitched shoulder. <English>

Quiet breathing... not really aware, just groggy, waking up. Someone moved next to him, made some noise. Eugene's voice? Words don't make any sense to him. He's laying down on something... bed maybe? Not hard? Dimly aware of pressure against the right side of his chest. Like something leaning against him. Then Leutrim opens his eyes. There's a ... ceiling. Doesn't look familiar. Slow blink. His eyes shift a little bit... disorientation. Where is he? It's ok, Eugene is here. Leu turns his head, still groggy and not very focused. He smiles just a little bit, "Morning, you." <English>

"Leu?" comes the querilous reply, as Eugene turns to look to the side and smile at him a little. "There you are. Where's Aelf?" her fingers reach up to gingerly explore that weird tugging feeling at her shoulder, and she looks mildly surprised to find bandages. That done, she reaches over to grasp Leutrim's hand, give it a squeeze. "You okay?" her eyes squinting as she tries to concentrate, look him over carefully. <English>

From a hidden speaker in the room, a generic computer voice speaks: "Curiousity killed the cat.. or should I say, dog." <English>

He's coming up from the gas, or whatever drug he had, a bit slower than Eugene. Leutrim frowns a little bit, "Don't kn -" but then he stops, tenses. Suddenly Leu tries to sit up but that makes his side hurt and he moves a hand to the right side of his chest along his ribs, "Where are we?" His voice is sharper, looking around. That's when he hears the speaker voice and freezes his movement, listening. .... dog .... Now sitting up, but a little light headed, Leutrim's face blanches, "Aelfred." <English>

The voice continues onwards, this time sounding like it's coming from the kitchen area - completely across the room from where it was the last time. "Temper, temper. We found better use for him. Kung Pao German Shephard. Goes down good." <English>

Leu's got himself propped up on one elbow. Carefully, he eases up a bit further, mindful that despite meds and bandages, somebody still winged him pretty good. Had armor on, but still much bruising, perhaps a cracked rib. He swings his feet off of the bed to the floor but doesn't get up. His pale eyes follow Gene, then he says to the room rather coldly in tone, "You always shoot at locals and tourists ... and their dogs?" <English>

Eugene is livid, wobbly, a little pale, but angry, the little vein in her forehead would be throbbing if there was enough blood getting to it. "Tell you what goes down good, my fist, down your ruttin' throat. This how you treat visitors on this planet?" she swings around, glares at Leu, but as she turns toward him her eyes shift to the side toward the kitchen, brow cocked slightly. "I can see why you left, honey. I told you I did -not- like planets with jungles." <English>

The voice now comes from the bathroom area, emitting out into the room. "I see London, I see France, I see someone's underpants. Liar, liar, pants on fire." <English>

Leutrim rubs his face, trying perhaps to judge maybe how long they have been here by how much stubble he's managed to grow back? He frowns at Eugene, "I didn't drag you off into any jungles. Was just looking at the old factory. There's a lovely lake - you would have enjoyed it." There might be a hint of exastberation in his tone. But then that voice cuts back in from another location. Not jumping up yet, Leutrim looks around... where's the door? Where's their stuff? Don't see their gear - no surprise there. Puts hs hands into his pockets... empty. Looks around to see what is in here. What the walls are made of... typical backwoods Verbena dwelling or look like something else? Finally Leutrim gets up, puts a hand out to the bed to steady himself. Goes a little slow, then starts to move towards the bathroom. May as well see what's in here. Doesn't say anything. <English>

Eugene glances up and around, "Oh, no... believe me, I'm gonna punch you in the face. Got my word on that." Adrenaline only gets a person so far though, and Eugene's little tirade looks about to come to an end. She sighs, settles herself weakly on the bed for a moment, just to sit, gather herself back up. Fully awake now though, she takes another sweeping look at the room, "Love what you've done with the place." she drawls, "Any chance of you telling us what we're doing here?" <English>

The bathroom is typical of what you would find in an apartment setting or even any setting with even a sonic shower.

The voice once more emits, this time from the other side of the room. "Chivary is dead." A long pause. "Curiousity killed the dog. Snooping killed the owners." <English>

For the moment, Leutrim has gone to the corner of the studio (since it's really all just one room) and stepped into the partioned little space that holds what passes for a bathroom and shower. He looks around, stands by the head and proceeds to relieve himself while he looks about. Eugene can hear water passing, then zipping and the toilet being flushed. Then if there is the means to do so, Leu starts to wash his hands. If there is water and soap, or antibaterial goo, or whatever. If there is nothing at all, he doesn't worry about it. Steps over and looks inside the shower unit, then starts back out, "Your turn, love." Then he pauses to look up at the tapestries with interest. <English>

Eugene sighs again, "Ain't that the truth.." she mutters in response to the Chivalry comment, and when the rest comes, she simply sits there for a moment. Quiet. "Why bother fixin' us up then?" Genie muses, if the voice overhears her fine, but she isn't directly asking it now. As Leutrim speaks, she simply shakes her head at him, she doesn't need to go. <English>

Above the bed, "Easier to leave the mess for someone else to clean." <English>

Still leisurely, Leutrim walks over and carefully puts his hands out to the door... careful not to actually touch it, but like he's feeling if there is any sort of ... staticy kind of charge coming off of it, any heat... or just cold metal. Hmm.. maybe a barely there feeling and sound. Door's electricly charged - so he doesn't touch it. Then Leu moves over towards the kitchen as though to check out the vittles left out for them. "You hungry?" He asks Gene, then starts to look and see if there is anything in the drawers, cabinets... looks cleaned out. Did they miss anything? <English>

Eugene just turns a weary eye over toward the kitchen, shakes her head again, perhaps thoughts of Kung Pao Shepherd are circling through her mind. "No, thanks." she mutters again. Glancing up at where the creepy voice came out from over the bed, she shudders, pushes herself up to move toward one of the pillars, her hand hovering near it for a moment, then dropping back. She looks up the length of it, then turns her head to glance at the other three. <English>

Hrm... well, food looks all right. Chips, sandwich stuff, jerky, fruit, etc. Leutrim looks around but doesn't find anything they missed like oh... things in the drawers or cabinets. Not even a twist tie. Maybe some mouse poop. Dead bug or two. Standing back up, Leu opens the microwave to see if it has power and what's in it. Any turn table? Anything removeable? Nope. He closes it. Then Leu suddenly coughs. Hurts his side and chest, a little fluid or phlem coughed up. Coughs a couple of times, mutters something under his breath. When that stops, Leutrim turns and looks back at Gene. Watches her a moment, maybe judging how hurt she is - but she's moving around and not looking too bad. Leu cautiously picks up a small piece of the finger food and smells of it, then tastes a very tiny bit, ready to spit it out if there is bitterness, burning, excess sourness ... doesn't swallow it. <English>

Eugene is moving, slowly, and when Leutrim starts coughing her eyes tear away from her perusal of the pillar to fly toward him with concern. She makes her way in his direction, "You okay Leu?" she asks, frowning a bit as he decides to dig into the finger foods. Geez this place is weird. She starts to raise a hand as if to warn him off eating it, but too late, he doesn't seem worse for wear though. "How is it?" she asks, having little else to say at the moment. <English>

"Yeah, I'm all right." Leutrim says, though takes him a moment to get his breath. He hasn't actually ingested any of the food, doing the 'Is it poisonous' cautious tasting thing without swallowing. But as he doesn't detect anything, he tries a small piece of something, "Tastes fine. But, just incase, you don't touch it for at least eight hours incase I get sick. Can reheat in the microwave if it's fine." He doesn't touch any more of it himself for now, either. "They bother to patch us up, food's probably just fine. Only, like an idiot I just gave blood." And he taps the bandaid on his left arm. No wonder he keeps feeling light headed. With that in mind, Leu goes back across the room to the bed and sits down. "Try the vid. We may be here a while." <English>

OOC Note -----------------------------------

(Pages Ivy to ask to confirm symptoms of blood loss for Leu's symptoms) Ivy (I) pages: Tacchycardia, decreased blood pressure (decreased blood volume heart is pushing it around faster). Perierpheral pulses would be weaker than his heart (so he might have a pulse at the wrist of say 66 beats which would be normalish but if you listened to his heart it'd be 120ish...) Some cognitive loss if it's been enough, cold, pallor.

Ivy (I) pages: If the bleeding stops, which is big, and he hasn't gone into complete shock (which is deadly) he'll recover. He'll be weak and his blood volume loss would cause things like postural hypotension--that's when you get up and feel dizzy, it's because his heart is beating so hard to keep that blood pushing around and gravity hurts.

Eugene makes a rather disgusted face at the pile of finger foods, "No worries, don't feel too hungry anyways." She rolls her one good shoulder in a bit of a shrug, "Probably got meat in it all to boot." then she's turning, moving back toward the couch, flopping herself down on it rather unceremoniously. "Think we got a choice, or this thing just play whatever it wants?" Genie asks, gesturing toward the vid screen. <English>

Leutrim's not looking too good. Pale. He lays back down on the bed carefully, then just lays there breathing a bit too much and looking up at that ceiling. And those tapestries. "I don't know." he answers, about the vid. Doesn't say anything else, just closes his eyes. <English>

The voice comes to emit above the bed: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I wonder how you are." <English>

"Yeah, I guess we should ask.." Eugene starts, but that nasty voice pops back of it's own accord. Her head swivels to where it's coming from now, the bed, and Leu on it. "Leu? You alright?" she asks again, starting to sound like a broken record with that by now, but he doesn't look it this time. Up again, she heads over to the bed to sit herself beside him carefully. "You're too pale.." Genie mutters, placing a cool hand on his forehead as if to see if he's got a fever or something, "Stay awake though huh?" <English>

He's ignoring that voice. Leutrim opens his eyes and gives Eugene an attempt at a smile, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Probably just got up too fast, moved around too much." A squeeze of her hand, "I'll rest a bit." His skin is not warm to the touch - quite the opposite, cool with cold hands. But he doesn't seem to be concerned about it, just wants to rest, "I don't have a concussion, silly woman." <English>

The speaker emits:

"Now I lay my head down to sleep, pray the Lord my soul to keep.." <English>

Eugene frowns, "You're cold." she says worriedly, clasping his one hand in both of hers, she rubs at it a little as if trying to warm him up. "Shut up!" she says, eyes raised toward the ceiling, "If you're not going to be helpful, just shut. Up." Leu might be able to handle that annoying voice, but she obviously can't. Another frown, brown eyes blazing before she looks back at Leutrim, "Yeah, how would you know? You're white as a sheet. But, you need a blanket or something?" Genie asks, still holding onto his cool hand. <English>

Boy, he feels like shit. Just wants to rest. But Leu nods, "Yeah, cold. I'm on the blanket." He'll have to get up to get under it he suposes but starting to sit up again makes his head swim. Suddenly looks like he wants to throw up or something. Leutrim grits his teeth, "Ignore the voice. It's nothing." With some effort, Leu manages to fudge around just enough to try and get the blanket down. But he's light headed, sits right back down at once, then moves to try and lie back down again. His boots seem to be off already, handy that. Where are they anyway? Well, he he can get under the blanket, he can finally stop trying to move around. Just rest a bit. "You go watch a vid or something. Good to ... distract yourself. Don't think about unpleasant things, OK? Just going to rest a little bit." He closes his eyes to do just that. <English>

"Yeah right, I'll go watch Disney movies while you die on me." Genie retorts, "Maybe they got gorram Bambi, on that thing. In the mood for a nice, happy flick." Yeesh, if fire could actually be spit by a human, everything in the room would be charred to a cinder right now. Sighing a little, Eugene scooches higher up on the bed, sitting cross legged, and straight backed next to Leu. Hands forming a circle on her lap, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. It takes about fifteen minutes or so for her breathing to even out, but soon it's slow and steady, she sits like a buddha statue there on the bed. She's taken Leu's suggestion to heart, she's not thinking unpleasant thoughts, she's not thinking anything at all. Just like her father taught her, accept, let it flow around. Breath." <English>

There's a chuckle, he can't help it. She cracked him up - doesn't matter of she's mad. Leutrim opens his eyes a little to watch her but he doesn't say anything else. Watches Eugene shift to sit on the bed next to him and then all is quiet. He watches her for a bit ... but he's real tired. Still feels weak. Just close his eyes for a bit. Feel better to deal with stuff later. Easily in the time it takes Eugene to reach her quiet, restful meditational state, Leu's drifted off to sleep. His own breathing eases and does not cease. Just rest. <English>

End of RP Log --------------------------------------------