Eavesdown Ambush

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Eavesdown Digs - Lobby - Persephone =>Persephone<=


Truly. It's basic. The walls are a worn, dirty beige stucco and simply move into a rusted stairwell that allows access to the upper floors. The floor is a cheap tile that is dingy and peeling, showing its wear from all the people who walk over it. The doors here on the first floor are painted different primary colors, which have faded, to make it easier to see the difference. It's a simple touch that the owners tried to give some kind of color to the hallways but it just comes off as too bright. Still, the units are cheap and its riddled with rats, strong odor of urine, cigarette butts and graffiti on the walls.

Amber                                  Josephine                              
Akila                                  Jade                                   
Evalyn                                 Twitch <idle>                          
Elric <idle>                           Gerry <idle>                           
Reilly <idle>                         
<SW>     Stairwell                     <H>      1st Floor Hallway             
<ES>     Eavesdown Slums              

Amber knocks at the door, waits, half watching the corridor behind her as Josephine leads the way. She pulls out a bar of chocolate, and offers it in her direction. "Like a square?" <English>

Twitch moves quietly along following after Reilly. Her eyes scan the area as she moves. hands near her guns. Not the best area of town for a stroll. <English>

He has a few names, a bit of information for Evalyn. That's what brings Reilly to her office. The Irish Captain is wearing a hat that's pulled down over his eyes and a jacket with a high collar to obscure almost all of his face. With the March cool air and wind, it doesn't look too out of place. His hands are shoved in his pockets and he makes small talk along the way. "Anyone see t'at movie on the Cortex the ot'er night..." He trails off when they approach the building. <English>

The lithe figure of Jade enters the threshold of the Evesdown Digs, hawk like violet blue orbs scanning the interior of the establishment, her nostrils moving upwards in a flexing motion as she sniffs the local air. An AK-47, the pride of the east from Earth That Was, is slung from her shoulder, awaiting any predicament it might be useful for. Evalyn and Akila are not too far behind her, following her into the Lobby. She stops, turning around on her heel with deadly grace and elegance, "We're in the right place, right Evalyn?" She asks in a sweet rim world accent, genuine curiosity twinkling in her eyes. <English>

Gerry is here with the Captain of the Red Deuce. There's not much more to it than that. He's silent, not answering Reilly's question or responding to much other small talk because he's just not the sort of guy to talk a whole heck of a lot. That's just the way he is! He's wearing the usual for him, along with a leather duster and a brimmed hat. <English>

Evalyn gives a little nod, as she strides past Akila and Jade, slipping a set of keys from her pocket. "Yeah, this..." A pause; the woman falters, looking around curiously. "Amber?" She laughs. "Nice to see you here. Jo, y'all wanted t' talk to me?" <English>

Josephine smile softly a she walks with Amber, her hands in her pockets as she give Eve a nod. "I wanted to get an update, any information you guys have." She says softly. "That and to visually see everyone of you is still okay, after the shooting on Hera I've been going out of my mind." <English>

Akila follows in shortly after Evalyn and Jade, the girl looking to the latter when Eve cuts herself off. "Yeah, this is the place. Unless my memory is bein' even worse than usual on me." She murmurs before turning her attention over towards the two Evalyn addresses. <English>

Elric is already here having entered with Reilly and stands relaxed to one side. He seems right at home here and not to give the place a second thought as far as decour goes. This doesn't mean he isn't alert and cautious. He gives Jade a look as she enters carrying the assult rifle. The voice of Josephine draws his hazel eyes toward the the entering ladies. <English>

While everyone is talking, yes this is a low down slum down neighborhood. Burnt out buildings, abandon buildings, dark allies and roof tops. Out of no where, no where I swear comes a gun shot, loud and perfectly clear... and then hot searing pain shooting through Eve's left shoulder. <English> Amber glances towards the direction of the shot - what might be the direction of the shot - for a heartbeat, before reaching towards the waistband of her skirt. A glint of steel is seen briefly in one hand as she pushes Josephine towards the door, inside, moving behind her and trying to pull Evalyn to the side and out of line of sight. <English>

Jade smiles over to Akila, a chuckle escaping her pink lips, "Oh well I'm sure you know this rock better then me. I really only know the spacers district and the commons." Her violet blue orbs move to Josephine, her smile remaining as she gives the women a nod of greeting. Out of the corner of her eye she spots Elric, her dominant right gloved hand raising in a wave before her attention turns back to Joe and Eve, especially when Eve's shoulder is rocketed by a bullet, The loud crack from what sounded like a rifle echoing in her ear. The raven haired warrior women's movement's are swift, swinging her AK into her hand, spitting on her heal, a flipping the mode to Auto. Her hawk like violet blue orbs take it all in, all six of them. "THREE ON THE ROOF, SNIPER!..." She yells into the crowd, hoping someone will hear and take the warning, "THREE ON THE STREETS. THEY GOT COVER!" Her weapon moves up, firing at the first fella she can get a bead on. Her goal at the moment is to relive them of the high ground. So with on squeeze of the trigger she lets the 7.62mm rounds fly in that direction. She's quick to move, only sticking around to know she hit someone. Crouching, she makes the short distance to Akila, "You got a rifle with a scoop don't ya? See if ya can't get a bead on that sniper." <English>

As Jade shoots up towards the roof, one of the guys on the ground take his oportunity, while Amber is shoving Joe into Eve's office, a shot rings out. Joe flys forward through the air, hitting the floor inside the door, screaming rather loudly like a Sailor who was just bitch slapped by a hooker. "Son of a bitch mother fucker, I am going to kill you." <English>

Twitch says, "Nah. Had ta work." Twitch replies about the movie her usually soft voice coming across harsher as she slouches along, eyes scanning though not moving her head much. The crack of a gunshot has her dodging for the cover of a shadow away from the sound and trying to spot where it came from, the sling held HK MP-7 in her hands. She looks up to try to find those on the roof at Jade's warning, as they can be the greatest danger. A silhouette and the HK screams out a spray of bullets, hopefully to keep their heads down but a shot seems to find it's mark."

Aww, shit. Reilly knows that feeling. It's one he's experienced before, a few too many times. He only has a moment to register the initial sting and subsequent burn before his right leg buckles beneath him. It sends him down on one knee, but he pushes through it and back to his feet. His first priority is to find cover and take Gerry to said cover with him. Unfortunately? Gerry's bigger than him and trying to drag the man along with him isn't going to work unless Gerry is willing to come along with him to that crumbled brick wall nearby. It might not be the best cover, but it's better than standing like a fool in the open. His pant leg is already stained a deep crimson, soaked through, way more blood than the wound should warrant. <English>

Like Gerry isn't going to let Reilly 'drag' him. In a way he's trying to do the same but since Reilly has somewhere in mind already, he just goes with it. He's swearing, just about every curse word he knows and some that probably wouldn't usually be curse words and sound near enough coming out of his mouth. He's pissed. Seriously. What did he says, huh?! He shrugs out of his jacket and pulls off his shirt because it's easier to rip, which is what he's going to do to give that leg something to be tied with. <English>

Akila eye's widen and the girl freezes up for a moment. Standing near to Evalyn as she was the girl is perhaps just a tad freaked about the fact that a bullet likely just flew right past her head. Still, it's just a moment before she spins to face the direction of the gunshots and begins to back up as Amber drags Evalyn out of sight, acting as a shield for the two. She quirks a brow at Jade's question and gives a quick shake of her head, making a gesture to the bow strapped to her back. "Nah, I aint got nothin' but that. Don't think I'll be hittin' any snipers with it." Hey, don't blame her for not having a rifle. Blame Evalyn for bringing a girl with pointy sticks to a gun fight! <English>

Evalyn lets out a short bark of surprise and pain, twisting to one side as the force of the shot -pushes- her, and her reflexes kick in to lean -away- from that pain. "Gorramit!" she roars, slumping against the side of the door-frame for support, as both her guns come out. Or, I guess, one of the two come out-- and the second sort of stays in her clasped hand, the arm unable to fully lift it. "Get inside!" she shrieks, fighting off Amber's helping yank-- though whether this was aimed at she, Jade, or Akila was anyone's guess. The woman looks up, seeming to almost innately know where one of the baddies were; with an agile flick of her thumb, the safety is off the first gun she brings to bear. She depresses her finger, drowning out obscenities and slurs in a rattle of bullets, flashes lighting up an almost cruel sneer on her face. The gentle 'patpatpat' of bullets striking flesh echoes oddly through the streets-- one of the men seems to trip backwards, falling to lie prone on the street. <English>

Elric doesn't wait to start moving. The crack of the shot might as well have been the sound of a starter pistol. The movements are quick and smooth as he heads into the cover of the shadows. His right hand slides under the jacket to pull the Desert Eagle that was concealed there. The safety is fliped off and only then does he look for a target to turn his hand cannon on. "A set up." He lines up carefully on the alley picking a target and taking aim. <English>

From the roof to the right, another rifle shot comes out, this one intending for Eve, that's the BHG member right, but instead Aki gets pegged in her side, couldn't be helped with nonBHGers getting into the way... blast those kids, and their dog too. <English>

Joe crawls up from the floor, moving twords one of the windows. She knocks it with the butt of her Bersa, breaking out the glass before she fires once into the Alley, and yes she does remember to take off that safety. Her lips are mumbling, almost like she's recalling the shooting range training, going over the steps in her head. <English> That's - an interesting sensation. Then it _hurts_ and Amber looks down to see her shirt turning red. Frozen, her fingers touch it and she realises a) its real b) whoever did it is out there to shoot again and C) its HER blood. On her stomach. Lots of it. That's when she sits down (collapses?), hard, on her backside against the wall, fumbling at her backpack for some reason and turning three shades paler. <English>

The guy who fell from the roof, now laying in the middle of the street doesn't move.. doesn't twitch... nothing... maybe he's pretending, but then again his head doesn't look like it should be bent that way. <English>

A shot comes from the roof in the center, the one right across from the office. It goes down and shoots another hole in the glass window, taking down and murdering an innocent computer sitting on a desk behind Joe. <English>

Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (53). Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 90 difficulty. The result is successful (36). Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 100 difficulty. The result is successful (60). Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 110 difficulty. The result is successful (61). Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 120 difficulty. The result is successful (52). Jade tests her Firearms:repeating against a 130 difficulty. The result is successful (35).

<OOC> Jade smiles

<OOC> Josephine says, "Okay Ramboetta"

<OOC> Twitch says, "BADASS!"

<OOC> Evalyn says, "Nice XD"

<OOC> Reilly grins.

<OOC> Jade says, "Thankies :)"

<OOC> Elric says, "No shit smiles!"

<OOC> Twitch says, "We can all go home now. :)"

<OOC> Josephine says, "Okay, we have to do this... Jade, I want an awsome pose from you, all rambo movie like, and then I will pose a reponce... all Hollywood actionfilm..."

<OOC> Josephine says, "with maybe a film noir tone"

Jade blinks, yep there's that ditzyness of hers. She can spot a whole assault force hiding behind dumpsters and a roof top but thinks a simple Recurve Bow is a sniper rifle. My, my, looks like she's on her own when taking out this roof top sniper's nest. "Oh, well shoot /somethin'/" She says comically, a glint coming to her violet blue orbs accompanied by a dangerous smirk which shows of several pearly white teeth. Her AK comes up again and her trigger finger squeezes, sending off six three round bursts towards baddie number one, though to the untrained it might seem like automatic fire she's that consistent in her rate of fire. She moves as she fires, with deadly grace and elegance. Her deadly smile and blood lusty glint remaining ever so present on her facial features. "SICKNESS TO YOU MY MASTER!" She screams. Her shooting pauses for a moment, "AND HERE'S TA GETTIN' WORSE! HA!" She resumes firing. Once she's finished with her volley, she tilts her head back, looking over to Evalyn and Josephine, the two less severely wounded women. "We should take care of the Snipers Nest on the roof first, girls... enemy havin' the high ground ant such a good thin'." <English>

The center roof where all those bullets spray out, the man tries to go to the right then the left... all he ends up doing is twitching like he just stepped on a livewire. His rifle flies upwards, then lands behind him on the butt causing it to fire into the air as life around the man comes to a halt. He see's his whole life flash before him, he steps out of his body. "Oh god, I've made a mistake.... " And then he goes on to start monologing about all the mistakes he's made before his soul is sucked into the black oblibion that opened up under his feet. <English>

"Jho..." Words slurring slightly as Amber taps her iComm "BHG - or Alliance for backup?" Really, she doesn't look well and the creases on her shirt are going to make the bloodstains all interestingly Rorschach inkblotty when its peeled off her. With free hand - whups, no, its got a knife in it. Amber drops that into the backpack she's trying to drag around over her shoulder, and reach inside for the medpack in the inner lining. Thank the designer of hiking packs for making things easy to find. Except there's a funny sound in her ears that's not gunshots, and her vision seems a bit on the blurry side. Did someone fit her beer goggles while she wasn't looking? <English>

When the guy on the center roof goes down, the guy to the right alley comes out from behind his cover, screaming in German (if anyone understands page me) as he goes to take a shot at her with his gun, missing widely. <English>

Crouching deep in the shadow, a hand goes to a pocket of the backpack, drawing out NV goggles and slipping them on. Dropping the HK on it's sling, she draws one of her Eagles. Slower and surer may be better at the moment. Through the goggles the night lights up in a blue/green light. Now she can target! Her expressionless face stays calm. Hunting is her kind of work and getting excited doesn't help, especially if the prey is shooting back. A shot at the last man on the roof, the intimidating thunder of the Eagle echoing in the street as the shot flies true. <English>

"Not tae tig't, tae tig't will cause more damage," Reilly's instructions are calm, cool and collected. One of them has to stay that way. "In me backpack, me personal medkit, t'ere be an infuser of clottin' factor. Enough tae keep me from bleedin' out until we be findin' a way out of t'is." Hopefully! That's a lot of blood. Gerry's hands and arms are probably sticky with it. Between the instructions, he's tapping away one his PDA and speaking into his iComm softly to a little Ape Techie. <English>

Some little Noble brat has made her way onto the scene, pressing her way into the area with a more archaic weapon perched in her hands. She doesn't set to fire it right away, but is rather a little bit more interested in finding a specific male. The injured one with the blood issues. But it seems, at least, that the woman shifts to make her way over toward the the pair as someone is getting patched up. "See. I told you I'd show," she taunts, turning her back to the pair and taking a knee before them. Reilly and Gerry, that is, not too far infront of them but definately within arm's distance, eyes turned outward to watch out for bad people. <English>

It's just another day for Greg, strolling down in his duster and fedora, peeling an orange as he walks. Oh yes, and walking unsuspectingly into gunfire, yes, Greg has done that before. His typical response is to go to the ground and out of harm first, and today is no different. Greg immediately goes to the ground and rolls towards something that can cover him before he becomes a cover for someone else. <English>

Gerry ties Reilly's leg with the piece of shirt that he rips into a long, useful bit of fabric. He follows Reilly's instructions on how to tie it. He's silent but it's a different sort of silence than usual and his hands are shaking a little bit. He's scared. It's never fun to see blood coming out of a bullet hole in your fiance. Let alone one that offers up blood so damned easily. When he's tied off, Gerry looks in Reilly's backpack for the medkit and the infuser within. That's something he knows how to use by now and even the shaky hands don't keep him from giving the administering the clotting factor to Reilly. <English>

Akila smirks at Jade. "Ya', soon as ya' get rid of those snipers." She tsk's at Evalyn when the woman refuses to be taken to cover. "We dun' need to hide! You are the one wh-" Crack. Funny sensation. Pain. Pain. Pain. More pain. The girl goes silent as she looks down to the bullet hole in her duster and moves one hand, pushing the coat back to reveal the similar hole that now decorates her pants at her hip. While blood might not be quite so visible on black pants, the way her skin pales is likely a good indicator that she's losing quite a bit. She stumbles back until she hits a wall, sliding down and landing upon the floor with a *thud!*, grimacing as she looks up at Evalyn. "Ya' t-totally owe me twelve burgers for this..." <English>

Theeeere we go. Just a little wiggling and the arm's good as new, or something! Evalyn gets to her feet-- this time wielding both her guns, one in each hand. A quick glance is cast behind her-- and an almost apologetic look delivered to Akila and Amber --before she starts to move forwards, out into the open. "Jade," she shouts behind her, "get you all in and shut the door, make sure they don't die. You an' Joe take out the sniper. I'll be getting' those burgers," she adds with a gentle smile, "in just a moment hon. Hang tight."

Just-- just a teensy one, a tiny little smirk, an insane little grin; Evalyn moves slowly but surely, extending her arms out to point at the man shooting on Jade. "C'MON!" she roars; a burst explodes from each of her guns, followed by the gentle tinkling of metal shells on the ground. "C'MON!" she nearly screams again, as a second burst spits forth from her weapons, bullets flying wildly across the 'field.' Finally-- nonsensical or no --she cries at the top of her lungs; "Come GET me!", pulling the trigger on each until her guns click empty. <English>

The man looks at Eve, he looks like he's going to shoot, but he twitches... the bullets zipping around him, hitting him... time slowing down again as he just focuses on the crazy woman coming out at him. Time is lost to him, it's stopped, beyond the awsome power of the matrix, his eye twitches. His lip twitches, he can't help it.. sweat is pouring down his forehead blinding in his eyes... his commander is dead, his best friend his dead... and now he can't hear a damn thing. <English>

Keeping his mind on his own work is usually easy enough but the hail of bullets and rain of bodies that Jade unleashes strains the bounds. Only a coolness that has been built up over a lifetime keeps him on track and on target for BG6. The XO of the Tienlong lines up carefully taking the time to aim. The roar of the Desert Eagle screams in the night. The the ounce of lead enters the mans head and removes the back on the way out with a spray of blood and grey matter. <English>

From above, the last guy on the roof comes a shout in german (again if you know it page me) and then a shot comes down, hitting Eve into her right shoulder from above going between her collarbone. <English>

Joe braces herself against the wall, okay she's freaked... she's now screaming with her eyes shut tight, pulling the trigger of her Bersa with her broken pink nails as she wince with each shot now. "We got hunters... No Alliance... damn... cortex Will... Cortex Will... what do I do." <English>

Amber closes her eyes, shirt pressed against her with her right hand. Good thing the jacket and skirt are black: at least they won't show the bloodstains so badly. Place is full of crazy wimmenz. Mutters something about Windy wringing her neck for not looking after Jo better.

Distracted by Evalyns harpy charge, the medpac in her hand stays there. Uh, ueah, pull it OUT of the pack first. Except she was going to do something else wasn't she? IComm. That was it. Switches hands carefully. Amber concentrates very hard. You know, one thing at a time. Punches in numbers, one at a time. Whispers 'Eavestown Digs - Josephine - ambush', a word at a time. Then, as an afterthought, murmers the essentials. "Three injured, medic on scene, attackers down, Josephine OK." Uh, yep. Thats about it for now. Beathe nice and shallow and think about anything except holes in stomachs, septicaemia, onion soup - and the fact she's NOT WEARING THE DAMN ARMOUR. Leutrim is going to kill her. And then Lord Winchester Will. And fire her. Wonder what the going rate for setting up a rat-on-a-stick vendor cart is? A glance at the other injured woman next to her, and she nudges the medpac over before deciding to try NOT dropping the iComm and do her best not to fall into shock. <English>

Jade chuckles as Evelyn passes her, clearly enjoying the fight much like herself. She replies killer smirk and blood lusty eyes never once faltering, "Alright I'll get 'em inside just after I empty this clip." She makes good on her word, firing off her last nine 7.62mm rounds with thunderous noise towards the last sucker on the roof, hopefully hitting her mark. She simply drops the clip once it's done, letting her assault rifle fall limp at her side as it hands from her shoulder. She sprints back to Akila, helping her inside if she so need it and doing also dose the same for Amber. Once she's successful in getting the two inside she stops for a minute to reload her weapon with a fresh clip from her Tactical Vest, pulling the action back to signal that the famous rifle is ready to do its dirty deeds and dirt cheap too! Her violet blue orbs move to Joe as she speaks, lashes' blinking in amazement, not sure what the women is thinking. The warrior woman shakes her head, dismissing the matter for now, before continuing out into the battle field. She makes sure to close the door behind her whilst putting herself down into a crouch. <English>

Alen stands there, the german may or may not have registared in his ears, but he knows Joseph's dead too. He can't hear, the worlds gone still around him, that woman is standing infront of him, the sweat is blinding his eyes. There is a shot from above, the guy on the roof seems to know what the hell Alen is going to do, but Alen is missed when he drops to his knees , bending over to set his gun down, get on the ground chest first with his hands on the back of his head. The man above drops his rifle, shout something in german and pulls another, smaller side arm aimed at his own head as he backs away from the roof wall, going towords parts unknown. From the docks a ship blasts off, way to fast going up into the sky heading out of dodge. <English>

Twitch is about to let go with the big Eagle, her target clear with the help of the NV goggles, as the other leaps to her other dexterous hand. But things change...All that is left is the man surrendered on the ground. She moves cautiously out to cover him till he can be restrained. Maybe some info at last. <English>

A shot rings out, and there it was, the equalizer-- the burning sensation of -life- pouring now from her right arm. And it wouldn't work. Not like her left shoulder-- no, this one wouldn't move, so numb. With no other choice, the woman releases the gun in her right hand, an insane smile spreading across her face as it clatters to the ground; she approaches the man lying face-down on the ground (completely ignoring Twitch!), raises her Kriss high in the air, and brings it smashing across the back of the would-be-assassin's head. "Their corslets were, with blood besprinkled," she begins to chant, almost as though it were a martyr's prayer, to carry her through to finish her task. "And from their spears," she continues, "shone beams of light." The woman pauses, inclining her head back to grin up at the german, her ashen face pale under the light of the moon. "Beams of light motherfucker-- better finish it before I do!" she cries out, rushing into the building with a renewed sense of vigor. <English>

This is not Juliet's favorite place to be, not remotely. Guns blazing, bullets flying, where is a sturdy wall to hide behind. Though the calls rendered spoke past the fear to the doctor beneath. People were shot, people she knew and well she needed to make sure they lived past the experience. With duster on and medkit in tow, Juliet comes in from the east side as advised by her XO, trying to keep low and inconspicuous as she moves closer to drama. There are two lads from the Wellness clinic flanking her, Dale and Marc, trying to get her into the hot zone as safe as possible. <English>

"T'ey all be down or surrendered or gone," Reilly offers to Artemis and Gerry after a brief little murmured conversation with the little bud in his ear. "'ornet be takin' off quick like from the Docks t'ough." Talk about something besides his bleeding leg, keep his mind off it, or...his fiance's. "Twitch! Shoot 'im in the kneecaps if 'e be ... Uh...twitchin'!" A pause, more listening. "The 'ornet be illegal, Bree be 'avin' the name of the t'ing..." <English>

Gregory pokes his head up and realizes the shooting is over. Greg knows better than to get up immediately though. Instead, he rolls a bit to survey the scene, and to take a moment to locate his wayward orange, which by now has been shot into pieces by a wayward bullet. Someone clearly needs to practice his (or her) aim. <English>

Josephine drops down below the window, the pain in her back really getting to her know, she realizes how bad a bullet hurts, and she starts crying, dropping her gun beside her leg. <English>

Elric watches as the man drops the rifle and threatens to kill himself. "Now that is really idiotic." He lines up taking careful aim for the mans head with the big pistol. If it's a choice between lose him or kill him the decision is easy. The Eagle roars again and this ones head explodes like a ripe melon as he makes for the fire escape. <English>

Just in time for the end of the fight Dale arrives flanking Juliet on the right. he looks grim and strained but prepared for anything. He takes a quick look around gaging the after-math. Who's dead, who's bleeding, who needs to be dead, who he recognizes etc etc and any active gunfire that might still be discharging. His concern, however is the medic under his protection. He moves quickly, alert and measured. <English> Gerry puts things away and puts his jacket back on, stuffing the torn shirt in the backpack so they can throw it away proper like. He still doesn't say anything, listening to what's said around him instead. <English>

Artemis slowly rises up from her position, lowering the powered bow in her hands to point toward the ground. Then, slowly, she turns around toward Reilly with a little nod. Not like she can do anything about the conversation in her head, but, she does lean toward Gerry, raising one hand to rest against his shoulder as if an attempt to calm the man down or get a response. <English>

Jade watches over as the gun fire dies, letting her weapon rest once more lazily against her side. She searches her pocket, finding an intact cigarillo. She lights the stick of vanilla scented tobacco, letting the smoke drift ever so lightly into the gunpowder ridden air. A simple exhale lets her bloodlust glint fade away and her smirk lessen. The raven haired warrior women looks her self over, making sure she's uninjured, the bi product of which is a sigh, "Ya know, I'm too lucky these days. Ant no fun less there's a /little/ pain." The battle maybe done put there's still wounded to heal. Jade helps with the process the best she can as the night drags on, starting with the pleas of Josephine within' the apartment. <English>

From her position propping the wall up, Amber gives Dale a faint grin and waves. Lookitme! I got red'n'sticky stuff all down my front! In fact, since it doesn't seem to be hurting so bad now she's hardly breathing, Amber tries pulling open her shirt to inspect the damage with a weirdly analytical attitude. Or a thoroughly shocked one. Shocked, in the eyes of professionals. Well, it looks like she has a belly piercing now, although not one with a neat little steel bar in it. <English>

Akila allows Jade to help her to safety, the girl not at all hesitant to get where bullets won't be able to reach her again. She grabs for the medpac before she moves however and begins to fumble with it shaky fingers once left to herself. Though, blurred vision doesn't help with this task. Once the gunfire appears to come to an end she calls out to the hall, voice a bit weak. "D-dn't s'pose there's anyone out there not bleedin' that can gimme a little help here?" <English>

"Well, I amnae walkin' out of 'ere on me own," Reilly points out to both Gerry and Artemis. Even if the bullet was in an arm rather than a leg, he probably wouldn't be standing too well on his own. Lordy, but he's pale. Really pale. Really...really /pale/. His words have started to slur just a little bit and he's starting to become a little disoriented and dizzy, even sitting down. The small dose of factor was enough to keep him alive this long, but...how much longer before that little wound has him leaking until he's bone dry. "Bad Coyote....." That makes little to no sense out of context. <English>

Marc brings up the rear in of the newest arrival to the fight, the remains of it anyway. "See Eva or A-k anywhere?" Marc asks Dale, watching the medical re-enforcements six out of necessity. Turning now to inspect the scene as a whole and lowering his weapon as lifeless bodies seem to dominate area. "I still get combat pay for this right?" He jokes outloud, already digging out a cigarette as he starts to search through the bleeding and the dearly departed for his boss and co-worker. <English>

Artemis lets her hand slip off of Gerry's shoulder and instead she takes the few steps closer toward Reilly to close the gap between them. And, all in all, it would seem that she wouldn't mind getting her white fineries dirty as one hand moves to sling underneath the man's body to hold him upward, allowing him to press his weight against her. That is, unless someone else comes to the rescue later, but at this moment she's feeling friendly. "Like hell you are, good sir." <English>

There is a murmur into her own Icomm as Juliet remains safely between her protectors. There is definately a look of strain on her face. Gunfights? Not her favotite place to be. The area quiets and Juliet slowly relaxes, letting her gaze scan the area, trying to get a eye on all those potentially wounded. She looks to the men on either side of her, "You two know how to Triage? Get people sorted between who needs me now or later..." She asks ever so hopefully as she heads into the aftermath. Her gaze shifts on to Reilly and she moves to the direction of her old employer,"What do you need Reilly? I called Aubrey to get some factors ready if he could, Mr. Ratius told me you were injured..." She explains setting down her medpac, a quick nod passed to Artemis as well. <English>

"I know yer prolly pissed but we needed him alive for awhile at least." Twitch says to the woman that smashed the prisoner's head in. Her face is expressionless and her voice soft and calm. She shakes her head and holsters her guns. A cord is removed from her pack and the man's hands tied behind his back. He diesn't look like he is going anywhere but ya never know. With that she moves out to try to help the medics where she can. <English>

Showing exactly how much he's been smoking lately, the tattooed man whom does the security work for Tienlong is coming now from the slums, a small pant and a few moments taken aside to rest against a wall slightly.. He then makes his way closer in the direction of the Digs, hiking his gun up to his shoulder now and aiming about now.. He hears no gunfire, but that doesn't say much. His finger holds against the trigger guard, the muscles in it flexed out and straining.. He listens in to some of the com-traffic.. Lowering his weapon, aiming more in the direction of the ground, he decides to call out now. "Y'all still alive here? If not.. Hope y'all don't mind lettin' me keep them fancy things y'all had!" <English> Kou Zidan peers in from the doorways, poking only his head in to gaze over the shades of violence spread about the Digs letting out a long whistle and a sadistic grin towards those in any sort of agony. He begins mumbling to himself about missing the good 'ultra violence' when it does go down. <English>

Elric stands from his hidden spot and looks about at the emptied streets and the effects of the firefight. "Just wonderful." He says after a moment and heads over to Reilly. "Just take a walk he says. Quiet exchange of information. You can tell them how Leu is doing." He gripes as he approaches the downed captain of the Duce. "Now I guess ya want me to carry ya home like last time?" He shakes his head as he looks at the man. "Quite a few of the names you mentioned seem to be here." <English>

Gerry rises with the backpack to help Artemis with moving Reilly, still silent. It'll be easier with two people but he's probably more than willing and able to take care of the moving the Irishman on his own if she has other things to do. "Careful," he finally says, voice low and almost more to himself than to Reilly or Artemis. <English>

Josephine crawls her way twords Amber. "Sweety, you okay... oh god..." She says as she gets to the girl's side. "It's my fault, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." <English> Akila, Amber, Reilly, Evalyn. Dale's eyes roam the scene. Amber! Akila! Dale blinks several times."Gorram hell. Yeah, Juliet, can help with that, but just don't ask me to try and fix wounds." he says directly to her answer. Right. Triage. Ivy once explained that to him, god help the verse. he knows mostly what to do. Check the bleeding people in order of most blood and least amount of limbs. "I don't see Eva, but I think I see Akila and there's Amber." he tells Marc. "Someone's taking care of Akila, i'm going to head over to Amber. You find Evalyn.' <English>

"Need tae find the Bad Coyote, 'ornet," Reilly informs Elric, Gerry, Artemis, anyone that's within earshot. "T'is isnae over...yet." Even with the big names down, that escaping ship means something. He's trying really hard to focus, but it's getting difficult. He's lost a LOT of blood. He probably shouldn't be sitting her rambling! But, well...that's just him. Need to make sure they all know! He's /just/ about to respond to Juliet. He even opens his mouth and starts with, "Jules..." And then well, he's down for the count and look at the nice bloody pool he left behind. <English>

Gregory finally gets up, but not before he fixes his hat. Style points, baby. Greg spots the XO and fellow crew members immediately. "Doc. Boss. Glad you could make it in one piece," Greg nods with his rifle still in hand in case there are remaining shooters. <English>

Artemis shifts her position as Reilly knocks himself out into unconciousness. "Do we have storage blood on the ship, still?" she asks of Gerry, canting her head toward him. "I haven't been around so much, so..." Her voice trails offward, eyes instead looking toward Juliet. "Hey, Juliet!" she calls with the brightest of smiles, walking slowly as to keep up with Gerryman. "Have anything for our man here so we can trek him back to home?" More friendly than professional. Seems this little one isn't afraid of the gore and yuck. <English>

Juliet nods to Dale, "Just put pressure on any bleeders, hopefully someone has called an ambulance. Get those that need rather immediate attention over to the clinic." She turns her attention back to Reilly then and he is speaking...then collapsing. Well ain't this a hell of a reunion. Getting the boss to faint on ya... "How close is the Deuce? The clinic is right around the corner, Aubrey can meet us there with factors for him." Yes she has treated him a time or two in their history. <English>

A Mule arrives onto the block, several guild members jump out, and start to cover the scene. They are the redcoats for sure, but they are doing their job. They go to start gathering up the dead, they handcuff the one guy still alive, and start loading up the mule. <English>

Marc takes a second or two to actually light his cigarette, and then his attention his stolen by Dale as he directs him to Akila. "Wilco." He offers as he stalks off to Akila's side, "What the matter, kid?" Marc asks, a long drag from his cigarette as he inspects the woman and her fumbling hands on a medpac. <English>

An Ambulance from the MWC is on it's way and can be heard screaming down the streets towards the scene. <English>

"I think so," says Gerry. But he's not the doctor and doesn't really know for certain. That's just something they try to do, right? He's frowning in thought and not really paying attention to much but wherever they need to take Reilly. <English>

"Aubrey's researching at the moment.." Mismatching eyes move to Gerry for a moment. "Can you go to the clinic with him? I'll run to the ship and make it back a little while after you, probably. I'd offer my factors, but they're different." Her head bobs just slightly, slowly unwinding her way out from under the captain pile. "Would there be time for that?" she asks, looking toward Juliet. <English>

Akila doesn't look quite so good, face pale as she offers a slight smile up at Marc. "Darn Eva got me shot...owes me a lotta burgers now though..." She murmurs as she moves her hands away from the medpac, pushing back her duster to reveal the bullet hole in her (now rather bloodstained) pants at her hip. <English>

"Thanks for the quick response Greg." He looks about at the number of Tienlong crew that showed with a nod of pride. "Good work people. Lets get these people off the streets and into beds. I'm going to take laughing boy here back to the Duce to stew for a bit." He checks his Desert Eagle and then slips it back into the shoulder rig under his jacket. "I'll see everyone there." <English>

Josephine goes to move Amber, so the girl is resting against her, as she goes to try and help her stop the bleeding. Her hands are shaking, and she's crying. "I'm so sorry Amber, it's all my fault, stupid idea... we should have stayed at the office... had soup... drank tea." <English>

Gregory nods at the XO of the Tienlong. "Do you want me to, you know, stun him first? Might be easier to handle," Greg eyes the man before he looks back at the rest of the crew and then the ones on the ground. "Those are goners right here," Greg gestures, "the rest have a chance, though the doc is right, we need to get them some help soon." <English>

Skidding over towards Josephine and Amber, Dale crouches down to look over them both quickly, "Dale Lambsey," he informs Josephine. "Amber here's a friend of mine. You look hurt to, ma'm. Let me help you ok till the Doc is free. Ambulance is coming directly." He sheaths his gun so he can give her a hand with Amber. "Hey, Amber. red isn't your color you know?" he tries to joke with her to keep her talking. <English>

Josephine nods her head. "Thanks... Josephine Bovie... I didn't think they'd come back to Persephone... we were just coming to get an update about the situation, and they started shooting... Chase's stupid armor stopped most of the bullet for me, but Amber wasn't wearing any." <English>

Juliet looks around at the other wounded with a sudden desire to clone herself but relaxes as she hears the sirens getting closer. "Let us get him to the clinic, we are well stocked at the moment." Juliet says to Artemis, not really knowing Gerry alas. Her fingers move to explore the wound on his arm and she is frowning as she reaches into her pack to place a fresh pressure pad on the wound and tying it off. "I am not about to do surgery in the field without blood and factors..." Always good when your doc knows your medical history. She looks around to the other staff from the clinic, "Anyone else Red tagged?" She calls over to Dale. <English>

"I wouldn't pressure you to do such a surgery," she comments, head bouncing up and down once before eyes land upon the vehicle that'll cart them to the clinic. "Off to the Clinic. Let us go then, good sir," she's commenting toward Gerry, sliding herself under Reilly's arm again to help aid in getting him to the medical vehicle. <English>

Marc smirks a bit at Akila's comment as he drops down to his haunches, "Burger girl, eh?" He starts, face altering into a scorn at the placement of the wound. Pulling the cigarette from his mouth for a moment, "Well, now. That's a few dozen burgers worth yet." Flicking the cigarette away and pulling out some gauze from Aki's medpac and pressing it against the woman wound. "Where is Evalyn by the way?" <English>

Really, what with everything going on and all.. Casey shrugs and hangs his carbine up, pulling out a cigarette and lighting up the tip of it. he closes his eyes as he starts to puff away, walking back in the direction where he came. <English>

A blink. Amber stares at Josephine for a moment, and then says quite clearly "not your fault. I should have dodged. Should have worn armour. Will next time," and then to Dale "prefer green, or blue." <English>

Dale calls back over to Juliet, "Amber here wasn't wearing armor, Red tag Juliet! Come here as quick as you can. Amber hon, everythings gonna be fine, ok?" He pulls out some bandages that he'd brought with him from the clinic to help stop the blood. "Need you to come tell me if she can be moved. I'll carry her." to Josephine he gives a smile of support, though it's got no humor whatsoever in it. "Don't worry, ma'm she'll be ok. Everything's going to be ok. yeah? put this on your wound. No sense you losing more blood too." Then he can't see her in the chaos. "What?" <English>

Akila grimaces as pressure is put on the wound, but manages a faint appreciative smile for Marc all the same. Pain was certainly better than dying in her book. At the question she slowly glances around. "Dunno...kinda lost track a stuff after gettin' hit...lots of gunshots...lemme know h-how she is when ya' find her?" <English>

Josephine lets out a breath as she nods, doing as she's told. "I think they went to take care of Reilly... I think he's really bad off." She says to Dale. "We should get her to the hospital, I'll contact her boss.. he's going to flip." <English>

Amber rouses faintly "he's going to be so pissed at me. I really messed up." She stares at Dale. "You don't want to touch me, get bloodall over you. Won't wash out easy. <English>

Dale nods, "I'll carry her, can you walk ma'am?" He asks Josephine, "you can hold on to my arm otherwise." He instructs. Amber's not that heavy so he tells her, "It ain't no problem, hon. Put your arm around my neck.' he directs her. "You're not walking." With that, he pulls up the girl into his arms, as long as she doesn't try and struggle. Struggling would be bad! it's very very gentle and a kodak moment. "I'm used to blood on me, I'm collecting blood types you know." <English>

Gregory finishes helping loading onto the ambulance and then turns around to scout the area for... survivors? Forensic evidence? General security? Greg is simply looking around, poking his head around corners. And of course, as usual, he has some food with him. Apparently he had another orange stuffed in his food sack somewhere and is now enjoying it in the middle of the former warzone. <English>

Josephine goes to stand up, her legs are shaky but she can walk. "Yes, I can walk.." She says as she goes to pick up her gun, and holster it.

The guild red shirts seem to be cleaning up the mess, getting evidence, and all that good stuff, that's their job. <English>