Jennifer rossum/logs/npc1

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NOTE: For the beginning of this scene, Kell is in a different room than Babbage and Epona. Kell is looking for a possible stowaway, Babbage and Epona are hanging around in the commons.

Most of she ship seems to be clear of intruders, zombies, vampires, warewolves, grues, and other nasties. But if Kell were to look in shuttle bay 2, he might see a person asleep in the corner, with her face pointed at a wall.

Babbage grins. "It's nice that some crew members don't have a 'don't put off until tomorrow what can be forgotten about entirely' attitude." He happens to catch a glimpse at Juliet covering her eyes. "Did you teach her that?" <English>

His first stop was the actual Cargo Bay, walking around any containers that may be around. He then walks around the walls of the cargo hold, gently tapping against each interior wall plating, checking to see if there are any loose plates that a person may be hiding.

Finding nothing, Kell climbs to the Catwalks and goes to check the first shuttle bay. Finding it empty after a look around, he does a one-eighty and checks the second shuttle bay before arching a brow, "Huh... Babs was right." Blocking the exit of the shuttle bay with his body, he bangs on the frame and says loudly, "Hey you! What are you doing here!" <English>

Epona gives something of a little shrug, and a snicker. "Kinda. If so, inadvertently. Just did what I always do with the smallest cousins." As if to demonstrate, she stares down Juliet, and covers her eyes...before quickly pulling back her hands, and wiggling her fingers, a look of mock surprise on her face. "Gasp!" Juliet gives Epona a nip on the nose. The girl giggles, and shakes her head, petting and playing with the ferret s'more. "Maybe it was a one-shot thing. Hey, is it bad I treat Juliet like my baby nephew's? Or maybe that I treat -them- like ferrets?" She glances up after a moment, and than looks back to Babbage. "...grue's?" she asks softly, frowning curiously. <English>

The stowaway slowly rolls over and reveals her face. It's a young face, can't be much older than eighteen. But it's a face that's covered in bruises and her eyes are filled with fear. The rest of her body is covered with bluejeans and a thick, black hoodie. She nervously says, "Please don't hurt me. I needed to get away from him, and I can't pay for a shuttle."

Babbage glances around and laughs. "I hope you've got a torch or a match in your inventory." He smiles at Juliet. "I wouldn't say it's bad. Just odd. But in an extremely cute way." <English>

"Shit..." Kell says as he sees the girl's bruises, wincing inwardly and shaking his head at the poor girl's shape. "I'm not gonna hurt you girl, I'm Kell, ship's security." He takes a few slow steps towards her and extends a hand to help her on her feet, "Let's get you to the medbay and get those bruises looked at." His guard is now somewhat lowered seeing who the stowaway is, certainly not a monster. <English>

Epona rolls her eyes a little, before slowly heaving to her feet-- carefully lifting and placing Juliet back on the floor, where she could scamper about in freedom, and steal socks when noone was looking. "Lies and conjecture," the woman says, smirking at Babbage. "Oy, Kell!" she shouts after a moment; "You fall on your face in there?" She tilts her head slightly, as though awaiting some sort of response, even if it -is- more banging on metal. <English>

The stowaway smiles and wipes away a tear that's forming at the corner of her eye. "Thank you." She reaches up to take Kell's hand, and walks wherever he leads her.

Babbage arches an eyebrow when Epona calls out to Kell. He smiles at Epona. "Maybe beer /before/ doing a sweep of the ship wasn't his greatest idea?" <English>

The pace that Kell sets is a slow one, in case the girl has more injuries than the ones visible on her face. He hears the yell coming from the Common Area and rolls his eyes, shaking his head. He doesn't yell back though, since it would be rude and perhaps even painful for the girl next to him. As he leads her to the Catwalks and towards the Medbay, he studies the girl again to see if there are any other injuries visible up close now. "What's your name and who did this to you?" He asks quietly and softly, not wanting to sound forceful. <English>

Epona smirks, and slowly saunters on over, nabbing Babbage's beer with a -totally- sneaky gesture. She grabs a sip, and offers it back with a shrug. "Hey. If we haven't built up a tolerance to inebriation yet, we're either alcoholics or genetically inferior. So it all works out in the end. I'm sure he's fine. Gonna try and scare us with monster-stories or something. Unless you were serious about a dude being on the ship?" she adds. <English>

"My name's Sam Malloc," The girl slowly says. There don't seem to any injuries beyond the amount of bruising you'd expect from losing a bad fight or running full-speed into a wall. "The bruises are from . . . ever since my mom left . . . my dad's . . ." She closes her mouth and a single tear runs down her cheek.

Babbage makes a little whiny noise when his beer is taken away, and he grips tightly onto the bottle when it's returned to him. He shrugs at Epona. "I've been hearing some weird noises at night lately. And today I saw an odd anomaly on the life-support logs." <English>

A little snicker floats out of Epona's mouth, but she gives a simple enough nod once the whining becomes talk. "Huh. I'd...comment, but I'm not sure there's been a night I -haven't- been either hung-over or drunk," she mutters, sounding -almost- embarrassed. "Y' don't think..." She pauses for a moment and-- looking fairly concerned! --calls out again; "Kell, I'm gonna drink your beer if you don't say something!" <English>

Another wince is made by Kell as it seems to be domestic issues, a girl with the bad luck of having an abusive father. Leading her through the door way into the Medbay, he directs her to sit on the medbed before deciding it's time to call the others in, "Hey! I need a hand in the Medbay, we've got an injured person in here." He lets the others know before turning his attention back to the young woman, "Sit tight, Sam, we'll get you looked at and maybe some food. So... where did you actually get on and how long have you been on board?" <English>

A little snicker floats out of Epona's mouth, but she gives a simple enough nod once the whining becomes talk. "Huh. I'd...comment, but I'm not sure there's been a night I -haven't- been either hung-over or drunk," she mutters, sounding -almost- embarrassed. "Y' don't think..." She pauses for a moment and-- looking fairly concerned! --calls out again; "Kell, I'm gonna drink your beer if you don't say something!"

Oh, wait, that -was- something, wasn't it? "Injured pe-- aww, this'll be fun," Epona kind of grunts, before moving towards the sound of Kell's voice. <re, to get back into place, and add something, because fingers don't behave the way they should> <English>

Sam sits in the edge of the medbed. She has nothing more to say at the moment.

Babbage grins at Epona. "Hey, so long as we still get our work done, I don't see any problem with getting wasted and waking up with a hang-over. 'Sides, I'm sure you could find some squishy, sexy guy to take care of you when you're hung-over." When he hears about the injured person, he stands up and quickly starts moving toward the medbay. When he gets there, his eyes dart between Sam and Kell. <English>

Leaning against the wall, Kell seems to be studying the girl quietly, not poking her with more questions if she chooses to be silent, waiting for the other two to show up. When Babbage enters, he looks at him before looking back at the girl, "Well, I found out why the Life Support Systems was showing that more air was being used. The girl's name is Sam and she couldn't afford a shuttle so she snuck onboard. Her dad did that." He nods his head in her direction, as if to show he is speaking about the bruises. <English>

"Yeah," Epona snorts, "but said squishy sexy guy sometimes needs to be taken care of him/self/. If I'm totally drunk alone, than it looks kinda pitiful, so I need to get you drunk, so I /won't/ look pit...i...pitiful..." Upon stepping into the med-bay, she trails off, managing only one more word as she gives Sam a sort of queer look; "Huh." She quiets for a moment, sort of ignoring Kell and Babbage as she leans forwards some, giving the young woman a strangely maternal look. "...hullo there," she smiles. "Hope the floor wasn't too terribly uncomfortable?" <English>

Sam stares at her own feet. When Epona greets her, she lets out a weak, "Hello.".

Babbage's eyes lock with Sam's. He has no idea what to do, or how to handle this. After a moment of acting like a deer in the headlights, he glances at Epona. "Do you know any first aid?" <English>

"The only first aid I know is battlefield aid... so I hope I'm not the one that has to check her out..." Kell offers, hoping that Epona will be able to find a way to help the girl so he isn't thrusted into the spotlight. <English>

Epona gently smiles. "I know how to dial 'nine-one-one,' how to stick a band-aid on, and a few more things, but not sure how much use it'll be. Picked up a little back at the clinic, but...ionno, don't feel comfortable doing anything without a 'real' doctor. Hey," she says back to Sam; "You want me to go nab a blanket for you, or a jacket or something? Can be mighty cold 'round here, like...always." <English>

"It's not that bad," Sam says in protest of the medical help being offered. "It's just a couple bruises. You learn to live with it after a while." Her eyes light up at the offer of a blanket, but she shakes her head. "I'm fine. Really."

Babbage looks at Epona and gives her a little nod. As if silently telling her to go and get that blanket. He kneels down so that he's eye-level with Sam. "Do you have somewhere we can take you? A friend or some family that you can stay with." <English>

Moving to the various cabinets in the Medbay, Kell begins to look for something that might help the girl's bruises, either a snap ice pack or some sort of soothing cream that will take away the smarting pain. He is able to find an ice pack and takes it out, snapping it at the middle to activate the chemical components inside the pack so that it becomes cold. He then grabs a sheet of paper towel, wrapping it around the ice pack so it isn't too cold to the girl in case she has sensitive skin. Moving to Sam, Draygo holds out the wrapped ice pack for her. <English>

Not that Epona needs to be -told- to go get the blanket. She pff's and kind of off-handedly wiggles her palm at Sam, as though the two were discussing the latest episode of Desperate Housewives, rather than carefully dodging around the issue of stowaways and physical abuse. "Oh, cripes, no. Trust me hon, I've passed out /many/ a time on the deck, and woken up colder than a glacier. I'll get you that blanket; we'll see if you need laundry done later." Her tone is friendly, but leaves no room for argument. "Either of you want anything while I'm up there?" she casually asks Babbage and Kale, fairly radiating a strange sort of calmness, the very antithesis of the 'you're in trouble' kind of air. <English>

Sam shakes her head at Babbage's question. "I . . . I don't have anywhere. I just figured I'd get away, then figure out where to stay afterward." She takes the ice pack from Kell, and holds it against her face. At first the cold makes her flinch, but once she gets used to the temperature she gives a relaxed smile.

Babbage smiles at Epona. "I think just the blanket will do for now." <English>

Nodding his head at Epona, Kell shows that he is in agreement with Babbage on the blanket and nothing else before looking back at Sam. Folding his arms across his chest, he studies her once more, "Atleast tell us which planet we should avoid, where your dad is." <English>

Epona gives a slow nod, another little smile. "Will be back in a moment or three; call if you need anything while I'm up there." She leans in to give Babbage a brief hug, before heading out towards the crew rooms. <English>

Sam shakes her head. "As long as I stay in the ship, I don't think he'll find me." She looks up at Kell with the one eye that isn't blocked by the ice-pack. Her voice is filled with begging and desperation. "I mean . . . can I stay on the ship? At least until I find somewhere else to stay? I don't eat much."

Babbage nods to Epona as she leaves, then goes back to staring at Sam. He's completely speechless at the moment. <English>

The request made by the bruised girl seems to take Kell by surprise as he has no answer for her, instead turning to look at Babbage since he is he Executive Officer. When the other man doesn't speak, he can only look back to Sam, "That isn't my call to make. But if we don't know more, it might endanger the crew. For example, it'd be pretty bad for us if your father was actually some bigshot in the Mafia..." <English>

Sam shakes her head again. "No, nothing like that." She pauses briefly before going on. "Just a street vendor."

Babbage glances between Sam and Kell for a moment. "I'll have to talk to the captain. But for now, the second guest room is empty. You can stay there until we figure things out." <English>

With the XO giving temporary permission, Kell nods at the man before looking back to Sam, "And I'm in the room next door so if you need anything, just ask. While you're here, your safety is ensured." Over his dead body atleast but he doesn't add that, not wanting to upset the girl with unnecessary comments. "I think Danni might be sleeping but when she wakes up, she's our cook and she makes really good food." <English>

The clomp-clomp of footsteps announces Epona's return-- and, indeed, with blankets! Two, to be precise. Without a word she slips inside, gently smiles, and gravitates towards Babbage, even as she offers up the blankets. <English>

Sam begins staring at her own feet again. With a guilty look on her face she asks, "Is she the one who made that macaroni a few days ago?" She reaches out with the hand not holding an ice-pack, and grabs a blanket to wrap around herself.

Babbage nods to Epona and gives a quiet "Thank you." <English>

Laughing, Kell nods at Sam as she asks her question about the macaroni that Danni cooked the other day, "Yeah, she made that. So that's where it went... I was wondering who ate the leftovers." Shaking his head, he doesn't look angry at all, infact, he looks pretty amused by the whole thing. "Well, I'll take a look at the second room and make sure everything is in order." <English>

Epona whispers: Not a problem. Tell me if you need me to do anything, otherwise...will hang off on the side and act friendly, so she doesn't freak out.

Another smile, another quick shake of her head, before Epona murmurs something to Babbage, and steps forwards, settling the second blanket beside Sam, should she need it. And than...back to the wall, just to lean, watch, and reassuringly smile! <English>

Kell's amusement doesn't seem to relieve any of the guilt Sam is showing. In a sheepish voice she says, "I didn't mean to steal. I was hungry, and it smelled so good." She lifts her head up slightly to give Kell a nod when he mentions preparing her room.

Babbage smiles at whatever it is Epona whispered, and leans against the wall next to her. In a soft voice he says, "It's okay. She always makes too much." <English>

"It was good, wasn't it. And yeah, like the XO said, she loves to cook so there is always extra." Kell then begins heading towards where the Guest Rooms are, nodding to the others in the Medbay, "I'll go take a look at the room and make sure everything is in order, gimme a call if anything else is needed." <English>

Epona waits for a moment or three after Kell leaves, before bringing a chair over. She turns it around, and straddles it 'backwards,' looking between Sam and you for a moment or two. "So. We've got leftovers in the fridge, and a deck of uno cards on the table." She jerks her head towards the door, and looks briefly at you-- as though to ask a silent question --before turning her gaze back to Sam. "If you're comfy enough moving around, while we're waiting for Kell wanna join us for a game?" <English>

Sam stands up and and smiles at Epona. "I wouldn't mind eating something. And Uno . . ." She closes her eyes and lets out a little sigh. "Reminds me of how things were before. Reminds me of a happy family."

Babbage starts to walk up toward the commons, and heads over to the fridge. He finds some leftover pasta, and puts it in the microwave. <English>

Epona 'leads' Sam without actually physically yanking the girl along, all the while softly chatting. "Eh, we're a family. A little bit weird at times--" She cups her hand over her mouth, stage-whispering as she gestures towards Babbage. "--Especially him. God you should hear him snore." With an over dramatic 'harrumph,' she returns to her normal voice, as she kind of half-crouches. "Hey, Jules, c'm'out honey! You 'round, or playing hide 'n' seek with my sock again?" She distractedly gestures towards the table, telling Sam: "Go ahead, grab a seat, we'll be with you in a sec." <English>

Sam follows Epona, silently listening to everything she has to say. She sits down in a chair, and tilts her head as she watches the spiky-haired woman crouching and talking to some unseen person.

Babbage gets out three bowls while the microwave runs. When it's finished cooking, he portions out the spaghetti and sets all three of the bowls on the table with forks. <English>

Epona sort of 'huh's at the complete lack of response. "Stupid little sock-stealer," she grunts, moving towards the table-- giving a goofy grin and a "Hey, thanks" towards you, before she sits down. "So. So-- Kell said your name was Sam, right?" All the while she talks, the Uno deck is inexpertly shuffled, mixed. <English>

Sam gives a little nod. "Sam Malloc." She sticks the fork in her spaghetti and begins hungrily eating it. The way she acts, one might think that she hadn't eaten a proper meal in days.

Babbage discreetly rolls his eyes at Epona's inexpert shuffling. In a teasing voice he says, "You lost Juliet, didn't you?" He takes a bite of his spaghetti, then looks up at Epona again. "Hey, I don't snore." (It takes time to think of a good comeback like that!) <English>

Epona is at least -slightly- more reserved when it comes to her food. She sets the cards down, takes a good, piggish bite, and goes back to fumbling with the deck. "Mrphle; Nife t'-- ffa, ffe groffer." Either she's referring to a man at a convenience store, or inadvertently switching to French as she speaks of faux pas; either way, the woman swallows her food and, with a mildly embarrassed look, tries again. "Sorry 'bout that-- nice to meet you. I'm Rose; friends call me Epona. I'm happy with either. You ever play Uno before?" She pauses, glances at you, and raises an eyebrow. "For one, she lost /me/. For another, you snore and snore -haaaaaard-," she teases. <English>

Babbage's eyes open just a little wider when he realizes that he hadn't introduced himself. "I'm Robbert Babbage. Most of my friends just call me Babbage or Babs." He turns to Epona and shakes his head. "I'd think I'd know if I snored."

Sam smiles at the two others seated at the table. "Nice to meet you, Epona. Babs." She looks down at the cards. "I played before. I used to really like it." <English>

"How would you /know/?" Epona idly muses; "You're /asleep/!" she points out with a giggle, before shaking her head, and grinning back at Sam. "Good. Means I don't have to ask Babs to explain it, since -I'm- no good at trying to explain rules. Right." She cuts the deck /one/ last time for good measure, and starts to deal the cards to the three players. "Why used to? Did you grow out of it or something? I mean, there's nothing wrong with being childish every now and again. Speaking of which; d'you like lego's?" <English>

Sam takes in a long breath. "I played Uno with my parents a long time ago. Legos, too. And even those little toy cars. But things changed."

Babbage listens to Sam's answer and starts chewing on his lower lip. He doesn't say anything, instead just looking at his cards. <English>

A soft murmur is delivered your way in French ("Should I...keep going? I'm not sure whether we want to know more, or just hide the hurt."), before Epona laughs off the...rather dark response. "Eh, well. For one night let's forget about all that. Screw the Corinthians; it's nights like these that we speak as children, talk as children, think as children." She sets a card down, and bobs her head at Sam, saying cheerily: "Your go, hon." <English>

Sam eyes Epona when she starts talking in some weird, obscure language. Then she smiles at her cards. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind trying to forget."

Babbage shrugs at Epona's question, and responds with a French murmur of his own. "I don't know. In situations like this, I have a history of pushing too hard. I'm gonna let you decide what questions to ask or not ask." <English>

Epona slowly nods...and chuckles. "So-- if you don't mind my asking, what other sorta things d'you like? I mean-- Babs is a total nerd, can't get enough of his silly engines. I'm more sensible in /every/ sense," she teases. "You like books? The cortex? I'm hoping you an' I share -some- sort of common ground; you've no idea how -frustrating- it is sometimes to have noone to talk to about just...silly little hobbies, sometimes." <English>

Sam puts down one of her Uno cards and shrugs at Epona. "I like to read. When I can get away with it, I like to just lock myself in my room or hide somewhere and read all day."

Babbage plays a card and shakes his head at Epona. "I'm perfectly sensible. Just 'cause I like to keep the ship running smooth doesn't mean I'm obsessive or anything." He eyes Sam with a concerned look on his face when she mentions hiding. <English>

Epona kind of laughs, trying to brush off any darker implications in that statement. She sets down a card and winks at you-- a 'Reverse.' Back to Sam, she nods. "I can get that. How you just get so.../into/ a book, that it's just...just a nicer place to be, I guess," she admits sheepishly. "God, I remember as a kid I used to do that sorta thing. Stay up all night, too, under the blankets, with a flashlight and stuff." Her cheeks color; she coughs, and looks away for the moment. "Alright, we're totally ignoring Mr. 'In Love With Ship Parts' here; what sorta stuff d'you like to read?" she asks, injecting just the right amount of excitement into the question. <English>

Sam shrugs. "I like plays, mostly. With a play, I just find it easier to visualize what's happening. It's easier to lose myself in the story."

Babbage smiles warmly when Epona starts talking about how she likes to read under the blankets. He plays a card, and stays quiet while the two women talk. <English>

Epona stares at her hand for a moment, before setting down a simple 'number,' nodding at Sam's words. "Oh? While I -do- tend to fall in love with fantasy, mostly, I do like a good play. I assume-- at least, /hope/ --you've read some of Shakespeare's works? Romeo And Juliet, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Hamlet?" <English>

Sam nods. "Shakespeare's my favorite. I've read tons of his stuff." She pauses long enough to play a card. "Do either of you ever write your own plays?"

Babbage shakes his head at Sam's question, and puts down a card. <English>

Even as Epona focuses the whole of her attention on Sam, tries to pick the lock on this proverbial protective door, she carefully slides her foot over to yours, giving it a gentle nudge as though to say: yeah, I know you're still here, and thanks for not ditching. (The foot is surprisingly linguistic, actually) "Naw," she quickly says, laughing softly. "Anything I'd write would be mauvais, would be terrible. Why; d'you?" She sets her card down, tilts her head slightly, and smiles. <English>

Sam shrugs at Epona's question. "I don't know if you'd call it writing. I never write any of them down. But sometimes I like to write little plays in my head." She frowns at her hand, and draws a few cards before playing one.

Babbage carelessly drops a card on the table. He nudges Epona's foot, as if to say, 'Hey, you nudged my foot so now I'm gonna nudge yours'. <English>

See how totally linguistically awesome feet are? Epona can barely stifle a giggle, and gives a little bump right back. "Eh, it's still writing in -some- sense, whether physically scribbled down, typed, dictated, or just thought about. Nice combo right there, by the way. I-- I don't mean to be rude, y'know, just curious...but what sorta stuff d'you 'write'?" She grins, folding her 'hand' neatly into her hands, and leans forward, chin on her hands. The fleshy hands, not the card-based one. "Tell us about one? I -always- like to hear stories." <English>

Sam bites her lip as she tries to decide whether or not to share one of her plays. She finally decides to share just a little. "There's this one that I'm working on. It's about a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, with no technology or anything. These boats always come by to trade stuff, and a little girl sneaks on while they're loading up boxes. Cause she wants to see where they go, y'know? The boat ends up taking her to a magical world with unicorns and wizards and stuff."

Babbage nods as he listens to the story Sam's writing. But he keeps his eyes on the cards. He bumps Epona's foot again. <English>

Epona, of course, bumps right back...but looks almost entranced. Whether simply an act or just a case of her enjoying a story would be difficult even for a trained eye to tell. "Yeah?" she asks, as the unspoken words seem to sneak in and sidle up alongside that first: go on? <English>

"Yeah," Sam replies. "So the little girl's whisked away from her boring and dark world to something more colorful."

Babbage looks up from his cards and smiles at Sam. "Sounds like it could be nice. Just getting up and leaving stuff behind." And there's no way he'll let Epona have the last bump, so once again he bumps back. <English>

This was like the cold war on some level; lots of proverbial mad-dogging, and noone knew when to back down. Thankfully, far from political fighting, playing footsy rarely resulted in thermonuclear war. Epona sits back, quieting a soft chuckle as she slowly nods to Babbage. "When, uh..." She falters some, and just kind of grins and shrugs. "When we got too poor to pick up new books, I didn't have any sort of way to escape but do...retarded things. Found that with cars, you just push on the gas a little harder, and everything stupid becomes...well, more colorful. So I guess I'm a little biased, but I think I like how your story sounds." <English>

Sam smiles brightly at both Epona and Babbage. "Thank you both." She looks at her cards and plays one.

Babbage groans as he's forced to draw a card before playing it. He nods to Epona's words, and adds a little bit of his own. "Sometimes I get way too into technology when I need to escape. No matter how complicated people can be, and electric circuit always makes sense to me." <English>

Epona smiles, shrugs, and bumps her foot back up against yours (still discreetly, -of course-). "Eh, no need for thanks. It's always nice to have company to chat with, y'know?" She chuckles, and places down one-two-three cards, before 'ending' her turn. "Yeah?" she says, giving you a look not at all dissimilar to the one she'd given Sam. Not that she hadn't heard or understood this, mind you, but it was all part of the 'show' for Sam, in a sense. <English>

Sam sits there and quietly plays cards. She seems happy to be where she is right now.

Babbage starts escalating the footsy. He responds to Epona's nudge with a harder one. Smiling at Sam, he says, "Sometimes, when things get tough, it's nice to take a break from the world." <English>

Epona chews on her lip a little, and nods, placing down another card-- before sort of nudging you in the side (whilst playing with your foot, still). "Dude, she's almost done, gonna kick are asses. Well-- that's the beauty of the verse, right? It might be a pain in the ass to make it 'big,' but it's easy as nothing else to /survive/ you can go out, escape, see the 'verse, just...unwind." She smirks some, raises an eyebrow. "That's why I'm stuck on this silly ol' ship, right?" she teases. <English>

Sam continues to focus on the cards. It seems like she's trying to hide the fact that she's listening to every word being said.

Babbage smiles at Epona. "I've got my ship still flying. I've got a great crew. And I've got someone to keep me from being alone at night. Right now, I pretty much have what I want in life." <English>

Epona playfully 'pff's, rolls her eyes. "Your old lady's just a whiner. Sam, it's your turn, by the way. Well-- I guess it's more important to be happy with that kinda stuff than keep seeking something awesome, right? 'cause...really, the awesome's in the stars. Which reminds me;" She turns eagerly towards Sam. "I gotta show you the cockpit, and what it's like taking off. NOt-- not just taking off, I mean, but...but seeing the stars as they fill the viewscreen, yaknow? It's..." She trails off, blushes, coughs. "Never mind." <English>

Sam listens to Epona, and seems eager to see the cockpit, but also tired. She plays a card and lets out a little yawn. "Maybe tomorrow? I think I'm gonna get to sleep as soon as this hand's over."

Babbage grins when he hears Epona describe how wonderful flying is. "It's nice that you're still /that/ excited about your job." <English>

Epona stifles a chuckle, and nods. "Hell, should be soon enough, anyways. And Kell -should- be done with all your 'bout we just go check up on that, make sure you've got everything you need?" she asks, carefully getting up from her seat, gesturing towards the rooms. To you, she smiles, and nods. "It''s real nice, y'know?" <English>

Sam places her hand face-down on the table and stands up. "Yeah, I'd like to go check that out. Shouldn't need anything, I'm sure it'll be better than the floor I've spent the past few days on."

Babbage smiles at Epona. "I'm glad you like it here. I really am." <English>

Epona gives a little nod; "We'll be in the room right over if you need anything, 'k?" she offers. "I'll catch up with you in just a sec, though..."