Jennifer rossum/logs/npc5

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Jasmine enters the room from the stairs, moving rather quietly. She is easily seen by Babbage, or anyone else in the room, if they are looking for her. Jennifer, however, kneeling by the bookshelf, does not have the entrance in her field of view. And when Jasmine realizes this, she decides to take advantage of it. Having recognized Jennifer from captures in one of Babbage's +waves, she locates her and moves to stand behind her, nodding to Babs if he notes her presence and signalling for secrecy. <English>

Babbage returns Jasmine's nod, and fills a mug with coffee. He sips on it while silently watching whatever Jasmine is about to do.

Jennifer doesn't seem to take her attention away from organizing the books. It looks like she's sorting them by genre. <English>

Jasmine looks down at the girl, who seems fairly industrious. She wonders if the girl's trying to compensate for the guilt she might be feeling... then steels her thoughts. She leans against the arm of the couch, looking down at the girl with her arms crossed. Then, she gently nudges the girl's foot with the toe of her workboot. "Hey," she says when she is noticed. <English>

Babbage continues to just silently observe.

Jennifer flinches when she's nudged. She turns around to look at Jasmine. "Um, hey." She replies in a quiet voice. <English>

Jasmine keeps her face stoic, which isn't hard for her, considering what she's been through in her life. "Doing some chores, hmm?" she asks carefully. She waits to see if the girl is naturally talkative or close-lipped. <English>

Jennifer gives Jasmine a little nod. "Your captain put me on cleanup duty when she first found me on the ship." She slides one last book into place then stands up to face Jasmine. "I think it's perfectly fair for me to help out a bit while I'm around here." <English>

Jasmine smiles, noting that at least the girl isn't too shy. "Yes, perfectly fair, considering the damage you've done," she says, wondering if her accusatory tone will cow the girl some. She's a bit too cheeky for Jasmine's liking. Then again, perhaps she doesn't realize precisely where Jasmine stands in the power structure... <English>

Danniella wanders in from her room and walks to the kitchen oblivious to any one else in the room. She mindlessly pulls something to drink out of a cabinet to make. She makes the drink and walks to the table were she sits down with a steaming mug. She seems to be looking through the table, lost in thought. <English>

Babbage nods to himself, as he sees that Jasmine is taking the girl to task for what she's done. But, then again, she's already been through this talk with their own crew, so a small part of him is hoping Jasmine isn't too hard on her. As he watches the interchange between the two women, he reaches over to the coffee pot, intending to refill it. <English>

Of course ... the acts of contrition. Jasmine is all-too-familiar with the facial expressions, the body gestures, having employed them all herself at one point or another. She knows them to be ploys to gain sympathy from the authority figure they are presented to, and she begins the perfunctory scowl. But... if she knows them to be ploys, why are they affecting her? She relaxes that scowl a bit, unintentionally. "Yeah, well... it's good that you're sorry. But sorry doesn't change the fact that we on the Bonaventure could've had a fiery end, thanks to the lack of the parts you took. Or didn't you even think of that? Not to mention the credits we're losing every day we're dirtbound, and the expense of finding replacements." She turns away from Jennifer as she rants, mostly so she won't see that pitiful look on the girl's face. <English>

Babbage frowns. Yep, Jasmine's going to pour it on thick. He sighs and adds a few more scoops of coffee to the coffee-maker. Then he glances at the pot, and notices the unsightly ring on the glass. That won't do, he thinks... and it's best to keep busy, after all. With one ear straining to hear what's said between Jazz and Jen, he takes the empty pot to the sink and starts scrubbing it. <English>

Danniella sips from the cooling mug a few times before her eyes go wide. This isn't what she thought she made. She looks into the mug and frowns. It's tea. Tea? She hates tea, doesn't ever drink the stuff. So why did she make it and why does she like it all of a sudden? <English> Jennifer take another step back and stares at the floor. She quietly whispers to herself, "You're from Bonaventure." She takes in a deep breath and honestly answers the question, "No. I didn't think of anything other than getting myself out of the trouble I was in."

Babbage listens to the discussion between Jasmine and Jennifer while he scrubs the pot. When he spots Danni, he tries to make some small-talk. "Y'know, I think we should get one of those giant coffee pots. I probably refill this thing four or five times a day, it's just not a good use of time." <English>

Jasmine nods as she hears that confession so blandly stated. And yet the sympathetic part of her can't let her torture the girl more than necessary. "Well... maybe you'll consider that, the next time you're in trouble. For now, we'll do our best to get you, and us, back out of the mess you've created." Jasmine blinks... what was she saying? This girl wasn't crew! She looked over her shoulder at Jennifer, to see how she took what Jazz had just said. <English>

Danniella looks up at B a bit startled, "Hmmm? Oh yeah. Right, A bigger coffee pot good idea." She seems a bit distracted as she looks at her mug with a frown in place. She could have sworn she made something else. She shrugs and brings the mug to the kitchen. <English>

Jennifer smiles when Jasmine decides to go a little easy on her. Really, probably easier than she deserves. She softly says, "Thank you."

Babbage smiles a bit, too. He knows just how horrible Jasmine can make a person feel if she really wanted to, and what she just did seems to be a piece of mercy. With the coffee pot now clean, he gets to work starting a fresh pot. The man gives Danni a concerned look. "Something on your mind?" <English>

Jasmine sees that smile, and inwardly cringes. So much for the tough image - again. She lets out a sigh, and turns fully to face the girl, appraising her. No wonder I caved, Jasmine thinks. Blondes... "Jasmine Geddes," she says, holding out her hand. "Captain of the Bonaventure." <English>

Danniella looks up ay B again, "Huh? Oh, uh, well I thought I made something else to drink but I made Tea. I don't like Tea." She looks puzzled as she looks back at the mug. She sets the mug on the counter. She shakes her head and sighs. <English>

Jennifer takes that hand and gives Jasmine a firm handshake. With a grateful smile on her face, she keeps that that handshake going for a few seconds longer than any normal person would. "Jennifer Rossum," She replies.

Babbage lets out a short laugh at Danni's mistake. "Still feeling odd, I take it?" <English>

Jasmine nods, shaiking the hand she's given. She resists the urge to hug, with great doses of willpower. Great doses. Turning toward the table, she says, "I'll drink that tea, thanks. We can't allow it to go to waste." <English>

Danniella shrugs, "I guess so." She looks at the mug with a frown once again before looking back at Babbage. "I think I will get a water. Might be safer than making something." She opens the fridge and pulls out a water. She nods to Jasmine , "Sure you can have it." She picks up the mug and holds it out for Jasmine to take. <English>

Jennifer goes back to straightening out the bookshelf. She'd grown up hearing stories about how cold and heartless spacers are, stories which no longer seem true.

Babbage nods to Danni's words, and gives Jasmine a little smile when she heads toward the table. <English>

Jasmine takes the mug with a nod of thanks, and starts to sip. Good, scalding tea. Perfect for quelling lustful thoughts. She moves to sit at the table, deciding to ignore Jennifer for the moment. She glances at Danni as she sips the tea... "You've been feeling odd?" she asks in a conversational tone. <English>

Danniella nods at Jasmine, "Yeah. Just a tad odd is all. Nothing serious really. I mean I haven't set fire to the ship yet." She smiles softly and opens her water to take a sip. <English>

Jennifer finishes up with the bookshelf, and begins walking around and looking for something else she can clean up.

Babbage smiles at Danni, and lets out a soft chuckle. "Thanks for that. Got enough work as it is, don't need to add putting out fires to my list of chores." He takes a seat at the table and whispers something to Jasmine. <English>

Jasmine reacts to that whisper like she's been accused of having halitosis... but she recovers quickly. "Yeah, well... I hope we find the engine parts soon. Too, I mean." She sips more tea. <English>

Jennifer pulls a blanket off of one of the couches and begins folding it neatly.

Babbage gives Jasmine a little smile. "We're doing the best we can." <English>