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Kariana's Review: The MUDDConnector

Review Submitted By: Kariana
Author Status: Player
Started on Serenity : The Firefly MUSH: 2006 some time.
Submission Date: Jan 28, 2007
TMC Listing: Serenity : The Firefly MUSH

(The following review is the opinion of the review's author [Kariana] and in no way represents the opinions of this website or its staff).

Because I love writing reviews about places I much adore (And ya'll know ya wanna read more from -the- Kariana Kelsey). I'm a very choosey person about where I RP because I -hate- it when I get nothing from staff. In fact I won't connect again if the greetings are obsolete because it makes me think I will not get answers. Which is usually what happens.

However, on Serenity I've never met with that problem. Staff always seems to be around in one form or another there. And it's not just 'lower' staff members that answer but admins and what not as well. I talk to at least one of the game owners on a daily basis and I asure you despite having been on Serenity for about a year I still have a ton of questions that really could pass as a newbie to the game and often it's the same question sixty million times, despite it likely getting annoying, the staff still answers me (Now a lot of them mock me about it because they know me well enough) each and every time. I find -very- few games with such a fun staff that tries to be involved and not be on a 'high horse'.

Now, I know what kind of player I am and often I push the boundaries of comfort the people have with me. And yes, a couple times I have been told to not do something. However they don't ask you to change who your character is. I played Kariana the way she was meant to be and she had an unbelievable amount of growth, yet still retained her essence. And Mal surprised me when he told me he knew I needed to finish Kari's story. (In a different phrasing of words but...yes...) and the way she went out was suited to her. It's a new experience for me to have people willing to 'take a character out' in ways suited to the character. There were only two ways that Kariana could have gone out without not being true to who she was and they picked one of them.

Granted, there are some problems there but staff, from what I can see, work hard to fix them, be it spelling errors, relations, broken codes or what ever.

All in all I think Serenity is a fun place to be, moreso because I still enjoy it even after a year of playing, there which is usually when I usually start losing interest in a place. There is a constant hum of activity there and except really late at night I've never really had to work too hard to find RP.

Much with the love on Serenity and the people there. See ya'll in the 'Verse under my forms not Kariana.

Reviews, Cont.