The Jones Clan

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One of the first families to settle on Persephone the are the Jones', who by this late, IC date have a long and sordid history on one of the Verse's longest settled Border Worlds. Largely poor, often Indentured or Enslaved, this family line has, for the most part lost their way. On a more positive note they are, by and large, talented artistically, musically, with words both written and spoken, and frequently tread the boards on the lesser known stages of dramatic and comedic productions. Mostly though, such acting only on Persephone, and it's the Odd One Out that's had any measure of success in any of these arts.

Player Characters amongst the Clan Jones Bloodlines

Iorwerth Sion Jones and Angela Devane Jones


Born 17 April, 2482 in Eavesdown, Persephone, to Wenonah (Parker) Jones and Hywel Jones. Iorwerth Jones struggled up from the depths of poverty to earn an education on Osiris, which allowed him to become one the most talented and well trained Trauma Surgeons in the 'Verse. He currently works for Red Lion Industries on Osiris, is married to Angela Devane Jones and the father of Nicholas Drake, from a previous relationship with a fellow student Aly Drake.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: O pos. (comes from the Parker line)
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue
  • Height and Weight: 5' 11 3/4" and 145 on average
  • Artform: Music - sings, plays guitar, piano, fiddle, some mandolin, some harp, and is currently learning bodhran - Has BA from Thebes Uni on Osiris in Music.

Rhonwen O'Neil McCoy and Jonah McCoy


Born 14 October, 2484, to Wenonah (Parker) Jones and Hywel Jones, Rhonwen O'Neil was given up for adoption at birth, for the hope that she'd have a better life than her biological parents could provide. Instead, she ended up in the foster care system, but overcame that to become a trail lawyer for the Alliance, proscicuting many cases over the years. She first married Mathew Cobrainne, bearing a son named Cody and then a few years later a son named Alex. She divorced Cobrainne, and eventually met and married Jonah McCoy, who adopted Alex as his own son. Both Jonah and Rhonwen work for Red Lion Industries, as Doctor and Lawyer respectively.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: O pos. (comes from the Parker line)
  • Hair and eyes: Silver White and Green
  • Height and Weight: 5' 11" and it's not polite to ask a lady that!
  • Artform:

Nicholas Drake


Born 30 August, 2505 to Aly Drake Bellows and Iorwerth Jones in New Fleska, Hera, Nicholas Drake was raised on the Breadbasket world without Iorwerth even knowing he existed until Nic came calling in 2523. They've bonded somewhat awkwardly over the past two years, even though Nicholas' chosen his mother's profession as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Nic's studies are centred on Osiris' Veterinary MedAcad, in the same building that Aly and Iorwerth met in ages ago.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype:
  • Hair and eyes: Blond and Bright Blue
  • Height and Weight: 6' and 165 on average
  • Artform: Music - sings, and plays guitar, possibly learning Mandolin

Sebastien Rhys


Born 30th November, 2495 to Rhys Gryffudd Jones (aka "Jean Rhys") and Ruby Wing-Rhys in a small suburb of Boros just between the farm country and the bustle of the main spaceport. His connection with the Jones Clan only came to light through an unrelated genetic test in 2529. This revealed Rhys Gryffudd Jones' long-standing deception, as well as the fact that Bastien had fathered a bastard son in his youth. While at first the revelation created shellshock, it is now a rarely-mentioned not-quite-a-secret, and the artificially created Rhys branch of the Jones Clan remains estranged.


  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: A pos.
  • Hair and eyes: Dark brown and dark blue
  • Height and Weight: 5'11" & 150lb
  • Artform: Drama - Holds a BA in Theatre from Thoth University. Music - sings (tenor), plays electric guitar, acoustic guitar (6 and 12-string), and cello with confidence, dabbles in many others.

Non-Player Characters: The Next Generation

Price Alluicius Rhys


Conceived by a fool of a young woman and perhaps an even more foolish young man named Bastien, out in the unkind scrap heaps of Beylix. Born in 2513, he was named Orlando and raised by the gangs there, his uninformed father having fled the coop before he had even begun to show in his mother's tummy. The fact that she didn't know she had conceived meant she kept smoking, drinking, and using. A rough first ten-odd years running with the scrap gang finally looked up after his mother died due to gang violence, and he fell into the slightly more humanitarian hands of an isolated woman named Isabel Galt. Things looked up even more when Damian Carmichael came by to right the wrong his best friend Bastien was not yet steeled to tackle. He spent some time being tutored on the Duke's Osiris ranch, but it is clear he will never be as well-rounded in education as other people his age. However, one could argue his utter knack for all things mechanical more than makes up for his shortcomings, and now he helps his grandpa and grandma Rhys at their booming refurbishment and parts business on Beylix.

  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: A pos.
  • Hair and eyes: Dark blond and dark blue
  • Height and Weight: 5'6" - 125lbs.
  • Artform: Mechanics - this one fell far from the tree.

Cassidy McCoy



  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: O neg
  • Hair and eyes: Red and Light Blue
  • Height and Weight:
  • Artform:

Cody Cobrainne



  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: O pos
  • Hair and eyes: Red and Green
  • Height and Weight:
  • Artform:

Alex McCoy



  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: O pos
  • Hair and eyes: Red and Green
  • Height and Weight:
  • Artform:

Non-Player Characters: The Parental Generation

Iorwerth Gryffudd Jones and Yu Defen Yin


Born 17 April, 2465 to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones on Persephone. He went to work at a young age to help support the family, ending up an indentured man over gambling debts, Iorwerth got tangled up in the darker side of live in Eavesdown, drugs, prostitution, violence. He's managed to survive it thusly by not reaching above his proscribed place too far or too often, and by doing his time quietly when convicted for various petty crimes. He married Yu Defen Yin on a whim in 2485, and like other similar marriages, it ended poorly, with Yu taking their three children to Sihnon during his second stint in jail. He hasn't see any of them since. Rather, he's take up as much of the 'care' of his youngest sister as he can manage. Which honestly isn't much.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: B pos
  • Hair and eyes: Greying Brown and Dark Blue/brown hazel
  • Height and Weight: 6'2" 185
  • Artform: Music and Acting - Sings, plays fiddle and harp and takes part in local theatre productions despite a great dramatic talent that could have landed him a role in a vid production at some point and taken him out of the oppressive lifestyle he got tangled in.

Hywel Gryffudd Jones and Wenonah Parker Jones


Born 6 December, 2466 to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Saran Gryffudd on Persephone, died 14 February, 2499. Married Wenonah Parker when she turned up pregnant with their first children in 2481 - fraternal twins born 17 April 2482 - Iorwerth Sion Jones and Sian Glesni Jones, who was still born. Two years later, the couple gave up their second daughter, Rhonwen for adoption following a work related accident that nearly killed Hywel, and left him crippled for the rest of his life. Years later, Wenonah was pregnant with twins again when she and Hywel both fell prey to one of the many plagues that swept through Eavesdown. The twins were delivered alive, via caeseraian section and placed amongst her father's family off Persephone. They never told Iorwerth about Rhonwen or the second set of twins.


  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: B pos
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue
  • Height and Weight: 5' 10"
  • Artform: Music and Writing - Played Mandolin, wrote short stories and poetry.

Owain Gryffudd Jones and Salome Veronica Grant Jones


Born 1 May, 2469 to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones on Persephone. Dropped out of school to try to a hand at acting, and though in many ways rather talented, he just couldn't quite overcome his Perse accent. Eventually, he returned to Persephone and became an indentured man, little more than muscle really to a local cattle baron. When he returned, it was with his wife, Salome Grant Jones and two children that would rapidly grow into six in number. Both working, struggling to support the growing family.


  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: A negative
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue with green flecks
  • Height and Weight: 6'3" 210 lbs
  • Artform: Acting mostly, but also a talented singer.

Gwyneth Alys Jones Morgan and Llew Morgan


Born 16 April, 2470, to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones, identical twin sister of Glynis Alys Jones. Perhaps the only Jones sibling to actually 'work' in a field vaguely related to an artform. At an early age, the carving and sculpture skills that Gwyn showed were put to use, carving bridges and f-holes for an off-bran violin manufacturer, who pays their people so little that it's nearly impossible to find serious, secure employment elsewhere. On the factory floor is where she met Llew Morgan, a fellow worker and musician who's fiddle playing skills could have taken him to the heights of society, if his raccous behaviour and nasty, rebellious attitude hadn't landed him with an untennable reputation and only half his hearing. By that point though, it was too late for Gwyneth, as she was married to the man with a family to support. For the record, her twin Glynis never really cared for Llew, calling him That Blonde Git. They have five children together.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: B pos
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue-green
  • Height and Weight: 5' 9" and 135
  • Artform: Singing, drawing, wood working and small scale sculpture

Glynis Sioned Jones and Leila bint Azim


Born 17 April 2470, to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones, identical twin sister of Gwyneth Alys Jones. Died 2524, massive blood loss due to 'bovine shrapnel', Eavesdown, Persephone when a drunken captain took off with his cargo bay door wide open, his cargo of cattle spilling out into the atmo above Eavesdown. She never married, but rather lived with long time girlfriend Leila bint Azim, and had taken in and raised the son of a cousin, who died in childbirth, never naming the father of her child.


  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: B pos
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Green-blue
  • Height and Weight: 5' 8 1/2" and 130
  • Artform: Drawing and painting, she had never sold any art in her life time. Leila and Gwyneth have been trying to get her work out there and known.

Rhys Gryffudd Jones and Ruby Wing-Rhys


Born 2472, to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones. Rhys quickly got himself into heaps of trouble, nearly as soon as he could walk. Before he was fully 'of age' he'd run off, most of the family think him dead, nameless in either the war or some gutter somewhere, though a body has never been produced. Probably because he's living out his years as a peacefully married man, father to three boys, and grandfather to two out on Boros under the assumed name of "Jean Rhys," and he likes it that way. None of them need to know that he married a pretty young woman from a large Chinese family early, and substituted them for the Jones Clan, thanks to their superior sanity. And he hopes to keep them sane by keeping his secret. So far, his son Sebastien Rhys - the only other man who knows - has obliged him.


  • Handedness: Right
  • Bloodtype: A pos
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue
  • Height and Weight: 5'11" - 160lb.
  • Artform: Music - Guitar

Gwydion Gryffudd Jones

Born 18 April, 2475 to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones, no known pictures of Gwydion have been found. Born with a congenital heart defect, Gwydion struggled for seven months before dying on 30 October, 2475.

  • Handedness: Unknown
  • Bloodtype: AB neg
  • Hair and eyes: Light Brown and Blue
  • Height and Weight: 22 inches, 11 pounds
  • Artform: Unknown

Seran Myfanwy Jones


Born 19 March 2478, to Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones. Seran is proof that there's 'one in every generation'. Not successful, far from it, but rather that artistic bent and madness are never far apart. In and out of mental wards most of her life, Seran started to exhibit dangerously paranoid and often violent behaviour early in her childhood, which progressed into full blow schizophrenia and psychosis. Though she never married, Seran has left a string of broken hearts amongst both men and women who just couldn't understand or handle life with this Starry one. That life has often lead her to mix and match her anti-psychotics with various street drugs and alcohol, to varying degrees of 'success'. This also often leads to other dangerous behaviours. Lately, she's been residing in the 'care' of her eldest brother, Iorwerth Gryffudd Jones, for what little that's worth.


  • Handedness: Left
  • Bloodtype: B neg
  • Hair and eyes: Brown and Blue
  • Height and Weight: 5' 10" and mind your own business!
  • Artform: All of them. Possibly the most actually talented Jones of them all, she mixes and matches her artforms as freely as she does her anti-psychotics with street drugs and alcohol.

The Grandparental Generation

Dafydd Roberts Jones and Branwen Sarah Gryffudd Jones

Glesni Mairi Jones

Ianto Roberts Jones

Gareth Roberts Jones

Gwynna Catrin Jones

Rhodri Roberts Jones

Alun Roberts Jones

Rhian Alys Jones

Ioan Roberts Jones

Angharad Telyn Jones

The Great-Grandparental Generation

Emrys Rhys Jones and Megan Gemma Roberts Jones