Report Number Three -- 17th July 2011

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A RolePlay Log by


Pirata Task Force - Report #3


2011 July 17

IC Date

2529 Mar 03




Adrian, English, Suzi, Charley Wong

The Alliance is at it again, performing a joint operation on Triumph to arrest a money launderer with ties to the Commonwealth. This action is confidential and classified as it belongs to the Pirate Task Force. This is OOC information. Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


     All in all including medics, a doctor, the six-person Marshal ready unit with their heavy rifles and armor and the Interpol and Central Intelligence personnel there are around two dozen people on this operation. They sit in the back of the Alliance patrol craft that is currently winging it's way towards Triumph. The Alliance military master sergeant who's 'watching over' the Federals touches his helmet and calls to Charley, "Captain Wong, Special Agent Flynn, we're thirty minutes from landing." Since he'd been told oh, about fifty times this operation was 'need to know' he opens the bulkhead door and steps into the front of the craft, securing the door so the team can have their final briefing. Suzi and Leen do have holograms of what Cal Dempsey looks like, his criminal record, and scans of his compound - they show around ten or twelve guards armored with light armor and SMGs and a rifle or two. His head of security, Justin Guaradi, is a former Alliance SAS member. The compound for RimSec is one large building with it's own private landing pad, a fenced in area that rests atop a very large sloping hill with no vegetation in sight for a quarter mile or so. Leen runs the Interpol operation, Suzi is here commanding the six person technical team, including computer and intrusion specialists and forensic folks that specialize in intelligence gathering.

     And it's reasonably comfortable back here, with benches, a table or two, a holoprojector and places to secure weapons, and seatbelts and shoulder belts for the atmo landing.

     Charley Wong makes a little face. "Alright. I want the main target captured alive. Even if a firefight occurs, if possible, shoot to stun. I don't want any fatal 'accidents' if we can help it." She pauses, "Everyone else I don't care too much about. If they're resisting the raid, then full force is authorised. Now, remember we've got technical types with us. They're not expendable." She glances at the ship, and at the crew, "So, I'd suggest they stay here. If things go really pear shaped, I'd suggest a strafing run, using flash bangs dropped out of the ship door, to give us a bit of air support." A beat. "Questions?" Okay, it would appear you can take the girl out of the military, but not the military out of the girl."

     Seated on one of the oh so comfortable benches in her not so comfortable armor, Suzi has spent most of the flight chatting with folks and trying not to think about the coming firefight. In this, she has been at least somewhat successful. Which is probably why she isn't biting her nails or throwing up. Her eyes swing to the master sergeant and she smiles to him as she offers a nod. "Thank you, Master Sergeant." she says, before he sees himself out. Then her eyes flick to Charley as she starts barking orders. Amusement colors her features as she fidgets with her helmet's strap. It's in her hands rather than on her head at the moment. More comfortable for a long flight that way. She nods a bit here and there. "Intel has it that most of the staff of this place have ties to Frost's Pirates in some fashion, so taking as many alive as possible would be a good goal. The more we can question, the more intel we can potentially gather." The rest, she considers with a tilt of her head. "We definitely don't need to be at the front of the action, but.. we're not staying here either."

     English looks up from proverbially nothing, taking his eyes off of his iconic silver pocket watch as voices begin filtering down the chain of command. The small round object is tucked into a side pocket followed by his leaning somewhat forward with his bulk. It's his listening more closely when glancing between the two of Charley and Suzi. He avoids questioning about whether or not the non-technical personnel are expendable in lieu of sitting back up and speaking. "I understand the avoiding to shoot to kill. By all means, I'd enjoy a lack of killing, but, uh, insertion points beyond storming their port?" He could almost smile at that, almost. There's a moment of shifting uncomfortable in his spot, his right hand busying itself with rubbing at the collar of his uniform and armor.

     "We have to watch their computer systems too, they get too much warning, they can wipe their drives!" a technician calls from behind Suzi. "What kind of resistance are we going to have?" the head of the reaction team of Marshals asks Charley.

     Suzi nods to the tech that pipes up. "That was part of my concern. Our eyes will catch things others might not, and it's our responsibility to get as much from the computer systems as we can." she offers, additional justification for her stance on this matter. Hell, it's not like she *wants* to walk into a firefight. She'd probably much prefer to watch this live via sattelite from her desk back on Persephone. Alas, that wasn't an option. When English speaks up, her eyes stray to him and she nods again, chuckling even, at his words. She offers him a wink from afar, if she can catch his eye.

     English wrinkles up the bridge of his nose at the thought of time constraints added to their mission parameters; not that he hadn't thought of it long ago when initially briefed and pulled into things, but he had done so well at putting that at the back of his mind. It's easier not to worry over that way. "It's not hard to miss an APC in broad daylight these days." So he starts to speak up further before deciding against and simply nodding to things, letting his gaze trail off. He might have caught Suzi's looking in his direction which is probably what has him smiling in general, but after a sidelong glance from the guy seated next to him he shrugs things off and reaches for his sidearm: set to stun.

     Charley Wong says in English, "Ten to twelve. Intel tells us rifles, and SMGs only, so expect ground to air." Ah, prejudices there, Charley? "And a couple dozen. Intel has this horrible way of telling you what they think you want to hear."

     The head of the reserve force chuckles, "Fair enough, ma'am. I think that fella there had a question about where you're entering."

     Suzi eyes Charley a bit, noting the lack of response to her words. For those ex-military types that usually means 'If I want your opinion I'll give it to you'. Still, she doesn't raise an issue just now. She does lift her helmet to put it on her head, fastening the chin strap while she waits to see what Charley will have to say to English's question. One of the techs beside her leans over to say something quietly and offers him a nod but doesn't seem to have a verbal reply.

     Charley Wong nods seriously, saying quietly, "Specialists are special. I'm not prepared to use them as line infantry. It's a waste of resources. Second line." Then she ponders, "One fireteam at the back, covering the possibility they run for it. Rest at the front. We'll take the door off with the shotgun, shout Alliance, and throw Flashbangs. If they fire back, it'll get messy."

     English is in the middle of holstering his Walther back into its slot at the left of his torso before adjusting the leather shoulder holster a bit further to better compensate for the fairly large sidearm. It does pack a punch though, which is why he's brought it along compared to his other handguns. He nods to the response, not having much else to ask of; it's easier to keep his side comments to himself too.

     So time passes - around twenty minutes or so. The plan is locked into place, and the two ASREVs are buffeting their way through atmosphere, slicing it's way through the increasingly dense air on it's way to land near the compound - well technically, ON the compound. Yes, a good section of the greenery will be flash-fried black but the Alliance invites the owner to file a claim. The rear guard drops down in their ASREV, the two side doors opening to let people flow out to set up a cordon. Simultaenously, the first ASREV drops down with Leen and the assault force + technicians, landing within fifty feet of the front door - as the team is coming out, they can see three guards in front of the heavy door, looking quite surprised - it's a pre-dawn assault, you see. Better to catch them asleep on Triumph.

     Charley Wong yells, "ALLIANCE! Lay your weapons and yourself the gos se down!"

     By the time the ship touches down, Suzi is as ready as she's going to be. Standing, she gathers her techs for a few last-minute instructions and then turns to make ready to follow behind the tactical team with her own. They may be techs, but they're all fully qualified with their weapons and have gone through basic field training. Granted, some probably took it more seriously than others. Reaching for her sidearm, she draws it but holds it safely pointed down in a two-handed grip.

     The dozing form of Tech Director Calhoun suddenly snaps awake as the craft touches down. He pops his neck, and dons his helmet, before unlimbering his rifle, and brass-checking it.

     As the team rolls out down the ramp and Charley shouts, two of the men lift their hands from their SMGs, letting them dangle from their slings and raising their hands. One man reaches for his weapon, and two Walther stun blasts hit him in the chest, causing him to crumple to the ground. The heavy metal door lies behind them, along with the walls to the place. Inside, the lights are out, since it's close to three a.m. The team can hear over their iComms a transmission from the rear team, "Rear sector secure."

     There is a key pad to get entry to the front door, it must be added, as well.

     English is no war hero but he does know how to handle a gun, and he can mimic the movements of the other federals and military with an easy sort of precision and shotgun at the ready. There's a brief look over his right shoulder in the general direction of Suzi and the other intelligence technicians before bringing his attention to the fore and focusing all the more. It's time to not get shot even if he's approaching the three and putting himself in harm's way. At least they don't try too much to resist, and he stands momentarily still with another securing the stunned man next to him. "So far so good," is murmured to himself rather than anyone else.

     Charley Wong gestures Suzi to the keypad, and Adrian further along the wall, to where there should be a covered location to burst through.

     Adrian calmly slips the thick prototype sound suppressor onto the end of his rifle. The long tube extends clear back to the handguard, his old training kicking in as he moves towards the keypad, signalling with his left hand for his team to 'stack' on the door, with himself in the number-two position; second shooter in. He catches sight of Leen, and acknowledges her command with a nod, slipping off the stack, and moving to a section of wall. He brings up a datapad/scanner and begins to work with it until he taps a section of wall with two knuckles, and pulls a small, flat cylinder, about the size of a tin of cat food, from his pack, setting it in place with a sticky gel.

     Oh sure, park a couple ships on their lawn, yell to announce your arrival and *then* decide to pick the lock? Suzi gives Charley an odd look, but holsters her weapon and moves forward, reaching for one of the pouches on the utility belt strapped on over her armor. An electronic device in hand, she attaches it to the keypad and taps a few keys. It only takes a few seconds, and the light on the keypad changes from red to green, the lock disengaging silently.

     English lowers his Mossberg, and equally his eyebrows in looking between the two or so groups of the folks around the keypad and the ones to the wall. He should probably question that but he doesn't. It's probably best not to question so instead he settles dutifully in where needed.

     Suzi gets through the lock, the door gently 'snikts' open, and Adrian's charge goes off. Except for a soft hissing and a tiny glow it's silent - burning a hole around five foot tall, five foot wide through the wall. There's a two or three second window where it appears it may not do the second part of it's job - quick cooling - but with a puff of smoke it cools the edges down so people can move through it.

     Charley Wong grunts in satisfaction, and steps through the doorway, gun forward, gesturing to be followed. Yep. Typical fighter pilot. Act first, think later.

     Adrian growls a little as he punches into the room instantly after the charge detonates, rifle coming up and scanning for threats, getting clear of the 'fatal funnel' immediately; he snaps into the room, and hugs the wall, slipping away from the new door.

     With the lock taken care of, Suzi steps back to her position in the rear and tucks the electronic lockpicking device back into its holster. From here she has a pretty good view of the hole Adrian's burned in the wall. "Huh." she emits, as she reaches for her sidearm again, ready to follow the others in when it's time. Her eyes scan the exterior of the building while she waits, looking for telltale signs of additional security.

     The front foyer opens into a set of stairs leading down, and an open office and living area. The team begins to enter and sweep the place - finding a guard stationed in the office area, asleep - he's stunned and knocked unconscious. In the office area there's a command panel for the security system for the entire facility - something Suzi can see, although it looks like the cable for the warning circuit was cut when one of the ASREV's set down and punctured it underground from it's weight. The stairs down lead to the living quarters, with the two double doors at the end of the hallway leading to the master suite where the man of the manor, so to speak, lives. Two more men, then two more, spill out of a door downstairs, heading for the stairs and looking quite sleepy with their SMGs held at low ready.

     English glances aside to the new hole in the exterior wall and then looks further aside to the nameless guy next to him. There's a questioning look. He returns to business at hand wordlessly and adjusts his hold over the shotgun before stepping in after the others in front of him, bringing up the rear.

     Charley Wong raises her sidearm, and snaps, "Alliance! You're covered. Drop the firearms." Her finger hovers over the trigger, waiting for someone to be a fool.

     Adrian leaves his finger just off the trigger, briefly flicking on the Lightshow mounted parallel to the barrel. The blue beam ignites the place.

     The men all lift their hands, and drop to the ground, dazzled by the lightshow - as well as the booming voice coming out of the darkness just above them. They drop to their faces, hands above their heads almost as if they are used to this particular position.

     As part of the second wave, Suzi lingers outside for a good ten-count or so after the initial group goes in. Then, hearing no gunfire, she signals her people to advance and slips inside herself. She glances around to see what she can see, and zeroes in on the security command panel. Eureka! Or something. Since the mooks in this area seem subdued, she heads for the panel.

     English starts forward to assist in tying up and securing the newly surrendered security personnel but there's something else that has caught his attention; technically, it didn't catch his attention with being directed further along to the actual bedroom door. He eases up on it carefully and holds his firearm off to the side in order to test the door with his offhand. He's slow about it with his not wanting to alert anyone beyond it. It's locked. Since they're still doing the dynamic entries, the man looks to Charley with a shake of his head before stepping back and aiming the barrel of the shotgun towards the lock. A moment later and he's pulling the trigger of the twelve gauge.

     BOOM goes the shotgun, the powdered metallic dust makes short work of the lock and door jamb; the momentum from the round bursts one of the doors open. Inside in the dim room is a man asleep on a bed - already waking up and reaching for a button on the side of his nightstand, and a handgun there. Suzi can see the security panel is fairly new - not state of the art, but pretty darn good. there's even a loop in place to destroy the data on all the drives, with two hardwire interfaces it seems - one at this console, and another one marked 'bedroom'.

     Charley Wong pulls the trigger on her sidearm. Set to stun. She's backing up the shotgun man, since the aim is a live capture.

     Suzi gives the security console a quick examination, though something seems to alarm her after just a few seconds of futzing with it. "Clear!" she calls, gesturing with one arm for her team to get back as she herself, steps back, raises her sidearm, and shoots the damn thing. Twice. Right in the 'brain'. A crackling red beam of energy jets from her decidedly-not-on-stun weapon. The console sparks, crackles, and the smell of burnt ozone rises from it along with some smoke.

     The fella gets his hand on the grip of the pistol and punches button but just then Charley's bolt hits him in the chest. He spasms on the bed and falls still - and the entire power grid for the house goes down, the house going dark (which, for most of the house, means nothing except the air conditioning stops humming.) Interpol officers run past Charley to help guard and secure the man.

     English swivels with the initial shot fired and draws back the pump of the shotgun, listening to the mechanical grind of discharging the spent shell into the air next to him as wood splinters off of the wood under the force of a point-block shot. With being at the front of the group this time around, the man's muscled frame leads forward fluidly and he's aiming towards the man in the bed. He doesn't have to yell though, Charley's shot the man and so he settles for lowering the shotgun and sweeping further into the room just prior to bringing up a hand to rub at his left ear. Close proximity to energy pistols isn't so pleasant, after all.

     "Uh. Did I do that?" Suzi says in the suddenly dark room. A couple of the techs chuckle nervously behind her as she re-holsters her sidearm. "Everyone okay?" she asks, as she reaches for her holstered flashlight and flicks it on, panning it around a bit. The security console seems totally inert now, and the places hasn't exploded. So maybe whatever Suzi was trying to do was successful. Maybe. "I've seen this type of system before, it has a hard line kill switch that will wipe all the data on the local node. Hopefully I got it in time.. Gifford, Hawkins, start looking for the mainframe once the rooms are clear."

     "Yes ma'am," the two techs say automatically as they start to look around. The Interpol officers in the main bedroom secure the man with cuffs - around twenty seconds later the A/C kicks back on and Interpol men and women start to report in to Charley that the area is secure. The prisoners are all searched - many have hidden weapons - and the technicians begin to search through the office and compound. They find not only the mainframe, but a backup mainframe, some hidden drives in walls, and backups. There's a cache of five million credits in a wall safe that Suzi can crack, and English finds a closet that opens into an armory with probably two dozen assault rifles, several machine guns, boxes of grenades, missile launchers, you name it - if it's illegal in the Core, it's in this cache. Under Cal Dempsey's bed, English finds a hidden compartment that Suzi can open - it was tripped to Cal's fingerprint and a ten number code with several fail safes to burn the small compartment. Inside is three sets of false IDs, and a chip containing names and contact information for several people - with one name 'Harada' and a commlink and Cortex address - and next to it is noted 'LPs hardware guy?'.

     Finally regaining his bearings after recovering from the dizzying spell of really-close-small-arms-fire, English looks up toward the ceiling and then around at the bedroom itself. There's a distinct lack of electricity running, or something. He can't quite place it and by the time he seems to the power is back up. That's about when he reloads a shell into his shotgun and sets the safety before shouldering it out of the way and onto his right. "Cheaters always prosper," is said of the credit amount discovered. Then there's, "I always wanted my own private army," when discovering the secret armory; and, in the end, he settles his comments with: "There's a joke in Lareina Pirata needing a guy's hardware. I just can't place it. But it's there, all eight inches of it."