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Full name Melody Pavarotti
Birthplace Persephone
Gender Female
Status Roster
Education Information

Boarding School, Finishing School, and Charm School

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


Archetype: Entertainer
280 Experience Points left still to spend


Agility: 40
Intelligence: 35
Technical: 30
Strength: 35
Charisma: 45
Perception: 40


Acrobatics: 20
Con Artist: 20
Culture - Nobles: 20
Dance: 40
Diplomacy: 20
Dodge: 40
Entertain: 40
Escape Artist: 20
Gambling: 20
Gather Info: 20
Hide: 30
Intimidate: 30
Listen: 20
Mixology: 30
Move Silently: 20
Music: 40
Persuasion: 30
Seduction: 40
Sleight of Hand: 20
Spot: 20
Willpower: 40


Chinese, English, French, Italian, Sign Language, Spanish


Allergy - Deathly allergic to iodine. Cannot eat any form of shellfish or have any type of iodine administered for medical procedures.
Ambidexterity - Years of dance and body awareness has made her equally skilled with one hand as with the other.
Hooked - Melody has always had a touch of stage fright, so she relies on anti-anxiety medication to keep her nerves calm. After so many years of regular usage, she'll start to get shaky without them.
Natural Linguist - Years of studying languages for theatre has made her a natural at accents and dialects.


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Background history goes here.

Family History

Melody was a test-tube baby born of the hopes and dreams of two Opera stars, both tenors. Her fathers had geneticists take the best of each of their genes in hopes of producing another start talent to carry on their operatic legacy within the theaters of Ariel. And thus, Melody-a star, was born. Her fathers both doted upon and spoiled their daughter, giving her the best education, training, and life that credits could buy, but her life's path has always led only to one place - the stage.

Education and Employment History

Training, school, and work history goes here.