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1: What is the history of your life? (Give a description of your history.)
I was born in the middle of October in 2503 on Whitefall. Life there wasn’t particularly easy, though we made do. I was raised by my mother and my elder sister, with my father off at war against the Alliance. We didn’t have it easy, but it wasn’t particularly hard – owing to it being all I knew. We farmed, mostly. Raised cattle, grew crops, that kind of thing, and the Alliance mostly left us alone during the conflict.

When I was seventeen I wanted more out of live than harvesting and slaughtering. So, at my first chance, I applied to join one of the trading ships leaving for the Core. The Astral Shuixian was leaving that day and was short of hands. In return for my labour I would be paid and I would be apprenticed to their security chief. After a few years I left their service, amicably, and joined up with a crew on the Trans-U, Celestial Horizon, keen to put my gunslinging into action. Only a couple of years later the ship was sold off and the crew, including my girl and myself, were laid off. We didn’t have any marketable skills so Leah and I went off on our own, hiring ourselves out to anyone with the cash.

Life was good for a fair while but Leah was injured and took a desk job in some government department. Sitting behind a desk wasn’t good for her, it turned out, and she flew like the wind. I’m sure she’ll be back, but until then life is for the living!

2: What were your parents or guardians like?
My father, Heinrich, and my mother, Astrid, were solid and hard working people. My dad left when I was young to fight the Alliance in the Unification Wars – a fight he never returned from. My mother and my elder sister Ermingard, or Ermie as I called her, raised me into the handsome man I am today. Manners, hard work and kindness were the orders of the day and still are how I desire to live my life. With occasional slip ups to be expected, of course.

My sister Ermie had one problem however. She was stone deaf. As such she spoke with the use of a second-hand computer and it was constantly breaking down leading her to frustration and anxiety. Being the kind and thoughtful brother that I was I was inspired to, secretly, learn Sign Language, as she had done since her youth. One day, when the computer broke down she started to weep before I started signing...

3: What was the most pivotal or important point in your life? (Describe it.)
My life has been so short that it’s hard to pick out a ‘most important’ being that they’re all important in their own ways. Though I guess the most important was the one that saw me leave Whitefall and begin my life of adventure.

I was seventeen and so green to the ‘Verse I needed mowing. I went to every trading vessel that landed on Whitefall that day in order to put myself forward to get a job, but I had absolutely no experience whatsoever. Farming isn’t really helpful in the cold and inky Black, you see. So I told one of the captains that I had some experience with a gun and he hired me on as a security trainee and general dogsbody. Haven’t looked back, though I regularly visit my sister Ermie, who has taken on looking after mum in her dotage.

4: What events have transpired recently to bring you to this point in time?
Recently my long-term business partner and casual love interest has gone on a sabbatical and so I’ve been set loose on Persephone to try and find my way. The planet has changed a fair bit since I was last here, it’s constantly shifting like sand in a desert.