Shu Book Policies

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Organizational Policies for the Shu Chang and Derrial Book Memorial Hospital

Overall policy

You should feel comfortable and welcome in this org. If something causes you to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, please bring it to the attention of Zachary by page or @mail. If it involves another player, please provide a log. If it is an IC issue, bring it to Zachary by IC means and he will try to work on it through RP if possible, but be aware that he will take the matter OOC if necessary. If you have an idea for a TP, bring that to Zachary and he will float it to the org to see if other people are interested in participating in it. If they are, he will work with you and staff to run the TP. If it is something to flesh out your character, he will help you with that even without participation from others in the org.


If you have not RPed with other members of the org in three (3) months, you will be inactive and you will not receive pay. Zachary will base this determination on reports from other players. You will receive a warning by @mail from him after the second month. At the end of the third month, he will ask staff to @tel you to the OOC area. If you know that you will be inactive, you should disembark from the ship, or if the ship is in flight, send Zachary a @mail so that he can arrange for staff to @tel you off of the ship to a room of your choosing. When you are ready to return to active duty, notify him and he will change your status. Zachary cannot guarantee that you will remain in the same position or pay when you return from inactive status, especially if you are in a senior position, because he needs active people to fill those positions. However, he will work with you to ensure that you have a place in the org if you want it.


Please be respectful of others when chatting on the org channel. If someone objects to a particular kind of teasing, joking, or language, for example, please refrain from such comments. Treat other players as you would like for them to treat you.

Questions or Comments

If you have quesions or comments on these policies, please direct them to Zachary. Thank you.