Ladies of the Alliance

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A page for the calender of ladies of the alliance, for charity (30 creds a copy), proceeds to the Wellness Clinic, and to the War Orphans Fund.

Photo gallery


Every model was interviewed, and asked for things like turn-ons, turn-offs, favorite fantasies, and that kind of thing. These are included in a blurb in the corner of each calendar page.

January, Aesil Zeng

  1. Turn-ons: Being alone
  2. Turn-offs: People who try and get physically close
  3. Fantasy: Flying a ship endlessly into the Black

February, Jade Tycho-Collins

  1. Turn-ons: Full Contact Kenjutsu and MMA
  2. Turn-offs: Gorram Idiots.
  3. Fantasy: Time with my wife after makin' the 'verse safe from dirty rottin' Pie-rats.

March, Isabel Gossard

  1. Turn-ons: Hard, sweaty exercise.
  2. Turn-offs: A stack of paperwork.
  3. Fantasies: Uh... I don't have to answer this one, right?

April, Susan Everett

  1. Turn-ons: Being with the best in whatever they do.
  2. Turn-offs: People who don't take pride in their work.
  3. Fantasies: A week of shore-leave an Newhall, eating some oysters, and having somebody make me feel like the only woman in the 'Verse.

May, Charlene Wong

  1. Turn-ons: Flying, a good sense of humor
  2. Turn-offs: People who don't respect each other
  3. Fantasies: A day of pampering, massage, a hot bath, and a glass of cold wine

June, Kirsten O'Dowd

  1. Turn-ons: Long walks on the beach with my lover
  2. Turn-offs: People who are far too formal and stuck-up.
  3. Fantasy: It involves restraints...

July, Eleanor Quinn

  1. Turn-ons: I love a man in uniform.
  2. Turn-offs: Dishonesty, cowardice, compliments.
  3. Fantasies: A unified, safe and well-run society.

August, Aisha Hearne

  1. Turn-ons: Beaches and Good Company
  2. Turn-offs: Brussels Sprouts

September, Alexa Stross

  1. Turn-ons: Free spirited people, a good meal
  2. Turn-offs: Feeling 'stuck', people who take things too seriously
  3. Fantasies: You know how science fiction always has parallel universes and stuff? I've always wondered what it'd be like to spend some time with myself in one of those universes.

October, Zara Barnes

  1. Turn-ons: Honesty, blue eyes.
  2. Turn-offs: Hairy feet.
  3. Fantasies: Universal peace and harmony. Although I suppose I would be out of a job.

November, Kelly Hudson

  1. Turn-ons: A big steak after a bigger fight
  2. Turn-offs: Vegetarians who get in my face about it.
  3. Fantasies: Converting some vegetarian girl to my carnivorous, blood-drinking ways! *laughs jokingly. We think it's jokingly..*

December, Marie Tanaka

  1. Turn-ons: Gardening. I know it sounds wierd, but there's a reason for it!
  2. Turn-offs: Motorsports; I just can't get over the noise!
  3. Fantasies: A long, clear day in a Japanese garden. Just me, someone sweet, and nothing else. No tech, nothing.