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Revision as of 12:36, 30 November 2012 by Frobisher (talk | contribs)
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Full name Hild Frobisher
Date of Birth 27 Feb 2501
Birthplace Transport ship Ayde
Parents Cuthbert Frobisher and Maud Rae
Spouse Unwed
Children None
Assignment First Mate, Wulver
Specialization Pilot
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Green. Mousey brown
Height and Weight 5'4". 9st 2lb
Status Active
Education Information

School of life.

Employment History

First Mate, Wulver
Senior Helmsman, Wulver
Pilot, Wulver
Pilot, Scott
Pilot, Diadem
Pilot, Good Hope
Junior Pilot, Gladiator
Junior Pilot, Caradoc
(very) Junior Pilot, Ayde


Not the tallest of lasses, standing around 5'4" with no artificial aids such as high heals (or stilts). Her light brown hair is cropped short in a practical style and mostly covered by a kakhi field cap that looks like its seen better days. Her eyes are green and if were being honest, utterly unremarkable. She has two of them and they're in the right place and everything. Anyway, I digress... Black para-boots sit below a pair of knee-length shorts and a leg holster holding a sidearm to her right thigh. Above that is a short sleeved shirt thats unbuttoned over an equally utilitarian t-shirt. There's nothing particularly remarkable about her appearance but the tattoo around her right wrist. It's not the finest of work and not all that easy to read, but says 'Cuthbert' is moderately elaborate text.


<Wulver> I sell guns, Cecilia says, "Easy-going, aloof, cares about her friends.. likes to have fun"
<Wulver> Sassy Evangeline says, "I would describe Bish as patient, a diamond in the rough, a good heart without pretense."
<Wulver> Sunshine, Cody hrms... Bish is adorably cute and feisty. :)
<Wulver> Rodney says, "Cool and savvy, with balls like grapefruits."

