RA 'Zeus' Assault Carbine

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Ricochet Arms 'Zeus' Assault Carbine
RA 'Zeus' Assault Carbine
Availability: Ricochet_Arms prototype, not in production
One of the latest developments out of the Ricochet Arms facility on Paquin. The 'Zeus' is a bullpup carbine chambered to fire the new 6.5mm RA round with an underslung 19mm shotshell launcher. Its chassis is made of lightweight polymers over titanium mesh. Incorporated in the weapon is the latest in recoil compensation and balancing. A solid blend of newtech and ergonomic designs went into the build of this weapon, and further modifications to it would be extremely difficult due to the specifics and extreme tolerances of the build. ***Temp Desc, more to come***
Cost: 6,000 License: ****
Accuracy: 115%/115%/110% Weight: 6.5kg
Maximum Damage: ST/11/13/20 Stun points & ST/22/26/33 Wound points Skills: MA/Rifle/Repeating/Rifle
Modes: Safety/Semi/Burst/Shotgun Range: 125/250/500
Ammo: 6.5mm-RA(60) 19mm-RA(5) Firing Rate: 0/1/3/1