Leonie Akiyama

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This is OOC information.
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Leonie Akiyama
Full name Leonie "Aki" Akiyama
Kanji 秋山 れおに
Date of birth 8 April 2491
Birthplace Londinium
Parents Ryujiro and Cecilie Akiyama
Siblings None
Marital status Single
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Dark
Height 5'11"
Current Looking
Previous Horus Security Services
Winchester Academy

Graduated near the top of her class in 2508.

New Oxford University

B.A. (Hons) 2511, M.A. 2517.

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Latin
MedRecords Summary

Allergic to wasp stings; she's never without a vial of epinephrine and a syringe.

She's never without cigarettes and a lighter either...


2508 Graduated in the spring from the Winchester Academy, and in the autumn commenced her studies of the history and culture of Earth-that-was at New Oxford University. At the same time, she began to work as a part-time contractor for Horus Security Services.

2511 Received her B.A. (Hons). Her work for Horus Security Services became full-time, and took her all over the Core Worlds, providing personal protection to the well-known and/or well-heeled, looking for holes in companies' security procedures, overseeing security at public events, etc.

2517 Received her M.A., earned largely via correspondence.

2523 Parted amicably from Horus Security Services at the end of her fifteen-year contract, and entered the service of a private employer.

2529 Six months' vacation on Bernadette, for personal reasons.


A skilled martial artist, specialising in judo and jujitsu.

Knowledge of security systems, information gathering, tracking, and first aid.

Holder of a level-three firearms license.

IC History

2530.04.30 Arrived on Persephone and was greeted by a wasp.

2530.06.04 Booked passage from Sihnon on the Tranquility.


A reserved and courteous woman, who knows how to talk to nobles and criminals, how to make herself invisible in plain sight or become an undeniable presence, and how to read the atmosphere in a room as though browsing through the pages of one of her dusty old books. Those who have employed her in the past trust her to do what needs doing and keep her mouth shut about it afterwards; those who have worked with her will tell you she's smart and cautious, prefers using her brains to using her (admittedly very capable) fists, and may or may not be an asexual robot who simply switches herself off at the end of her duty shifts. If she has a personal life, she doesn't discuss it.


Give it time.