Pancor Jackhammer

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[[File:Pancor Jackhammer|none|300px]]

Type WeaponType::Rifle
Availability WeaponAvailability::Ultra-Rare
Cost WeaponCost::2500
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::105%
Weight Weight::2.75
Range WeaponRange::20/30/50
Ammo WeaponAmmo::12-Gauge-Shot Ammo
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::12
Modes WeaponModes::Burst, WeaponModes::Safety, WeaponModes::Single
Skills Skills::Firearms:rifle, Skills::Martial Arts
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0/1/3
Stun WeaponStun::14/10/14
Damage WeaponDamage::3/16/27
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::Level 3
Description [[WeaponDescription::The weapon, excluding the barrel, is constructed largely of a rynite plastic in order to reduce weight. It features a bullpup layout to preserve a 525mm barrel length in an overall 787mm package. The shotgun is fed by a 10-round capacity center-rotating drum using conventional 12-gauge cartridges. The shotgun weighs 4.57 kg and has a maximum rate of fire of 240 rpm. The drum's method of rotation is very similar to the Webley-Fosbery semi-automatic revolver.

The floating barrel is driven forward by gas pressure from the fired round. It is returned by a spring and moves the drum operating rod, breaking the tight seal between the barrel and the drum and allowing the drum to revolve to offer the next round. On the return stroke the barrel and drum are re-sealed, allowing the round to be fired without loss of gas. Spent cartridges are not ejected, remaining in the magazine.]]

Picture [[WeaponPicture::Pancor Jackhammer]]

Pancor Jackhammer
Availability: Unique (unavailable)
The weapon, excluding the barrel, is constructed largely of a rynite plastic in order to reduce weight. It features a bullpup layout to preserve a 525mm barrel length in an overall 787mm package. The shotgun is fed by a 10-round capacity center-rotating drum using conventional 12-gauge cartridges. The shotgun weighs 4.57 kg and has a maximum rate of fire of 240 rpm. The drum's method of rotation is very similar to the Webley-Fosbery semi-automatic revolver.
The floating barrel is driven forward by gas pressure from the fired round. It is returned by a spring and moves the drum operating rod, breaking the tight seal between the barrel and the drum and allowing the drum to revolve to offer the next round. On the return stroke the barrel and drum are re-sealed, allowing the round to be fired without loss of gas. Spent cartridges are not ejected, remaining in the magazine.
Cost: 2500 License: ***
Accuracy: 105% Weight: 2.75kg
Maximum Damage: 14/10/14 Stun points & 3/16/27 Wound points Skills: MA/Rifle/Rifle
Modes: Safety/Single/Burst Range: 20/30/50
Ammo: 12g(12) Firing Rate: 0/1/3