RA 'Ares' Combat Pistol

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RA Pistol 3.jpg
Type WeaponType::Sidearm
Availability WeaponAvailability::Rare
Cost WeaponCost::3,500
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::115% (113% with silencer)
Weight Weight::1.1
Range WeaponRange::20/40/90
Ammo WeaponAmmo::.454-Cassul Standard Ammo
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::15
Modes WeaponModes::Safety, WeaponModes::Semi
Skills Skills::Firearms:sidearms, Skills::Martial Arts
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0/1
Stun WeaponStun::ST/10
Damage WeaponDamage::ST/21(19 with silencer)
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::Level 2
Description [[WeaponDescription::The 'Ares' is a heavy combat pistol produced by Ricochet Arms and the first in their 'Olympus' lineup of firearms. Incorporating the latest in recoil compensation and accurization, the weapon handles exceptionally well and is perfectly balanced. Not a compact pistol, it's design is less for concealability and more for pure combat scenarios with the soldier in mind.

The 'Ares' fires a caseless .454 Cassul round from a heavy, threaded barrel. A flat-plane holosite comes standard on the weapon and a suppressor can be easily attached to the threaded barrel. While the weapon is offered in a variety of color schemes, the bulk of them are done in a matte black ceramic polymer.]]

Picture WeaponPicture::RA_Pistol_3.jpg