She touches our wounds with that finger!

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She touches our wounds with that finger!
Location: Log_Location::Dregs Bar & Grill IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2534/04/24 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/02/18
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Weasel, Has Characters in Scene::Edison Trent, Has Characters in Scene::Hayden, Has Characters in Scene::Fisher, Has Characters in Scene::Vanessa Kaeriani, Has Characters in Scene::Chloe
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The crew of the Thunderchild bump into Weasel while at the Dregs. Chloe is watching them all.
Log_Characters::Weasel, Edison Trent, Hayden, Fisher, Vanessa Kaeriani, Chloe

At the bar, seemingly SURROUNDED by redheads, Trent laughs outloud at something said. Of course, it wasn't either woman that caused him to laugh so, it was actually the squat, bulldog of a man that is Gus the Bartender and his IMPRESSIVE moustache. "Seriously, Gus?" he asks, seemingly amazed. "You took on how many baby Feds?" he asks, hung on the man's every word. Mind: Gus'es story really isn't for the young Captain. Indeed, the tender seems to be making eyes at his lady friends. Both of them at once. Replying in the affirmative, the gruff tender simply brags on about the way he 'thrashed' the handful of Federals, finishing the story in grand style by throwing them through the window, only to be carted off by their C.O. moments later. With a sigh, Trent shakes his head, his laughter finally fading... "Yeah," he muses breathily, "That's a great story." Paused then, he simply eyes the man, his head tilting. "So, can we get drinks now?" he finally asks, glancing between Vanessa and Hayden. "What're we having?" he asks curiously, already fetching a stack of bills from his jacket pocket. "I'll take a boilermaker," he murmurs wryly, "Make it a depth-charge."

Hayden is half listening, half watching the bar and the people in it. There is a lazy sort of watchfulness about her, similar to a cat on a window... with a tree full of birds just outside. Yeah, she looks as deadly as a snowflake on a sunny day, with that strange colored red hair, those piercings and tattoos but are you willing to take the chance? It's only when the mention of drinks is spoken of, that Hayden perks up and smiles at Gus as well as Trent. "I'll have whatever he's having." She jerks at thumb at the captain. "Because he's paying, right?" Hayden's face holds a wicked grin, but that sparkle in her eyes says she wouldn't be surprised if he said she had to buy her own booze.

At least one of the redheaded woman is only paying some of her attention to the tale being woven by the bartender. She's not being rude, mind you, she's just paying some of her attention to her surroundings, which is something that's become rather a habit for her. When drinks are mentioned by Trent, she raises an eyebrow slightly as she turns her attention to him, a thoughtful expression coming to her features and her eyes narrowing a touch. Smoothly, she rolls her right shoulder in a faint shrug, and then her gaze turns over to Gus. "Midleton Legacy, double shot on the rocks, please," Vanessa requests, inclining her head slightly towards the man. Then she looks to Trent again, studying him. Shifting her weight, she turn to face the bar's room itself, letting her back rest lightly against the counter behind her. Her gaze slips past Trent to Hayden, and she quirks a smile. "That seems a fair enough sort of logic," she comments. She lets her left elbow rest on the counter of the bar, and her right arm remains at her side. All in all, she's comfortable and seeming to be at ease here.

The young man known as Weasel walks into the bar. It had been a long time since he had been here. Before his face is his PDA and he seems widely intent on staying focused on it. However, he's navigating through the small crowd without looking up. The red hair on his head was about the most acknowledgeable thing about him other then how tall and lanky he was. He shifts through people quietly, keeping out of the way most;y/ His PDA making slight noises as if he was playing some game on his screen. His direction however seems to send him to the small party of red heads plus the odd ball out of that group. It's only then that the hacker known as Weasel bumps into Ed just a little. A glance up from the screen as he blinks, "What tha..." That's when he notices who he bumped which he ignores. A second later he begins to hit his PDA, "This is not where I wanted to be. Damn it, it must have gotten fogged up when I passed the Fed station." There was a grumble from him as he means stands there staring down at his screen. He then glances up to Ed, "My bad. PDA's fault. But She's a bitch though so don't expect her to apologize." He states before his eyes shift over to Nessa, noting her hair for a moment. But then as he looks to Hayden, he seems to not look back at Ed. Weasel almost drops his PDA and his jaw opens a little bit. Yea, it was like that.

Chloe's smart no-nonsense pumps and their crisp reports on the floor announce her arrival. She blinks owlishly as her eyes adjust to the change in lighting and she huffs softly as one finger pushes her less than flattering tortoise shell glasses back to their proper perch on the bridge of her narrow nose. She pauses and her lips press as she notices that she has stepped in something...unsavory. With precision she has a tissue from a neat little purse-dispenser, wipes the offending grime or gum from her shoe and looks for a trash bin. Finding none for patron use she frowns gently and sneaks out a biohazard bag, slips in there, peels off the seal, and tidily seals it before depositing back into her medic's bag. Satisfied glances about the establishment with an attentive air before deciding on one of the tables. As discretely as possible a saniwipe is snuck out of the back and she drops a bit of change to give her a discrete reason to bend over, which she uses to swiftly wipe down the seat and the table before slipping it away and settling at the table, tucking her change back into it's rightful place.

Seemingly in a good mood, perhaps surprisingly so, Trent even seems willing to pay for Hayden's booze... This time. "Yeah, that's right," he chirps in return. "I said tap-water, right?" he asks playfully, a smirk shot sidelong at the younger of the redheads he's with. "Did you notice the looks you're getting?" he asks of the medic curiously, going so far as to point out the balding, drooping man seated at a nearby table - The one with a single tooth left in his head. Despite that fact he's surely smiling, or gumming as the case might be, at the inked woman. "Might get lucky..." Simply flashing two fingers at Gus, he turns his attention to Vanessa, his grin relaxing into a brilliant smile. Mock whispering, he notes, "I think you lost your boyfriend from our last visit." Clearly, they've experienced 'gummy' and his taste for gingers in the past. "And the lady will clearly take the most expensive liquor you've got," he muses with a shake of the head.

Already peeling off far more than he'd expected from his fold of cash, a sidelong glare cast at Vanessa, Trent surges forward as he's bumped into from behind. "What kinda 'FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen' (Baboon's asshole)," he starts to complain, before he turns on his heel, half expecting to see one of the more surly patrons of the bar. Instead, he finds Weasel... "Uh, low bridge," he murmurs, somewhat surprised. Looking from the young man to his PDA and then back, the young Captain merely arches a brow. "Don't anthropomorphize computers," he warns, "They HATE that." Since there was no harm done, he simply rolls his right shoulder in a shrug, offering the kid a smile. "Fortunately, I don't rough up ladies very often." At roughly that point, Edison /truly/ falls silent, perhaps stunned quiet by the display taking place near the door. Being the paranoid type, he can't help but notice the most basic of movement, but really, there's little basic in what Chloe does. "Huh," he utters in shock. Wanting to continue staring, as if it were a trainwreck of tidyness, the man simply shakes his head, forcing himself to look away so he might finally pay Gus for the first round.

Hayden nods to Vanessa, the women of course agree on logic, because women are like that when they get together. Conspiring. "See, she agrees with me." This to Trent, brushing her hair from her shoulders and tugging it from her neck. Hands fall and while one comes to rest on the bar, the other rests on the strap that crosses her chest, connected to her beloved weapon. As Trent mentions the looks she is getting, she scowls at him, sticking out her tongue and leaning, so that the words aren't shouted as to start a fight. "I hear without teeth, they give great..." She makes a motion now, clearly, it's one for oral. "Maybe you should find out." Oh, saucy this one. It's right about then that the Captain starts cursing, and surprisingly, not at her. Eyes flicker, turning to the young man, only to find him gaping at her. At first, she looks down at herself. She did put on pants, right? It's almost comical, how she takes stock of herself. She even goes as far as to rummage in a pocket, pull out a small compact mirror and check her makeup. Snapping it shut, she lowers it...slooooowly. Weasel is given a rather Sherlock-ian expression, brows slightly raised, mouth a little set. Reaching out, if he doesn't shift away, she takes a couple fingertips, and nudges his mouth shut. "You're catchin' flies, boy."

Chloe is murmuring softly, seemingly to herself as she sets up shop, complete with drink which of course she doesn't DARE touch. Clean, tidy, but she has about her more of an air of an anthropologist studying an isolated tribe in the butthole of some rim world than a fed or law inforcement. Not that it helps her case any, as any good scientist on an expedition brings a native guide or at least a weapon of some fashion. So observing the natives in their customary traditions she notices she has drawn some unwanted attention. She offers a polite smile and averts her gaze, dictation ceasing as she lifts the glass as if to take a sip-but it never actually reached her nuetrally painted lips.

Vanessa tilts her head a bit to one side as she notices the unawares man approaching, too occupied in his PDA. A frown touches at the corners of her lips as Edison is bumped into, and she shifts her position, no longer leaning against the counter behind her. Then she takes a step away from the counter, her gaze resting on the impolite fellow. "PDA's fault or not, it's you that was doing the walking that made you bump into someone, so you should still apologize," she comments. Then her blue gaze turns a sidelong look to Trent, and she raises an eyebrow at the comments he offers, a smile quirking the corners of her lips. "You already knew it was what I was going to order," she offers. She smoothly rolls her left shoulder in a bit of a shrug, studying Trent for a lingering moment. Then her attention shifts past him to Hayden, and she laughs. "Oooh, nice one," she offers before her attention shifts back to Weasel. "He might not," she says, glancing to Trent briefly to indicate him, then smiling a bit. "I would," she adds, her gaze resting on Weasel. Then she looks to Hayden. "I think he's a little slow-like, honey. I've heard tell they get that look sometimes. Starin' off all open-mouthed like that. Puts me to mind of a fish left out of water too long," Vanessa says, raising an eyebrow slightly.

He was a little bit awe struck a moment but as her finger tips come to his mouth the boy makes no movements to get away, but isntead he turns his head down to catch her finger tips within his lips a breif moment, lightly sucking on them and letting them go, "And I happen to like a woman who gives great...." Like her, he does not let the sentence complete just yet. A slight glance to Ed, "They? Computers? You're a little weird pal, no offense." The sound on his PDA chimes in with a very disgruntled female voice that says in Japaneese, "Oni-chan!" It was as if the PDA was trying to gain his attention. Chloe is given a mere glance before Weasel looks back to Hayden. Seems to boy has taken a bit of a fancy to her. "Love those tats." Of course his pale skin had none. However, he looks over to Vanessa to answer her, "No, it's her fault. I was using her motion caption radar while I play my game. However, she failed to recalibrate after passing the Fed station which broadcast a largely high signal rating thus causing her to be off track by at least fifter feet. It was not intentional." His voice says this calmly and as close to an apology as it might get. But he looks back to Hayden, "Why don't I buy you a drink, whatever you like no matter the cost."

Fisher arrives from Spacers District - Persephone. Fisher has arrived.

"Oh yes," Edison assures Vanessa, "I knew exactly what you were having," he muses brightly. Only after does he offer Hayden a smirk, even as he's somewhat distracted by the skinny redheaded kid. "Hey..." he murmurs, leaning closer to the inked, pierced woman that seems to be drawing attention from the crowd. "I'll give you a hundred credits, right now," he almost whispers, "If you go lick the librarian's face," he offers, gesturing to Chloe clandestinely with a dip of his chin. "I'll even be nice to you for the rest of the night and buy your drinks." he starts to offer /even/ more enticement, but is rather suddenly distracted by the fact Weasel suckles his medic's finger. !!! "Why you little.... 'Ching-wah TSAO duh liou mahng,' he curses colorfully in Mandarin, even as he reaches out to grasp the kid. If you need a translation, yes: he just called Weasel a frog-humping son of a bitch. Clutching him by the shirt, he seems about ready to properly thrash the kid. Moreover, he likely knows the women with him are about to do so and he's likely saving the kid some bruises. "You'll do more than buy her a drink, boy. You'll apologize right freakin now," he demands, his bright blue eyes almost twitching. "She touches our wounds with that finger!"

Hayden looks sidelong at Nessa, as she gives explanation for that long lost look the redhead with the PDA is wearing. It's perhaps /that/ that gives the man time to catch her fingers and suck on them. There is a surprised grunt and as she is pulling back to slap the ever'lovin' out of him, the Captain grabs the man and saves him from her backhand, along with the few rings she's wearing that would probably leave colorful bruises even if she hadn't tried. "Ok, first, bad touch. I'm all for flirting but do not lick me unless I ask you to." She actually shudders, wiping her hands on her pants. "And second, no, no drink, thank you." She's genuinely flustered, her face rather pink to the tips of her ears. She points a finger at Weasel, like one might a pet whose just done something ugly on the carpet, "Next time, I might shoot you." And with that, she mutters quietly, to herself,what amounts to several creative curses in French. Probably a few Trent recognizes from former conversations. And although she won't admit it, she moves just a little closer to the Captain.

Chloe tilts her head and her eyes lift as she notices the commotion. How fascinating. Softly more dictations are made as she observes though her brow knits in what MIGHT be concern for the smaller of the men. That does not at all mean that she interviens. With eyes a bit wide she watches with her breath held in dread of what's to come next. She is settled at a table by herself observing the commotion with a decidedly scholarly air about her. Once more a well manicured finger lifts to push her glasses up on her delicate nose.

Now if that just isn't totally gross and disgusting. Vanessa shudders with a measure of revulsion, thankful it wasn't her fingers being treated like candy. She wrinkles her nose, then shakes her head, her blue eyes turning cold at the treatment her crewmate has received. "On what fucking planet of what 'Verse do you think it's proper to suck on a complete stranger's fingers? Back off, you sick ass pervert, or I'll damn well make you back off," she promises, bringing her right hand to her right hip and adopting that stance of pissed-off woman that females are born knowing. "Now you have a choice in this situation. You can either apologize to my crewmate, or you and I we go outside and settle it up all proper-like," she adds. She will cause him bodily harm if he doesn't, that much is likely clear, and maybe she's just looking for a fight. "And I really don't give a rat's ass that your PDA couldn't be bothered to reconfigure itself. I'm sure you've heard of watching where you're going, so why don't you try that?" she suggests. She really doesn't care for excuses, at all, and isn't willing to accept them. "Intentional or not, if you bump someone, you ~apologize~," she adds. The man clearly has never heard of manners or being polite, and this is something of a lesson for him. Or so she intends it to be.

The pilot heard the com chatter between his crewmates regarding an outing and has, it seems, finally extricated himself from whatever it was he was doing to make his way down here, though it's been a while now. As he pushes through the door into the bar he first indication as to what Fish may've gotten up to on the way down is that the man, normally clean and reasonably well-dressed, looks a bit dishevelled. As if he'd spent some quality time in some rather unseemly back alleys, and maybe even got a little roughed up for his trouble. He rumbles a vaguely disgruntled, "Hey," in the direction of the group of familiar faces, but doesn't let it slow him down on the way to the bar. A brief, muttered conversation with the barman results in a glass and a bottle set down between them. The transaction complete, Fish leaves the glass and takes a swig from the bottle before ambling back in the direction of his crewmates.

Weasel was suddenly grabbed by the red head who seems to have grabbed his attention quite well. He notices that he was saved from a bad fate but he was a man who likes to push at fate or hack it. As he's pulled to Ed the young man raises his hands in surrender while he chuckles a little bit, "So that's why my tooth stopped hurting." He says to those about. He glances over to Hayden and smiles softly, "Sorry beautiful ink Goddess. I shall wait till you give me permission next time." He looks to Ed and offers the man a nod of his head, "There, I apologized, no harm done. Take." The last word is somewhat of a mistery as the PDA makes a odd quick sound before his hands lower a bit. He then turns his PDA off for now. A pondering look is given to Chloe a moment noticing she was not part of this little red head party. Cute...but not his type. He turns to Vanessa, "And what planet does a complete stranger shove their fingers to someones lips. It's a double edge sword there. As to watching where I'm going, who does that? With what I can do? I can have a sex bot fly a ship, calculate the miles between every sun in the system's travel time by crawling on your hands and knees, still while pleasing it's owner." Weasel was mostly use to being shut inside by himself. His eyes shift back to Hayden and seems to speak towards her, "I'm Weasel. I know, the names fitting. Technological Puzzle Solver, at your service." That of course was offered to her. Fish is not noticed yet for now.

Chloe considers and lifts her hand and moves to stand, "Ah, I /humbly/ beg your pardon but would it be at all possible for me to interview the young man with the oral fixation?" her voice a clean, crisp Core world accent, "It won't take but...well, I would like at least twenty minutes." She pleads softly and adds, as if somehow the addendum helped her cause, "For prosterity's case, of course."

Well... Trent /tried/ to save Weasel pain. But the more the young man speaks, the less he can really do to help him... As such, when Vanessa threatens him to a degree that would chill any sane man's blood, the Captain of this motley little crew just releases to boy's shirt, his head shaking a silent lament. "Alas, poor Weasel, we barely knew you," he murmurs, before eyeing Vanessa. He does however, reach out to place a hand on his XO's shoulder to attempt to calm her, his tone soothing. "Not worth it," he murmurs softly for her sake, even as he does slip himself to the side, almost shielding Hayden. He's gone from torturing the woman to protecting her in roughly a minute flat. What a strange night. It's only when Chloe steps up, pleading for the opportunity to interview the soon to be pulped redheaded kid, that he quirks a brillaint grin, his head tilting at her. "For posterities sake," he repeats, before glancing at the newly arrived Fish. Blinking once, he looks back at the bookish little woman, his expression clearly somewhat stumped. "What exactly is it you find fascinating?" he has to ask, his head tilting at her. "Or are you just increadibly morbid and creepified?"

Hayden huffs softly, pursing her lips as she looks to the man. "I would say it's been a pleasure, but it hasn't." She says, reaching to take up the drink that she ordered. Downing it only as a true, veteran drinker can, she sets down the empty glass and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She gives Weasel the once over again, as if perhaps pondering all the ways to cause him pain and then turns away. Pushing off the bar, she straightens, perhaps a little more so than necessary, now that she's all huffy. "I'm going back to the ship and disinfect my hand." She gives the redhead hacker a glare. Beware, the angry glare! With that, she tosses her hair in typical woman fashion, and begins to make her way out. But... stops. Right beside Chloe. There is just the smallest moment of pause and looking pointedly to Trent, "You owe me." She says and right there in front of Buddha and all the gods, she reaches to cup that woman's face and .... licks her. Right across the cheek. And then, as if she's done nothing at all, she straightens and heads at a brisk walk towards the door. As she does, she spots a handsome young man, who has, yes, all his teeth, and grabs him by the front of his shirt. "Come on, I need an escort." She mutters. He offers no objection except a rather amused chuckle.

This log ended here, because the player behind Hayden had to go to bed. There may have been more mayhem after Hayden left the scene.