Selina Ryder/Infobox

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Full Name: Selina Ryder
DoB: January 2, 2509
Age: 25
Apparent Age: Mid-20's
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Home Planet: Persephone
Parents: Not worth remembering.
Family: Levi Ryder is her brother.
Profession: Security
Assignment: Security on the Thunderchild
Education: The School of Hard Knocks
Military Service: Nope
Some of her skills are as follows...

Firearms are kind of her thing.
xxxxx» Shotguns
xxxxx» Rifles
xxxxx» Sidearms
xxxxx» Automatics
xxxxx» Quick on the Draw
Athletics, cuz you gotta stay in shape.
xxxxx» Running
xxxxx» Jumping
xxxxx» Swimming
xxxxx» Climbing
Security isn't just having a gun.
xxxxx» Spotting
xxxxx» Concealing
xxxxx» Listening
xxxxx» Urban Warfare
xxxxx» Breach & Clear
xxxxx» CQC