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Revision as of 16:32, 23 May 2014 by Odell (talk | contribs) (updated his family and job)
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     Odell is dressed more for military action today, a Dark turtleneck shirt comes up just under his chin, as it expands over his broad six foot three frame. The shirt comes down to his wrists, and end in a pair of tough skinned gloves with pads on the underside for better gripping.
       At his waist is a broad belt with a dark buckle securing the heavy Denim black combat pants with several pockets. The legs of the pants are covering some heavy Duty black combat boots and all the buckles and lacing have been painted black to keep any shine down to an absolute minimum.
       The soles of his boots, look like they've been reinforced and very sturdy.
    Odell is Married to Erin Ashly Malika, they have twin daughters and a son. Odell is now Captain of the Darkstar a dragon class ship as his and his crew are fire hired to run security or escort duty, or any other contracts the New mercenary Org can supply. As long as the Jobs don't land them in trouble with local or Alliance Officials then any job is primarily acceptable upon discussion.