Strategy Planning Session

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A RolePlay Log by
The Bounty Hunters Guild


Strategy Planning Session


2014 May 28

IC Date

2534 Nov 24


Hope House - Foyer - Bernadette



Leutrim & Calira meet with Aubrey to discuss plans to help round up some escaped convicts and possibly some wild animals. Then meet with Conoger to discuss further plans.

Hope Foyer - Hope House - Bernadette

          As quaint as a cottage, as grand as a mansion and as refreshing as stepping into a garden through a stained glass door...the entrance to the House of Hope is quite secure, the grand silver and white garden arch with ivy and flowers wrapped around it serving as a weapons scanner, a fairy tale styled dark mahogany armoire is provided with separate cubbies and a lily shaped lock for those who wish to check their weapons. Although it looks simple, the security measures used through out the house are of a level of tech beyond the mundane: Trust and Accountability.
          The carpet beneath one's feet resembles soft grass and there silver and gold framed screens along the dark mahogany wood paneled walls that project images of flowers in various states of bloom, welcoming visitors to the House of Hope, and cautioning them to read the golden rule: This is place of hope and peace, everything you do is seen by beloved memories. There is a grand dark mahogany spiral staircase that leads to the second floor, the railings wrapped in vines while a carpet runner that gives the illusion of flower petal strewn steps.
          There's an overall theme of lilies however, in the light fixtures as well as the stained glass designs of the double doors that lead into the hope gardens. The dark mahogany wood also frames the arched entrances to other house locations.

          A wave has been sent, requesting permission to meet with Aubrey. It's been a long time since Leutrim set foot on Bernadette. As long since he set foot on the Hope House estate. The bounty hunter hasn't been here since the place was fairly new, years ago now. Leu's had a lot of milage since then. He's older, more scarred and worn, life sometimes having been pretty hard shitting on him. But he's still alive and kick'n, if no longer the young idealistic Verbenian he might have once been.

          So it is that Leutrim stops at the door and the weapon's check. Yes, he's very armed. No, he's not looking pleased to hand over his gear. So he frowns, looks around for someone to greet them since he surely just set off their scanner. "Oops." he mumbles to Calira. <English>

          Calira eyes Leu with a look of mild amusement, lifting the sun shades off and tucks them into the front pocket of the shirt she's wearing. "Oops, he says," she remarks in a dry tone of voice. Dry tone to go with the calm extraction of both guns, the popping of the clips out, calmly checking the chamber - even though she knows she didn't have a round chambered in either one - but she's methodical about her weapons. The knives, well, those she's not handing over.. Unless asked. <English>

          There's a small individual with white hair all done up in rollers, purple ones of course, who's walking into the area, head down and studying an electronic pad of sorts, its thin and light purple, almost sheer but it has a screen flickering on it as slender fingers decorated with purple polish are tapping information on the screens. Tattoos, piercings are all out for the time being because he wears a black bathrobe and...well nothing else really as he just stares at the newcomers. He gestures with a hand for the people who are greeting/scanning and such to head off and they do. Aubrey just continues to stare between Calira and Leutrim before tilting his head to the side, and then to the other side. "You're late. The soup will be cold." Then he turns and starts walking towards the back of the room, towards the cafe path to the gardens. "If you are violent with your weapons, you will be terminated." <English>

          Wow, Leutrim almost doesn't recognize Aubrey with white hair, instead of black. It has been a while, but the pale skin, slender build, and the PURPLE remain the same and click with his memory. He huffs a breath in good humor, "Sorry about being late. Traffic was a bitch." A glance shared with Calira, then Leu starts to walk along to follow where Bree leads, "You know Cal and I are honorable people. Not going to cause you or yours any trouble here. It's your turf. Besides, it would be impolite to get rude with firearms when I'm a guest." You know, assuming no one here tries to kill him first.

          As they head for the gardens, Leu looks around. He's wearing matte black body armour that's seen plenty of use, carrying a riflecase among other things. "Good to see your place seems to have done well over the years. I'm sorry to say that the Book Memorial doesn't look as active as it used to be." <English>

          Calira is sharing a long sort of look at the people who are greeting/scanning, a sort of polite non-confrontational sort of look, the one shared between security professionals. "We weren't lost," she is quick to state, or perhaps to assert, hunters are never lost. Nope. No sir-ee. She only shifts her attention away from said professionals when Aubrey speaks, "Soup?" before she aims a look at Leu and says, en sotto voice, "Food shouldn't float. It's disquieting when it does. That sort of wobbly jiggling thing always reminds me of those port-a-potties found at fairs and construction sites." She lifts her voice, from that quiet aside, and address Aubrey with: "I'm never violent with my weapons, that would be rude. I'm violent in and of my own right, the weapons are only tools." <English>

Garden Archway - Hope House - Bernadette

          Visitors to the Hope Garden all must pass under A garden archway fully large enough to hold three people walking side by side as they go through it. It's shaped steel, in five tiers deep, with interlacing bars for structural support. Each of the bars has been enamelled a dark shade of green. Over it all, worked steel flowers, lilies to be precise, in every variety known to mankind, in every color available. The lilies practically cover the garden arch. A fitting monument for a flower garden. Inside the arch, two of the largest lilies yet, both in white and one to either side where you walk through, is an inscription. "May the Lilies of Hope hold you aloft in dark times."

          Leutrim says very low in his baritone aside to Calira, "I dunno, you ever had that lobster bisque stuff? It's damned good." <English>

          "You know that lobster is nothing more than a giant bug that eats garbage that skims the bottom of the ocean, right?" Calira wonders quietly in return. "It's a giant bug. If you want bugs, I can get them for you much easier. They don't all eat garbage. Though most of them do, actually, tidy things. Nice when toasted however, in a pinch," she clarifies. <English>

          "Which is why you are being allowed to continue without completely disarming. Were you evaluated to be a security threat, you would've been apprehended by planetary law enforcements before entering the establishment for being suspected of theft or public disturbance. An error of course, but there are always glitches in security systems." Aubrey speaks softly, in that computer like voice that isn't artificial but so measure and precise its almost unnatural. "If you do not wish to consume soup, there is bread and fruit as well." He leads the way to the gardens, a tiny monkey running across the their path chasing after a rabbit as a cow isn't far and can be seen from here near a sheep and a goat and assorted other animals in the gardens. <English>

Hope Gardens - Hope House - Bernadette

          A beautiful garden of memories...the first of the hope gardens smells of fresh flowers and spicy woods, the soft soothing sound of rippling water in the ears of visitors. There is a large pond, edged with red hot poker flowers the vibrant shades of red and orange as green lily pads float on the surface of the water accented often by water lily blooms. Beneath the surface of the shimmering waters swim koi fish in almost radioactive shades as the occasional swan, goose, or duck makes an appearance from time to time. A final contrast of color comes from the reflection cast against the water by the rich and warm reddish leaves of the Japanese Maples which are featured through the garden.
          Flower choices in the garden are often seasonal, greens left behind when the blooms aren't in season. Flower beds are encircled by river stones in shades of grey and brown, each one featuring a centerpiece of some type of large lily, shades of white, pink, red, yellow and even orange. The hum of humming birds and the occasional bee around the more pollen rich flowers and the feeders hanging from the branches of the light white and pink cherry blossom trees. Although visitors are encouraged to stay on the dark grey and brown cobblestone path between flower beds and under trees...there are clear areas of well maintained soft green grass, clovers and their little flowers often found amongst the lawn.

          Leutrim glances over the gardens first, checking things out and who's in the area, possible exits, cover, concealments, obsticles, and so forth. As it happens, he likes gardens. Leu spares a glance back to Calira, "Do you think I care? It tastes good. Even rats /can/ taste good if you cook'm decently." A little oily maybe. "What kind of soup?" Leutrim asks of Aubrey, seemingly paying little attention to the security concerns. "Bree probably doesn't serve meat here, even lobster. Forgive me if my memory is rusty. It's been a long time since we chatted much - way back in the days on Reilly's ship and medical facilty, if I recall." And shy Aubrey hiding beneath a table back then, hardly more than a kid. A strange kid, but smart.

          The rifleman looks around at the autumnal gardens and adds low, "Annie would like it here." <English>

          Calira skims a look around as she follows along behind Aubrey, "I haven't been arrested, ever, it sort of seems like something that I should've experienced at some point. Arresting people isn't quite the same, i don't imagine. Well, except for that one time when I was under cover," she muses aloud before adding, slightly louder: "bread and fruit? That, well now, that sounds spot on," she agrees before sending a sidelong look at Leu - again. "Rat? Murder me, Leu, I don't eat rat. I've never been THAT hungry. And I've been pretty hungry more than a few times." <English>

          Aubrey leads the way to the picnic area that's been laid out on a light pink and blue blanket, a small tea-table is set out with a pot of stew, small bowls with a tray of small flaky pastries and assorted fruit. Along with a pitcher of tea and he just takes a deep breath as he tilts his head to the side and settles down on his knees after tying his bathrobe shut for comfort as he just arches an eyebrow. "Chicken noodle." Then he looks between the two and takes a deep breath. "There's meat. I do not like to eat it however I have to add protein to my ice cream." Then he gestures towards the table and he takes a deep breath. "Sit. There's no rat in the consumables." <English>

          Leutrim shrugs as Bree leads the way, "I've been that drunk." There was a period when he was occassionally pretty hungry too, but he doesn't bring that up. After Eugene left, well... things got pretty dark for a while. Anyway, Leu turns his attention back to their host. He settles himself to sit cross legged on the ground at hte edge of the blanket.

          "No worries, Bree. We were not implying any such conduct upon your part. This will be quite fine." he smiles, "Nuts and beans are pretty good protein too." And healthy. Anyway... "So, you know why we have come? We were sent an unusual bounty posting for a Lubbock Jetson, and the source, this N.B.H person listed your name as a contact. We are to come to you for a list of 'select codes, frequencies, and coordinates' that are to assist us in our hunt."

          There is a look to Calira, who no doubt is staring at the pastries in rapture. She might even be drooling. "Before we start, I'd like to know what you can tell us about this N.B H. who sends lipstick marks on his or her bounty postings." <English>

          "Pastries," Calira remarks as Aubrey leads the way to the small tea-table and it's small bounty of goodies. "Floating noodles are also disquieting," she remarks while cheerfully helping herself to not one but two pastries, shaking out a napkin as well and setting it in her lap as she seats herself on the blanket, legs tucked to the side. "He means to say, before we start, thank you for taking the time to see us and for sharing this bounty with us," Cal corrects Leu rather calmly, even somewhat deftly in a diplomatic sort of fashion. "The garden is lovely, by the way, who IS your gardener? Mine is very good, he doesn't let me bungle things to badly, all I said was 'make it look nice and could we grow some herbs and vegetables, maybe flowers' and he did the rest. I wouldn't be able to do more than murder flowers, personally, but I know how to find talented, and artistic - if temperamental - help. I imagine that you have a more direct hand in the managing of the garden and everything else, am I right?" she wonders. She reaches for a cup of tea, knowing that it has more caffeine in it that most coffee does, and without caffeine: coma. <English>

          "A legitimate contact. He or She has the clearances necessary, but is selective on who they offer the bounties. There are others who are claiming bounties on escapees through other branches, but its vague, not as specific." Aubrey moves to laddle soup into bowls counting softly and muttering in Binary to himself before taking a deep breath. He's listening though, Cal's compliment just makes him blink and he nods firmly. "...the garden is maintained by volunteers, every plot of flowers or tree or patch of herbs is a monument to people who have died in war or conflict or was we have many many plots. I have a team who is assigned specifically to care for the gardens however. I will pass along your details." He then looks over to Cal and he sits back on his heels, eyes going dead for a moment as he processes information in his head and then begins to speak. "15 suspect deliveries, all through false companies leading to Three Ring Exotic Animal Consortium. 1 tiger, 1 bear, 1 elephant and 2 bears. 3 unique black stallions and 2 giant eagles. I have the coordinates of the drop, and tracking of the cargo ships and vehicles rented to transport the cargo. Three day drive from the main Space Port, six days on foot. Perhaps faster by shuttle, but stealth is of the issue. Will need infrared to detect subterraneous activity seeing as the location cannot be found via sattelite feeds." He pauses before looking between the two. "Three Ring Exotic Animal Consortium all paid from a singular account that also has paid 2 different mercenary companies shortly after the breakouts and has been connected to Madison Mixed Mayhem, also known as Triple M Incorporated." <English>

          Oh boy, Calira's doing the woman's thing of making pleasant small talk. Leutrim manages not to roll his eyes, being ... well, you know, direct and to the point. He keeps his mouth shut while she speaks and lets her guide the conversation any way she likes. Meanwhile, he can pour some tea - for her first, then Bree if he also wants some, and then himself. Assuming Bree doesn't beat him to serving it as host. Leu was married to a Korean woman who knew something about tea, nevermind he also grows various teas on his plantation back on Verbena. No Companion's grace in him, though.

          Ah, there we go. Bree goes into info dump mode. See? he's useful, a carrier and processor of data. Leutrim's attention is now on Aubrey as he listens closely. "This is based on Persephone, or ... elsewhere? I assume these other assets are likely more scattered?" While he would like to dig more into this person with the necessary clearances to post their bounties, there may be time yet for some of that later. "Are we talking about real animals here, or is there reason to suspect 'animals' are only a cover for other things, or moving people?" <English>

          "Clearance to both pull the files on the people the bounties are offered on and get the background to do so, but also to offer the requisite reward for the work being done," Calira murmurs before she sweeps another long look around. "I see. Life in honor of death, Aubrey, that's rather a beautiful thing," she says quietly before sharing another thoughtful and sidelong glance with Leu and back again to Aubrey. "a three day drive, six day hike, or a shuttle drop somewhere in between before hiking in for the stealth portion of the program. HOw extensive do you suppose the subterranean levels extend?" she wonders curiously to Aubrey. "Such undertaking, to build a tunnel or a series, would've required permits or at the very least the extraction of a significant amount of dirt at some time. So the tunnels either have to have been built somewhere before now and being put conveniently into use, a significantly sized sewer system then, or not tunnels at all," she wonders. Call it free form speculation aloud, but she does share the verbal pondering all the same. <English>

          There's a long pause before Aubrey just stares at Leutrim. "The bounty is on Persephone. Why the /fuck/ would I talk about deliveries on any other planet?" He's not trying to be rude, really, it just slips out as he's really trying to comprehend the logic behind that before he blinks. "Ah, lack of locational context, erroneous start location." He files that away. Aubrey's attention is brought back to Calira. "Getting there will not be the challenge. Cave system. Is a decline however, so for quick get aways the climb out would take too long. Logically. You could walk in the front door, but an exit route would have to be extracted from whoever is down there." Back to Leutrim. "There are animals down there as well." <English>

          Leutrim lifts a brow at Aubrey but doesn't mind the language. "Assumptions waste time and get people killed. If he has other assets elsewhere, he might not /still/ be on Persephone so yes, the details may count. I'll look into these assets later as we need to." Ick, caves. Leu tries not to show his grimace, "Animals ... kept under the earth. Poor animals." The rifleman tastes the tea he's poured and watches the other two. "So... I take it you have some schematics on the layout of this cave system to share with us, and perhaps an idea for extraction?" Leu sets his tea down and shares a look with Cal, keeping something to himself. <English>

          "Well now, there's several planets that could have been in play," Calira suggests with a small smile to accompany her words, aiming the smile at Aubrey, his words drawing a bit of a chuckle from her. "There's caves on a lot of planets, most actually, save for the ones that have been terraformed specifically to prevent the formation of." She sips from the cup of tea that she's holding, nodding slowly while Aubrey fills in more details and Leu chimes in as well. "Getting out will be the problem. The condition that the animals are being kept in will also be a problem. Depending on the condition of, extracting the animals should also be considered," her tone both rather matter-of-fact and grim at the same time. "If there's animals of serious size, then food and other things needs to be provided. So unless they've got a free range set up to supply the animals, maybe we can slip in with the next delivery of food and supplies. Animals of serious size need serious protein requirements. Certain medicines as well if they're not allowed access to free range food gathering." <English>

          Aubrey pinches the bridge of his nose for a moment, muttering in streams of numbers before he just nods slowly. "Animals. Underground. Complex cave system." He looks between the two. "Yes, you will be part of the delivery team, it is an option." He then tilts his head back and stares at the sky. "How much information do you require, I do not wish to overstep the bounds. My team is too weak and spread thin, and not all official members of the guild to attend this alone, so you are needed." A pause. "Do you remember what you were asked to bring?" <English>

          "As much information as you can share that won't overstep the bounds that have already been agreed upon," Calira says simply, interjecting before Leu can answer. <English>

          Leutrim smiles thinly, "Bring 'a dossier of the team you plan to take with you.' and something about a good swordsman. Our target is to be apprehended and brought alive, and unharmed as much as possible back to Londinium." The rifleman gives a nod, "Before we can make a plan of how to proceed best, we want all of the information you can possibly share with us even if it seems trivial and unimportant, Bree." The Verbenian considers, "Going in posing as a team making a delivery may be viable, once we have investigated our options. I at least have some experience handling various kinds of animals, and something of their care, though I'm no vetrinarian." He finishes off his tea and thinks about these various details, "We also require the means to ID Lubbock, and if possible, not only by visual. You, or our bounty poster, have a detailed dossier on him?" The more info to work with the better. <English>

          "I'm the best swordsman on the team," Calira interjects, again, rather fond of interrupting today apparently. "Being married to a master swordsmith means access to some of the best and finest swords in the universe. Not just the one he made me as a wedding present. I can outfit the team with others in my arsenal, as necessary. How many swordsman should we be planning for?" <English>

          Aubrey falls silent and looks between the two, eyes flickering back and forth almost too fast before he lowers his eyes and then looks back up. "Details. Pay attention to details." He narrows his eyes. "Look at the details. What else did the message say? There are animals, you need a sword. There are other clues." <English>

          "The job is to protect them, round them up and escort them into Alliance custody. He may be being held by someone or a handful of someone's that he stole money from, with regards to his stock market dealings," Calira says with a glance toward Leu. "A gent named Richard Madison helped him get a cushy prison, or what passes for one, or if my memory isn't going due to old age. I'd be curious about his five best clients, to be fair, but that's not the point at the moment." <English>

          All right then, Leutrim pauses to bring up the original message on his smartcom to reread it to glean such details as they haven't discussed yet. He let's Calira answer first and he listens, "It will take many of you, perhaps all your contacts in the guild..." Leu lifts a brow, "We are gathering up a few but most haven't shown interest. So I plan to bring some of my crew along, those that are more experienced and willing. I'm afraid I also have some rather green folk I need to look out for. They won't be ready for this." The rifleman frowns, "You said also, thermal optics, and we'll need stealth. Stealth can mean a great many things actually, depending on the point of view and the needs. Like to know what is meant by this 'For when the thumb goes down, so do you' is supposed to mean. Will you be coming with us, Bree?" <English>

          "No. Madison lost most of his fortune due to being sued and his son went to prison and was killed after serving 3 years seeing as he was the manager at the time and Lubbock testified that Madison was the only business owner he was feeding information to. The other five best clients...were not touched. But they arranged for him to get the cushy prison." Aubrey clarifies for Calira before he glances over to Leutrim. "I may be there. I will give you coordinates. I will give you another location to meet up. You'll have your in to replace the delivery crew." Then just closes his eyes. "Bring as many blades as you can, and people who are brave of heart. On Earth there was, ancient history, there was a practice involving large animals, swords and a thumb going down. I will send you the dossiers and information you need." <English>

          Calira frowns at Aubrey, finding this to be the predominant expression again she exhales, smooths the expression away and takes a drink from the tea cup she's holding, searching her memory again. At least from the expression on her face she seems rather pensive. "Colloseum, fights, gladiatorial, swords, emperor, romanic influence," she mutters key words before saying: "Ahh. Right. Armor as well then." She shifts her attention back to Leu, "You'll need a sword, if you don't have one." <English>

          Ehm, Aubrey's words has Leutrim thinking hard, trying to recollect some dim memories of Earth-that-was history and tales his parents told him about. Verbena isn't known for the best educational system but his family came from Londinium and were not dim wits. Still, he leaves it to Calira to voice as various imaginings come into his mind before Leu refocuses on the question directed towards himself.

          An embarassed eye shift, "Ehm, I have a rapier. I kind of know how to use it, a little bit." He frowns, "But I don't use swords, I use guns." A more intent focus on Aubrey, "As you well know. And explosives. Obviously if somebody tosses our asses into some freak show fight with only blades, we aren't doing our frak'n job right." <English>

          Calira laughs, a low sound, brief: "Rule 22 - Always carry a knife." <English>

          Leutrim frowns, "I have a knife." Which Leu is wearing this very moment. <English>

          Aubrey just hmms and shakes his head a bit. "The bounty is paying, but you may pay more than you're getting paid." He carefully gets to his feet. "Enjoy your refreshments. The information will be sent through an encrypted file. The password will be the date you gifted me Opie." He pauses and then looks between Calira and Leutrim. "If you'll excuse me, my penis is getting cold." He whistles to his monkey who jumps and begins following him as he starts to head for the exit. <English>

          That gets Leutrim's attention, "When the hell exactly /did/ I give you Opie? I had him sent." So you know, shipping might have taken a bit. Whoa, cold penis and then calls his monkey. Leu blinks several times and hopes to hell Opie's TOO SMALL for that. Ewe, that very thought suddenly burns his mind Nnnoooooo. The rifleman suddenly doesn't want to taste the soup or any of the rest of the food offered. A hand is lifted to rub down over his face and for a long moment, Donnchadhe doesn't say anything. Better to go over the job and think of things he may still need to ask Bree about later before they go to ground. <English>

          "Well, robes are drafty," Calira manages to say this one thing of all the rebuttals that leap to mind. This one is probably the most safe of all fo the things, too, in her head. Knowing Cal, yeah, it's the safest one. <English>

BHG House - Living Area - Persephone

          Cool shades of blue and gray dominate this room, colors meant to give a sensation of calm and tranquility. The walls covered in holos of men and women who have fallen in service of the guild, one of a man with long features, a top hat, and a Victorian style suit, complete with frock and ruffles at his sleeves. Another of a woman dressed in a rustic rim-worlds attire, long canvas jacket, rough-weave shirt, and jeans patched in places that look suspiciously like bullet holes. At the north wall hangs a holo of the current guild master over the door, on the south end an actual painting of the guild's founder: Tem Morrison, a tall olive skinned man, with short black hair, needle sharp eyes, and a thin line for a mouth.
          Chairs and couches are strewn about the room, with small tables to lay whatever items are brought in with them. At the center though, embroidered into the thick blue/gray carpeting is the sigil of the guild, a pack of wolves baying at a full moon while sitting on a hilltop. And overall the room is lit in dim tones, to add to the hoped for sense of relaxation.

          Leutrim and Calira are already here when Conoger arrives. The rifleman has made and poured them each cups of strong, black coffee. Leu is not seated but seems to be walking around the common room of the Guild House, musing over something with the former Director of DAS. "I gotta be up front with you, Cal. I don't ... do caves real well and I'm not very good with a sword. Stealth I can do, and optics and surveylance, and handling animals. Lots of things I am good at, but ... " He shakes off something bothering him about this, "I would like to invite a couple of my crew along. Only two of them probably, them I know can look out for themselves best. Unless you feel we can get enough Guild Members involved, but last I spoke with you, you hadn't had a lot of response." <English>

          Calira has both hands curled around the mug of coffee she's holding, watching Leu pace slowly around the room. "You remind me of a caged wild cat," she says in a thoughtful tone of voice. "Pacing back and forth behind the bars, waiting to escape, or maybe wanting to know the exact measurement of the confines," she adds, still in that quiet voice. "I'll want to bring along at least one of my people too. Maxim, for one," she explains, "Michio as well, if he wants in on it, I'll see what they think before committing more than just myself. And blades," she adds. "IF we're going to stand on the sands, so to speak, I want us all armed." <English>

          Conoger comes walkin into the room and takes a look around. Then seeing the pacing man and the woman watching him he raises a brow. "So, what we got, any plans? who else we got?" simple questions. "So, anything on the first guy?" Then he grins. "How you all doing?" <English>

          "I don't really plan to be taking a sword, Cal. You know, given a choice, it's not my weapon. And if I'm not given a choice, they can damned well lend me a blade but somebody would have to strip me of my firearms, first." Leutrim frowns, "It's sounding a lot like pitting people against these animals. If your whole Earth that was thought has any ring of truth to it. Since the mixed martial arts guy had been running fights for their entertainment. Bloody bastards."

          Conoger arrives and gains Leu's attention. He gives the other man a nod, "Con." For the moment he'll leave it to Calira to make the intro into what they have learned, or may have learned, since it takes a grain of salt and a pinch of thought to sort out data dumps from Aubrey even on the best of occassions. <English>

          "Pays to have skills in mixed martial arts and sword fighting," Calira says with a thoughtful look at Leu before she aims a smile at Conoger. "We have a lead on the first of the bounties that we're taking on, team effort. It's going to be on Persephone, sounds like some cave diving or underground terrain will be required, and likely some animal handling. If things go wrong," and she won't tempt fate further, "well, we might have to fight our way out, gladiator style. Coffee?" she asks of Hase. "Nice hat," she adds again, pro forma. <English>

          Conoger smiles at Leu and nods. Then looks to Cal and grins. "Well, hand to hand, blades, pistols, rifles...I can do all that." then hears more and nods." Can do animal stuff to, was a ranchers son. Ain't scared if dark places but have no clue how to navigate in caves, so yeah, how many more men we need?" <English>

          Leutrim thins his mouth and drinks his coffee before he gives Cal any futher reply, "I'm good hand to hand. I prefer however not to have our moves orchestrated by them, like puppets." His hip he settles against the back of where Calira is seated so Leu can address them both, giving Conoger an info dump.

          "Guy we're going after seems to be in an underground complex. Caves were mentioned so some of it may be natural, some of it maybe not. Exotic animals are imported by bogus shell companies and sent to this location on Persephone. It's a three day drive out there from the nearest port. Aubrey suggested we could get in posing as an animal delivery team. Bree's a very good hacker so he could help get us in, but he warned getting back out again will be a lot more difficult. Especially as we are /supposed/ to get our man out alive, not dead, and preferably unharmed upon delivery to Londinium."
          He draws a slow breath, keeping his baritone low, "Bree also thinks it'll be very dangerous. He didn't specify if he was coming in with us but he can be handy. He may be less useful in a fight but he's damned good with computers." And weirdness. <English>

          "Sedatives," Calira says, without a lot of preamble after Leu gives a broader outline of the job. "We tranq his ass, truss him up, carry him out. Simple as that," she suggests. "No fuss, no muss, no hysterics." She twitches one foot left and right again while she's thinking through the options, "Very dangerous isn't unusual. And having to dance to the tune being played by someone else also, isn't, unusual. Least, not for me," yay, the joy of being retired. "I'm good hand to hand, Leu, and even more handy with a sword. I have the feeling that it's time to bring you up to speed on your sword work, and," she narrows her eyes subtly at Leu, "and your footwork, which is just as much. A long reach is good, but if your feet don't move, you're just as dead." She shifts her look back toward Hase, "You're handy with animals? Good. Because I'm not the best. So we go in, armed for bear, with all manner of animal tranq's as part of our kit, all of us, just in case. A sedated large animal with a taste for crunchy humans is the best kind of large animal." <English>

          Calira gains a raised brow from Leu again, "My footwork's pretty good too, I hope. Who appointed you my instructor, anyway?" He eyes her. "Animal tranqulizers isn't a bad idea. But I'd rather we play the tune and make them dance." Leu falls quiet though, keeping whatever other thoughts to himself for now. <English>

          Conoger listens to both and then touches his chin thoughtfully with one finger. "Coffee be great." as a after thought. "Well, I know some not much about animals. I'm broke ass, so can't afford sedatives. Though, if ya two would not mind, if she agrees but shut is no hunter like us...she has great instinct and if need be warn us of trouble to come, plus she is great hand to hand, aswell as two heard of Danee?" <English>

          "No civilians," Calira says with a measured shake of her head. "Hunters, yes, retired soldiers, that's more of a yes than a no. But I'll be damned if I take my oldest friends wife into what may be a gladiatorial fight to the death. Absolutely not." <English>

          Leutrim is tired and has been up since some ungodly hour. He hasn't shaved at least since yesterday, and back from a long shuttling out to and back from Bernadette over the past few days didn't help. He rubs at scruff along his jaw and frowns, "Romany chick? No offense, but the fewer Romany we drag along the better. This is a Guild bounty, Conoger." Apparently him and Calira are in agreement to that part. "It'll be dangerous and hard enough for us and this is what we do for a living." Or a dying. "We are going to have to be /very/ careful what non-Guild members we invite along for this fiasco. May as well limit them to the most needed skills ... seems our bounty poster thinks swords are a skill we'll need. We should get a list together. We also need to send a message back right away with our 'dossier' for our team so we don't miss out on the offer. Bree says we were hand picked, the few of us who were sent that message. So let's send this N.B H. a short list of us three and maybe a couple more we are sure of, and then we can sort out tagalongs as we have to up until our insertion." <English>

          Conoger shrugs "Its why I asked but she did well before. Anyways alright, that leaves you two to find suitable others." then he nods to Leu and shrugs again. "I like up close and personal myself, though I ain't got them fancy blades all of ya have. Still,.me axe can carve ah man in two with little to no trouble." Then he gets his own coffee" <English>

          "I'll talk to people, find us a large animal, wild animal sort of expert to consult with," Calira volunteers, pretending that doing so won't be distasteful. Some version of PETA will probably be required. "I've got a blade or two for you to pick from, Hase, when we saddle up. And a axe is nice but hell not the best for duels, though a axe duel would be rather interesting to observe," she admits. <English>

          Leutrim grimaces, "I'm fairly expert on large, wild animals, Cal. Verbena is almost as rife with them as Greenleaf, you know. Spent my whole life hunting, tracking, working with livestock too." Leu takes his coffee cup over to rinse it out, "Anyway, you two make up a short list of who all you think is most needful and send it to me by tomorrow, won't you? We need to get the dossier to this bounty poster right away or we'll loose out our chance to go after it. Sketchy and questionable as it is, because don't fool yourselves, this won't be anything like our more usual bounty work." The coffee cup put up, Leu turns to head out, "I'm wiped. Need sleep. I'll catch up with you more tomorrow while we finalize. Shiny?" Unless either of them have anything to add now, they can send him a wave. Leutrim's out to get some rest. <English>

          "We'll make a short list and refine it as needed," Calira suggests. "No reason to give the opposing side all the details," she adds. "Go sleep. I'll find you tomorrow. I'll even bring you coffee," she offers with a wry grin. "Say hi to Annie for me." <English>

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