In the Arena - Part 1

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A RolePlay Log by
The Bounty Hunters Guild


In the Arena - Part 1


2014 May 31

IC Date

2534 Nov 29


Underground Arena owned by Madison Mixed Mayhem aka Triple M Incorporated


Special Guest Star Dobson

Leutrim, Annabelle, Clover, Conoger, Michio, and Calira infiltrate the area where mercenaries and thugs are fighting for Lubbock Jetson's life.

          Setting: After about a mile of underground tunnels, they lead into the waiting area of a large colliseum styled underground Arena. There's a line of course and places where people can purchase concessions such as popcorn, funnel cakes and turkey legs. One vendor is selling ice cream and another is selling little t-shirts and flags that read 'MMA Mashout' or things like 'Team Bear' or 'Team Lubbock' or 'BANG! DIE!'.

          Actually inside of the stadium, there are enough seats to seat about...200 people, all people who have purchased special and expensive as hell tickets. A central dais sits a pale and currently handcuffed man (Lubbock) in his early 50s, weasel like wearing a simple black suit and he doesn't really look injured but he has a large burly man behind him in full combat armor holding an assault rifle. Of course like most stadiums like this, the seats are raised a fair distance off the ground to allow for animals or people to be released from 4 different direction, gated entrances that are at this time shut as people file in. There are also many cameras set up around.

          The people who chose to infiltrate via the tickets (there were only 2) purchased by a Clover Axio...have the chance to find their seats (which have been selected), get some goodies from a vendor, get settled in for what's promised to be the 'most epic thing ever'. Somewhere a tiger ROOOARS and someone screams, but the chatter from guests and such is the loudest.

          If there's anyone who does not belong on a food delivery team, it's Calira. Which, contrary wise, is precisely why she elected for that option and is wearing the spiffy uniform over what portions of her body armor she was able to conceal with the uniform. Nice thing about uniforms, they usually come in the size of 'awkward' and 'tent' followed by the ubiquitous 'one size mostly fits no one'. A bit of tucking here, there, she even used needle and thread at one point (all those years learning how to repair gear and armor are, at last, not wasted on tailoring attire!) and she's following the cues of the other food delivery people into the MAIN EVENT rolling the nifty little card with the sugared nuts and caramel corn and other oddbits of edible yummies. <English>

          The best part about commandeering the janitorial duties is that a cup of coffee never looks out of place, actually, that's pretty much the only good part. So as she and Leu make their way in under their assigned duties, Annie has her mug in one hand, and the handle of a cleaning cart in the other. She's wearing her typical leather trench over her usual getup of denim and tee-shirt, figuring this is the kind of place where the help dresses down. And the coat is far too long to see anything that might be inside it, much less in any of its pockets. There's a leather bag on the bottom of the cleaning cart, holding still more of goodness knows what else, and she turns to ask Leu in low tones that are easily muffled by the voices of the crowds as she looks around for Calira and the Marquessa's peanuts and popcorn, "So... Other than schilling peanuts and hoping maybe the dude goes down to a lucky allergy, do we actually have a -plan- on this? Or are we just winging it and hoping for the best?" And she tries hard to keep a bright smile on her face, "Please tell me there's a plan? Lie, if you have to?" <English>

          Michio had arrived with ticket in hand to the arena, The Japanese man making his way inside with a small smile as his left hand's fingers just lightly worked across the surface of the beads making up his prayer beads slowly. His steps guiding him along with a subtle grace as Michio's eyes lift to look over the surroundings as he moves over towards one of the food vendors taking a few moments to gather a treat of kettle corn for the festivities. <English>

          Guess who gets to be with the sanitation unit? Leutrim was the obvious choice, right? Big guy, he can push a cart around with cleaning stuff, presumably filled with bottles of cleaning chemicals, mop bucket, broom and so forth. It also affords a means for him to hide his HK rifle in there where he could grab it. Unlike Annie with her tench coat, he's in one of those goofy sanitation uniforms with his fake name on a badge clipped on the front. He looks to Annie and shrugs, "The plan was to get in, try to find this guy, and get him out alive. Besides that, we wing it. I dunno how the hell we are even going to get out, afterwards." Hard to make a plan when you don't know the layout ahead of time. The Verbenian keeps a sharp eye out and his voice very low for Annie. "We should be able to work our way up to where we think this fella will be, cleaning up spilled crap in the aisles and collecting trash." That's a plan, right? "Then stuff the bastard into one of our carts if we have to." Leu's real careful not to let anyone overhear them as they sort out their 'assignment'. <English>

          Clover tests his Computer_Use against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (26).
          Clover tests his Computer_Programming against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (41).

          There's a young woman with startling white hair who lingers near the entrance of the Stadium and she's fanning herself with an elegant dark green and purple fan that matches her Kimono as she just watches people coming and going with a quirk of an eyebrow. Her gaze falls on Michio and he smiles brightly, moving to waggle fingers at the man. "There you are darling..." Her voice is lilting, lots of Irish influences in there. "Come now, we must get to our seats before the show begins." There's a light that flashes red in the waiting room along with a soft 'dinging' to indicate the show is indeed about to begin. And off she goes to enter the arena and head up the stairs to the seating, idly slipping a thin purple PDA from up a sleeve and idly tapping some information into it, gaze flicking between two cameras as she passes them by.

          Up there in the spectators VIP box where Lubbock is sitting with his guard, a lovely older woman makes her way to the seat beside him. She wears a soft grey gown done in almost an ancient Roman toga like design, her salt and pepper hair pulled up in a high style and studded with jewels. She raises her hands. "Welcome...hello all...please take your seats. Welcome to the MMA Mashout, it is so lovely to have you join us here. We are indeed, in the real live set of the former Cortex show and now cult favorite, Chariots that Were! A lovely Cortex show, wonderful cast and a stirring plotline. Unfortunately it was cancelled after only one season due to low ratings. Now every one raves about it but the networks just refuse to put it back on the air." <English>

          Doing brisk business with the paying audience before the Fun Starts, Calira is passing out paper cones full of the candy corn or the sugared nuts, collecting credits and making brisk change. All while making pleasant small talk with the customers, gathering intel from the customers as they talk about this show or the one prior, so on and so forth. Ahh, civilians; a wealth of data waiting to be mined. As the toga wearing dame raises her hands and addresses the audience, Calira quickly fills the last of the orders from those gathered in line and sweeps a glance around the arena. This whole op is a violation of rules 1, 2 and possibly 6. <English>

          Annie shakes her head a bit at Leu's explanation, then just shrugs. She takes a sip of her coffee then sits it into the tray at the edge of her cleaning cart, grabbing one of those stick thingies with the pointy end used to pick up trash without having to bend over. She uses it to snag an empty cup on the ground then drops it into the trash bag of her cart, subtly changing the trajectory of their path to head in the direction of their target and his well-guarded VIP booth. Seems all rules are out the window at this point, and she's just along for the ride. <English>

          Ah yes, and there he is sitting oh so pretty. Up there, in the VIP booth, with that woman who's addressing the crowd. Rather more high profile than Leutrim would like. He frowns and pushes a broom to sweep stuff up out of the aisle, then dumps it into the not yet full trash receptacle near by. He secures the broom and offers to take over moving the cart for Annie so she can make certain their way is clear to keep moving up. He's really not liking having a better plan but what can they do? <English>

          When Clover approaches him Michio's head dips slightly to the woman as he offers a warm smile, "Has been some time no? And hai, Would hate to miss the show." Michio takes the bag of treats and begins to move with Clover heading to find their seats as the /show/ begins. As they find their seats Michio leans in closer to Clover whispering softly to the Irish lass as his gaze settles upon Lubbock and the old woman. <English>

          In a very low voice, Leutrim says to Annie, "He's got a well armed guard up there with him. If we can access, I could toss flashbangs and smoke, but it sure wouldn't be subtle. More ideal if we can think of a quiet way to slip him out. Don't have any knockout gas in your bra, do you?" Wishful thinking. <English>

          Miss Clover just fans herself as she gets settled down, leaning over if allowed to steal some popcorn from Michio with a small smirk. At the whisper however she just nods her head slowly, taking a deep breath.

          "Our good friend here, Lubbock Jetson...has done exceptionally well in defending himself. He always chooses the winners, but then he always did." The older woman continues as she raises a hand to cause the applause to die down. "You see, our friend here has always signed the death warrants for individuals without ever having to look them in the eye. Now, for his own survival...he has pick in fight, who will fight for him...and he has not lost a man yet. Here are the rules. Anyone can challenge Lubbock, and he will choose your opponent. If his opponent loses, they die. If they win...his defender dies. So the blood is always on his hands. As long as he continues to pick, he will not be killed. He could end the entire battle right now, and that's what's amusing. A confession, an act of self-sacrifice..." She pauses and then grins as people begin to shout out 'THE BEAR' or 'TWO HORSES' and the like. "Ahh yes, that was entertaining to see him have the last fighter strapped between two horses and pulled apart." She looks grim, pissed off but poised. <English>

          Years of training, first as a plain jane enlisted soldier then later on as she'd transitioned from enlisted to officer, is the only thing that keeps Calira's expression bland. In fact, it's neutral to the point of almost disinterested amusement as the Dame in the Toga explains the parameters for this little shindig. She flicks a brief, casually non-interested look at their Target before sweeping a longer look around the Area, picking out the members of their team and counts the exits (again). <English>

          Annie's bra, wishful thinking, and Leutrim... Typical setup for how he likely spends a good bit of his time, not that Annie comments. Instead, she gives a slight shrug and answers him in whispered tones, "Sorry, babe, no knockout gas in my bra, but I've got a fairly lovely stock of tazing rounds in a garter holster..." Her eyes flicker up to the booth and then back to the trash she's gathering as they head over in that general direction, "Still not the most subtle method, but at least a bit quieter than the flashbangs?" And then they start discussing the method of entertainment for the night, and for a half-step, Annie's path falters, and a single word slips from her mouth, a Gaelic word that would make grandmothers blush, and a good few grandfathers as well. <English>

          Michio's brow raises as the announcement is made, Michio's eyes roaming between the older woman and not Lubbock but the man's guard. After a moment he leans in and whispers something else to Clover, His gaze not for a single moment leaving the guard standing behind the man. <English>

          Leutrim stops to pick up a discarded cup and put it into the trashbag on end of the pushcart, "What? No big cash prize for the challenger who wins? What kind of cheap ass place is this?" Clearly he's not one of them who's seen a show before. He laughs though like he's making a joke, but it's a short lived laugh. A nod to Annie as they come up into the hallway that would lead to the VIP box. Leu parks the cart, "Perhaps what we need is a diversion... " He looks both ways carefully, staying around a turn or two and out of sight of the guards as yet. "You feel like trying a diversion to try and lure one or both of the guards away from the door? We could start a small fire and make smoke... or you could pretend I'm hurt and go to them for help... " Leutrim fishes for Annie's input as he mulls over ideas. What is the rest of his team doing? <English>

          The white haired young woman just seems to sit there with her head cocked to the side, but she's listening in a way to Michio, raising the fan and leaning towards the man and reaching into her sleeve as if for a lipstick before shining an a black light like pin light on the back of the lipstick tube against back of the fan briefly to expose a line of numbers for him to see and then lowering the fan as she carefully does touch up her lipstick with a soft giggle after whispering something. "Alive. Unharmed." But she does get to her feet after a moment, the fan held still concealing half of her face. When she stands, someone with a mic (dressed in a white toga for some reason) quickly makes her way to her side holding out said microphone. "I have a challenger for you." She giggles and shakes her head. "If he wins though, do I get atleast a kiss from Lubbock?"

          The audience laughs and shakes their head, cheering starts as Lubbock looks pained for a moment, pressing two fingers against his head before looking down at the arena. "That is one challenger..." The woman reports. <English>

          Calira quells the subtle expression of startled/surprise and turns it into a look of mild curiosity. OK. Now they're off the plan entirely. Alrighty. She casts a sidelong look toward Conoger, arches one eyebrow ever so subtly upward but that's all. Ok, that's all expression wise. She maneuvers the food cart slightly to the side, tucking it more into the shadows that edge the arena in this part of the complex, after all, food carts aren't all that fancy to look at when there's blood and gore about to be happening. It just so happens that she uses the bit of shadow to open the side panel on the back of the cart and lo and behold, the weapons are stored conveniently within reach. She doesn't draw anything, as of yet, but makes access easier and more .. accessible. <English>

          A diversion... Annie shakes her head to the second one Leu suggests, "They won't give a diseased rat's right nut over a janitor being hurt, Donnach... Most help they'd likely offer is a bullet in the brainpan, squish you right out of your misery." She ponders a bit, "Smoke and a fire might work though, if we can set it without being seen... Even if it doesn't draw the guards over to investigate, they'd have to evacuate... A stampede in a place like this could be bad, though, those tunnels are narrow, and we'd likely have actual stampeding animals if there are alarms in addition to just the people..." And she weighs the collateral with the goal, "Might make it really easy to grab good ol' Lub in the chaos, but definitely wouldn't do much for our reputations, or really make us any better than he is." Because sending innocents to their deaths might get the job done, but it's sure not an option she's very fond of trying. She looks up as Clover announces a Challenger, and then sighs, "That fight's about the best diversion, especially if we can find a way to rig things... And yeah, maybe try a double stunner on those guards while all eyes in the arena are down in the ring?" <English>

          Michio blinks as he is offered up as the combatant and challenger, the japanese man though raises up giving a slight bow to Clover. In a low voice he offers up to the woman, "Wish my blade wasn't in a cart about now.." A playful smile given to the woman before he accompanies it with a wink. Michio's attention after a brief moment turns towards the arena and then towards Lubbock and the older woman. A respectful bow is given to the pair as he grins, "I challenge..." The words called out holding those undertones of japanese and sihnon to the accent. After a moment the man whispers out in a low tone meant only for himself and the subvocal mic to speak over comms. <English>

          Leutrim frowns at Annie, "A small fire with a bit of smoke would hardly cause people to panic and stampede. And there's maybe a couple of hundred here, not a hundred thousand." He gives her 'I'm not an idiot' kind of look. Ah well. He's not pleased but gives a nod, "Can try to stun them and hope we can do it quietly and fast enough nobody in the booth realises we are out here. If that door's locked, I'll need a moment to bypass it." Leu needs to switch his sidearm to stunn rounds. <English>

          "Sugar canes and candy nuts, coem get them while we have some, Candy canes and sugar nuts." then Con frown and looks to Cal. " Thats right, Candy nuts and sugar canes?" Then he goes back to selling, may as well make some money in this gig right. Con hear all that is been said, he even manages to nod at the suggestions . Then he hears the announcment of a challenger and then grins as Michio stands up and does the challenging. "Well, thats adistraction alright. Just tlel me where ya want me and what ya want me to do, I'll be there with me horns on." Then he goes back to selling. " Corn nuts and candy canes, come get them while we have them." <English>

          Calira laughs, quietly, because letting a full fledged snort-snicker would probably have been rude. "Candy Corn," Calira says in a somewhat louder voice, cutting over Conoger's attempts at traumatizing the audience. "Candy corn or sugared almonds and cashews," she adds next, coaxing a few more customers out to buy the teeth-rotting goodies, passing out more of the paper cones with the candied stuff, taking in more coin. She has no intention of giving the coin BACK, either. <English>

          Clover settles back down in her seat and just arches, handing the mic back over to the guy before taking a deep breath and not quite holding it. "We need the animals alive." That's all she says.

          The old lady in the box continues to wait for Lubbock to pick and the man in cuffs just scans the arena for a few moments before he just gives the old lady a look filled with hatred and he finally just murmurs. "Bruno." And a hulk of a man comes out of from behind one the gates, wielding a bigass spear and a net. He looks like a muscle magazine screwed a Playgirl magazine and popped out an extra from 300. He just is wearing basic armor. <English>

          Any other night, that look Leu gives her would likely leave Annie smirking with a giggle, but right now, flirtation is about the last thing on her mind. Instead, when he picks up a weapon, Annie does the same. She parts the bottom flaps of her trench coat, a red satin holster on her upper thigh holding a pistol modified for stunner rounds, and a few extra battery loads tucked in as well. She draws the customized copper piece and toggles off the safety with her thumb, keeping the weapon low and hidden beneath the long cuff of her coat as she moves to the edge of the hallway, leaning back against the wall and watching the arena ring, casual enough to simply be taking a bit of a well-earned break. She hears the chatter in her com about a power cut, and then she offers a brief wink to Leu, "May as well grab that union-ordered break while we catch the show?" And then, if he comes to join her, she'll add softly, "I'll grab left, you grab right, as soon as it goes dark?" <English>

          The com chatter is listened to or passed on about this plan to cut the power. Leutrim gives Annie a nod, having checked his sidearm to make certain it's ready. His HK rifle is slun over his shoulder by it's strap and he whispers, "Wish to hell I was wearing my good armour." But, here goes!

          The Senior Bounty hunter preps his flashlight to set it on the floor and push it out with his foot into the hallway to light up their targets. Then the lights go out. Leu pushes the light to draw their eyes and ducks down to one knee to lean around the corner of the hall and fire his pistol, letting Annie use what cover she might by firing over his own head! <English>

          Conoger looks at Cal and frowns. " So, no candy canes, got it." Then he looks about and finaly decides that he is going to do it right. " Cashews, corn nuts and ..what ever else is here, come and gets some." He finaly starts to see the big man that is the one picked to be challenged by Michio. " Ok, the cart is closed, go on now, we are out." he says and starts to chew them away. " I swear, some get all the luck." Conoger reaches into the cart and grabs Michio's sword and sheath and walks on over to the edge and simply tosses into the arena towarsd Michio. If it gets there, great if it does not, he don't care, he is going back to the cart to put his stuff on, specialy the helmet. <English>

          Michio's head nods at what is said over Comms, The man's steps guiding him towards the vendor operated by Calira as he mutters out to the woman. "Black blade.. katana." The words spoken softly and simply over comms as he nears the hunters position. The man noticing at the last second the weapon being tossed into the arena before he shifts his direction to begin to work his way back in the direction of the arena more fully. The japanese man moving to move down into the area with the net wielding giant near where his sword is dropped. <English>

          Leutrim tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (21).

          Considering that Annie -is- armored up, likely there's going to be a fight later about the not quite as well protected as either of them would like him to be Leu bodily trying to protect her, but that's a fight for later, as right now there's a guard to take down. She aims with her left arm, index on the trigger, and braces the butt of the gun and her left wrist with her right arm and hand. The carress of her finger along the trigger is as tender as if she were touching a lover, and the gun reacts in kind, sparks flaring from the copper leads as she sends a stunner for the guard on the left, aiming over top of Leu's head. The guard is armed and armored, so rather than aiming for the heart mid-chest like normally she would, Annie goes to shoot straight for the guard's neck, knowing it's unlikely to be covered and will give her the best shot of bringing the burly sack of meat down to his knees in a single shot. <English>

          Annabelle tests her Firearms:sidearm against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-11).
          Annabelle tests her Firearms:sidearms against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (35).

          The two guards don't know what hit them. Annie and Leu drop them like sacks of wheat to the floor. Leutrim snatches up his flashlight and rushes forward, sidearm still at the ready if the men stir. "Cover me, Annie." Leutrim holsters his sidarm when she's doing so in order to pull out his zipties. Both men's hands are bound quickly behind their backs. The hunter disarms them, removes any communications from them and then Leu's up to the door to listen. If it's locked, he's got both electronic lockpicks and a manual set on him. <English>

          Leutrim tests his Security_systems against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (14).

          Conoger grans his helm and puts it on, then grabs his belt and puts it on, then grabs his axe and puts it on. Finaly grabbing his shield and stands up straight and looks at Cal. " I'm going ta have some fun, stay alive ." then the big man goes on to the edge of the arena and jumps in. he lands nicely concidering the size of him and then pulls out his axe. " I CHALLENGE YOU, VIKING against YOU. I know I am BETTER, I know I can BEAT YOU. I'll give ya a chance to TRY and then we can see who is BETTER." then he looks towards Michio. " I'll keep them happy." Then starts to walk into the middle, his axe thumping against his shield, taunting him, eggging the people on. Conoger shouts loudly in a roar like challenge. " COME ON!!!" <English>

          When Michio enters the arena the japanese man begins to make way once retrieving his weapon towards the landing holding the captive target as well as his more personal security. the Japanese man grinning as Conoger lands within the same arena before tugging out a small PDA like device, Michio's hand holding the wang neng raising up to bring the device above his head as he switches it to grapel and fires the single round up at the dias of sorts above. <English>

          Michio tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (31).

          It's a good thing he always brings a light with him, but now Leutrim hands it off to Annie if she needs it and gives her a concerned look, because he only brought one set of low light goggles. Those he straps on, drawing his HK rifle instead. Stun's just fine for guards outside but inside? People will almost certainly be shooting at him, at Annie, and if Michio gets in there, at him too. The door taken care of, Leu flings it open and throws himself in to hit the floor and roll out of the doorway, Annie having enough sense not to stand in it and draw fire, gods willing. Soon as he's in though, Leu is covering her and seeking targets to fire upon - but not at Lubbock! Where is he? Fire on his guard first! <English>

          Leutrim tests his Firearms:rifle against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (15).

          Darkness has fallen, down in the Arena...there is alot of chaos/confusion. Guards are taken out. Lubbock and Mrs Madison are in the stands panicking and hunkered down in teh box. Well, Lubbock is panicking/slash looking hopefully. "Well it certainly took you long enough!" He offers in a raspy voice. "Well then?" He gestures towards Mrs Madison where she just stares defiantly. "Shoot the bitch!"

          Miss Clover? Has retreived Michio's kettle corn and is taking her time eating it as she taps different buttons on her thin PDA where it rests on her lap, giggling to herself as the lights come back on and then go back off and then the gates open...and then shut...oh look, there's a horse running out into the Arena as well. Bruno? Is confused as hell, throwing down his weapons and then throwing up his hands and declaring. "I do NOT get paid enough for this SHIT!" When Conoger starts coming out like that. <English>

          Meanwhile... Calira has taken the time to scoop up several cones of the tasty sugared cashews and almonds, secures the rest of her gear and . . slips through one of the access doors and heads down to where the mercenaries and other odd-bits of entertainment are stored. Specifically, that is, she sneaks past the doors by walking calmly about with the air of 'I have every right to be here, go about your business, hum hum' and keeps on going. It doesn't take a wall map, back lit to illuminate YOU ARE HERE with a blinking arrow on it, to determine where the wild animals are being kept. Literally. . . follow the smell. She slips inside the first set of big doors, doors big enough to walk a modest sized elephant through, would those be elephant-sized doors, perhaps? Things to ponder. With the sound of the crowd in the arena drawing so much attention she pause just inside, but to the left, of the big doors and surveys the cages in which are found 1 tiger, 1 lion, 1 elephant, 2 bears, 3 unique black stallions (though what she knows about horses would fit in a thimble) and 2 giant - unhappy looking - eagles. She rests her hands on her hips, surveys the room, and indulges in a non-professional moment to mutter: "Lions and tigers and bears." <English>

          Oh my, Annie reloads her tazer and slips down the hallway, her back to the door that Leu's breaking into. She holds it out as her gaze scans the dark, keeping him covered and protected as he frisks and de-arms the guards they'd dropped before he lets them into the skybox that holds their target. She glances down at him as he picks the door's lock, and for the briefest of moments her stun-gun is held in only her left hand as her right rests for just a few seconds on his shoulder as he works. But her eyes never stop roaming the dark, and that brief moment of affection is put quickly aside as her hand returns again to her weapon as he gets the door unlatched. She murmurs when she hears the tell-tale click, "I've got your rear, Donnach, go on in, I'll follow." She stands with the wall beside the door to cover her back as he rolls in to shoot, switching off the flashlight that he hands her so it won't draw attention to the door in the darkness. The flicker of lights on again before they flash back off leaves her seeing white, momentarily blinded from the bright flood as she curses yet again in Gaelic, a rather long string this time compared to her single word from earlier. She grabs a pair of cuffs and a handfull of zipties from her jacket pocket as the guard goes down before stepping into the Skybox behind Leu. She nudges the door closed with her foot, though doesn't let it latch as she aims her stun-gun towards Lubbock's voice, leaving Leu to decide what should be done with the woman as she tells the man, "Shut up, sit down, and act like this is a kidnapping. We're going to get you out of here and safe, but act like we're undercover Feds taking you in, best cover for all of us to get out of this hellhole safely, dong ma?" And somehow, she actually manages to keep her soft voice sincere and kind, sounding as if she wants nothing more in the 'verse than Lubbock's long-term comfort and safety as she makes that request of him. <English>

          When the grappling hook from the PDA attaches Michio smirks moving the device down to connect it to a hardpoint attached to the armor worn beneath his outfit. The man quickly tapping a button to cause the device to begin hauling him up the line, When he reaches the balcony holding Lubbock he quickly climbs it detaching the line from the pda as he holds his katana in his free hand glancing towards the man and then towards Leu as the man comes into the room firing, The japanese man quickly hollaring "Friendly!" As he closes in on the old woman, His blade is quickly sheathed before the japanese man quickly raises his hand back towards the woman turning his hand as a series of darts suddenly burst from beneath his sleeve aimed at the elderly woman announcing things the japanese man clearly intent on taking her in as well just in case. <English>

          Michio tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (16).

          Conoger in the mean while had expected the lights to go on and off and so he was not startled at all. Except when the man he was challenging drops his weapons and runs like there is no tomorrow. " COWARD!!!" yup, Conoger is indeed angry now and he so wnated a challenge. Now he looks about and see's a horse, if there was a way out, a horse could be a possibility. So he puts his axe away and manages to sling hsi shield on to hsi back and starst to head towards the Horse, trying to calm it down so he can grabs something and climb on. ' Now, now horsie, horsie, I ain't gona eat ya or break ya, just need a ride out of here and we can both go free, good deal." yup, he ain't that good at this horse handleling stuff, maybe if it was a cow. <English>

          Conoger tests his Handle_Animal against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (2).

          Calira exhales a huff of breath, takes a shallower one in return, really why do animals all have to smell like this. Right. She scans the room, there has to be.. she begins prowling through the stuff kept around the edges of the room. After all, it's not like one just walks a lion from the spaceport to here with just a sparkly leash and a bright bling-bling collar 'round it's neck like it's a tea cup poodle. "Right," she mutters as she identifies the right sized animal containers, "kennels or pens not cages," in that same low voiced mutter as she fishes the slender case of animal tranq's she'd insisted that they all carry. Just in case. Back to the room, at large, so many choices, so little time, so she reaches for the comm channel they're all on.

          Comm: Exotic animals located, containment and transportation presents issue. Can tranq and transport, potentially. Could simply release and let animals make a break for it. Options presented. <English>

          A few shots later and Leutrim's got Lubbock's armed guard down. Likely enough the fella got off a couple of shots of his own, going stray or possibly grazing others as he hits the floor. Donnchadh makes damn sure the fella isn't going to shoot them, kicking the automatic out of his hands when he's down. The bounty hunter gives Lubbock an unfriendly look, "You know how the fuck to get out of here? Give me a reason not to knock your ass out before we drag you out of here." Michio-Batman amazingly doesn't get shot as he swings in like Tarzan. Good thing he declared himself a friendly or Leu might have popped him funtime. Then the Japanese man is popping instead for Mrs Grey. If there are no other security sorts in here that need shooting, Donnchadh looks back to Lubbock, "Talk fast, don't have time." The rifleman is already drawing his sidearm to shoot Lubbock with stun rounds if he doesn't speak up willing to show them a way out. Could be Aubrey's set something up, but maybe not. About to find out. <English>

          The com buzzing about animal transport gets ignored by Annie completely, she couldn't care less about the lions, tigers, and bears at this specific moment. Michio comes buzzing up and into the box like a Gotham badass and takes out the woman in grey, and then Leu gets all threaty with Lubbock, knocking her plan of coercing him to cooperate with lies that they were here to help right out the window Batman just came in via. So, Annie does the only thing there is to do, she grabs one of those comfy little skybox seats and plops down into it, wishing she had a bit of Cal's popcorn as she lets the boys figure out their next steps to get themselves out of here. Hey, at least she's not bleeding yet, all in all, for Annie, that's a win. <English>

          Conoger manages to some how coaux the horse to clam down and then agile like gets on the horse and hangs on with dear life, though he makes it look like he has done this before. " So, I'm on a horse, lets go find the other animals alright." then he turns the horse, using hsi grip on hte horses main and then using his feet to urge him forwards towards the way it had come. Over the comms. " Well, I got myself a horse named Staley. We are heading to where it came from, possibly the animal cages." <English>

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