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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Full name Fenton C. Godfrey
Date of Birth June 26, 2513
Parents Banning Godfrey, Sponsor
Siblings None
Spouse N/A
Assignment Companion, House Madrassa
Specialization Cello, Mysticism
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Blue eyes, black hair.
Height and Weight 5'11", 165lbs
Status Active
Education Information
  • House Madrassa, Sihnon
Military Service



Fenton appears young. Baby faced, in fact, if it weren't for the strong line of his jaw. No wrinkles are to be seen, nor abuse of skin from too much sun. Privileged, one could say, down to the careful manicure of his fingernails and smooth cuticles. His hair is kept long on top, carefully coiffed with a bit of fragrant wax so that it looks perfectly unkempt. The dark black locks are clipped on the side, neatly up around the ears and tidy at the back of his neck. Contrary to the perpetual smudge of ebony lashes, his eyes are a crystalline shade of blue flecked with soft grey and each seemingly stamped with a dark ring of the latter around each iris. His mouth is full and generous, his most expressive feature besides the wide expanse of his hands. His only constant jewelry lies in the fact that both his ears have small gauges in each, allowing additional earrings to be looped through at his will.

Broad in shoulder and narrow in waist, Fenton's clothes seem tailored to him. A violet paisley ascot is worn in the open neckline of his white shirt, the cuffs of which are rolled stylishly to the elbows and neatly fitted beneath a grey three-button vest. His trousers have delicate pleats at the hip, the waistline of the pinstripe fabric high to his ribcage as must be the fashion in some portion of the 'Verse. Black shoes are tapered but end in a blunted point, the heels capped in silver.