Caged Birdies: Famous Last Words

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Caged Birdies: Famous Last Words
Location: Log_Location::Shuttle Bay and Shuttle - Aces & Eights IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/05/30 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/30
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Covis, Has Characters in Scene::Kit, Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Storn, Has Characters in Scene::Lirin
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Covis and Kit do their recon run over the slaver's farm using the map; things don't go well.
Log_Characters::Covis, Kit, Riley, Storn, Lirin

Aces - Shuttle bay =>Aces & Eights<=

Situated between the tail struts, this compartment is small, with only hatches leading port and starboard and the main landing hatch to the aft as means of access. The bay is shorter than any shuttle, but examining the aft hatch, you can see that it has been fitted with docking clamps and an atmosphere collar to seal around craft docked here, leaving the aft part of the vessel outside the ship.

Set into the walls on both the port and starboard bulkheads are panels which have connectors that can be fitted to whatever craft is docked here. This is a docking bay, without the size or facility to make any other use of the space. The bulkheads and decks are painted a light grey with broad yellow and black bands demarking safe walkways.

Covis walks slowly around the shuttle, checking that exterior doors seal properly and there are no cracks in the hull. He bangs a fist on the outer shell. Boom Boom! then nods to himself "Seems solid enough." <English>

Kit makes her way down towards with a tub of paint in hand. "Hey there," she says to Covis with a grin. "Ready to take the shuttle on it's maiden voyage?" <English>

Riley wanders in a bit groggy. He obviously just woke up. It's been a long few days. "Don't you wreck my new shuttle." he says and yawns. "Especially with my wife on board." <English>

Covis greets Kit with a smile "We'll break her in good." He's dressed in black denim pants, a black leather jackets and rugged black boots. His combat outfit apparently. His gaze drops to the tub of paint in her hand "Do you have black?" He jabs a thumb back toward the shuttle "We should paint an Ace on the door." His smile turns to a grin when Riley arrives "Is that right, your shuttle? Well pick which you want back in one piece, the wife or the shuttle?" Now he looks back to Kit and grins more "I can't wait to hear the story of how you tow got hitched." <English>

Kit rolls her eyes, "Keep your dicks in your pants, boys." She leans in and kisses Riley on the cheek then walks towards Covis. "This is phosphorous paint. I'm going to try and tag their buildings so we can come back in the dark. Of course it means leaning out the hatch a bit..." Yeah, she'd rather kept that part of the plan from Riley until now. <English>

Riley narrows his sleepy eyes at his wife. "You fall outta that boat, it better kill ya both. If not, I will." <English>

Covis glances down, just to make sure he did zip up this morning then smirks at Kit, his gaze shifting then to Riley "Hey, it's her plan, not mine." he points out quickly. "Riley we will stay in constant contact on the Aces channel, keep an eye on sensors for other large ships moving into the area. Just in case." He's not ordering rather he's asking. <English>

Riley smirks "That's the excuse anyways. I just want to harass you....And make sure you're keeping your hands to yourself." <English>

When Covis checks his fly Kit smirks but doesn't comment, rather she instead adjusts her work belt and then looks up at Riley, one dark brow arched upwards in response to his posessiveness. Rather than focusing on it she turns her attention to the job at hand, "The Jia is planet side too, so we can have some back up there if we need it. However, with luck we can do it without too much notice since the shuttle isn't tagged yet." <English>

Covis grins at Riley "It's always a thrill to fly with me. You can't blame a girl." he chuckles. Kit brings him back to the job at hand and he nods to her, his face becoming more grim and serious again. "We should get going, I'd like to wrap this up before sunrise. I'll fire up the shuttle." He enters a code and the side door into the shuttle slides open. <English>

"Covis," Riley starts, suddenly serious. "This ain't our race. No need to prove anything. Don't push her, and keep a safe elevation. Your just getting intel, there'll be plenty of action later on. I want you both back in one piece." Lightening up a little. "And you KNOW Storn'll kill you if you scratch that thing. No hotdoggin." He's a little uncomfortable not being the one behind the stick, but he knows Covis is good enough to handle it. Riley walks over to his wife, kisses her cheek and whispers something in her ear, then kisses her again. <English>

Kit gives Covis a nod to indicate he can board and she'll be right behind him. She leans her head down so that her forehead is resting against Riley's and says quietly, "You're not getting rid of me that easily, O'Hare. I'll be back, you'll see." She turns and walks towards the shuttle then, clearly intent on boarding it. <English>

Covis would normally take Riley's words as a challenge but the matter at hand is too serious and he nods to his fellow pilot. "Piece of cake. And tell Storn I'll give him a complete evaluation on performance. I can tell already.. it doesn't go fast enough." he smirks and steps into the shuttle. <English>

Kit groans. "Piece of cake? We're so fucked...." She clearly doesn't like famous last words. <English>

Spades - Interior

The main room of the shuttle is a, roughly, circular room with an archway that leads into the cockpit. The main room is of comfortable size that is large enough to hold a small group of people easily. The shuttle's main room is, mostly, empty with only a couple benches pressed up against the wall and bolted down in place with safety harnesses for four per bench.

Through the archway and into the cockpit. The cockpit is a bit more cramped, designed to hold a total of three people at any given time. The room is mostly taken up by the command console and view port. The command console is a mass of lights, switches, and various levers and buttons. The pilot's chair is bolted down on the right side of the room with the co-pilot's chair on the left and between them is a divider that sprouts out of the main command console with its own set of flashy buttons and levers. The overall feel of the cockpit is cramped with the command console taking up most of the room.

Kit settles herself into the co-pilot's chair, though she repairs ships she doesn't fly them. "Right, so let me load up this map I've got." She does know enough about computers to do that. <English>

Lights around you flicker on as the main reactor powers up.

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Alright Covis, sensors clear on this end. Releasing docking bolts. Y'all are good for takeoff." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Roger that. Just running a preliminary launch check of instruments and will be good to go." <English>

Terminals all around you power up as the computer systems are powered.

The air turns fresh and a gentle hum can be heard as life support is activated.

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Roger that. I've got weather up on the local cortex. Looks like a front movin' in. Should give you a little cover, but expect turbulence." <English>

Kit sniffs a bit. "A little musty in here. We'll need to air it out when we get back. This baby spent too long in the boneyard." She pats the console and then looks over at Covis. "I'm ready when you are." <English>

Covis goes through several control and instrument checks. "Ok everything looks good." He smiles over at Kit, is this your first time flying first class?" he grins. <English>

She chuckles, "It certainly is a lot more cushy than the big shuttles." Kit looks at the console in front of her, keeping an eye on the engine. There were problems with the main ship, there might be problems with the shuttle, but she hopes not. <English>

You feel a sudden rumble as the engines activate.

A loud roar is heard as the steering thrusters activate.

There are no real coordinates, this is a fly by sight operation. However, the map does direct them towards Twin Oaks. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Ok, we our in orbit, preparing for descent. Riley, you keep an eye on those sensors. And that storm, I don't won't any big cruiser battleships arriving behind it." <English>

Covis flips a few switches, angles the shuttle for reentry and looks to Kit. "Here we go doll. Hang on." <English> The ship angles its heat shields toward the angle of descent, there is a shake, and flames start licking over the side of the ship.

"If the slavers have battleships we're screwed on an epic scale," mutters Kit. She checks her harness and nods, indicating she's good to go, then looks to the window. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Will do. Looks like you better come in to the southwest. Keep to the valleys and use the clouds for cover until you close in for your run. That should keep you off their sensors." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Roger that, good call, will do. I can already see some lights in what appears to be a forested area. Something is definitely going on over there. We might check it on our way back, over." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, " Copy that. Happy hunting." <English>

Covis flies through a section of cloud and pilots pulls out his sunglasses and props them on his head "Ok I'm gonna dip out of the cloud cover here and we'll have our first look at the area. This should be right on top of your map." <English>

Covis points out the window on Kit's side "Have look down there, anything?" <English>

Kit peers at the map and then looks out the window. "There's the small tree and the big tree just like on the map. We need to head starboard, maybe twenty klicks." She assumes the twenty on the map meant kilometres. "We should see the farm then." <English>

Covis nods to Kit and pulls back into the cloud cover as he makes a slight adjustment on his sensor screen. "Should be there in ten minutes." He leans back in his chair. "These seats are pretty comfy." he smiles faintly and looks over to Kit "So.. I'm dying to hear how you and Riley can to be married? I take it you are newlyweds?" <English>

Kit looks over at Covis and the pilot's chair and nods, her face turning a little red. She adjusts her harness and looks out the window again. "They are nice." Her dark head shakes, "Not newlyweds, no. We've been married since we were kids, but I was scared and walked out. Didn't really have a newlywed period. I left the day after the wedding. To be honest, I figured he'd just divorce me but for whatever reason, maybe the cost, he never did." Her head turns back towards him, "You ever been married Covis?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Head's up. Looks like we got some heavy winds and electrical activity about 8 miles ahead of your position" <English>

Covis looks at Kit and shakes his head once. "No, never been married. I love women too much." he smiles before reaching out to flip a couple switches and then cuts the afterburner. "Ok, this should be the location. I'm gonna ease her down out of the clouds and we should have ourselves a real good look. I've also made sure the sun is behind us." <English>

Covis turns slightly and gestures to a yellow harness "Strap yourself into that Kit. We don't want to loose you so soon. At least Riley would never let me live it down." he smirks. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "We've broken cloud cover over the target and are descending quickly. Kit is putting on her harness." <English>

Kit looks at the map again, checking the visuals as well. "Time for me to get ready then." With a shake of her head she does the opposite, "We don't have time to do another fly over if the storm comes up, I'll have to take this chance." She gets to her feet. "Just keep her steady if you would Covis." Kit moves towards the rear of the shuttle and the hatch, pulling a paintball gun from a holster at her back. It's already loaded, but she brought the rest of the paint just in case. It's a crazy arsed plan and means she ends up having to use a handhold near the hatch to steady herself. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Roger that. Keep your eyes peeled." <English>

The map leads them to a seccluded place in the wooded areas of the mountains. There is a small clearing with a small building. It is not a friendly looking building. The windows are darkened and it is made of old timber and a tin roof. <English>

Covis reduces engine power to minimal, the sound only a soft hum as he floats the shuttle down near the buildings. "Is this the right place?" He questions a moment "It seems so.. undefended." He licks his lips and cranes his neck back to Kit "You ready?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "I've got a few small heat signatures on the seniors on our end. To small to tell what they are. You see anything over there?" <English>

"They're not going to have a neon sign advertising, 'Slaves R Us' this is the exact kind of shit hole people would use," calls back Kit. She gives him a thumbs up and then calls out, "Opening the hatch, keep an eye on the pressure." Thankfully the shuttle is in atmo and flying low. Kit overides the control for the hatch and slips her arm through the handhold so she doesn't get pulled out as the air rushes in. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Awful quiet over there guys. Makes a fella nervous" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Kit is marking the target. But there is lots of activity. I don't think we can stay long. Oh.. what's this, I have two people inside the building on my sensors. I'm willing to bet that's Conoger and Esther. Ok we've been spotted, hurry up Kit!" <English>

With the hatch open, Kit can barely hear, but then she's more focused on what she is doing, which is undoubtedly crazy. She takes her shots, aiming for the buildings and just for good. "Hopefully the fucking rain won't wash it away. Damn storm." <English>

Covis hovers the shuttle near the building "How's that?" he calls back to the daring woman. "Be careful, there are armed men coming this way and it looks like they have rpg's." He flips a couple switches. "If I have to, Im gonna dump all our fuel on them." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Alright guys, make it snappy. I've got 2 more marks on your six a mile out and gaining altitude." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Roger that. Kit is hanging out as we speak." <English>

Kit - test your Agility against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (2). Kit - test your Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-38).

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Can you maybe get her back /in/ before they start shooting?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "Doing the best I can." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Roger that, and wishing I was there" <English>

Covis tests his Pilot:transports against a 70 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-14).

Covis slams the shuttle into the top of the building "Shit." he pulls on the throttle, lifting the hull off the roof. "You still there?" he calls back to Kit. <English>

From inside the building the two people emerge. Those people are NOT Esther nor Conoger! Oh crap. One lifts a RPG up in their direction and quickly the rocket launches up towards them.... <English>

When the shuttle hits Kit nearly looses her footing, thankfully the harness is keeping her upright and still in the ship. She calls back, sounding very unhappy, "Naroma! Fly the fucking ship out of here before we end up dead!" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "I know your probably having enough fun already, but I'm seeing a front forming right on top of your location. stay sharp." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Storn says, "Can I get a sitrep?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Covis and Kit just found the slavers. their taking fire and about to fly through a storm. Time to live up to that reputation of your's Flyboy" <English>

Kit - test your Intelligence against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-1).

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "We're on our way back, over." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Storn says, "Acknowledged. Shuttle, use the storm to conceal your movements coming back to us." <English>

Covis looks back to Kit "You get the job done or we doing one more swoop?" He holds the shuttle steady now. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Storn care to join me on the bridge? I could use an extra pair of eyes on all this" <English>

Covis tests his Pilot:transports against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (32).

Covis pulls back hard on the throttle as rpg's are spotted. "Ok, parties over, time to get out of here." He kicks in the afterburners "Hang on Kit, we'll close that door in a minute!" <English> com 1=I'm a bit busy here in fact we're both a bit busy being shot at. I can either hold a gun or I'll tell you later.

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Kit says, "I'm a bit busy here in fact we're both a bit busy being shot at. I can either hold a gun or I'll tell you later." <English>

You test your Agility against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-15).

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Storn says, "Just get yer asses safely back to the ship." <English>

Kit slips and falls, hitting her head on one of the benches as she goes down. The tub of paint which was at her feet goes flying out the hatch and lands with a splatter on someone or something down below. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "You just pay attention to not getting shot. I'm not ready to use widower as a means to pickup chicks." <English>

Kit - test your Firearms:sidearms against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (13).

The rocket zips in their direction, a stream of smoke and fire trailing back and behind it. Covis is a great pilot, but the small shuttle itself is not the fastest ship. His piloting skills kept them from blowing up, but.. it hits regardless due to proximity. Alarms suddenly goes off in the cockpit and smoke begins to fill the cabin. <English>

[ROLL] Kit rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (76).

Covis smacks the console "Oh shit. Dam militants. Why can't everyone just use a revolver. Good reliabel.." he grumbles, flipping switches and activates the interior fire suppression system. <English>

Kit pulls herself back up to her feet and slaps the controls to close the hatch, knowing the fire suppression system will work better without it being open and the shuttle will have less resistance. Yes, that's her great understanding of physics. "You okay up there, Covis!" <English>

Covis coughs and waves a hand through the smoke "I've had better days." he replies. "Smoke doesn't normally bother me.." *cough* "But this is another matter." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "We've been hit." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Shit how bad. Gimme a status report" <English>

Kit unhooks herself and makes her way back to the front, to retake her seat in the co-pilot's chair. She looks at the console and begins to check over the engines. "Gimme a Goram minute, Ri...fuck." <English>

Kit - test your Systems:transports against a 51 difficulty. The result is successful (30).

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "They knew we where coming. Didn't Esther and Conoger have their smartcoms on them? This channel could be compromised, over." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Which is why you have a map, and I'm not navigating. It was still sloppy of us. Are you ok?" <English>

Covis wipes sweat from his brow as he fights to maintain the shuttle on a straight flightpath. He glances to Kit quickly "How did you make out? Where yo uable to mark the area?" His nose wrinkles as he battles with the shuttle. "Stabliziers are gone, thrusters at half power." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Covis says, "We're on our way back, stabalizers are shot, thrusters at half power. Storn will be busy..heh." <English>

Kit, is doing her best to check things and try to get the systems to be more aligned with where they should be, but these are co-pilot controls not engineering and she has to think about it differently. "I hit the building." She growls with frustration and wipes the side of her head, feeling something sticky. Blood. She wipes it on her trouser leg and says nothing for now, focusing more on getting things sorted. <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Kit says, "Have the O2 ready, there's a lot of smoke and things aren't clearing out like they should." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, " we're firing up the reactor now. We're on standby to come to you if you can't make it" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Storn says, "Initiate radio silence, emergency broad casts only." <English>

Covis bounces up and down in his chair as he tries to maintain altitude. He glances to kit and notes the blood on her head. "You hit the building with the paint.. or your head?" he asks with the faintest of smiles. <English>

"You're doing good Covis and when this is over I'll give you one of Riley's unsticky skin mags as thanks." Kit looks up from the controls and over at the pilot, she smirks, "I hit the building with the paint tub, I hit my head when you hit that damn roof." <English>

Covis wrinkles his nose at Kit as they slowly close on their destination. "Skin mag.. uh no." His steel grey eyes roam over his copilot. "Now you on the other hand." They hit a big pocket of turbulence and it pulls him back to the job at hand as he flies the shuttle manually. "No way Riley could have flown this baby home." he boasts. <English>

Kit - test your Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (4). Covis tests his Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-4).

"Well he's already said you get them all when he dies, it's your inheritance," teases Kit. She looks at Covis, hearing that note of interest in his voice but then spots something over his shoulder, "Look, there's another building. Can you get a heat signature on it?" <English>

Covis chuckles then at Kit's comment "Riley really does have a heart afterall.." He turns to look where his copilot indicates. "Hang on, sensors are flicking on and off. Dammit, we're gonna need extra armor plating on this baby." He bites his lip, trying to lock on the other building. "I can't tell if it's picking up bodies, or if its interference fro mone of the damaged systems." <English>

With a frustrated grunt Kit ducks down and opens up the underside of the console to look at the wiring. Following the Conoger school of 'If I don't like what it's doing I poke at it' she kicks at the sensor box to try and get it restarted. Given she'll be the one repairing it she figures it's better to try the hard reboot now when they're in need of it. <English>

Kit - test your Systems:transports against a 51 difficulty. The result is successful (18).

More alarms. The engine seems to be overheating. Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop! <English>

Covis tests his Systems:transports against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (34).

Kit - test your Engineer:engines against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (25).

There are several choice words in several different languages that come out of Kit's mouth as the alarms continue to wail. In fact a few of those words are jumbled up and sound like she is just making up her own words. She is having to work hard to try and keep the engine from doing something really bad like...catch fire or explode. <English>

Covis continues to battle the controls, bouncing in his chair, he looks over to Kit he says "See what you can do. Try and bring the stabilizers online. Then at least we will get ourselves a smooth ride." <English>

Kit - test your Systems:transports against a 51 difficulty. The result is successful (2).

"I'm trying," mutters Kit. She has given up all pretext of even getting back in the chair and instead is moving from kneeling and looking at the console to being on the floor beneath it and working with the actual wires and chips themselves. "Right....that should help." <English>

Kit - test your Repair:transports against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (0).

Covis nods to Kit "That did it. Its not perfect but it will do." His features relax slightly as he doesnt need to fight the controls as hard. "Just in time too Kit, I can see the Aces a couple klicks ahead." <English>

Kit just stays on the floor, the air is clearer down there and she's tired. From the smokey and the hanging out of the shuttle like a mad woman as well as just the mental acumen it required to keep the shuttle from going up. She reaches over and gives Covis' knee a gentle squeeze. "You did good, Covis. Just maybe don't aim the nose for buildings next time, eh?" She grins up at him, unaware there is even more blood on the side of her head now. <English>

Covis sets the shuttle down inside the docking bay and smiles over to Kit as he waves smoke from the air. His brow lowers, concerned now that he can see Kit and the excess of blood." He uses his patented line "Ya look great." he smirks, then hurries out of his chair to help his crewmate. <English>

The incessant hum from the ship's engines suddenly fades away.

The air suddenly becomes stale as life support loses power.

"Yeah? I was hoping I'd be the prettiest princess at the ball." Kit gets up with Covis' help and has to lean on him a bit for a moment then moves with him to the hatch. <English>

As the engine is powered down, it makes a sudden clunking noise. Then.. more smoke. Yea... gonna be a bit of work before the LRS is flight worthy again. <English>

Aces - Shuttle bay =>Aces & Eights<=

Situated between the tail struts, this compartment is small, with only hatches leading port and starboard and the main landing hatch to the aft as means of access. The bay is shorter than any shuttle, but examining the aft hatch, you can see that it has been fitted with docking clamps and an atmosphere collar to seal around craft docked here, leaving the aft part of the vessel outside the ship.

Set into the walls on both the port and starboard bulkheads are panels which have connectors that can be fitted to whatever craft is docked here. This is a docking bay, without the size or facility to make any other use of the space. The bulkheads and decks are painted a light grey with broad yellow and black bands demarking safe walkways.

The shuttle lands, the starboard side is charred and a hole ripped into the side. Smoke still leaks out from the shuttle where the engine smolders. It's going to take a lot of work to get it repaired for planetary flight.. even more to be space worthy. <English>

Riley Rushes down the hall with a fire extinguisher in hand, stumbling as he turns the corner. <English>

Covis follows Kit out of the shuttle looking somewhat dishevelled, like he's had another of his all nighters. He coughs and waves a hand in his face, trying to get the last of the smoke away from him. "They must have known we where coming." He looks to Riley and gestures to Kit, "She was a trooper. Fixed the shuttle and managed to get the mission done." <English>

As she manages to get down, Kit starts coughing when her lungs take in the cleaner air. She sinks to the ground on her hands and knees until the coughing is over and the smoke inhalation clears a bit more. Slowly she sits down and looks up at Riley, "You know any first aid?" <English>

Kit doesn't even bother with her hand anymore, she just reaches up with her arm and tries to wipe away the blood at the side of her face. <English>

Covis stumbles toward Kit but cannot help glancing back at the shuttle and he stops in his tracks. "Holy shit." He turns, continuing to Kit to offer aid "Ya see that Kit, we're lucky to be here in one piece." He kneels down beside her, taking a good look at her head injury for the first time. "Don't go to sleep." he warns her then reaches for the ship comms. <English>

SHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: Covis broadcasts over the intercom: 'Doctor to the shuttle bay immediately!'

Covis looks to those gathered "We need a new frequency, one that we have never used before. Tune your smartcoms to 525.25 and pass on the frequency to the other crew and those aboard the Jia and Dragon." <English>

Riley doesn't think. He drops the extinguisher with a heavy clank of the deck, and runs to his wife and wraps his arms around her. "Shit! Kitty are you ok? We gotta get you a doctor.. Shit shit shit. Gorrammit I shoulda been on that shuttle." He's panicking now, which is probably not very helpful. He hasn't even noticed the shuttle's condition yet. <English>

"It's just a head wound, Ri," says Kit with a cough. She grins a bit, "And a little smoke inhalation." She looks tired, but not about to drop from it. "Storn is going to freakin' kill us. I'll be working on that shuttle for months." Her head turns and she coughs again then leans into Riley, both of them now seated on the floor. <English>

Riley holds her while he looks up at the ship. "Sonofa bitch." he turns to look at Covis. "I don't know if I should be pissed at you, or impressed you made it back in one piece. That thing ain't air worthy." After a few more seconds gawking and stroking his wife's injured head. "Storn's already set up 333.45. word of mouth only." <English>

"I don't reckon I am going to kill anyone. Though this means we won't be using our shuttle for evacuating tonight. Riley, you are going to keep the aces nearby to pick us up. Though no firing up those weapons without my say so. We cannot trust Esther's or Conoger's emotions if they demand it, Ok?" Storn says hearing his name as he walks into the shuttle bay, leaning heavily on his cane obviously he is getting worn out by the past few days. <English>

Having heard the distress call, Lirin rushes into the shuttle bay carrying her trusty black leather medical bag. "I'm here!", she calls out as she hurries into the room. "Who needs me?", is asked as she quickly surveys the area. <English>

Covis stands by the shipcom and looks over to Riley and Kit "She's ok Riley, she'll make it. Lirin's here now." he smiles over to the Doc before noddng to Riley again about the new channel. "I'll set my smartcom right now." He nods to Storn and glances to the shuttle, a slight grin forming "I brought it back.. and in one piece..mostly." <English>

"Fuckers had an RPG. I managed to blind one of them with some of the paint though before he could find another one." Kit rests her head against Riley's shoulder, not really wanting to move yet. "We got some good intel though." She smirks up at Covis, "Even if one of us was a bit more distracted than others." As Lirin comes in Kit's bright blue gaze takes in the sight of the smaller woman. "You Iniana?" Because she still has yet to meet the ship's doctor. <English>

Riley continues to comfort Kit, when he has a thought. "Is shuttles sensor computer damaged? I'd like to get the data off and go over it. You never know what kind of information those things pick up in the background." As Lirin enters he looks up a little uncomfortably. She hasn't met his wife yet. "She's hurt. Head injury she says, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was more she's not saying." <English>

Still wondering who the patient is, it becomes abundantly clear when Kit mistakes her for Iniana. Since the medical need doesn't appear to be life and death, Lirin's footsteps are slower now as she approaches the woman on the floor. Offering her a friendly smile and light shake of her head back and forth, she answers her. "No, I am not Iniana. I am Lirin. I am a friend of the crew and a doctor to boot." A pause. "May I assist you?", she asks because, well, some people are funny about who treats them. Her green eyes shift to Riley, who's cuddling Kit, and gives him a brief nod in acknowledgement before returning her gaze to Kit. As she waits, she visually assesses her for any obvious injuries. <English>

Kit tilts her head so Lirin can look at the injured, bloody side of it. "Sorry, I'm Kit." She flashes the other woman a smile to go with her apology and then undoubtedly sticks her foot in it or someone's foot in it by looking at Riley and saying, "I promised I'd be back. You're clearly stuck with me for a while longer, husband o' mine." Her eyes close as she coughs again. She reeks like smoke, in fact the entire smoking shuttle does. "I managed to get some of the systems repaired while in flight, so you can try." <English>

"Looks like." Riley replies with a half hearted smile. He watches not so patiently as Lirin comes to tend to his injured wife. "You can fix her up right?" <English>