The Misadventures of Riley and Kit: Strangers With Eye-Candy

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The Misadventures of Riley and Kit: Strangers With Eye-Candy
Location: Log_Location::Paquin (Various locations) IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/07/16 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/09/23
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Guy, Has Characters in Scene::Kit, Has Characters in Scene::Riley
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Guy tries to have a good time with Kit but it goes hilariously wrong, in part thanks to Riley's arrival on the scene.
Log_Characters::Guy, Kit, Riley

City Market - Paquin

This building is more like a large warehouse of assorted fleamarkets rather than a 'normal' general store. There are various stalls and vendors littered about the area hawking their goods ranging from basic foodstuffs all the way to parts that were 'legitimately' salvaged from across the 'Verse. Small groups of gypsies and travelers wander through the makeshift grid of stalls, talking and bartering with one another.

It's still warm and dry at half past five in the evening, the sun high in the sky. Kit casts a long shadow as she walks through the city market. She has the demeanor of one who is just browsing, having no clear idea in mind of what it is she might be after other than a diversion. On Paquin she sticks out for being tall, but her multitude of visible weaponry makes her less of a mark. With some amusement she watches a merchant give a stumbling drunkard a shove. All it takes is a step back and then she is able to avoid being hit by the man who swears he is sober but then promptly falls to the ground. <English>

Guy hangs around the market and talks to people. Been romani here in Paquin, makes life a bit easier. He feels safe secure and most people here tend to be nice. Guy is no exception, as he is helping a elder along with her groceries."No mama, ain't married, I know you got granddaughters for me to look at, ain't looking but if I do, I'll come see them." finally arriving where she wanted to go he waves and turns. He turns and happens to bump into someone he swears was not there earlier. It us a solid hit but he instantly reaches out to steady himself or the person he bumped into."I'm so sorry...I'm..." them he stops as he sees its Kit, tall and everything."Hi!" surprised he may be, seeing a woman her height is different. <English>

Usually people don't bump into Kit since they can see her coming or going or just plain standing there being tall, so it amuses her when Guy bumps into someone who then bumps into her. Like him she reaches out to help the older man, ensuring he doesn't fall. Rather than be thankful the old man mutters and walks off slowly, leaning on his cane. With a bit of a laugh Kit turns to Guy when he speaks, "Hi," she echoes. "You drunk or just got two left feet?" <English>

Guy looks at the elder and then smiles as the man heads on his way. Then as kit talks to him he chuckles lightly but with a smile." Drinking is done in places where drinking is allowed, so I'm not drunk but may be going to a place where drinking is allowed." that answers one question and he thinks on the other."Well, it all depends on what you mean. For dancing, I'm not bad, for just walking...on occasion tend to trip for no assistant." then he looks around, curiosity on his face."Sorry to ask but can ya help me get to the beach, supposed to meet a friend."though he stops,frowns and then sighs."Hang on." as he turns and walks to the old man. Talks to him and what looks to he a small purple bag is to Guy by the old man.Then Guy comes back."Guy Botoh by the way, pleasure to meet you, shall we." as he looks around lost. <English>

"You have to watch out for the old timers, they're sly," says Kit with a smirk. She thinks on it. "Which beach? I mean, I know where there is a lake, but it's kinda private out there. I guess I can walk around some with you. I'm Kit, by the way." She offers her hand to shake. "So're you new on Paquin I take it?" <English>

Guy smiles even more as he extends his hand out to take hers into his and shake. He has decent hands, soft but some roughness to them."Oh, I mean the main beach, near the Ricochet Arms dealer. Anyways, pleasure." gives her a grin."Sly dogs like that keep me on my toes." then thinking about her last question he hmmmm."Well, my problem, when I'm guided, I tend to talk alot, forget to watch and remember. So, we can make a day of it." then he pauses and smiles."You hungry? Its going to be a day." them he is off, talking to a merchant, no money is exchanged but he gets a bag with a chicken inside."Alright, lets go." <English>

With a shrug, Kit decides she'll follow. There isn't much else for her to do at present. "I've only been here a few times myself," she admits. "I don't think I noticed a beach before. But then I didn't really wander that far." Her long-legged stride isn't hurried but rather at a loping pace. "Can you swim in the water here?" Guy's brightly colored shirt and shorts get a sidelong look from the brunette. <English>

Guy carries the bag with the chicken, continues on and hands another merchant the bag. Then he gets a towel and some bag with corn. Eventually he gives the corn to another merchant and so on and so on. As he finally after a bit of time he starts to find his way."Yes, there is a beach, popular and you can swim in it." now he has plenty of towels, beach umbrella and straw hats, basket with fruit and sandwiches.....all that for extra time and great attitude."They have a vendor there if your looking for swimming gear, if you like, I'll get it for you." <English>

White Sands Beach - Paquin

Not far from the bustle of the Accendo City Center lies the glorious beach of Paquin. A broad expanse of white sand stretches out from the edge of the crystal blue of the ocean, then disappears beneath the planks of a wide and winding boardwalk. The boardwalk was shaped by years of careful design by master craftsmen, and every year a few boards are replaced with painstakingly made reproductions.

The beach is well traveled at nearly every hour with throngs of people swimming, playing in the surf, making sand castles, or simply strolling over the sand or carved wood. This is the public area of White Sands Beach.

To the north, overlooking the whole area from the line of hilly sand dunes, are the residential homes most responsible for Paquin being the place it is today. The beach area in that direction are the private portions of the White Sands Beach. The outline of the homes, both very large to rather small, are clearly visible against the sky, whether backlit by the azure firmament, highlighted against the briliant displays of sunset or gently lit against the starred heavens.

When they reach the beach Kit stops, clearly stunned by the sight of the brilliant azure waters. "I was on New Melbourne only a month ago and it wasn't this pretty." Hands on her hips, she watches people frolicking in the water as if they hadn't a care in the universe. "A vendor? Oh, yeah, I don't have anything suitable to wear." The chicken and the corn - the strange system of bartering and exchange don't go unnoticed but they do go uncommented upon. For now. "I haven't been swimming in a long, long time." The tip of her tongue darts out across her lips and Kit begins to walk slowly forwards toward the shore. <English>

Guy smiles as he notices her look stunned."It is beautiful here, yes indeed. It is one of the best places to come to." then he moves on over to the beach , gets a place in the sand and sets things up."I'll be back, relax and will bring refreshments as well". <English>

Kit looks over at him and grins, "Unless you have some sneaky way to pull a locker out of that hat like you did the grapes then there isn't much point. I can't leave my gear laying about. I'll end up in much more debt than I'm comfortable with. I'm on Paquin for the foreseeable future, I can swim another time. But thanks for thinking of it." <English>

A simple wave of his hand and then winks at her, with that he is on his way. Several minutes later Guy does come back and he is rolling a cart out to the spot he had picked out and then he stops a few feet away. He falls on the beach, tired from pulling by the look of things and he is smiling."Beautiful woman asks and she receives." the cart is small but there is a small square thing on top."Small locker, heavy but the bag is a swim suit, hope you like white." its all he says for now as he catches his breath. <English>

Kit eyes the portable locker and then laughs. "You are determined aren't you?" She takes the bag and looks around. "I'll be back." There isn't a chance she is going to change out in the open here with all these people around. It takes longer to find a place to change than it does to actually change. When Kit returns she puts everything into the portable locker and then sets a code on it. The bathing suit gets a look from Kit. She hasn't worn one in years. There are faded scars on her bare legs and the insides of her elbows; markers of a past life. <English>

Guy watches her go and chuckles. " Yes, always have been, well mostly." as he goes he removes his shirt and sandals and all he has on is bermuda style shorts, that hang low on his hips, exposing a bit of ass crack. Though this man is toned, he is not overly strong but looks more like he is very agile. He has tattoos all around his body. Two that stand out are one of a black and white picture of alittle girl, maybe age of five on his left side rib area and a sun shaped one on his right chest. So now as he lays there, enjoying the sun for now, he looks to Kit and smiles. " Well, don't I have a eye or what, picked out well." he is not saying how he came up with the size but a two piece white bathing suit is no laughing manner. Has to fit just right and at least expose enough but enough to leave it to the imagination. " So, what brings you to Paquin." <English>

Riley arrives from the south. He shuffles barefoot through the sand as he meanders the beach with no amount of deliberation. He wears his normal jeans and t-shirt. The man wears pants to the beach. He's wearing a Richochet Arms T-shirt with an illustration of a view down the business end of a pistol, and the text 'Protect whats yours' in large block lettering. He spies Kit in her swimsuit, and his eyes get wide. He's never seen that little number. A broad grin spreads across his face and he attempts to sneak up behind her. "Hi there, I'm Riley, I don't believe we've met." Instead of the typical hand extended in greeting, Riley slaps had butt and grins. <English>

Kit glances at Guy and rolls her eyes then looks out at those azure waters again. "The ship I'm on," she offers drolly. "Captain is pally with the locals so we come fairly often." Fair skinned as she is, Kit dons the sunhat again, using it to keep the glare of the sun off her face. Riley's ass slap catches her unawares, though lucky for him, his voice warns her of his presence right before the slap. Reaching back, she elbows him lightly. "Who're you trying to meet? Me or my ass?" Half turning, Kit gestures towards the sunbathing Guy, "Riley, this is Guy Botho. Guy, this is Riley." <English>

Guy had been watching her as she spoke and managed to nod once before he raises a brow. He had noted the man walking up to them, which really ain't a surprise as Kit is looking rather fetching. What surprised him teh most is the man slaps her ass. Guy, is not much of a fighter, that is for sure but when a woman is used as and object by others, it makes him think and act all brave like. So he starts to sit up, ready to punch the man for his actions when Kit elbows him and soon after introduces him. There is a grin on his features then and then nods, " Pleassure to meet you Riley. I am Guy Botoh, romani and tour guide for this fine young and beautifull lady." he stands up then. " Well, I am going to go and wet myself, don't swim much but the water looks great." <English>

Riley arches an eyebrow, and extends a hand. "Riley O'Hare. Drunkard, pilot, and general party of a guy." He unsuccessfully tries to hide a smirk. It's pretty obvious what was going on here, and he finds it hilarious. "Stick around a sec bub, I love meeting new people." <English>

Kit looks out at the tempting water again when Guy mentions going swimming. She grins over at him and says, "Hope you don't lose your shorts," as she tucks her long hair up underneath the hat. "You two get real friendly. I'm going to go see how warm the water is. And I'm going to hope I don't get sunburnt." With that she starts to jog down towards the water, one hand holding the hat to her head the other making sure she doesn't end up coming out of the top of the bathing suit. <English>

Guy was about to go but then Riley wants to talk. It was Kit's words that seem to brign a big smile to his lips. " Ah, you noticed, they fit well, I been told." then he watches Kit go to the water, why not. Then he looks back to Riley and smiles. " You do know, we can talk while in the water. If you go over there, there is a vendor you can get shorts from." though he stays for now, he does not mind meeting new people as well. <English>

Riley watches Kit all the way to the water with a big grin on his face. He's only half listening to Guy. "Uhuh, sure." Once she's chest high in the surf he turns back to the Romani. "She's something else ain't she? You ever seen a more stunning piece of woman? And in a swimsuit like that too... Wonder where she got it." <English>

Kit splashes about with couple of kids then moves past them and into deeper water. She swims deeper, nearly loosing her hat in the process. Half turning Kit waves back to them, calling out, "The water is lovely!" <English>

Guy loks to the man and then nods. " I suppose, to many she may be something else, I will admit to that." then he reaches down and gets a bottle of water and takes a long drink from it. At the mention of the swimsuit he smiles. " I did, I have and eye for such things. It does look great on her and by the look on your face, I am sure your pleased." then sets the water down and finaly looks to the water and waves back and nodding. " I will be right in." As he starts to tie on his shorts tight, so they will not fall off. " So, you joining guy?" as he looks to Riley now, waiting. <English>

As the men where talking, Riley moved to stand beside Guy looking out at the sea.He smiles and waves back at Kit. When Guy is otherwise occupied with his shorts, a distinct clicking sound can be heard and a cold piece of metal about an inch in diameter presses into the Romani's bare back. The pilots expression is suddenly serious, and his voice is hushed and threatening. "Is it a hobby of yours to buy skimpy outfits for other men's wives?" <English>

Just then a big wave rolls in and knocks Kit over, drawing her under. The hat continues to float inwards, cresting the wave. A little boy picks it up and runs to put it atop his sand castle. When Kit resurfaces she's sputtering and her hair is clinging to her, adding to the drowned rat look she is working oh so well. <English>

Guy was havign fun, was indeed having alot of fun but then he feels it on his back. There is a slight stiffness to his body now and then there is a smirk. " Riley, to answer you, yes, it is my hobby, it is what I do and I get into trouble." there is a chuckle then. " You think that would stop me, nope. Now, you going to let me tie my shorts or what?" there is a serious tone to it, obviously this man has issues, though does not averyone. Guy had kept his eye on Kit, did not want her to see the little problem here, then she goes under. Then Guy is gone, running towards the water, keeping a eye on the surface of where she went under. <English>

Riley is left standing there holding a small cylindrical butane lighter in mid air. Theres a second of disappointment on his face as his little prank is ruined, but he bursts into laughter anyways. That guys is really trying hard, and it's just too funny. He pulls a cigar from his pocket, bites the end off, and lights it up. He sinks down into a nice little drift of sand to relax, and watch the show. His wife can handle herself quite well, so this should be pretty good. <English>

By the time Guy reaches her Kit is fine, annoyed but fine. She wipes her face with her hand and looks at him. "So help me if you tell me this Gorram suit is see through now I will do something drastic." Her head turns and she looks around, "I lost my hat." <English>

Guy reaches the water and dives in as far as he can and swims a bit to get her. Swiming is not to hard if you can float and not drown, Guy seems to be floating and paddleling in a way a dog would, yeah, he is not much of a swimmer. "Uhm, not too sure, picked it out and figured the color will suit you." though he is struggleling a bit he blinks and looks down. Not too far back from hence he came, his shorts are sitting on the water. Obviously he did forget to tie them on tight. " You can use mine, I best go back." as he struggles again to go back. " Kids...don't, them my shorts." as two children seem to have found his shorts floating there. <English>

Riley laughs, rolls his eyes, and ashes his cigar. I slowly stands, brushes the sand from his behind and casually saunters over to the sandcastle where Kit's hat now resides. He snatches it up, to the dismay of the children who stole it to begin with, and plops it onto his head. As Guy makes an ass of himself he chuckles and heads to the waters edge, letting the surf wash over his toes. The small piece of fabric that that man calls a swimsuit washes up at Riley's feet. With two fingers he delicately picks it up by an outside corner, and shakes his head. His cigar sticking out of the side of his mouth, and drops an ember or two to sizzle in the surf. With a laugh he tosses the offending garment to the children who previously had the hat to makeup for their lost decoration. "You alright out there honey?" he shouts to his wife from the shore. <English>

With a growl that is decidedly not playful, Kit shoves Guy back into the water. "Great. Now I'm giving everyone a show. She crosses her arms over her chest and starts to wade through the water, moving towards the shore. "Gimme your shirt," she calls over to Riley as she gets closer. The expression on her face is thunderous - Kit clearly isn't much of an exhibitionist. "And no, I'm not alright. Stupid fu-," a nearby kid looks up at her and she grits her teeth. <English>

Predicaments and troubles as he is pushed or shoved and then his shorts are given away. Supposes he deserves it but alas that is his luck it seems as he goes to the edge as close as he dare and looks to the kids. " Shorts be much appreciated. If you like, I will give you a credit or two each." though they are children, they are romani children and they look at the man and then the shorts. " 20 credits, you got a deal ." coming from the boy, already a smart ass at that age. Guy blinks and then chuckles as he nods to the agreement. " Though, best spend it well, by your mam and gandmamy a present with it. Now, give me them shorts." as he lays on the water, facing the kids. Then he looks back to Kit. " I am sorry." which he is. <English>

Riley is bellowing with laughter as all of this goes down. When Kit approaches he is sure to take in the view. He takes the hat off and peels his shirt off as well, careful not to burn it with the cigar. He hands it to her to cover up with. As nice an image as that is, he's not that keen on giving the entire beach show. The shirt is a little to short to cover her bottoms though so he hands her the hat as well. "Looks like the schmucks out another 20 credits, and and you have a wonderful swim suit for our vacation. I'd say it's a win win." <English>

Kit grabs the shirt out of Riley's hands and pulls it on before she takes the hat and holds it strategically in front of her. "I'm so glad you're amused, Riley," she tells him, giving the pilot a glare. With all the dignity she can muster she looks over at Guy and says, "Next time, I'd prefer a black bathing suit." Giving Riley a bit of a shove with a shoulder she skirts around him and stalks up the beach towards her things. <English>

Eventualy he does get his shorts, though among romani, a promise is a promise even if young. Soon after some manipulation he yanks them on as he lays there and then ties them up. The boy seems to to be too far away from uy, obviously trying to collect. This is the future leader perhaps of teh romani and Guy chuckles. Looking back at Riley he smiles and nods. " Yes, but the enjoyment of it all was excellent." then looking to Kit he smiles and nods. ' Next time I will get you a black bathing suit, got it." as he starts towards the towels he had layed out, obviously the small romani kid follows. After gettign himself his credits, he hands the kid the amount. " You promised." then looks ot the water he purchased and drinks from the water bottle. "It is hot." <English>

Riley takes it all in good humor, and moseys back up to beach to where Kit left her stuff. His now shirtless body shines like a beacon in the sun. You'd never know he actually managed to get a bit of a tan last time he was on this planet. "You attract some interesting characters my dear." He says to his wife as he closes the distance. He's well aware that he's included in that statement <English>

Kit just rolls her eyes. "Yeah, they're literally tripping over their feet to meet me." Her head tilts back and she looks up at the sky, squinting as she tries to judge how long she has been out in it. "I'm going to end up sunburnt, I can just tell. It'll be the fitting end to a ridiculous day." Kit uses the code to open the portable locker and with one hand starts to take her things from it. "Might be safer swimming at the lake. Less heat." She glances over at Guy, "Do you live around here then?" <English>

Guy smiles at Riley and nods but it seems he is just simply odd duck as some would say. As Kit asks him if he lives around here. " Well, Paquin is the romani home planet, so in a way yes. Though I am originaly from Shadow, this is partly my home now. I am a medic on the ship Darkstar, she is parked on the spaceport right now." then he shakes his head and chuckles. " They are goign to have a hoot when I tell them of this day. Famous people on there too but best not say who." then he puts on a shirt and looks to the locker. ' Well, once your out of there, I will take it back. " Oh and if your interested, come on by, meet Cal, she is all military, break your neck with her finger sort of gal." as he drinks a bit more water. <English>

"I'll rub some aloe on it when we get back to the ship." Riley offers to help Kit manage the burn. When Guy speaks his piece the pilot simply listens and puffs his cigar. <English>

"I don't go for girls, but she sounds like the sort Riley would like. I'm gonna go get dressed." Kit walks off through the sand, heading towards the changing rooms. She calls back over her shoulder, "Be nice Riley." Just in case. <English>

Guy looks towards Riley and smiles. "I am going to tell you once, it's just a warning and you can take it any way you like....smoking is bad for your health. Though been a medic, no one is going ot listen to me anyways." Now he chuckles a bit more at hearing Kit mention she does not go for girls. " Oh no, don't get me wrong, she don't go for girls either but she is all bad ass and everything. It was a invite soem time to come and visit." then he looks at the small cart and the locker and then starts to pile stuff on there and starts to pull. " Well, time for me to ehad back, it has been a great day. You have a great day Riley and tell your wife when ever she feels like gettign her fortune read, tell her to wave me. I am also good at that." then he waves and starts to pull the cart, yup, heading off to where ever he coems from. <English>

Riley takes a long drag on his cigar and blows a thick cloud of noxious smoke towards the medic out of spite. He waves politely as he goes. <English>

When she returns several long minutes later Kit is fully dressed and holding all her weapons. She does look a bit sunburnt however, but then given how fair her skin is that's not a surprise. "So did he take off then? Quirky sort. I'm starving." She slaps Riley's when shirt against his chest, thereby giving it back to him. <English>

Riley takes his sopping shirt and tosses it over his shoulder. "Yeah he's gone. I've met some weird ones before, but he takes the cake. I'm starving too. I think theres a bar back in town that mixes a killer lunch cocktail. They may even serve food." <English>

"He made me feel old," says Kit with a laugh. "I figure I have a decade on him at least." She drops the sunhat on her head, it really does nothing for her outfit, and leans in to slap Riley on the backside, only unlike him she takes the opportunity for a quick grope too. "Find me some beer, my man." <English>

Riley smiles at his groping. "Right this way my dear." He takes a few paces up the beach, then turns back the other way. He clearly has no idea where he's going. He heads that way confidently though <English>

Kit laughs each time Riley seems to 'change his mind,' knowing he is lost. Of course it also gives her time to oogle him. Sure, he's no twenty-something nearly naked then naked gypsy ship's medic with pretty tattoos and dreadlocks, but Kit clearly doesn't mind. Once or twice he undoubtedly catches her oogling him, but every body needs their ego stroked once in a while.

Red Eye Steakhouse and Pub - Paquin

From the outside this building is a two story brick building like those that mushroomed in Earth-That-Was Boston, accenting the more colorful and extravagant atmosphere of the Great Carnival it borders. A large holo-sign dominates the face of the building reading: Red Eye's Steakhouse & Pub in fancy lettering. 'Red Eye's' in red with the rest of the script in gold. Old-time writing across the two large windows between double glass doors list the logo as well sub-scripted: Daily fresh meat from the Holliday Ranch right here on Paquin. There are tables with umbrellas outside on the side walk where parties may sit to dine and drink if the weather is nice.

Inside the establishment the lights dim so one can feel at ease here, the smell of cooked steak and ribs permeate the air and Jazz music tickles the ear drums. There is a bar in the center of the establishment showcasing a cascading shelf of different whiskeys, bourbons, and assortments of hard liquor for the more daring customer. A sign lists prices of draft beers and bottles and stools line the entirety of the rectangular bar enclosure. Along the brick walls rest comfortable booths for bigger parties. Lights with black lamp cones light each booth without compromising the rest of the establishment. Scattered through out the main floor of the dining area are square tables with black cushioned wooden chairs. The tables look able to be pushed together to compliment larger parties. To the back there is an area sectioned off for two billiard tables with a rack of sticks along the far wall. Two lamps with beer logos are the only source of light in the corner.

When first stepping in there is a sign that reads: Please Seat Yourself. A waiter or waitress pre-assigned tables, they work diligently to bring a smile to their customers and excellent service. Menus are already placed at the table for viewing. There seems to be a cortex monitor in every corner and one big one at the bar, usually broadcasting a sports event or one of the 24 hour news channels. Paintings, pictures, and trinkets of flare from all over the 'verse hang on the walls accenting the stained wooden floors. At the very back, next to the entrance to the kitchen where staff moves in and out quite frequently, is a locked door leading to the apartment and office on the second floor of the building.

As they walk into the steakhouse Kit's stomach grumbles loudly. "Do you think it's real steak or something processed? Actually, don't answer, I am not sure I care given how hungry I am." <English>

Riley leads her in and grabs a table away from the vid screens. Not too interested in sports or news today. "I'm sure they've got all kinds of cattle on this rock. It's probably pretty good. I'm just hoping they've got something better than that Romani swill they call whiskey. <English>

The little smile the waitress gives Kit takes her aback for a moment before she ends up laughing. "I think that poor girl imagines we're on some kind of date." With a shake of her still damp head she looks over the menu. "Have you gambled your wages away again or can you pay for your own food?" <English>

Riley chuckles. "I actually won this time. It's on me." he scans the menu a second then turns to the waitress. "We're gonna need a sec, but I'll start with a bourbon, neat." <English>

Kit removes her hat and tosses it onto the empty chair next to her along with the bag holding her new bikini. "I'll have whatever the special is." She's not fussy about food. "And beer for me." Settling back in her chair she sticks her long legs out, one on either side of his own legs. "So was that wierd or just hilarious? I have to admit I've never thought about how it would seem to you - seeing some man chasing after me. Especially so blatantly." <English>

"You know what just bring me two whiskeys. I don't need food." Riley says to the waitress before she leaves. His shirt is still wet and he's dripping on the floor. "It would have been weird if he wasn't so awful at it. As it is I knew I didn't have anything to worry about." he considers for a moment. "He was kinda good looking though." <English>

"I'm not going to carry you back to the ship. If you pass out I'm leaving your ass behind," Kit warns him after he decides on a liquid lunch. She smirks a little, "He was pretty bad at it, but sweet. Very kind. I could see a lot of women would go for him." Her brows rise up and she laughs, nodding in agreement, "Kinda? More than kinda. I got to see all his assets." <English>

"I caught a decent view too. Even I'd consider taking him for a ride around the block if it weren't for the comedy routine." The waitress returns with the drinks and Riley greedily gulps his first sip. <English>

She picks up her beer, nodding her thanks absently to the waitress. "Would you? Did you always fancy men? Should I be worried about you bunking with Covis?" Kit takes a sip of the cold beer. "I mean, I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything deep and meaningful." <English>

Riley laughs into his glass as he takes another sip. "You would like that wouldn't you. I'm sorry, but what happens behind closed bunk doors between roommates stays there. Pillow fights and all." <English>

"Not as much as you'd wish it were the other way around." Kit tucks her hair behind her ear. "I honestly never did consider if you might like men or not. I just assumed. But we were apart for a long time. Lots of things can happen in fifteen years. Lots of things can happen when people are lonely out in the black." <English>

Riley almost chokes this time. "You're serious? I was totally kidding. Straight as an arrow here." He takes a second to collect himself, and takes another drink. "You seriously thought I liked men?" <English>

Kit shrugs, "It isn't that out there in terms of the realm of possibilities. We were kids when we were thrown together, it was such a small close knit community. You might have been interested but never did anything about it until you left home. How would I know?" <English>

Riley looks at her with a 'c'mon seriously?' sorta look. "With my reputation? Really?" <English>

She considers that and shrugs. "Wouldn't be the first time a guy tried to cover it up. But no, I see your point." Kit drinks more of her beer. And then her food arrives, which gives her something more to do than talk. For a while anyway. <English>

Kit's food does look really good, and Riley didn't realize just how hungry he was. With a devil may care smile he reaches over to steal a bite off her plate <English>

Kit rolls her eyes but does offer him a bit, if nothing else he is paying for it. That doesn't mean she keeps quiet about it, "I thought you weren't hungry," she teases, holding out her fork. <English>

He takes the fork and helps himself. "I guess your thinking all kinds of wrong things about me today." Riley says between half chewed bites. <English>

Kit laughs. "Guess you probably didn't like the bathing suit then. Seeing as how I've been wrong about everything else." She picks up her bag, dons her hat and after downing the rest of her beer gets to her feet. "I'm going to go have a nice hot shower and clean the salt water off of me. If you're still feeling generous you could come help." <English>

Riley drops the fork on the plate, a few credits on the table, and even leaves half glass of whiskey as he gets up to follow her out. Looks like he really wants to help. <English>