Bishamon Shipyard

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Bishamon Shipyard
Business Name

Bishamon Shipyard

Location of Business

Freehold Station

Products for Sale
  • Ship based upgrades
  • Ship Weapons
  • Ship Armor
Hours of Operation


Status of Business



Bishamon Shipyard has long since been a staple of life on Freehold station providing support and much needed upgrades to the stations ships and for the ships of visiting crews. The Shipyard previously known as the Freehold Shipyards under the ownership of Artemis Graves, the name was renamed with its sale to Kira Michio in December of 2535.

General Information


. o O Bishamon Shipyard Vendor O o .

 Item                                 Price 
 Hydroponics Wheel                      750 
 Viewport                              1750 
 EVA O2 Tank                            300 
 Wilk's Portable Torch                  205 
 Adjustable Target Dummy                750 
 Enhanced Acceleration System          2500 
 Enhanced Life Support System           800 
 Electronic Warfare Suite             12500 
 Enhanced Drive System                 8000 
 Cry Baby                               750 
 Enhanced Reactor System               4000 
 Environment Analyzer                  2200 
 Security System                        850 
 Motion Detector                        550 
 Trail Buster                          6000 
 Enhanced Thrust System                1000 
 Comm Jammer System                    5000 
 Damage Control System                 9000 
 Enhanced Sensor Array                  750

Offensive and Defensive Packages - These services are available to any ships that have the credits to afford the upgrades. Given the location of the shipyards and the views of the owner and management of the shipyards as well as the political leanings and beliefs of the station no Alliance Permits are required for these.

Product Name Product Notes
Missles 10, 25, 50, 100 pounders
Missile Rack The Missile racks are the launch points for the typical missiles in the verse, either concealed or open they can hold varying amounts of missiles. NOTE: Hspace Combat is as of yet, not supported on Serenity, there are rules dealing with Ship to Ship Combat, for now Weapons are often stored in a locker in a hidden room. Away from Alliance eyes.
Armor Plate The Armor Plate upgrade allows for additional protection to the hull of a ship allowing it some measure of protection from the dangers of space.

Adds 10 hull points per 5000 up to an Increase of 50 MAX per Transport class, or 100 MAX for Capital ships.

Light Kinetic Ammo Basically magnetized 50 cal rounds, to enable slight tracking this ammo is used for the

Light Kinetic Cannon. One ammo container contains 1000 rounds. NOTE: You are expected to have Ammo on board for your Weapons Platforms if you expect to be able to fire your ships weapons, again this is an RP based system for now.

Light Kinetic Cannon The Light kinetic cannon is nothing more then a rather big spaceworthy cal 50 cannon. It's more for point defense and close ship to ship as well as ground support fire then anything else. NOTE: Hspace Combat is as of yet, not supported on Serenity, there are rules dealing with Ship to Ship Combat, for now Weapons are often stored in a locker in a hidden room. Away from Alliance eyes.
Electronic Warfare Suite A crafty attempt to make your ship harder to detect. It is a sort of stealth tech that affects an opponents sensors (making you harder to hit).
Comm Jammer System This unit available in one level, and lets your ship jam commlink messages in a given area, it will also jam the cortex as well.

Special Services

Service Name Service Notes
Special Request Orders If there are offensive or defensive packages that you do not see above, A special request order may be placed. We will do what we can to find the needed upgrade and install it.


Originally owned by the Graves Family and Artemis Graves, The shipyard was purchased by Kira Michio in early December of 2535 through the man's own savings as well as a loan from a private party and long time friend.
