WT: Paquin - Routine Procedures

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WT: Paquin - Routine Procedures
Location: Log_Location::Paquin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2536/02/03 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2015/01/01
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Ashley, Has Characters in Scene::Dinger, Has Characters in Scene::Luka, Has Characters in Scene::Parker
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The consequences of multiple security breaches begin to weigh down on the peoples of Paquin, even for a popular nightclub's pianist.
Log_Characters::Ashley, Dinger, Luka, Parker

Colorful banners, streamers, and flags snap in the wind on the tall poles that circle the Spaceport, adding a festive mood to this busy place. While simplistic, the Starport has been built with ease of access and comfort in mind. Paquin has long been the artistic center of the border worlds--some rather patriotic citizens claim it not only rivals but surpasses Sihnon. Since the government of Paquin recognizes that fact and strives to maintain that reputation, aesthetics are--and will likely remain--the most important consideration in their design of public works.

A myriad of ships can be found here at any time, mirroring the type of people that frequent this world. Rusty buckets of bolts that might just be held together solely by lengths of tape and epoxy are seen side by side with sleek, streamlined, state-of-the-art vessels. Paquin is nothing if not eclectic in its people... and all else.

After the security breach on Londinium, Paquin is one of the planets that has attempted to go on full lockdown. Many citizens that have become enraged, confused or otherwise terrified could become a potential threat with many more attempting to flee the vacation planet. Paquin has a very wealthy population that are Pro-Alliance who welcome their assistance and protection. Many businesses are also open to their support as well. There are, however, people who have things to hide and there is a healthy underworld population. Security checkpoints have been set up and Alliance forces conduct regular patrols in major population centers, especially where the wealth is located. The planet's established spaceports are heavily monitored for both incoming and outgoing traffic.

Parker slips down from the spacer's district, keeping his head down and moving in the direction of the cargo office. <English>

Ashley Stratton happens to be in the middle of speaking to an Alliance service member in a somewhat heated conversation. The service member points in the direction of the cargo office while the civilian-clothed Ashley holds up his arms in frustration. The latter ends up relenting in favor of walking in that direction as well, muttering under his breath nearly the entire time. It helps though. He isn't bothering to note the many security checkpoints that have cropped up under the setting sun. <English>

One of the downsides of being an officer, is that when shit hits the fan, he has to pretend to have a clue what to do. And it's fair to say that shit has well and truly hit the fan. He'd been headed for a relaxing day at the MULE races, but now he's attempting to bring some semblance of order to one small part of the chaos that is the spaceport. That part that happens to be the cargo office. Spotting yet another approaching figure he offers the standard, and now well practiced, "Alliance Navy. Paper's please." <English>

Coming to a halt at the door, Parker blinks, first thinking of turning around, then reconsidering at the sight of the pair of armed escorts standing behind the officer. Frowning, he deftly plucks a leather case from his inside breast pocket and produces the requested information for the officer. He manages a practiced smile, polite enough, but certainly not pleased. <English>

Ashley eases down from his brisk pace into a hesitant pause when he finally notes someone in front of him aiming to gain entrance into the cargo office. He teeters gently against the balls of his feet while studying the gathering, and then tilts up and forward in order to fancy a look at the passing of credentials. "What's your business with the port at a time like this, huh?" he lightly asks. There's a small smile there to brighten his expression. "Pretty crazy and all, lockdowns, things like that. Sucks." <English>

Dinger knows that smile, he's seen it often enough already in the few hours he's been here. Replying with a faintly apologetic one of his own he examines the ID carefully, double checking it against a list, evidently really not wanting to be that guy who fucks up and lets someone slip by who shouldn't. Not apparently finding anything amiss he still keeps hold of it for a moment and asks, "you buying or selling Mr Parker?" As Ashley appears he starts a faintly tired sounding "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please wait for..." before he recognizes him. "Ah, Corporal. Do you have orders yet?" <English>

Returning his ident to his pocket, his finger return with another small silver case. Cigarettes are held along one side and several business cards line the other. He passes one to the officer for 'The Babylon' with and address in the spacer's district. He steps aside to let the Corporal speak, pulling one of the cigarettes to his lips. "Buying", he murmurs, the smile a little less forced as he realizes he's not actually being harassed. <English>

Ashley settles back down on his feet and shifts to the side. The man is rather content with having barged in on the conversation. That also has him listening to the exchange with mild curiosity. That is until the spotlight is shone in his direction. Ashley arches an eyebrow questioningly. "Well, no, but," he waves a hand dismissively, "Don't mind me. I'm just hanging around, making smalltalk. It tends to help when they don't know who I work for apparently, but- hey, don't mind me." He shrugs the moment off. "My shipment come in yet, or am I having to step inside?" <English>

Dinger studies the card a moment, then turns it over and draws a pencil from a pocket. A check of his watch and the time is noted on the back of the cars before he asks, "personal, business, or shipping?" Since it's the cargo office he knows it's unlikely the first, but stranger things have happened. Next question asked he glances back to Ashley, frowning faintly as he attempts to make sense of all that before he settles on the universal response of, "You should probably check in. There's likely orders waiting for you. Everyone is being mobilized." <English>

"Business", says Parker, tucking the case away. "We normally have two loads of perishables per week, one shipment of alcohol. I'm sure I don't need to explain that we cannot keep large amounts of either of these on hand.... What hoops am I going to have to jump through now to get our materials? Please don't tell me I'm going to be delayed more than a week and have to start serving the local Rom swill." He nods as if to punctuate, then looks at the Corporal as if to agree with Bell. <English>

"Ain't that lousy?" quips Ashley. He's even directing his complaining question towards Parker more so than Dinger, but he's soon addressing the latter rather than the former. There's just a brief pause where he leans to the side to chance a peek within the cargo office and all that lays beyond. Then, he's talking again. "I've got mine on the way, sir. I just don't do this boring swill." He glances in Parker's direction. "Hey, just let him in. Right? See, if he's smuggling things in and out, just dock me in the long run. He's got fancy clubs to manage. I've got bigger fish to potentially fry anyway. Potentially. What do you say?" <English>

Dinger does not look overly surprised at Parker's reply, although he does make another quick note in tiny writing on the back of the business card before he tucks it safely away. If only they all provided those, it'd make his log almost self writing. "I'm afraid Mr Parker that at the moment I really can not say at this time. One you're done inside though I can direct you to Lieutenant Gregson, who should be able to answer more of your specific queries, or take your contact details so he can get in touch if there's any he can not answer to your satisfaction at this moment." Seemingly finished with Parker for now he turns to Ashley and frowns a disapproving frown. "Thank you Corporal, for your advise and opinions, but as you have your orders, I have mine." He tone suggests a distinct lack of gratefulness though, because if there's anything he likes less than this duty, it's being told by a civi NCO how to do this duty. <English>

Parker looks on past through the door, shaking his head at the angry people already inside. "I don't think I need to add to the Lieutenant's problems this evening. I'll contact my shippers via subwave and come see you again when I've something to claim." He gives the innards of the office one last look, then tells the officer, "Thanks. Drop by for a drink some time." He shoulders past the Corporal to go bemoan their fate to his partner. <English>

Luka moves through the spaceport with a duffle bag over one shoulder and a slight limp to his step. He has a frown on his face and looks just a mite frustrated as he comes a stop and just looks around at all the Alliance personnel with a sigh. <English>

Ashley shoots at Dinger with a pair of finger-guns in response to, well, the officer's response. He then turns his attention on Parker and offers an apologetic smile. "Well, I tried," then again he did not put a whole lot of effort into the trying, "But, it looks like you'll have to deal with these blokes for a while longer." He nods in the direction of the armed and armored Alliance. Now quiet and vaguely studious, he steps aside when Parker moves to leave and then redirects himself at Dinger. His expression sobers considerably. "Don't look at me like that. You've got your orders. I've got mine." Mr. Stratton purses his lips. "Not apologizing for calling this duty swill just yet." <English>